الحكومة السودانية تدفع مبلغ مليون دولار للنيويورك تايمز

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03-27-2006, 10:45 PM

Khalid Kodi
<aKhalid Kodi
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الحكومة السودانية تدفع مبلغ مليون دولار للنيويورك تايمز (Re: Kostawi)

    كوستاوى سلام،

    الحكومة السودانية لن تستطيع تحسين صورتها حتى لو انفقت مليار دولا.

    فالناشطين يتبادلون صور أهلنا فى دارفور باصرار وايمان لن يهزمهما مليون دولار، أو بليون...فعدة مقالات مدفوعة فى التايمز لن تغير صور المأساة التى انطبعت فى اذهان الملايين ممن هبوا لنصرة من ظلموا فى السودان على أيدى نظام فاشى...

    النظام السودانى له تاريخ فى دفع أموال الشعب السودانى الى مؤسسات الاعلام لتحسين صورته، فقد وظفوا David Hoile قبل أعوام ليقوم يهذه المهمة لهم.

    هنا مقال Eric Reeves:

    Monday, March 20, 2006

    Eric Reeves: An Apologist for Murder (by David Hoile
    Sorry to say, I agree with most of what David Hoile writes in an opinion piece at Media Monitors Network

    (MMN) March 20,

    2006 and am glad someone has spoken up against Eric Reeves' dangerously naive warmongering rants.

    It seems clear (to me anyway) Eric Reeves is biased and on the side of the Sudanese rebels. His relentless pushing for military intervention (an act of war) in Darfur can only be because it furthers the rebels cause and gives them what they want. Invading Sudan would cause aid workers to be dismissed from the country and disasterously affect the lives of millions of defenceless women and children dependent on aid. The rebels have been against Africa Union troops from the start and have used Western media at every opportunity to denigrate the efforts and capability of AU troops. Khartoum might be against international troops in Darfur because it would give the rebels what they've been pushing for all along.

    It makes one wonder who is funding the rebels and why. Surely if they were interested in peace, and really cared about the women and children of Sudan, an agreement would have been reached by now. Excerpt:

    "Reeves' white middle-class naivety about Africa would be fairly amusing in its gaucheness in any other context. Eric Reeves, in his crass selectivity and grotesque distortion of events in Darfur, however, is clearly intent on attempting to get the United States militarily involved in western Sudan on as questionable a series of pretexts as those used to justify the invasion of Iraq. Any such intervention will resulted in another Iraq-type quagmire in another strategic part of the world, and the loss of thousands more American lives together with the lives of the very Africans he claims to care so much about".
    Well said Mr Hoile.

العنوان الكاتب Date
الحكومة السودانية تدفع مبلغ مليون دولار للنيويورك تايمز Kostawi03-27-06, 04:58 PM
  Re: الحكومة السودانية تدفع مبلغ مليون دولار للنيويورك تايمز Khalid Kodi03-27-06, 10:45 PM
    Re: الحكومة السودانية تدفع مبلغ مليون دولار للنيويورك تايمز Adil Osman03-28-06, 06:02 AM

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