رسميا. باراك أوباما المرشح الرسمي للحزب الديمقراطي الامريكي في إنتخابات الرئاسة القادمة .

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06-04-2008, 02:05 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2002
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رسميا. باراك أوباما المرشح الرسمي للحزب الديمقراطي الامريكي في إنتخابات الرئاسة القادمة .

    اعلن قبل قليل أن المنافس الرئيسي للحزب الديمقراطي السيناتور باراك أوباما هو المرشح الفائز بتمثيل الحزب في أنتخابات الرئاسة القادمة في شهر نوفمبر.


06-04-2008, 02:06 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 52577

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Re: رسميا. باراك أوباما المرشح الرسمي للحزب الديمقراطي الامريكي في إنتخابات الرئاسة القادمة . (Re: Deng)

    Obama seals nomination; McCain eager for battle 1 hour, 13 minutes ago

    Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois sealed the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday, a historic step toward his once-improbable goal of becoming the nation's first black president. A defeated Hillary Rodham Clinton maneuvered for the vice presidential spot on his fall ticket.

    Obama's victory set up a five-month campaign with Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona, a race between a 46-year-old opponent of the Iraq War and a 71-year-old former Vietnam prisoner of war and staunch supporter of the current U.S. military mission.

    McCain was plainly eager for the race to begin, and accused his younger rival of voting "to deny funds to the soldiers who have done a brilliant and brave job" in Iraq.

    In remarks prepared for delivery in New Orleans, McCain agreed with Obama that the presidential race would focus on change. "But the choice is between the right change and the wrong change, between going forward and going backward," he added.

    The newly minted Democratic nominee-in-waiting arranged an evening appearance in St. Paul, Minn., sending McCain an unmistakable message by claiming his victory in the very hall where the Arizonan will accept his party's nomination in early September.

    Obama sealed his nomination, according to The Associated Press tally, based on primary elections, state Democratic caucuses and delegates' public declarations as well as support from 19 delegates and "superdelegates" who privately confirmed their intentions t/o the AP. It takes 2,118 delegates to clinch the nomination at the convention in Denver this summer, and Obama had 2,128 by the AP count.

    Obama, a first-term senator who was virtually unknown on the national stage four years ago, defeated Clinton, the former first lady and one-time campaign front-runner, in a 17-month marathon for the Democratic nomination.

    His victory had been widely assumed for weeks. But Clinton's declaration of interest in becoming his ticketmate was wholly unexpected.

    She expressed it in a conference call with her state's congressional delegation after Rep. Nydia Velazquez, predicted Obama would have great difficulty winning the support of Hispanics and other voting blocs unless the former first lady was on the ticket.

    "I am open to it" if it would help the party's prospects in November, Clinton replied, according to a participant who spoke on condition of anonymity because the call was private.

    Obama's campaign had no public reaction to Clinton's comments, which raised anew the prospect of what many Democrats have called a "Dream Ticket" that would put a black man and a woman on the same ballot.

    McCain's criticism of Obama referred to a vote last year in which the Illinois senator came out against legislation paying for the Iraq war because it did not include a timetable for withdrawing troops. At the time, Obama said the funding would give President Bush "a blank check to continue down this same, disastrous path."

    Obama previously had opposed a deadline for troop withdrawal, but shifted position under pressure from the Democratic Party's liberal wing as he maneuvered for support in advance of the primaries.

    Tuesday's fast-paced developments unfolded as the long Democratic nominating struggle ended with primaries in Montana and South Dakota.

    Only 31 delegates were at stake, the final few among the thousands that once drew Obama, Clinton and six other Democratic candidates into the campaign to replace Bush and become the nation's 44th president.

    Clinton was in New York for an appearance before home-state supporters. Officials said she would concede Obama had the delegates to secure the Democratic nomination, effectively ending her bid to be the nation's first female president.

    The young Illinois senator's success amounted to a victory of hope over experience, earned across an enervating 56 primaries and caucuses that tested the political skills and human endurance of all involved.

    Obama stood for hope, and change. Clinton was the candidate of experience, ready, she said, to serve in the Oval Office from Day One.

    Together, they drew record turnouts in primary after primary — more than 34 million voters in all, independents and Republicans as well as Democrats.

    Yet the race between a black man and a woman exposed deep racial and gender divisions within the party.

    Obama drew strength from blacks, and from the younger, more liberal and wealthier voters in many states. Clinton was preferred by older, more downscale voters, and women, of course.

    Obama's triumph was fashioned on prodigious fundraising, meticulous organizing and his theme of change aimed at an electorate opposed to the Iraq war and worried about the economy — all harnessed to his own gifts as an inspirational speaker.

    With her husband's two White House terms as a backdrop, Clinton campaigned for months as the candidate of experience, a former first lady and second-term senator ready to be commander in chief.

    But after a year on the campaign trail, Obama won the kickoff Iowa caucuses on Jan. 3, and the freshman senator became a political phenomenon.

    "We came together as Democrats, as Republicans and independents, to stand up and say we are one nation, we are one people and our time for change has come," he said that night of victory in Des Moines.

    As the strongest female presidential candidate in history, Clinton drew large, enthusiastic audiences. Yet Obama's were bigger. One audience, in Dallas, famously cheered when he blew his nose on stage; a crowd of 75,000 turned out in Portland, Ore., the weekend before the state's May 20 primary.

    The former first lady countered Obama's Iowa victory with an upset five days later in New Hampshire that set the stage for a campaign marathon as competitive as any in the past generation.

    "Over the last week I listened to you, and in the process I found my own voice," she told supporters who had saved her candidacy from an early demise.

    In defeat, Obama's aides concluded they had committed a cardinal sin of New Hampshire politics, forsaking small, intimate events in favor of speeches to large audiences inviting them to ratify Iowa's choice.

    It was not a mistake they made again — which helped explain Obama's later outings to bowling alleys, backyard basketball courts and American Legion halls in the heartland.

    Clinton conceded nothing, memorably knocking back a shot of Crown Royal whiskey at a bar in Indiana, recalling that her grandfather had taught her to use a shotgun, and driving in a pickup to a gas station in South Bend, Ind., to emphasize her support for a summertime suspension of the federal gasoline tax.

    As other rivals fell away in winter, Obama and Clinton traded victories on Super Tuesday, the Feb. 5 series of primaries and caucuses across 21 states and American Samoa that once seemed likely to settle the nomination.

    But Clinton had a problem that Obama exploited, and he scored a coup she could not answer.

    Pressed for cash, the former first lady ran noncompetitive campaigns in several Super Tuesday caucus states, allowing her rival to run up his delegate totals.

    At the same time, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., endorsed the young senator in terms that summoned memories of his slain brothers while seeking to turn the page on the Clinton era.

    Merely by surviving Super Tuesday, Obama exceeded expectations. But he did more than survive, emerging with a lead in delegates that he never relinquished, and he proceeded to run off a string of 11 straight victories.

    Clinton saved her candidacy once more with primary victories in Ohio and Texas on March 4, beginning a stretch in which she won in six of the next nine states on the calendar, as well as in Puerto Rico.

    It was a strong run, providing glimpses of what might have been for the one-time front-runner.

    Personality issues rose and receded through the campaign:

    Clinton's husband, the former president, campaigned tirelessly for her but sometimes became an issue himself, to her detriment.

    And Obama struggled to minimize the damage caused by the incendiary rhetoric of his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, an issue likely to be raised anew by Republicans in the fall campaign.

06-04-2008, 02:10 AM

Tragie Mustafa
<aTragie Mustafa
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-29-2005
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Re: رسميا. باراك أوباما المرشح الرسمي للحزب الديمقراطي الامريكي في إنتخابات الرئاسة القادمة . (Re: Deng)

06-04-2008, 02:14 AM

Sabri Elshareef

تاريخ التسجيل: 12-30-2004
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Re: رسميا. باراك أوباما المرشح الرسمي للحزب الديمقراطي الامريكي في إنتخابات الرئاسة القادمة . (Re: Deng)

    مبروك لاوباما وانتخابات ان شاء الله تعلمنا دروس الديمقراطية واصلاح الوطن

06-04-2008, 02:29 AM

Abd Alla Elhabib
<aAbd Alla Elhabib
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-09-2005
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Re: رسميا. باراك أوباما المرشح الرسمي للحزب الديمقراطي الامريكي في إنتخابات الرئاسة القادمة . (Re: Sabri Elshareef)

    التهنئة لأوباما الشجاع وأنصاره فى أميركا وأنحاء العالم بثقة ديمقراطيى
    الولايات المتحدة .. نتمنى له كل التوفيق فى الإنتخابات الرئاسية القادمة
    ليحقق التغيير الذي ينشد.
    شكرا دينق

06-04-2008, 02:31 AM


تاريخ التسجيل: 01-28-2003
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: رسميا. باراك أوباما المرشح الرسمي للحزب الديمقراطي الامريكي في إنتخابات الرئاسة القادمة . (Re: Sabri Elshareef)

    مبروك للجميع

    الآن سمر وغدآ أمر..

    إختبار حقيقي لأميركا..

    في أريزونا معقل الحزب الجمهوري تم إستقبال بوش بالمظاهرات والصفافير
    و بووووووو مع وضع الإبهام ألى الأسفل علامة الخيبة الأمريكية.,.

    رفع أحدهم لافتة كتب عليها(Buch & Mccain are the same)
    ولافتة أخرى تظهر كتب فيها(Buch is the war and oil trader)
    وكان من المفترض أن يخاطب بوش أريزونا والأمة الأمريكية من ساحة gilbert
    ولقد إصطف هنالك عشرات الآلاف منددين ضد سياسات بوش.. الأمر الذي جعل مستقبليه أن يحولوا مكان الإجتماع ألى صالة فندق ال 4 seasons بمدينة إسكوتدسديل .. وكان بوش قد حضر لدعم حملة صديقه السيناتور جون مكين!
    ولقد أعتبر المراقبون أن الزيارة قد فشلت في تحقيق أهدافها.

06-04-2008, 02:14 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 52577

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: رسميا. باراك أوباما المرشح الرسمي للحزب الديمقراطي الامريكي في إنتخابات الرئاسة القادمة . (Re: Deng)

    لأول مرة في تاريخ أمريكا يتم ترشيح شخص أسود ليمثل أحد الحزبين الكبيرين(الجهوري والديمقراطي) لينافس على منصب رئيس الولايات المتحدة الامريكية.
    وأحتمال كبير بأن نكون شهودا على أول رئيس أمريكي أسود يحكم الولايات المتحدة الامريكية من البيت الابيض.History in the Making


06-04-2008, 02:19 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 52577

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Re: رسميا. باراك أوباما المرشح الرسمي للحزب الديمقراطي الامريكي في إنتخابات الرئاسة القادمة . (Re: Deng)

    السيناتور هيلري كلينتون تطلب بتنظيم لقاء خاص مع المرشح الديمقراطي للرئاسة باراك أوباما في أقرب فرصة.

06-04-2008, 02:20 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 52577

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Re: رسميا. باراك أوباما المرشح الرسمي للحزب الديمقراطي الامريكي في إنتخابات الرئاسة القادمة . (Re: Deng)

    Clinton says she's open to being Obama's VP By BETH FOUHY and DEVLIN BARRETT, Associated Press Writers

    Hillary Rodham Clinton told colleagues Tuesday she would consider joining Barack Obama as his running mate, and advisers said she was withholding a formal departure from the race partly to use her remaining leverage to press for a spot on the ticket.

    On a conference call with other New York lawmakers, Clinton, a New York senator, said she was willing to become Obama's vice presidential nominee if it would help Democrats win the White House, according to several participants in the call.

    Clinton's remarks came in response to a question from Democratic Rep. Nydia Velazquez, who said she believed the best way for Obama to win key voting blocs, including Hispanics, would be for him to choose Clinton as his running mate.

    "I am open to it," Clinton replied, if it would help the party's prospects in November. Her direct quote was described by two lawmakers who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak for Clinton.

    Clinton also told colleagues the delegate math was not there for her to overtake Obama, but that she wanted to take time to determine how to leave the race in a way that would best help Democrats.

    "I deserve some time to get this right," she said, even as the other lawmakers forcefully argued for her to press Obama to choose her as his running mate.

    Joseph Crowley, a Queens Democrat who participated in the call, said her answer "left open the possibility that she would do anything that she can to contribute toward a Democratic victory in November. There was no hedging on that. Whatever she can do to contribute, she was willing to do."

    Another person on the call, Rep. Jose Serrano of New York City, said her answer was "just what I was hoping to hear. ... Of course she was interested in being president, but she's just as interested in making sure Democrats get elected in November."

    Rep. Charles Rangel, a devoted booster of Clinton who helped pave the way for her successful Senate campaign, said he spoke to her Tuesday and got much the same answer.

    "She's run a great campaign and even though she'll be a great senator, she has a lot of followers that obviously Obama doesn't have, and clearly the numbers are against her and so I think they bring all parts of the Democratic Party together and then some," Rangel said.

    Aides to the Illinois senator said he and Clinton had not spoken about the prospects of her joining the ticket.

    Obama effectively sewed up the 2,118 delegates needed to win the nomination Tuesday, based on a tally of pledged delegates, superdelegates who have declared their preference, and another 18 superdelegates who have confirmed their intentions to The Associated Press. It also included five delegates Obama was guaranteed as long as he gained 15 percent of the vote in South Dakota and Montana later in the day.

    Word of Clinton's vice presidential musings came as she prepared to deliver a televised address to supporters on the final night of the epic primary season. She was working out final details of the speech at her Chappaqua, N.Y., home with her husband, former President Bill Clinton, their daughter Chelsea, and close aides.

    Earlier, on NBC's "Today Show," Clinton campaign chairman Terry McAuliffe said that once Obama gets the majority of convention delegates, "I think Hillary Clinton will congratulate him and call him the nominee."

    Clinton will pledge to continue to speak out on issues like health care. But for all intents and purposes, two senior officials said, her campaign is over.

    Most campaign staff will be let go and will be paid through June 15, said the officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to divulge her plans.

    The advisers said Clinton has made a strategic decision to not formally end her campaign, giving her leverage to negotiate with Obama on various matters including a possible vice presidential nomination for her. She also wants to press him on issues he should focus on in the fall, such as health care.

    Universal health care, Clinton's signature issue as first lady in the 1990s, was a point of dispute between Obama and the New York senator during their epic nomination fight.

    Other names have been floated as possible running mates for Obama, including New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, and governors including Janet Napolitano of Arizona, Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas and Tim Kaine of Virginia. Also mentioned are foreign policy experts including former Georgia Sen. Sam Nunn, Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd and Delaware Sen. Joe Biden, and other senators such as Missouri's Claire McCaskill and Virginia's Jim Webb.

    Obama could also look outside the party to people such as anti-war Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska or independent New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg. Or he could look to one of his prominent supporters such as former Sen. Tom Daschle of South Dakota or try to bring on a Clinton supporter, such as Indiana's Sen. Evan Bayh or retired Gen. Wesley Clark.

06-04-2008, 03:03 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-21-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 2522

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: رسميا. باراك أوباما المرشح الرسمي للحزب الديمقراطي الامريكي في إنتخابات الرئاسة القادمة . (Re: Deng)

    Quote: وأحتمال كبير بأن نكون شهودا على أول رئيس أمريكي أسود يحكم الولايات المتحدة الامريكية من البيت الابيض.History in the Making

    r u going to die soon or what???
    live &feel it as a fact

06-04-2008, 03:09 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 52577

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: رسميا. باراك أوباما المرشح الرسمي للحزب الديمقراطي الامريكي في إنتخابات الرئاسة القادمة . (Re: Deng)

    Quote: r u going to die soon or what???
    live &feel it as a fact

    Definitely you are not going to like my answers


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