الدبابات المخطوفة "كانت في طريقها إلى جنوب السودان" بي بي سي ! تانى غالطوا!

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10-08-2008, 01:01 AM

Elmoiz Abunura
<aElmoiz Abunura
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Re: الدبابات المخطوفة "كانت في طريقها إلى جنوب السودان" بي بي سي ! تانى غالطوا! (Re: Elmoiz Abunura)

    From the BBC
    Hijacked tanks 'for South Sudan'

    Contract numbers include the initials GOSS, thought to be government
    of South Sudan.

    The BBC has seen evidence suggesting that the Ukrainian ship being
    held by pirates off Somalia is carrying weapons and tanks destined for
    South Sudan.

    A copy of the freight manifest appears to show contracts were made by
    Kenya on behalf of South Sudan's government.

    Kenya has repeatedly said the weapons on board the MV Faina are for
    its army. A South Sudanese official said South Sudan had nothing to do
    with the tanks.

    The MV Faina is currently surrounded by warships monitoring the situation.

    Last week, the Somali government said the ship's owners were involved
    in direct negotiations with the pirates, who are demanding a $20m
    (£11m) ransom.

    'Diplomatic embarrassment'

    A copy of the MV Faina's manifest given to the BBC appears to confirm
    that the contract was issued on behalf of South Sudan, although the
    Kenyan defense ministry is named as the consignee.

    Contract numbers for tanks, rocket-propelled grenade launchers and
    anti-aircraft guns contain the initials GOSS, which military sources
    tell the BBC is a reference to the Government Of South Sudan.

    Kenya could be seen as playing the same role as Cuba did during the
    Angolan civil war
    Helmoed Heitman
    Jane's Defence Weekly

    Pirates reveal precarious peace
    Tanks 'were for Sudan arms race'
    Somalia: Special report
    This is an acronym commonly used in Sudan.

    But Francis Nazario, head of South Sudan's mission in Brussels, said
    he had seen the manifest and it did not prove anything.

    "What I know is that we have nothing at all to do with the content of
    this ship, and the ship was not heading for South Sudan," he told the
    BBC's Focus on Africa programme.

    "I think if there was anything like that we would not hide it because
    constitutionally we have the right to do so, to bring arms from

    The Kenyan government has not yet commented on the document but it has
    been presented to the defence and foreign relations committee of
    Kenya's parliament.

    Kenya has repeatedly insisted that the shipment was part of a
    programme to restock its military.

    The BBC's Karen Allen in Nairobi says that this will be a huge
    embarrassment to the Kenyan government.

    Although the import of military hardware is not illegal, it does put
    Kenya in a tight spot diplomatically, our correspondent says, not
    least because it was Kenya which helped broker an end to the civil war
    between South Sudan and the government in Khartoum in 2005.

    Meanwhile, a Kenyan court has ordered the release of Andrew Mwangura,
    a spokesman for the Kenyan chapter of the Seafarers Assistance
    Programme, who had been arrested after he said the tanks were bound
    for South Sudan.

    Mr Mwangura was charged with making alarming statements and illegal
    possession of marijuana.

    The MV Faina is currently moored off the coast of Somalia, close to
    the town of Hobyo. There have been conflicting reports about where its
    cargo was destined for since it was captured two weeks ago.

    Military balance

    Last week, Western military experts told the BBC that the tanks on
    board the MV Faina were going to Sudan and that the shipment indicated
    an arms race between North and South Sudan had begun.

    Hijacked MV Faina, 29 September 2008
    The pirates want a $20m ransom for the MV Faina and its valuable cargo
    They are reported to both be building up their forces ahead of a
    referendum on independence for the South in 2011.

    The military experts, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said a
    previous delivery of tanks had taken place last November.

    Helmoed Heitman, Africa correspondent for Jane's Defence Weekly, also
    said he had reports that more than 100 T-72 and T-55 Russian tanks
    have been received by the southern Sudanese in recent months.

    "If these reports are true, they could change the regional military
    balance," he told the BBC.

    "Kenya could be seen as playing the same role as Cuba did during the
    Angolan civil war - when they armed the MPLA."

    The experts said the tanks would most likely be dug in along Sudan's
    north-south border, with the tanks using their guns to protect
    military installations.

العنوان الكاتب Date
الدبابات المخطوفة "كانت في طريقها إلى جنوب السودان" بي بي سي ! تانى غالطوا! jini10-07-08, 10:56 PM
  Re: الدبابات المخطوفة "كانت في طريقها إلى جنوب السودان" بي بي سي ! تانى غالطوا! jini10-07-08, 11:29 PM
    Re: الدبابات المخطوفة "كانت في طريقها إلى جنوب السودان" بي بي سي ! تانى غالطوا! Elmoiz Abunura10-08-08, 00:44 AM
      Re: الدبابات المخطوفة "كانت في طريقها إلى جنوب السودان" بي بي سي ! تانى غالطوا! Elmoiz Abunura10-08-08, 01:01 AM
      Re: الدبابات المخطوفة "كانت في طريقها إلى جنوب السودان" بي بي سي ! تانى غالطوا! jini10-08-08, 03:48 PM
    Re: الدبابات المخطوفة "كانت في طريقها إلى جنوب السودان" بي بي سي ! تانى غالطوا! JOK BIONG10-08-08, 05:33 PM
  Re: الدبابات المخطوفة "كانت في طريقها إلى جنوب السودان" بي بي سي ! تانى غالطوا! abdu abdalla10-08-08, 04:25 PM
    Re: الدبابات المخطوفة "كانت في طريقها إلى جنوب السودان" بي بي سي ! تانى غالطوا! jini10-08-08, 05:00 PM
  Re: الدبابات المخطوفة "كانت في طريقها إلى جنوب السودان" بي بي سي ! تانى غالطوا! saber alhawatti10-08-08, 05:46 PM
    Re: الدبابات المخطوفة "كانت في طريقها إلى جنوب السودان" بي بي سي ! تانى غالطوا! jini10-08-08, 06:58 PM
  Re: الدبابات المخطوفة "كانت في طريقها إلى جنوب السودان" بي بي سي ! تانى غالطوا! jini10-09-08, 00:02 AM
    Re: الدبابات المخطوفة "كانت في طريقها إلى جنوب السودان" بي بي سي ! تانى غالطوا! SAMIR IBRAHIM10-09-08, 00:12 AM
      Re: الدبابات المخطوفة "كانت في طريقها إلى جنوب السودان" بي بي سي ! تانى غالطوا! jini10-09-08, 00:21 AM
  Re: الدبابات المخطوفة "كانت في طريقها إلى جنوب السودان" بي بي سي ! تانى غالطوا! Yasir Elsharif10-11-08, 11:15 AM
    Re: الدبابات المخطوفة "كانت في طريقها إلى جنوب السودان" بي بي سي ! تانى غالطوا! jini10-11-08, 03:35 PM
      Re: الدبابات المخطوفة "كانت في طريقها إلى جنوب السودان" بي بي سي ! تانى غالطوا! Yasir Elsharif10-12-08, 11:28 AM

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