عاجل: إدارة السد تغرق ألاف الاسر في منطقة المناصير يوم العيد

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10-01-2008, 03:12 PM

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Re: عاجل: إدارة السد تغرق ألاف الاسر في منطقة المناصير يوم العيد (Re: Asskouri)

    Stranded villagers blame River Nile dam for flooding

    10/01/2008 12:12 AM | Reuters

    Khartoum: Thousands of Sudanese villagers were flooded out of their homes on Tuesday, village representatives said, blaming the floods on a new $2 billion (Dh7.35 billion) dam on the River Nile.

    But the Sudan government's Dams Implementation Unit denied it had shut the gates of the Merowe dam, downriver from the villages, saying any floods were caused by seasonal rains.

    Villagers from the northern Manaseer area are refusing to leave their river-side farms and homes to make way for the Chinese-built dam designed to double Sudan's electricity supply.

    The dam, which is due to start generating power by the end of the year, will flood a large part of the surrounding area, 350 km north of Khartoum.

    Hashim Ali, spokesman for a committee representing the Manaseer villagers, told Reuters more than 1,000 families on four islands in the Nile were stranded without food and shelter yesterday morning.

    "Right now parts of the islands are being submerged ... farms near the river have been destroyed," he said.

    "They are fighting the water. The people have had to go to higher ground on the middle of the islands."

    Officials on holiday

    He said villagers had been left without help as local authority offices were closed yesterday, the first day of the Eid holiday.

    "They (the dam managers) have chosen this day to commit this crime," he said. "The officials are off and no one will hear us."

    Tens of thousands of other villagers have already been displaced by the dam project, but the Manaseer villagers are refusing to move, saying houses built for them by the government are too far from the river and would not have the water needed to sustain their agriculture.

    Ali said waters started rising on Sunday when managers closed the gates to test Merowe dam, around 100km downriver from the islands, and floods had peaked in the early hours of yesterday morning.

    Accusation denied

    But a spokesman for the Dams Implementation Unit dismissed the accusations. "The gates have not been shut, this area floods every year," he said.

    The spokesman added that other villagers who had agreed to move had already started harvesting crops in their new locations.

    The local authority would have the responsibility of dealing with any people who refused to move, he added.

    Access to the entire area is tightly monitored by the Dams Implementation Unit which reports directly to the presidency.

    Police have killed protesters in Merowe in the past and arrested journalists travelling to the region to report on the situation.


العنوان الكاتب Date
عاجل: إدارة السد تغرق ألاف الاسر في منطقة المناصير يوم العيد Asskouri09-30-08, 10:15 PM
  Re: عاجل: إدارة السد تغرق ألاف الاسر في منطقة المناصير يوم العيد بكري الصايغ09-30-08, 10:23 PM
    Re: عاجل: إدارة السد تغرق ألاف الاسر في منطقة المناصير يوم العيد Asskouri09-30-08, 10:49 PM
  Re: عاجل: إدارة السد تغرق ألاف الاسر في منطقة المناصير يوم العيد khalid abuahmed09-30-08, 10:44 PM
    Re: عاجل: إدارة السد تغرق ألاف الاسر في منطقة المناصير يوم العيد Asskouri09-30-08, 11:49 PM
  Re: عاجل: إدارة السد تغرق ألاف الاسر في منطقة المناصير يوم العيد بكري الصايغ09-30-08, 11:07 PM
    Re: عاجل: إدارة السد تغرق ألاف الاسر في منطقة المناصير يوم العيد Asskouri10-01-08, 12:57 PM
  Re: عاجل: إدارة السد تغرق ألاف الاسر في منطقة المناصير يوم العيد عاصم ابوبكر حامد10-01-08, 01:12 PM
    Re: عاجل: إدارة السد تغرق ألاف الاسر في منطقة المناصير يوم العيد Asskouri10-01-08, 07:07 PM
  Re: عاجل: إدارة السد تغرق ألاف الاسر في منطقة المناصير يوم العيد نورالدين صلاح الدين10-01-08, 01:26 PM
  Re: عاجل: إدارة السد تغرق ألاف الاسر في منطقة المناصير يوم العيد abubakr10-01-08, 03:12 PM
    Re: عاجل: إدارة السد تغرق ألاف الاسر في منطقة المناصير يوم العيد Asskouri10-01-08, 05:53 PM
      Re: عاجل: إدارة السد تغرق ألاف الاسر في منطقة المناصير يوم العيد AnwarKing10-01-08, 06:01 PM
        Re: عاجل: إدارة السد تغرق ألاف الاسر في منطقة المناصير يوم العيد احمد سردوب10-01-08, 08:37 PM

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