نيويورك تايمز: جون ماكين كان على علاقة رومانسية اثناء حملته السابقة.

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02-21-2008, 07:00 AM

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Re: نيويورك تايمز: جون ماكين كان على علاقة رومانسية اثناء حملته السابقة. (Re: ثروت سوار الدهب)

    Mr. McCain started his career like many other aspiring politicians, eagerly courting the wealthy and powerful. A Vietnam war hero and Senate liaison for the Navy, he arrived in Arizona in 1980 after his second marriage, to Cindy Hensley, the heiress to a beer fortune there. He quickly started looking for a Congressional district where he could run.
    Mr. Keating, a Phoenix financier and real estate developer, became an early sponsor and, soon, a friend. He was a man of great confidence and daring, Mr. McCain recalled in his memoir. “People like that appeal to me,” he continued. “I have sometimes forgotten that wisdom and a strong sense of public responsibility are much more admirable qualities.”

    During Mr. McCain’s four years in the House, Mr. Keating, his family and his business associates contributed heavily to his political campaigns. The banker gave Mr. McCain free rides on his private jet, a violation of Congressional ethics rules (he later said it was an oversight and paid for the trips). They vacationed together in the Bahamas. And in 1986, the year Mr. McCain was elected to the Senate, his wife joined Mr. Keating in investing in an Arizona shopping mall.

    Mr. Keating had taken over the Lincoln Savings and Loan Association and used its federally insured deposits to gamble on risky real estate and other investments. He pressed Mr. McCain and other lawmakers to help hold back federal banking regulators.

    For years, Mr. McCain complied. At Mr. Keating’s request, he wrote several letters to regulators, introduced legislation and helped secure the nomination of a Keating associate to a banking regulatory board.

    By early 1987, though, the thrift was careering toward disaster. Mr. McCain agreed to join several senators, eventually known as the Keating Five, for two private meetings with regulators to urge them to ease up. “Why didn’t I fully grasp the unusual appearance of such a meeting?” Mr. McCain later lamented in his memoir.

    When Lincoln went bankrupt in 1989 — one of the biggest collapses of the savings and loan crisis, costing taxpayers $3.4 billion — the Keating Five became infamous. The scandal sent Mr. Keating to prison and ended the careers of three senators, who were censured in 1991 for intervening. Mr. McCain, who had been a less aggressive advocate for Mr. Keating than the others, was reprimanded only for “poor judgment” and was re-elected the next year.

    Some people involved think Mr. McCain got off too lightly. William Black, one of the banking regulators the senator met with, argued that Mrs. McCain’s investment with Mr. Keating created an obvious conflict of interest for her husband. (Mr. McCain had said a prenuptial agreement divided the couple’s assets.) He should not be able to “put this behind him,” Mr. Black said. “It sullied his integrity.”

    Mr. McCain has since described the episode as a unique humiliation. “If I do not repress the memory, its recollection still provokes a vague but real feeling that I had lost something very important,” he wrote in his memoir. “I still wince thinking about it.”

    A New Chosen Cause

    After the Republican takeover of the Senate in 1994, Mr. McCain decided to try to put some of the lessons he had learned into law. He started by attacking earmarks, the pet projects that individual lawmakers could insert anonymously into the fine print of giant spending bills, a recipe for corruption. But he quickly moved on to other targets, most notably political fund-raising.

    Mr. McCain earned the lasting animosity of many conservatives, who argue that his push for fund-raising restrictions trampled free speech, and of many of his Senate colleagues, who bristled that he was preaching to them so soon after his own repentance. In debates, his party’s leaders challenged him to name a single senator he considered corrupt (he refused).

    “We used to joke that each of us was the only one eating alone in our caucus,” said Senator Russ Feingold, Democrat of Wisconsin, who became Mr. McCain’s partner on campaign finance efforts.

العنوان الكاتب Date
نيويورك تايمز: جون ماكين كان على علاقة رومانسية اثناء حملته السابقة. ثروت سوار الدهب02-21-08, 06:42 AM
  Re: نيويورك تايمز: جون ماكين كان على علاقة رومانسية اثناء حملته السابقة. Biraima M Adam02-21-08, 06:48 AM
  Re: نيويورك تايمز: جون ماكين كان على علاقة رومانسية اثناء حملته السابقة. ثروت سوار الدهب02-21-08, 06:52 AM
    Re: نيويورك تايمز: جون ماكين كان على علاقة رومانسية اثناء حملته السابقة. ثروت سوار الدهب02-21-08, 07:00 AM
    Re: نيويورك تايمز: جون ماكين كان على علاقة رومانسية اثناء حملته السابقة. Biraima M Adam02-21-08, 07:01 AM
      Re: نيويورك تايمز: جون ماكين كان على علاقة رومانسية اثناء حملته السابقة. ثروت سوار الدهب02-21-08, 07:07 AM
  Re: نيويورك تايمز: جون ماكين كان على علاقة رومانسية اثناء حملته السابقة. Zakaria Joseph02-21-08, 07:04 AM
    Re: نيويورك تايمز: جون ماكين كان على علاقة رومانسية اثناء حملته السابقة. ثروت سوار الدهب02-21-08, 07:15 AM
      Re: نيويورك تايمز: جون ماكين كان على علاقة رومانسية اثناء حملته السابقة. ثروت سوار الدهب02-21-08, 07:19 AM
        Re: نيويورك تايمز: جون ماكين كان على علاقة رومانسية اثناء حملته السابقة. ثروت سوار الدهب02-21-08, 07:28 AM
          Re: نيويورك تايمز: جون ماكين كان على علاقة رومانسية اثناء حملته السابقة. ثروت سوار الدهب02-21-08, 07:34 AM
            Re: نيويورك تايمز: جون ماكين كان على علاقة رومانسية اثناء حملته السابقة. ثروت سوار الدهب02-21-08, 10:51 AM
              Re: نيويورك تايمز: جون ماكين كان على علاقة رومانسية اثناء حملته السابقة. ثروت سوار الدهب02-24-08, 07:10 AM

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