الاثنين:- سى.ان.ان وجريدة الصحافه السودانيه المتمردين ينسحبون من انجمينا ودبى يقود القتال

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02-04-2008, 04:39 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-27-2002
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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
الاثنين:- سى.ان.ان وجريدة الصحافه السودانيه المتمردين ينسحبون من انجمينا ودبى يقود القتال

    كتبت الصحافه

    القوات المسلحة تنفي قصف مواقع أوالمساعدة في معارك داخل تشاد
    الخرطوم : انجمينا : الصحافة : وكالات
    أعلن المتمردون التشاديون في وقت متاخر أمس انهم انسحبوا مؤقتا من العاصمة انجمينا لاعطاء فرصة للمدنيين لاخلاء العاصمة ومن ثم استعادة الكرة لاسقاط النظام ، غير ان حكومة الرئيس ادريس ديبي قالت انها تمكنت من اجلائهم ، في وقت قال الجيش التشادي انه صد هجوما شنته قوة مختلطة من قوات الجيش السوداني والمتمردين المتحالفين معها وميليشيا على بلدة ادري الرئيسية في شرق بلاده ، لكن القوات المسلحة نفت بشدة تدخلها في الاراضي التشادية ، وقال المتمردون ان ادري سقطت في ايديهم بالفعل .
    وقبيل اعلان المتمردين انسحابهم من انجمينا تعرضت السوق الرئيسية في المدينة الي عمليات حرق ونهب واسعة ، ونقلت وكالة الصحافة الفرنسية عن شهود عيان رؤيتهم جثثا في الشوارع ، كما فر المئات الي خارج انجمينا .
    وخلافا لذلك قال مسؤولون ودبلوماسيون تشاديون ان المتمردين اجبروا علي الانسحاب من المدينة تحت وطأة القتال الضاري ، وقال السفير التشادي في واشنطن " لقد تمكنا من هزيمتهم وطردهم خارج انجمينا والاوضاع هادئة الآن" .
    وقال الناطق باسم تحالف المتمردين عبد الرحمن كلام الله إننا انسحبنا تكتيكيا لكي نعطي السكان المدنيين الفرصة لاخلاء المدينة ، واضاف " سنعاود الكرة وسنطيح بديبي ولن ننتظره ليغادر ام لا كما فعلنا ذلك من
    قبل" ، ووجّه اللوم للقوات الفرنسية ، قائلا إنها تسمح للمروحيات التشادية بالإقلاع ومهاجمة قواتهم.
    ورفض الرئيس ادريس ديبي عرضا من فرنسا لمساعدته على مغادرة تشاد إذا اعتبر أن حياته في خطر ، وقال مصدر مقرب من الرئاسة الفرنسية امس إن الاقتراح الفرنسي لا يزال قائما وإن باريس لا تزال تتابع الوضع في تشاد، في وقت عقد فيه الرئيس الفرنسي نيكولا ساركوزي اجتماعين طارئين مع وزيري الدفاع إيرفيه موران والخارجية برنار كوشنر دون أن يصدر أي بيان عن الرئاسة.
    ونفت القوات المسلحة امس اتهامات مسؤولين تشاديين بتوغل قوات سودانية مدعومة بمليشيات داخل الاراضي التشادية لمساعدة المتمردين ، وقال المتحدث الرسمي باسم الجيش العميد محمد عثمان الاغبش حسب " اس ام سي " امس ان مايحدث في تشاد شأن داخلي لاعلاقة للسودان به ، واضاف " ان ماذكر علي لسان عدد من المسؤوليين التشاديين بمشاركة الطيران السوداني في بعض الاعمال الهجومية داخل بلادهم لاساس له من الصحة وليس له مايدعمه من الشواهد والادلة" .
    بيد ان الكولونيل التشادي عثمان عمر قال لرويترز بالهاتف من البلدة امس ان أدري التي تقع على حدود تشاد الشرقية مع اقليم دارفور تعرضت للهجوم عبر الحدود من جانب قوة مكونة من 40 عربة تساندها طائرات هليكوبتر وميليشيا على ظهر الخيول.
    وأضاف "حكومة السودان هاجمت باستخدام «ميليشيا» الجنجويد وطائرات الهليكوبتر واستطعنا صدهم وإرغامهم على التراجع على طول المسافة حتى مدينة الجنينة" ، ونقلت إذاعة فرانس انترناسيونال عن ضابط تشادي آخر هو قائد شرطة أدري قوله ان القوة التي هاجمت أدري كانت تساندها أيضا طائرات انتينوف الروسية الصنع وتضم متمردين الى جانب الميليشيات.
    وفي انجمينا وجهت طائرات الهليكوبتر التشادية وقوات الجيش الموالية لديبي ضربات للمتمردين الذين حاصروا القصر الرئاسي في ثاني يوم من الاشتباكات بعد أن اقتحم المتمردون المدينة ، وقصفت الطائرات المتمردين الذين خاضوا المعارك مستخدمين شاحنات صغيرة مسلحة بمدافع ورشاشات ، وقال أجانب وسكان محليون في العاصمة ان نيران الأسلحة الثقيلة والآلية سُمعت قبل الفجر قرب القصر الذي يقع على مقربة من فندقين اوى اليهما عدة مئات من الأجانب.
    وتواصلت عملية إجلاء الرعايا الأجانب حيث نقلت طائرات نقل تابعة للجيش الفرنسي 397 أجنبيا إلى العاصمة الغابونية ليبروفيل ، كما أجلي موظفو السفارة الأميركية إلى القاعدة العسكرية الفرنسية على متن آليات على أمل مغادرة تشاد جوا إذا سمحت الظروف الأمنية بذلك، في حين بدأت الصين إجلاء رعاياها من تشاد واجلت بالفعل حوالي 210 صينيين وتايوانيين اثنين سيتم إجلاؤهم إلى الكاميرون .


02-04-2008, 04:43 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 2695

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الاثنين:- سى.ان.ان وجريدة الصحافه السودانيه المتمردين ينسحبون من انجمينا ودبى يقود القتال (Re: السنجك)

    وجاء فى سى.ان.ان.

    CNN) -- Rebels fighting government forces in Chad said they had withdrawn from the capital Monday to allow the civilian population the chance to escape.

    A woman and child arrive at Roissy airport in Paris Monday after being flown out of Chad by the French army.

    1 of 6 It was unclear if the rebels retreat was voluntary or if they had been beaten back by the Chadian army, which was said to be under the direct command of President Idriss Deby.

    Rebel spokesman Abderaman Koulamallah insisted to The Associated Press, however, that "we decided to retreat to give the population a chance to get out."

    Thousands of refugees have already fled the city. Carrying blankets and bed sheets on their #########, they crossed a drought-stricken river to get to neighboring Cameroon, local officials and journalists said.

    The violence in Chad has opened up a new conflict next to Sudan's wartorn Darfur region, where more than 200,000 people have died since early 2003 and 2.5 million people have been forced into refugee camps.

    Between 2,000 and 3,000 rebel soldiers armed with rifles roamed N'Djamena's streets in pickup trucks, according to a French military spokesman.

    The rebels entered the city on Saturday, local officials and journalists said. Read about causes of the violence

    Chadian Ambassador to the United States Mahamoud Adam Bechir said the rebels were mercenaries supported by the government in neighboring Sudan. He said Sudan wanted to destabilize Chad's government. Watch why Sudan is being blamed »

    Both the Sudanese and Chadian governments have previously accused one another of fomenting violence in the other's country by giving support to rebel groups.

    Chad says Sudan is trying to delay the deployment of an EU peacekeeping force of 3,600 that is trying to deploy along the volatile border with Darfur.

    Austria's defense minister pledged Monday to keep its small contingent of 15 peacekeepers in the country, according to The Associated Press.

    On Sunday, the Chadian refugees flooded the Cameroon town of Kousseri, which lies just across the border from N'Djamena, according to Helene Caux, a spokeswoman for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Geneva.

    She said authorities in Kousseri have put the number of Chadian refugees in the thousands. That was confirmed by Agnes Teile, a journalist for Cameroon television station Canal 2, who witnessed a steady stream of people -- mostly women and children -- spilling into Kousseri.

    Some of the refugees were able to cross into Cameroon over a bridge, which was reopened earlier Sunday. Others had to wade through the river which was at low levels due to an ongoing drought.

    Aid groups are struggling to reach the injured because of the ongoing fighting, according to the Chadian Red Cross which estimates about 200 have been wounded since Saturday.

    Many of the injured are civilians caught in the crossfire, according to the aid group Doctors Without Borders -- known internationally by its French name, Medecins Sans Frontieres.

    Some of those who fled to Cameroon also sustained injuries and are being treated by Cameroon's military and Red Cross, Teile said.

    Don't Miss
    Attacks force UNHCR to leave eastern Chad
    French charity workers get prison sentence
    U.S. Embassy: N'Djamena, Chad
    TIME.com: Rebels fight for Chad's capital
    Cameroon authorities have warned the United Nations they could face problems providing aid if the refugee numbers swell, Caux said.

    In response, UNHCR is sending three of its staff to Kousseri to help the relief effort.

    It has also been difficult to get an accurate idea of the casualty count as a result of the ongoing fighting.

    The U.N. Security Council also met Sunday for emergency talks on the fighting, with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon calling for an immediate cease-fire.

    "The Secretary-General is profoundly alarmed by the dangerous situation in Chad, particularly in light of the heavy fighting in several parts of the capital city, N'Djamena," according to a Sunday afternoon statement from Ban's office.

    "He appeals to all countries in the region to respect the inviolability of international borders and to prevent any incursions from being launched from within their territory," the secretary-general's office said.

    There are unconfirmed reports of bodies littering the streets in western N'Djamena. Watch CNN's Nic Robertson's report on latest violence »

    "It is terrible in the west, a lot of bodies down. A lot of civilians," a hotel clerk at the Kempinski Hotel in eastern N'Djamena told CNN by phone.

    The clerk said he had spoken to his brother who lives in the western part of the city. The brother said he had seen the bodies of men in military uniform lying in the street and people were afraid to move outside and were staying indoors.

    The clerk said he heard gunfire coming from the area around the presidential palace Sunday. He said there was no fighting near the hotel but that on Saturday cars belonging to the rebels surrounded the government palace and his hotel.

    Oil fueling ethnic violence in Chad
    Some 1,600 French forces are helping evacuate hundreds of foreign nationals from N'Djamena; 400 foreign nationals left on Saturday and another 400 were slated to leave on Sunday.

    Five evacuation centers were established around Chad's capital for foreign nationals to gather so they can be escorted by the French troops in armored vehicles to the airport, French Foreign Affairs spokesman Mathiew Ly said.

    Also on Sunday, 103 U.N. staff were evacuated from the Chadian capital to the west African country of Gabon. A skeleton team of around 20 will remain in the city. Watch a discussion of possible solutions to conflicts in Africa »

    The U.S. State Department on Sunday updated its travel advice, warning against any travel to the country.

    The State Department issued a statement saying it had ordered the evacuation of all family members of Americans working for the embassy as well as all non-emergency American staff. It warned U.S. citizens still in N'Djamena to remain in safe locations indoors. E-mail to a friend

    CNN's Cecile Pollet and Christabelle Fombu contributed to this report.

    Copyright 2008 CNN. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Associated Press contributed


02-05-2008, 00:32 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 2695

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الاثنين:- سى.ان.ان وجريدة الصحافه السودانيه المتمردين ينسحبون من انجمينا ودبى يقود القتال (Re: السنجك)



02-05-2008, 00:32 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 2695

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الاثنين:- سى.ان.ان وجريدة الصحافه السودانيه المتمردين ينسحبون من انجمينا ودبى يقود القتال (Re: السنجك)



02-05-2008, 01:00 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 2695

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الاثنين:- سى.ان.ان وجريدة الصحافه السودانيه المتمردين ينسحبون من انجمينا ودبى يقود القتال (Re: السنجك)

    اخر تقارير سى ان ان من تشاد الساعه 2 صباح الثلاثاء

    (CNN) -- Thousands poured out of Chad's capital of N'Djamena on Monday for a second day, aid organizations said, amid conflicting reports of whether fighting still raged between rebels and government forces in the city.

    A woman and child arrive Monday at an airport outside Paris after the French army flew them out of Chad.

    1 of 2 Carrying blankets and bed sheets on their #########, waves of refugees are fleeing the city, crossing a drought-stricken river to get to neighboring Cameroon, local officials and journalists said.

    Levourne Tassiri, the director of World Vision's operations in Chad, said it took him 10 hours Monday to cross the Chari River into neighboring Cameroon -- a trip that normally takes about 30 minutes.

    He said rebel fighters have urged civilians to flee N'Djamena, and refugees are taking shelter under trees across the river in the city of Kousseri.

    Tassiri called the situation in N'Djamena "horrible." He told CNN that he saw at least four bodies on the street before leaving the capital, and thousands of people were lined up to cross a bridge over the Chari.

    The violence in Chad has opened up a new conflict next to Sudan's war-torn Darfur region, where more than 200,000 people have died since 2003 and 2.5 million people have been forced into refugee camps.

    It has also increased tensions between Sudan and Chad have accused one another before of fomenting violence in the other's country by giving support to rebel groups.

    The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees was sending support staff to the border to accommodate the refugees, a spokeswoman said.

    Estimates of the toll inflicted over the weekend were difficult to come by. The International Red Cross reported about 200 wounded, and the aid agency Doctors Without Borders reported treating at least 70 badly wounded people since Saturday -- mostly civilians.

    The French aid group's Web site said there was "no fighting in the capital" but noted travel was difficult due to "masses of people fleeing the city."

    Chad's ambassador to the United States, Mahamoud Adam Bechir, said Monday that his government had pushed rebels out of N'Djamena, but The Associated Press cited a U.N. official in Kenya saying fighting had resumed.

    The U.N. Security Council on Monday strongly condemned the rebel assault in Chad, authorizing France and other nations to help the country fight off attackers.

    The Security Council urged member states to provide "all aid and assistance needed" against rebel efforts "in conformity with the United Nations Charter."

    Jean-Maurice Ripert, France's ambassador to the United Nations, insisted the French military is providing only medical help to Chad's army.

    Ripert wouldn't say if there were plans for French forces to join the fight in his nation's former colony.

    "I guess there will be some request by the government of Chad addressed to some member states or to all member states of the U.N., and we'll see," he said. "What is important is that Security Council allows the member states to do so and to answer the request to help and the assistance of Chad."

    Tensions rose Saturday after rebels entered Chad from Darfur, aiming to oust the government of Chadian President Idriss Deby, French officials said. Fighting erupted Sunday in N'Djamena, but the status of the conflict was unclear by Monday afternoon. Watch why Sudan is being blamed »

    Between 2,000 and 3,000 rebel soldiers armed with rifles roamed N'Djamena's streets in pickups, according to a French military spokesman.

    Government forces used helicopter gunships and tanks to fire on and bomb rebels Sunday, according to the AP.

    "The Chadian army fought very vigorously and continuously regained ground around the presidential palace until yesterday afternoon when the rebels announced they were leaving the city," French military spokesman Capt. Christophe Prazuck told the AP on Monday.

    Rebel spokesman Abderaman Koulamallah said Monday that insurgents had withdrawn from the city "to give the population a chance to get out," leaving open the possibility of a renewed offensive.

    The U.S. Embassy in N'Djamena has been closed and left unguarded; all but four embassy employees have left the country, said U.S. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack. On Sunday, Washington ordered evacuations of all family members of Americans working for the embassy and all nonemergency American staff.

    French troops were guarding the airport, where military planes have evacuated foreign nationals, McCormack said.

    Bechir, the Chadian ambassador, said his government had cut communication lines to prevent sympathizers and informants from passing "strategic information" to rebels.

    Chadian officials have said the rebels are Sudanese-backed mercenaries who want to destabilize the government. A Sudanese official denied that accusation Monday, blaming the problem on rebel movements within Chad.

    Chad said Sudan is trying to delay the deployment of an European Union peacekeeping force of 3,600 along the volatile border with Darfur.

    Chad is no stranger to civil wars and invasions since its 1960 independence from France. Deby seized power in a rebel uprising in 1990, and the latest assault on N'Djamena follows a failed rebellion in 2006.

    The recent discovery of oil has only stepped up power struggles in the largely desert country


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