An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization

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12-10-2008, 00:32 AM

صديق عبد الجبار
<aصديق عبد الجبار
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-07-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 9463

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization (Re: صديق عبد الجبار)

    Article (12):
    The General Congress of the Party is the supreme organizational body and is held every four years. It shall consist of:
    (1) The Bodies and Committees of the Party in the Cities.
    (2) Committees of Housewives.
    (3) Committees of Students Bodies.
    (4) Committees of Professional and Craft Bodies.
    Article (13)
    The General Congress of the Party shall elect the Pluralistic Leadership through direct vote. The number of the leaders to be elected shall be forty-one members. The Pluralistic Leadership shall be considered the legislative body in the absence of the General Congress.
    Article (14):
    The Pluralistic Leadership shall elect the Federal Committee through direct vote. Its members shall be twenty-one members.
    Article (15):
    The President of the Party is the leading member who obtains the highest score of votes in the election of the Pluralistic Leadership and the member who obtains the second highest score of votes shall be appointed Secretary-General of the Organization.
    Article (16):
    The Federal Committee shall appoint the leaders of the organizational offices thereof in its inaugural meeting (immediately after its election). The Organizational Offices shall be as follows:
    1. Vice-President of the Party.
    2. Deputy Secretary-General.
    3. Secretary of Political and Ideological Affairs.
    4. Secretary of Organizational Affairs.
    5. Secretary of Financial Affairs.
    6. Secretary of Legal Affairs.
    7. Secretary of Information and Public Relations.
    8. Secretary of the Bureau of Cultural and Documentation Affairs.
    9. Secretary of the Bureau of Security Affairs.
    President of
    The Party


    [Federal] High Executive Committee

    The Federal Administrative Board of the Party [Pluralistic Leadership]

    General Congress

    Branches of the Party in the States
    [ Executive Committees of the States]

    Committees of Cities

    Committees of Students Professional and Craft Committees

    (عدل بواسطة صديق عبد الجبار on 12-10-2008, 00:39 AM)


العنوان الكاتب Date
An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization صديق عبد الجبار11-26-08, 02:28 PM
  Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization صديق عبد الجبار11-26-08, 02:36 PM
    Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization صديق عبد الجبار11-26-08, 02:40 PM
      Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization صديق عبد الجبار11-26-08, 02:45 PM
        Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization صديق عبد الجبار11-26-08, 02:54 PM
          Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization صديق عبد الجبار11-26-08, 02:55 PM
            Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization صديق عبد الجبار11-26-08, 03:02 PM
              Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization صديق عبد الجبار11-26-08, 03:07 PM
                Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization صديق عبد الجبار11-26-08, 03:10 PM
                  Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization صديق عبد الجبار11-26-08, 03:12 PM
                    Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization صديق عبد الجبار11-26-08, 03:15 PM
                      Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization صديق عبد الجبار11-27-08, 12:06 PM
                      Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization صديق عبد الجبار12-09-08, 06:52 AM
                        Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization صديق عبد الجبار12-10-08, 00:17 AM
                          Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization صديق عبد الجبار12-10-08, 00:21 AM
                            Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization صديق عبد الجبار12-10-08, 00:32 AM

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