Olympic Dream for Darfur Official Events

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11-21-2007, 00:53 AM

Sabri Elshareef

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Olympic Dream for Darfur Official Events

    Olympic Dream for Darfur Official Events
    Darfur Olympic Torch Relay in Your School
    Sunday, November 25 - 8:00 PM
    Visit our website: http://CoC-NJ.home.comcast.net for a 1-page set of guidelines for organizing a Darfur Olympic Torch Relay in your school. Timeframe: any time before winter break Document your planning and execution of your event. Capture it on DVD. We are collecting documentaries, which we will have made into a single, feature-length documentary. The intent is to screen the final documentary in a theatre. Questions? email me. There is no face-to-face meeting. Our next monthly meeting at East Brunswick Library is 12/6/2007 at 7:30 PM (1 hour). All are welcome! Leslie Community on Conscience - NJ http://CoC-NJ.home.comcast.net

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    Torch Run
    Wednesday, November 28 - 10:45 AM
    We will be walking the torch from Old Main the campus Mall where we will have tables set up for donations until 4pm. At 7pm (time and location still pending) we will have a forum for speakers and possibly refreshments. The speakers will be genocide survivors and Darfurians from the area. We will be hosting the torch as it passes through Houston, San Antonio, Austin and Dallas. The Dream for Darfur Olympic Torch Relay sets out to remind China of its responsibilities. The torch started traveling August 27 from Darfur and is making its way to more than 28 states and seven countries around the world until it reaches China in December. The event is still in the planning stage, updates to come!

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    Dream for Darfur Torch Relay Dallas
    Saturday, December 1 - 10:00 AM
    Defend Darfur Dallas and the Dallas Holocaust Museum are hosting the Dallas leg of a symbolic Olympic Torch Relay. The event will include guest speakers Representative Lon Burnam, Beverly Parkhurst-Moss (author of The Lost Girls of Sudan), Randy Conine (Peace Studies professor at Richland College) and Elliott Dlin (Executive Director of The Holocaust Museum). We will conclude with the torch relay which will start/end at the Holocaust Museum and take us by the Dallas Morning News, WFAA TV 8 and KDFW TV 4.

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    Olympic Dream for Darfur
    Saturday, December 1 - 12:00 PM
    Relay and speakers regarding Darfur.

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    POSTPONED Until 2008: Houston Torch Rally
    Saturday, December 1 - 12:00 PM
    This event has been postponed until 2008. Stay tuned for more information.

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    Santa Fe Torch Relay
    Saturday, December 1 - 12:30 PM
    "Camp Darfur" (www.campdarfur.org) will be on the plaza November 30 - December 2. On Saturday, December 1, 12:30 to 2 p.m., a gathering at the plaza gazebo will include speakers, the African Chorus from United World College, and the Olympic "Dream for Darfur" passing of the torch. Sponsored by the Darfur Action Committee and the United World College of the American West

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    Charlotte Torch Rally
    Saturday, December 1 - 1:00 PM
    The event will start at 1:00 and end around 2:30. We are no longer doing a run, since we were unable to get the route approved that we proposed to the city. So we are doing a short walk from in front of the ImaginOn theatre on 7th to Independence Plaza. Several Sudanese refugees will be participating in the walk, as well as others. Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in walking. The walk will start at 12:50. John Prendergast is our keynote speaker. Senator Robert Pittenger of the NC Senate will also be speaking. There will be music by Lamont Hiebert and Ten Shekel Shirt.

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    Olympic Dream for Darfur- California International Marathon
    Sunday, December 2 - 7:00 AM
    As the world prepares for the 2008 Summer Olympics, an event that stands for peace and brotherhood, the games are being hosted by a country facilitating the suffering and destruction in Darfur. Through its economic, political, and military support of the government of Sudan, China is the most influential nation allowing the Sudanese government to continue to commit mass atrocities. China is therefore in a position to exert real and consequential influence on the crisis in Darfur. We have an extraordinary opportunity to reach out to the Chinese government, in its role as host of the 2008 Summer Olympics, to urge Beijing's leaders to use their considerable Leverage with Sudan. Olympic Dream for Darfur is organizing an Olympic Torch Relay from Darfur to Beijing and across the United States to galvanize public support around the world to exert pressure on China to stop the genocide in Darfur. On December 2nd the Sacramento Committee on Conscience will be organizing Sacramento's contribution to this national movement at the California International Marathon. At this olympic qualifying event, the Committee on Conscience will host several teams in the relay race and provide an opportunity for communities to "carry the torch" for the people of Darfur. The event will be divided into two parts, the maraFUNrun and the marathon relay itself. The maraFUNrun begins at 8:00 am and starts at 8th St. and Capitol Mall and crosses the same finish line as the marathoners. For those who are up to it, the marathon relay is held at the same time and on the same course as the individuals' marathon, and begins at 7:00 am and consists of four legs run by teams of four runners. The approximate distance of each leg is as follows: #1 - 5.9 miles #2 - 7.6 miles #3 - 7.0 miles #4 - 5.7 miles To participate in the relay or maraFUNrun email Ian Lobel at [email protected]

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    Run for Darfur Rally
    Sunday, December 2 - 12:00 PM
    In less than a year, China will host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, one of the world's most powerful symbols of peace. Meanwhile, despite its tremendous influence over the Sudanese government, it is failing to help end the genocide in Darfur. The Dream for Darfur Olympic Torch Relay sets out to remind China of its responsibilities. The torch is traveling to more than 28 states in the U.S. and seven countries around the world until it reaches China's doorstep in December.

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    Nashville Torch Rally
    Sunday, December 2 - 1:30 PM
    Come join us as we bring the Olympic Dream for Darfur to Nashville. We begin with a March with the Torch at 1:30 PM at Olin Lawn on the Vanderbilt University campus, 25th Ave. S. at Garland Ave. The March will be followed by a rally at University School of Nashville, 2000 Edgehill Ave., 2:30-3:30 PM. Featured speaker: Big Kenny of the hit country music duo Big and Rich, speaking about his October experience in Sudan. This is your chance to help press China to take more action to end the genocide.

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    Torch-Relay: Dream for Darfur (ATLANTA)
    Sunday, December 2 - 2:00 PM
    In a symbolic act to demonstrate solidarity with the people of Darfur as well as the hope to raise awareness about China's relationship with the Sudanese government, Save Darfur, STAND, and local activists have organized a Torch Relay run through downtown Atlanta. The run will begin at the Martin Luther King Center and end at Centennial Park (both highly symbolic locations of human rights and international peace and brotherhood). At the conclusion of the run, we will have a program of speakers including political leaders, activists, and refugees. The run will begin promptly at 2p.m. and those who are not interested in running can report to Centennial park at 3p.m. and await the arrival of the runners.

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    San Antonio Dream for Darfur Torch Relay
    Monday, December 3 - 11:45 AM
    China holds unrivaled influence with the genocidal regime in Sudan. As Beijing prepares to host the 2008 Olympics, join us in urging China to use its leverage to persuade the Sudanese government to allow a civilian protection force into Darfur. The event will begin at 11:45 with a torch lighting at the entrance to Hemisfair Park on Alamo St. There will be a short torch relay through Hemisfair Park, ending at the UTSA Institute of Texan Cultures (ITC). Join us at noon under the flags in front of the ITC where we will hear from a number of survivors of genocide and Olympian Liza Hunter-Galvan, along with Express-News columnist Cary Clack. Email [email protected] for more info or to volunteer.

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    'WE THE PEOPLE"...
    Saturday, December 8 - 10:00 AM

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    Miami-Dade Dream for Darfur Program - South Dade
    Sunday, December 9 - 10:00 AM
    South Dade - Bring the Olympic Dream to Darfur Rally: Come show your support for the victims of the genocide in Darfur, Sudan, and bring attention to the role that China, which is hosting next year's Olympics, can play in bringing the genocide to an end. MAIN SPEAKER: RUTH MESSINGER, PRESIDENT, AMERICAN JEWISH WORLD SERVICE (A member of the Executive Committee of the national Save Darfur Coalition). Messinger has visited Darfur a number of times. She will discuss what must be done to stop the crisis while also reflecting on her personal experiences in Sudan.

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    A Rally to Remember
    Sunday, December 9 - 12:00 PM
    Currently I am looking into the route but the torch will be in Miami on Dec. 8th. As I find out more details I will be sure to pass them along. Please join us on this special day

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    Torch Relay for Darfur
    Sunday, December 9 - 1:00 PM
    Torch Relay run through downtown Boca Raton to raise awareness of China's pivotal role in ending the Genocide. Athletes, guest speakers, politicians.

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    Washington D.C. Torch Relay
    Monday, December 10 - 10:00 AM
    10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Four stages to Relay: 1) US Holocaust Memorial Museum 2) White House 3) Sudanese Embassy 4)Chinese Embassy Check this site for precise times. Final US Torch Relay for Darfur - taking place on UN Human Rights Day. Contact Phil Anderson at [email protected] or 202-261-9883 for more information!

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    Redford For Darfur
    Friday, December 14 - 3:00 PM
    Thurston High School will host a SAVE DARFUR event that will attempt to raise funds and awareness to help address the problem in Darfur.

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    Dream for the Children of Darfur Olympic Torch Relay
    Sunday, December 30 - 2:00 PM
    The Dream for the Children of Darfur event will be a local event to elevate awareness of the genocide in Darfur. In conjunction with the Dream for Darfur effort, the McLean event will offer a wonderful indoor event at McLean Community Center hosted by The Childrens Fund in conjunction with the National Dream for Darfur, the Save Darfur Coalition, and STAND: A Student Anti-Genocide Coalition. As China prepares to host the Olympics - a powerful symbol of international peace and brotherhood - it is failing to help end genocide in Darfur. The event in McLean will be hosted by The Children's Fund There will be a featured guest speaker and special performances at McLean Community Center's Alden Theater. There is no charge to attend. We hope you can join us! Kathy Gillette Mallard, Event Coordinator, and The Childrens Fund Board Member.


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Olympic Dream for Darfur Official Events Sabri Elshareef11-21-07, 00:53 AM
  Re: Olympic Dream for Darfur Official Events Sabri Elshareef11-21-07, 00:57 AM

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