اوكامبو يلتقي بابناء دارفور على هامش زيارته لمجلس الامن

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12-11-2008, 08:09 AM

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Re: اوكامبو يلتقي بابناء دارفور على هامش زيارته لمجلس الامن (Re: معتصم احمد صالح)

    لقد سلم ابناء دافور بالولايات المتحدة رسالة الي مجلس الامن بمناسبة انعقاد جلسة خاصة له الاسبوع المنصرم يوم الاربعاء الموافق 3 ديسمبر للاستماع الي تقرير من المدعي العام للمحكمة الجنائة الدولية صادرة من شبكة ناشطي وتنظيمات ابناء دارفور بالولايات المتحدة المعروفة اختصارا ب DLN وقد عبروا فيها عن دعمهم للمحكمة الجنائية الدولية في سعيها لتحقيق العدالة الي اهل دارفور مطالبين المجلس بعدم مساومة العدالة بالسلام داعين مجلس الامن باحترام استقلالية المحكمة ودعمها لمواصلة عملها دون تدخل او التاثير عليها ، ودعت الرسالة مجلس الامن الي ادانة ازدياد العنف والتهديد ضد المواطنين والعاملين في المنظمات الانسانية وقوات حفظ السلام في دارفور . واشارت الرسالة الي ان الحكومة السودانية وحلفائها يحاولون اقناع مجلس الامن ان السماح للمحكمة الدولية بالاستمرار في التحقيق في دارفور سيهدد السلام والامن في الاقليم قائلين " لا ينبغي على احد مطالبة اهل دارفور بالتنحي او التنازل عن حقوقهم لمحاسبة مرتكبي ابشع الجرائم ضدهم"
    "ان تعليق عمل المحكمة الدولية لتحقيق العدالة في دارفور ليس فقط محاولة مقايضة العدالة والمحاسبة بل التضحية باهم عنصر من عناصر الامن والسلام المستدام في السودان"
    واليكم نص الرسالة


    Quote: December 2, 2008
    His Excellency Ambassador Jurica:
    On December 3, 2008, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) will brief the United Nations Security Council on the ICC’s work, including on the situation in Darfur . As Darfuri diaspora leaders, we are writing to urge the Republic of Croatia , as president of the Security Council during the month of December, to lead the Council’s member states in expressing your support for the ICC’s critical work to investigate and prosecute war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in Darfur .
    Over the last five years, we have joined our brothers and sisters inside Sudan and particularly Darfur to work for security, peace and justice for our people. Despite our own efforts and our calls for help from the international community, the humanitarian and political crisis in Darfur has only worsened. Our people remain without adequate protection from peacekeepers, and we have little hope that the AU-UN Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) will be able to fully deploy and provide that protection within any reasonable time frame. We similarly have limited hope for political settlement in the near future, as a comprehensive peace process inclusive of civil society will require time and thorough preparation. The ICC’s work in Darfur therefore represents our best chance at fulfilling a great hope of our people: justice and accountability for crimes in Darfur . We believe that without justice and accountability, Sudan will be unable to achieve a lasting peace.
    Over the last several months, the Government of Sudan and its allies have attempted to make a case to U.N. Security Council member states that allowing the ICC to continue its investigations in Darfur would threaten efforts toward peace and security there. We have watched every step of their campaign, and we adamantly reject their arguments. No one should ask Darfuris to relinquish their right to see perpetrators of the most heinous crimes in Darfur held accountable. This is especially true when the regime pledging peace at the expense of accountability has broken nearly every promise it has made over the last five years – most recently declaring an unconditional ceasefire in Darfur , then violating it repeatedly within days. We Darfuris know the Khartoum regime’s history far too well to believe these empty gestures designed to mislead the international community. Suspending the ICC’s work in Darfur would not only compromise justice and accountability, but would sacrifice a vital component of sustainable peace and security in Sudan .
    As Darfuri diaspora leaders, we have previously written to the U.N. Security Council expressing our support for the ICC’s cases against Ahmed Haroun and Ali Kushayb and for its case against Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, and we continue to support those investigations. We also welcome the ICC prosecutor’s recent announcement of his third case against rebel commanders allegedly responsible for the killing of African Union peacekeepers in Haskanita ( South Darfur ) in 2007. While it is clear to us that the Government of Sudan bears ultimate responsibility for unleashing this genocide on our people, we firmly believe all parties responsible for attacking civilians, humanitarian workers and peacekeepers in Darfur must be held accountable for their crimes.
    We call on the U.N. Security Council to recognize the great opportunity that the ICC’s work presents for Darfur – not only for ensuring justice and accountability but for obtaining a lasting peace for our people. The Security Council must respect the independence of the ICC and allow it to continue its work. Furthermore, the Security Council must condemn the Government of Sudan’s increasing threats of retaliation against civilians, humanitarian workers and peacekeepers in Darfur , and make clear that such attacks will not be tolerated. Anything less will only embolden the Khartoum regime to break more promises, flout international law and continue their deadly business as usual.
    As leaders of the Darfuri diaspora, we ask you to hear and respect our voices – and more critically, those of our relatives in Darfur – as we call for justice and a lasting peace.

    Leaders of Darfuri Diaspora Organizations and Communities

العنوان الكاتب Date
اوكامبو يلتقي بابناء دارفور على هامش زيارته لمجلس الامن معتصم احمد صالح12-05-08, 09:48 PM
  Re: اوكامبو يلتقي بابناء دارفور على هامش زيارته لمجلس الامن أنور أدم12-05-08, 10:09 PM
  Re: اوكامبو يلتقي بابناء دارفور على هامش زيارته لمجلس الامن النذير بيرو12-06-08, 08:36 AM
    Re: اوكامبو يلتقي بابناء دارفور على هامش زيارته لمجلس الامن معتصم احمد صالح12-11-08, 04:48 AM
      Re: اوكامبو يلتقي بابناء دارفور على هامش زيارته لمجلس الامن معتصم احمد صالح12-11-08, 05:39 AM
        Re: اوكامبو يلتقي بابناء دارفور على هامش زيارته لمجلس الامن معتصم احمد صالح12-11-08, 08:09 AM
  Re: اوكامبو يلتقي بابناء دارفور على هامش زيارته لمجلس الامن معتصم احمد صالح12-11-08, 07:11 AM

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