بمشاركة عبدالله نعيم:مؤتمر للكفار المسلمين بأمريكا

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: بمشاركة عبدالله نعيم:مؤتمر للكفار المسلمين بأمريكا (Re: Waeil Elsayid Awad)

    شكرا وائل
    شكرا د. ياسر الشريف
    سلامات يا وائل وشكرا لك..
    يبدو أن المقصود هو "المتهمون بالهرطقة والكفر" .. على أي حال العربية حاولت أن تعمل من المسألة فرقعة وستنجح..
    الأمر وما فيه هو ما يقوله العقل.. الدولة المحايدة دينيا.. أنظر هنا:
    نعم هو المقصود....المقصود هو: ا لمتهمون بالهرطقة أو التجديف
    network, discuss and share ideas about issues confronting Muslims.

    Any dissenting idea against the prevailing religious traditions is generally considered heresy. Jesus was accused of heresy by the Jewish high council and was handed over to the occupying Romans to be executed. Abraham was thrown into a fiery furnace for heresy however saved by God. Muhammad who criticized traditions and “the way of their fathers”, slavery, aggression, financial exploitation, racism, and xenophobia, was a dangerous heretic according to the tribal courts of Meccan.

    Many great philosophers and religious leaders, such as Ibn Sina and Martin Luther, were accused of heresy and others, such as Hallaj and Giordano Bruno, gave up their lives for their cause and beliefs. Socrates questioned the polytheistic dogmas and was a condemned heretic in the courts of Athenian establishment. Tyndall who translated the Bible was condemned to the blazing fire of the Church. Galileo who removed the earth from the center of the Christian universe and Darwin who meticulously studied the origin of life were both declared heretics by the Church. Heretical ideas have tested the tolerance of a society and in many cases have created the fuel of progress particularly in the area of religion

العنوان الكاتب Date
بمشاركة عبدالله نعيم:مؤتمر للكفار المسلمين بأمريكا Waeil Elsayid Awad03-11-08, 05:22 PM
  يبدو أن المقصود هو المتهمون بالهرطقة والكفر Yasir Elsharif03-11-08, 06:43 PM
  Re: بمشاركة عبدالله نعيم:مؤتمر للكفار المسلمين بأمريكا kamalabas03-11-08, 06:49 PM

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