فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون)

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08-07-2009, 05:57 PM

Hashim Badr Eldin
<aHashim Badr Eldin
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-28-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 1716

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) (Re: صباح حسين طه)

    صباح حسين طه

    Salamat Oztaza Sabah

    Thanks for showing up
    Those people have no morals and will stop at nothing to disentangle themselves out of this predicament; threats and blackmailing are expected, but that will not deter Lubna.


    Sudan court adjourns woman's 'trouser trial'

    Module body

    Tue Aug 4, 10:22 AM

    Supporters of Sudanese journalist Lubna Ahmed al-Hussein, who faces 40 lashes for wearing trousers, demonstrate...

    KHARTOUM (AFP) - The trial of a Sudanese woman journalist who faces 40 lashes for wearing trousers was adjourned on Tuesday as police used tear gas to disperse hundreds of demonstrators outside the Khartoum court.

    The judge decided to delay the trial to September 7 to determine whether Lubna Ahmed al-Hussein, who also works with the United Nations, has legal immunity, defence lawyer Jalal al-Sayyid said.

    Hussein, who is in her 30s, has been charged with public indecency after she was arrested last month along with 12 other women who were wearing trousers at a Khartoum restaurant.

    She has said that she wants to be tried to challenge a law that decrees a punishment of whipping for people wearing "indecent" clothes, and told a hearing last week that she wished to waive her UN immunity.

    But in an apparent disagreement within her defence team, a lawyer nevertheless argued that she had immunity and asked the judge to ignore Hussein's wishes, Sayyid said.

    Police dispersed hundreds of women and activists from Sudanese opposition political parties who demonstrated in support of Hussein outside the courthouse after they tried blocking a road, an AFP correspondent reported.

    One of Hussein's lawyers, Manal Khawajali, said she was assaulted by police outside the court and would file a complaint.

    Emerging from the courtroom, Hussein again insisted she wanted to be tried and said she had resigned from her job at the UN's media office in Sudan so she no longer had immunity.

    "The court should not have delayed the trial," she told journalists after the closed-door hearing.

    However, Sayyid said the judge decided to ask the Sudanese foreign ministry to determine the immunity issue ahead of her next court date.

    Ten women have already been whipped for the same offence -- including Christians -- and Hussein has said she will fight a guilty verdict and the law itself.

    "I'm ready for anything to happen. I'm absolutely not afraid of the verdict," she told AFP in an interview on Monday.

    "If I'm sentenced to be whipped, or to anything else, I will appeal. I will see it through to the end, to the constitutional court if necessary.

    "And if the constitutional court says the law is constitutional, I'm ready to be whipped not 40 but 40,000 times," said Hussein, who also works for the left-wing Al-Sahafa newspaper.

    Hussein said she wants to fight to get rid of the law, saying it "is both against the constitution and sharia (Islamic law)."

    "If some people refer to the sharia to justify flagellating women because of what they wear, then let them show me which Koranic verses or hadith (sayings of the Prophet Mohammed) say so. I haven't found them," she said.

    Police have also cracked down on another woman journalist, Amal Habbani, who published an article in Ajrass al-Horreya newspaper (Bells of Freedom) entitled: "Lubna, a case of subduing a woman's body."

    Unlike in some other Arab countries, particularly in the Gulf, women have a prominent place in Sudanese public life. Nevertheless, human rights organisations say some of the country's laws discriminate against women.



العنوان الكاتب Date
فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Hashim Badr Eldin08-06-09, 09:56 PM
  Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Hashim Badr Eldin08-06-09, 10:03 PM
    Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Hashim Badr Eldin08-06-09, 10:10 PM
      Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Hashim Badr Eldin08-06-09, 10:15 PM
      Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Hashim Badr Eldin08-06-09, 10:16 PM
        Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Hashim Badr Eldin08-06-09, 10:22 PM
          Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Hashim Badr Eldin08-06-09, 10:30 PM
            Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Hashim Badr Eldin08-06-09, 10:38 PM
              Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Hashim Badr Eldin08-06-09, 10:44 PM
                Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Hashim Badr Eldin08-06-09, 10:48 PM
                  Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Hashim Badr Eldin08-06-09, 11:03 PM
                    Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Hashim Badr Eldin08-06-09, 11:16 PM
                      Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Hashim Badr Eldin08-06-09, 11:30 PM
                      Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) هشام هباني08-06-09, 11:35 PM
                        Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Dr Salah Al Bander08-07-09, 09:41 AM
                          Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) NEWSUDANI08-07-09, 12:27 PM
                            Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Hashim Badr Eldin08-07-09, 05:19 PM
  Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) عزاز شامي08-07-09, 02:26 PM
    Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Hashim Badr Eldin08-07-09, 04:18 PM
      Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Hashim Badr Eldin08-07-09, 04:46 PM
        Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) صباح حسين طه08-07-09, 04:55 PM
          Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Hashim Badr Eldin08-07-09, 05:57 PM
    Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Hashim Badr Eldin08-07-09, 05:40 PM
      Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) عمر دفع الله08-07-09, 06:37 PM
        Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Hashim Badr Eldin08-11-09, 09:09 PM
        Re: فضية لبنى فى صحف العالم من سيدنى الى سياتل (تتورطون) Hashim Badr Eldin08-11-09, 09:27 PM

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