John Mayer Gravity

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12-10-2008, 12:05 PM

Hafiz Suliman
<aHafiz Suliman
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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
John Mayer Gravity

    John Mayer

    Gravity is working against me
    And gravity wants to bring me down

    Oh I'll never know what makes this man
    With all the love that his heart can stand
    Dream of ways to throw it all away

    Oh Gravity is working against me
    And gravity wants to bring me down

    Oh twice as much aint twice as good
    And can't sustain like a one half could
    It's wanting more
    That's gonna send me to my knees

    Oh gravity, stay the hell away from me
    Oh gravity has taken better men than me how can thet be

    Just keep me where the light is
    Just keep me where the light is
    Just keep me where the light is
    Come on keep me where the light is
    Come on keep me where the light is
    Come on keep me where, keep me where the light is


[رد على الموضوع] صفحة 1 „‰ 1:   <<  1  >>

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