تاجيل مراسم العزاء على روح الراحل المقيم الاستاذ حسن ساتى بمدينى لند الى يوم 13 ديسمبر 2008
نسبة لظروف بعض الاصلاحات الكهربائيه بمقر مدرسة الاسر السودانيه بلندن بوم السبت 6 ديسمبر 2008 والتى إقتضت إغلاق المدرسه فى هذا اليوم .لتكملة الاصلاحات..
ونسبة لعدم توفر قاعات اخرى بمدينة لندن نسبة .لمواسم إحتفالات الكريسماس...لذا ستتم مراسم تقبل العزاء على روح الفقيد الراحل المقيم الاستاذ حسن ساتى يوم السبت الموافق 13 ديسمبر 2008من الساعه 12:30 بعد الظهر الى الساعه.2:30..مساءا بمقر مدرسة الاسر السودانيه ..على العنوان التالى...
Ahmed Eldawi – Sudanese Supplementary School (Saturday)
Abdul Rahman Yassin - Debanma Supplementary School (Saturday)
Mohamed Katbi - Al Huda Supplementary School (Sunday)
I am afraid I have some bad news, for operational reasons which I will outline below, I need to cancel the availability of our College this coming weekend (6/7 December 2008). We will absolutely not be any position to host any of your schools over the weekend.
I would be immensely grateful if you could get the word out to your respective staff and parents/pupils so that they do not turn up on site – any that do will have to be turned away and I’d rather not have my security team tied up with long explanations.
If for any reason you believe you may have substantial numbers that you cannot contact and may be turning up in any case can I suggest that you have one senior member of your organisation on site to explain and assist in the doubtless disappointing and frustrating task of turning your people away.
I am very sorry to have to do this to you all at such short notice but really we have no choice. Over the last 3 weeks we have been experiencing frequent and regular losses of power across the site, to the extent that we have had to shut the site to our own students and staff on several occasions.
We have now identified the cause of these problems but the resolution involves a complete and absolute shut down of all power across the site this weekend whilst the power lines are re-routed. This means there will be absolutely no power, water, lighting or heating across the site over the weekend. In such a circumstance I’m sure you will understand that it is absolutely impossible for us to entertain your organisations presence this weekend.
I apologise sincerely for the short notice but I hope you understand that this is a circumstance beyond our direct control and we have no choice but to rectify the situation at the earliest opportunity.
Naturally if you have any questions, please do get in touch but be advised that I have no flexibility over this, the site is shut and I cannot accommodate your schools at other sites.
I will naturally credit you the cost of this loss against your next invoice – or if you would prefer I can make arrangements to offer you an extra weekend to make up the time lost.
With best regards
(عدل بواسطة عصمت العالم on 12-02-2008, 07:59 PM) (عدل بواسطة عصمت العالم on 12-02-2008, 10:15 PM)