حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!!

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12-01-2007, 09:39 AM

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!! (Re: jini)

    In response to Rezwan from London, it may be considered treason in England to place the Queens head upside down but the punishment would not be imprisonment and being lashed.

    You comment that the teacher has been in Sudan for a long time and should respect the religion of the country, apply your comments to your own people and then defend them. Muslims do not respect the religion or people of this country, they just take, take and then take again.

    You all came to this country to get a better life, if you cannot respect the ways of this country then disappear back to your own religion / country and see how your life is then.

    nick, carshalton,

    I am a Mulsim and ashamed of Sudan.

    The teacher has done nothing wrong. Her deed is no offence to prophet Muhammad (SAW). It has offended offended tiny egos of some Muslim.

    Bashir should apoligize and realease her.

    Osaf, London, UK

    Rezwan - You will have been in our country long enough to know that our legal system has enough common sense not charge somebody for sticking a stamp upside - even if it is a law! We also have other outdated, silly laws such as it is legal to kill a welshman with a bow and arrow in coventry on a friday (or something to that effect). Would they get off scott free for murder? I think now.

    If there are people like you, who think lashes are appropriate here, living in London - then what hope does she have out in Sudan?

    Tom J, London,

    one mans teddy is another mans jerusalem, one tribe say we own the holy sites of the world and will die to defend that right, look towards iraqi and see the mosques destroyed by hatred.LISTEN TO THE NEOCONS CHRISTIANS WILLING TO USE THE ATOM BOMB TO DEFEND CHRISTIAN WAY OF LIFE.Are the residents of quantanamo bay enemies of america or christians, perhaps the shouters should listen,and christian teachers should be educated in the laws of islam as the cleric's of islam are put in prison for anti christian teachinG AS JUDGED by the christian courts.So who is right, the law, the law in the country you live in, and ignorance is no defence or inocence.Teachers should stay at home, and not assume as you did in the glorious past of the empire, there is only one rule british rule.MY WAY THE SUDANESE SHOULD PUT THE TEACHER IN PRISON WITHOUT TRIAL FOR 90 DAYS.

    michael joseph heavey, cahersiveen>adams towns, madness

    Thank you very much,Shahir. Your words are very useful indeed.
    I do not believe in God or in form of religion and am very happy with my lot.
    Thanks to you I convinced I am right in my opinion about Islam.
    This religion is backward, racist and fascist and sexist.
    Why are some Muslims always talking about Holocaust, when they are attacked about their intolerence? It did happen there are evidence enough.
    You know, sharia should not be applied to non-muslim. What would Muslims say if Canon Law was applied to them in Europe?
    Our culture is not used to veil girls. Then as you say, Muslims should respect our culture and ways. Therefore,It is then time to forbid the Islamic veil, which is a symbol of women enslavement.
    Give up the "takiya" and let us see what Islam really is. Stop refering to the most practical verses of the Quran and do not forget the Hadith which are really applied whereas it is well know most of them did not come out of mouth of the so-called prophet.

    Ben, Paris, France

    This is yet another example of the ignorance and obscene nature of Islam. When will the West wake up, forsake political correctness and refuse to accept the backward nature of Islam? The fact that beating this woman with a cane is legal punishment demonstrates the true nature of Islamic doctrine. This type of behavior has no place in the 21st century.

    Tom Allen, Atlanta, USA

    If Rezwan from 'London' believes that this teacher's treatment is proportionate to fit the 'crime' then clearly there is a cavenous divide between his beliefs and the more tolerant disposition of the indiginous population of the UK.

    This opens a wider question of how such extreme beliefs can ever hope to integrate into our moderate and tolerant society?

    Phil, Epsom, Surrey

    Rezwan... If you can find a single instance in the last 100 years of anyone being arrested for stick a stamp on a letter upside-down I will be stunned. We recognise ridiculous and outdated laws for what they are and ignore them.

    Jon, Woking, UK

    Why the hell are we having this debate, its a simple cultural calculation. Christian plus Muslim equals trouble.

    Cromwell, Leeds, England

    All religions should learn to respect normal thinking humans and wait untill they die to find out what nonsense they have been teaching and condeming people for. Why are the masses so easily led (and of course 'brain-washed') by ignorant 'leaders' of 'God fearing' policies. I refer to most of the popular religions/faiths.

    Billy Bop, london, uk

    What do influential Muslim associations in this country have to say about the whole affair? Where is their voice?

    A. Hunt, London, UK

    Another example of how embarrasing are the rules of Islam.
    Even Monthy Python wouldn't make it up. I just don't know what to do - laugh or cry?

    Raf, London, Uk

    In case people havent heard the Muslim Council of Britain has called upon the Sudanese government to intervene in the case of the arrested schoolteacher, Ms Gillian Gibbons, with a view to ensuring that she is released without delay. Quote: "This is a very unfortunate incident and Ms Gibbons should never have been arrested in the first place. It is obvious that no malice was intended," said Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Britain.

    Reading some of the postings it is very important that this unfortunate incident is not misunderstood, or misconstrued to represent the views of the majority of muslims and islam. Whatever our faith we should all be working together to support Mrs Gibbons and her family, and urging the goverment for her speedy release.

    ali, London, Uk

    Here is a lady, choosing to help sudanese children in their education and receiving treatment which is barbaric and out of touch. I'm simply aghast at the lack of tolerance and understanding from such a deeply religious nation. a minority of Sudanese and othe muslim people living in the UK have supported the action yet they prefer to live in this country in the comfort of far greater tolerance and support that allows people to express themselves far more liberally and where people are allowed to apologise for such misunderstandings and move on.

    I agree we should respect other religions and cultures but equally all religions should be teaching compassion and understanding. this is about a name for goodness sake.

    June, london, england

    I'm not sure if im getting this correctly - the reason she is being jailed is because she allowed pupils to call a teddy bear mohammed and you cant have an image of the prophet ect, but why then can you call your child mohammed? This is nonsensical - they could have been naming the bear after any one called mohammed not necessarily the prophet.

    Jennifer, Stoke on Trent, UK

    Shahir Nizam -

    What about all those children who have muhammed in their name and yet they take part in corruption, gambling, sex,drugs, rape, crime, murder - are they not tarnishing the name of muhammed!!! Some innocent kids naming something they hold dear to them muhammed has caused more outrage than all these muhammeds that go around the world engaged in all the things islam is strictly against. Double standards? I suggest not to use the name muhammed at all - don't include it in kids names or anything if you are really that bothered.

    Nik, leicester, uk

    The United Kingdom government needs to place a marker on the ground that every other country can see. They should instruct the Foreign Office to place one of its local staff outside the prison cell and tell the world that they will stay there until the woman is freed. That no unaccompanied person will be permitted to enter the cell and that the Foreign Office staff member will not leave their post until she is freed. In that way we can show the world that we do not take such idiocy lightly.

    It is perfectly clear that, as another commentator has concluded, their politicians have very likely been educated here in the West yet they take advantage of the uneducated local population to further their ridiculous demands upon us here. Support for these countries must be brought to an immediate full stop with the certainty that our support will not ever again re-start until they make clear attempts to properly educate their people. They must face the result of their own internal policies.

    Chris Coles, Medstead, Alton, United Kingdom

    Poor Ms Gibbons, she obviously thought the touchy feely all inclusive multiculturural society we live in existed everywhere. So off she went to save the world.

    Welcome to the real world. When you live and work in a foreign country the onus is on you to understand, respect and observe it's laws, rules and culture. Ignorance is no excuse.

    If she is fortunate a small army of legal aid funded lawyers from here will soon be on their way to represent her, after all they have little to do here now, as we have all but given up trying to enforce our laws on "visitors".

    Wake up, Sudan is how it really is, we can learn something.

    John, Louth,

    It is a shame that the severe human-right violations in Sudan are not being discussed.

    Charles, Munich, Germany

    Seriously time to consider who has the most to lose if we break all economic and diplomatic ties with these brutal states where religion is an excuse for repression and intimidation. Let's stop being a second rate state trying to accommodate these medieval regimes and finally take a stand. If this lady is whipped, the Sudanese embassy should be closed. I agree with Peter's plan for battleships of the Sudanese coast, but doubt that modern Britain has the capacity to send a minesweeper.

    Mark Berry, Exeter, Devon

    Of course the Sudanese official states that ' we have good relations with Britain" - we keep shovelling money at them!
    Why is it that when we hear about this religion, it's always in the context of stonings, beheadings, lashes and offence taken for this,that or the other? Never anything about peace, love ,understanding and forgiveness.

    jakman, Portsmouth, UK

    Hopefully the Brish suits can through their weight around and secure her freedom. She could then move to Southampton and offer private tuition in English Language. Mr Nizam needs to enrol.

    Michael Stanley, Bolton, UK

    We should not expect anything other than medieval strictures from a medieval religion. Anyone who says that she should be lashed, under any circumstances, should not be living in a civilised country.

    Paul Marcus, Stirling, Scotland

    Can we have any sort of meaningful dialogue with people who interpret their religion in such an absurd way? They call their sons Mohammed and admit that this prophet was only a man. To reinforce the idea that he is not a god and to down-play the human tendency to idolise prophets, it is forbidden to make images of him. Yet when the name Mohammed - no doubt used for hundreds of years before ever its most famous holder was born - is given bu children to a toy, the teacher is charged with insulting religion.

    I would rather say those who charge her are the more guilty. They see evil where it is not and their bullying idiocy threatens not just one, poor woman but good relations between the people of Britain (some of whom are Muslims) and the Sudan.

    They remind me of the Pharisees who conspired to crucify Jesus: Peace be upon Him.

    Adrian Gilbert, Tonbridge,

    It's obscurantism, I'd say.

    cyberstranger, St. Pete,

    Gary, what does Shahir's living in England have to do with anything? The religion and culture he is talking about respecting are the ones in Sudan, where unfortunately they do "condone jail and lashes for insulting an imaginary person" (not sure how you make out that Muhammad was imaginary?)

    For that matter, when you say "In England we....." who's WE? You appear to live in Brisbane, which wasn't in England last time I looked. Neither is Edinburgh where I live.

    In the USA it's an offence to disrespect the flag, which is a piece of cloth. How the heck do you insuit a piece of cloth? Is that any more logical than the Sudanese attitude? Though at least in the States they don't whip you.

    As far as I can tell the whole thing has probably been whipped up deliberately because the local bigwigs were in dispute with the teacher's school over payment of taxes so were spoiling for a fight. If it hadn't been the teddy bear it would have been something else.

    Rob, Edinburgh,

    Although I'm very sad for this woman, the story is in general excellent publicity for us anti-theists. If you want to see mankind in all his unbelievably idiotic glory, just head over to a country where those deluded by strong religious "belief" make the law. It just so happens that (arguments about the USA aside) most of these countries are Muslim.

    Not knowing whether or not Mugabe is religious, I will reserve judgment on religion containing the sum total of all human idiocy. Although I suspect that this is not the case, it must certainly be responsible for a very large percentage.

    Christopher Mitcins, London, UK

    this is quite serious for the Muslims. i would like to state to brothers who are opposing this decisoin that there is a law in england where if you stick the queens head upside down on the envelop then it's an 'act of treason'. if this is justified by the government and people of the country i do not see any problem this teacher being prosecuted. yet again it needs to be said that it is no 'innocent mistake'. she has been there for a long time and she should know very well about the culture and religious sensitivity of Muslims.

    rezwan, london,

    What a savagery in name of religion! Brown and Alexander is spending millions to help these people in Africa, and let thousands of them into this country to continue their religious bigotry. The other religions do not mind childrn calling their teddies ' Jesus, Krishna or Buddha.'

    gary Smith, LONDON,

    This country's ridiculous rules and laws should have been pointed out to her by her employees. They should take some responsibility. What a farce!

    Philip, Worksop, Nottinghamshire

    Shahir equivalises denying the systematic murder of six million men, women and children with calling a teddy bear Mohammed? It seems the Muslim train calling for respect continues to travel in one direction only.

    Dan, Hampton, UK

    "the teacher should be given strict warning instead of lash and jail as she is a non- muslim who does not fully aware of this matter.if she is a muslim then i agree for her to be lashed and jailed" shahir nizam, southampton, UK

    Shahir, I am struggling hard to understand what you are talking about!! You say the above but then go on to say this...

    "we must respect other religion rules and cultures"

    But you live in ENGLAND! In England we do not condone jail and lashes for insulting a imaginary person. So why are you not respecting the English rules and culture?

    "naming Muhammad for something that have face or something not suitable such such as casino or pub is forbidden as it show no respect to the Prophet Muhammad "

    I am sorry but there is nothing written in the Koran to suggest the above. This "rule" for some reason seems to be taken as fact by many Muslims but is simply not true. Please tell us the passage in the Koran that proves me wrong?

    Gary, Brisbane,

    It's a good job she didn't get raped...she would be facing 400 lashes.

    cosmick, blackpool,

    It did occur to me that a parallel silliness is the United States is the situation of the kindergartner or other young elementary school child who is expelled or seriously admonished for giving a hug or a kiss to a fellow classmate or teacher (or in one case a child burying his face in his teacher's chest)...so learning the word 'sexual harrassment' on top of being punished at that age. When these are all spontaneous activities kids normally do... Almost as bad as jailing this teacher...both cases involve lack of awareness. People are all the same but have our own cultural biases which blind us to our foolishness.

    Debbie Graham, Evanston, IL

    A couple of battleships off the Sudanese coast ought to focus the minds in Khartoum.

    Next time the begging bowl for this backwards hell-hole gets rattled around London I hope people remember kind souls like Ms Gibbons and the treatment Sudan has given her.

    Peter, London,

    why do most of the muslims on this posting keep bleating on about holocaust denial? - seems to display obsession and anti-semitism. The fact is that the sudanese constitution includes corporal punishment for blasphemy -I am sure most reasonable people would agree that causing offence (blasphemy) is not clever; but on the other hand stating an opinion should NEVER be met with punishment unless it incites violence. In this case its doubtful that offence was intended

    ian , london,

    "parents are advised to put Muhammad in their son's name they hope that the son will behave adequately to reflect the Muhammad’s great personality and stop doing something wrong that can ruin the credibility of Muhammad. "

    Mmm - like Mohammed's talent for raiding, killing and raping all documented in the compilations of Hadith.

    Kevin, Portsmouth, UK

    When will Westerners learn the danger of injecting democracy (in this case, one pupil, one vote) into an Islamis culture?

    Tony, Athens, Greece

    Respect (as opposed to fear) is earned in response to the compassion, caring and lovingness of any and all actions. If any religious or political entity (since they seem to be so historically intertwined) wishes to command respect then it first needs to practice respect itself. The demise of so many originally noble concepts usually occurs from within.
    Herein lies the self destructive seed that creates religious organisation implosions: when you cease to respect, you lose respect. When you lose respect, you lose power.
    Is it more important to have respect for the will of the priest or prophet, or to have respect for the will of the One God?

    Keith, Dalsland, Sweden

    she should be given remainder/warning not lashes nor jail.

    in islam,people cannot depicts Muhammad’s face by drawing or referring to something which has face etc.

    my opinion is she is NOT GUILTY, she even decided to name the teddy bear ‘Faris’.the 20 pupils made mistake by voting Muhammad where she have to accept the majority voice.
    if she fully aware that naming something that have face with Muhammad is wrong then she can re-advise the pupils to choose another name.this case is quite different with issue of cartoon before this where the cartoonists drew a man referred to Muhammad directly.

    parents are advised to put Muhammad in their son's name they hope that the son will behave adequately to reflect the Muhammad’s great personality and stop doing something wrong that can ruin the credibility of Muhammad.

    Some famous British like Richard Verrall, Doug Collins, Nick Griffin and David Irving have been prosecuted in court as they deny holocaust but there was no great public protest

    shahir, hampshire, UK

    The woman chose to live (for reasons best known to herself)in a country governed by misguided religious zealots. She stepped out of line, and this is the result. How can anyone be surprised?

    Tony Pritchard, Cancun, Mexico

    To the people of Sudan. No wonder your country is in such a mess if your leaders, instead of trying to end conflict and starvation, choose to concentrate on the important issue of a teddy bears name. They are in severe danger of biting the hand that feeds and I personally would no longer consider supporting any charity for the Sudan until this sorry affair is put right.

    Paul Jackson, Warrington, England

    So inspiring this story-the Sudan is a tragic mess and yet this is where the righteous anger of hopefully just a few albeit powerful Sudanese is being placed. It is currently necessary to have laws against the denial of the holocaust - the ideal would be freedom of speech, including the right to name your teddy bear (named for president teddy roosevelt actually) Mohammed, Jesus etc (perhaps only the Buddhists would not take offense because they know better) - but in areas which are still fraught with the pain & tenuous recovery of the Holocaust, it is perhaps better to be on the safe side with that topic. Just like in the United States, affirmative action rules are necessary but hopefully will one day be pointless. But how can anyone bring up restrictions on denying the holocaust where millions of humans died in the same breath as saying we need to 'understand' someone being jailed for innocently using the 'one God's' name in vain

    Debbie Graham, Evanston, USA/IL

    And these are people whom we will try to partner with?...If this is a really true "problem" it's hard for me to believe that there will ever come a day when we can reason together...and this naming may be the tip of a bigger iceberg...give the women some food, thank her for teaching your children (girls too?) and let her out.....we are silly to think we can reason with minds that are so messed up ...on the other hand, Sponge Bob Square Pants was thought to be gay as was the purple thing on the tv show...and that got press but I don't believe that anyone was starved or incarserated for that bit of whimsey

    s t knowles, poland, usa

    Islam must be a very weak religion indeed if if its adherents cannot bear criticism of it. It is this intractable attitude of finding offence in everything that is pushing us towards Armageddon. Maybe if there was a head of the Islamic religion who directed policy, the Islamic world would not be in constant opposition with the West.

    Ben Genevieve, Perth, Western Australia

    I have never known something so ridiculous. I respect faith and religion but it's just a name! How can a teddy bear's name cause so much fuss. There are so many more pressing issues in this world.

    Paul, Middlesbrough,

    I am so sick of all these stupid 'insults' everybody everywhere gets accused of. If certain people are not happy where they are they should go back to where they came from! Stop your stupid whinning!

    jo, usa

    JoAnn, Ortonville, USA/MI

    "in The Independent, one pupil write down 'my name is Muhammad' when describing the teddy bear in diary. it indirectly says 'this is a face of Muhammad, cartoon or teddy bear face"

    So your saying that the use of the name Muhammad, is to be automatically assumed to mean no one other than

    Jim, Virginia, USA

    So the prophet Muhammad has been deified in the Islamic faith? I wonder how God feels about that? I also wonder how Muhammad would react to this kind of irrationality.

    I certainly hope that you Muslims stop this type of idiotic behavior before the Christians start getting ideas and either revitalize the Crusades or start shooting at my car because of the Jesus bobble-head figure on my dash.

    Fanatics and fundamentalists will be the death of the human race.

    George, Richmond, USA

    In what manner was she responsible for abusing the name of a "Prophet" and where is the motive or intent to disrespect.

    Oh and eddy: Are people going unpunished for abusing the name of George Bush and co? What's good for one is not for another it seems.

    Handy that.

    richard, Birmingham, UK

    Why are the parents of boys called Muhammed in Sudan not charged? If the children at the school called the bear Muhammed they should be charged, not the teacher

    Michael F Hammond, Quesnel BC, Canada

    you couldn't make it up !

    neville ayrton, blackpool, uk

    If a man called Muhammad commits a crime is he to guilty of insulting the prophet? I.E insulting the name? Would his sentence reflect this? I don't believe this woman has intentionally done anything wrong. This is another step toward religious segregation worldwide.

    Dan, Dansville,

    i cant believe whats going on here, she let the children name it so its an injustice she is in this position. why not lash all the mothers who called their child mohammed if its such a big deal. i thinks its discracefull and hope she gets through this safe, well and innocent.

    the truth, london, england

    ...All peoples of any religion who would condone and perpetrate such angry, dark policies in defense of a dead prophet have simply totally lost touch with the loving spirit that describes God as it lives in each of us. I am a spiritualist, not a religionist, and as such see the dark and misguided choices that have been made by people throughout history whether Christian, Muslim or any other denomination. Wake up people. Nature and Creation are far too varied and miraculous to be pigeonholed into such narrow categories as the fundamentalists of any religion claim. Free will allows us to Choose love and tolerance or hate and intolerance. Don't hide behind political correctness to avoid offending individuals or cultures that worships hate and intolerance. We are individually responsible for what our spirit becomes and all choices are self affecting. What will it be-love and compassion or anger and vengeance? ..and don't tell me I am ignorant ..I Have read the Koran, and the Bible...etc

    Jake, Allentown, USA

    Muhammad was a man, not a god. Surely it is idolatrous to worship a man? Did Muhammad himself decree that men and women should be lashed for using his name on a teddy bear? Muslims need to take themselves less seriously and get a sense of humour! I am going to call my pets Muhammed, Jesus and Pope, (Madsy, Jeesey and Popeey for short in case I get a jihad).

    Marian De Souza, Cheltenham, England

    Any abuse or punishment in the name of religion is an insult to the teachings themselves which teach forgiveness and humane practices. They are not feeding the woman properly. How humane is that? And lashes? Are you kidding? There appears to be any excuse to inflict punishment and cruelty. Fanaticism is found in every religion and destroys the meaning of what it's about. Fanatics are dangerous and cruel. If someone offends your beliefs, you confront them directly with dialogue or an intelligently written letter. You expel them from working in your environment. I feel as though I am talking to the wall.

    Hilde, Niagara Falls, CA

    Ridiculous. Insanity really. This woman innocently names a bear Mohammad and they want to whip her??

    Andrew, Ville Marie,

    It's completely stupid that people with any opinion are given time just because “more than a billion people” thing something. Well according to UN figures more than a billion people don't believe the rubbish and the opinions religious bigots are often highly insulting and often indefensible! Let the teacher go and if the idiots want to punish someone put the kids in Jail for 6 months, after all it was their idea to name the bear after “he how should not be named”........

    (If you publish that on your site I'd be very surprised! And that's the problem with the PC brigade!)

    Rob of Annoyed of this PC rubbish, Newcastle,

    Thank you, Shahir, for explaning just how irrational Islam truly is.

    Francesco, San Francisco, CA, USA

    Sudan; we provide charity funding, charity people aid; perhaps it's time they grew up.

    No one is knocking their faith. I will knock their insecurity, their lack of education, but not the faith of their people.

    I will knock the "faith" that their leaders hide behind. Find a way to power, and the semi-educated use it to control the uneducated masses.

    Shall we leave them to rot, shall we send the SAS in to rescue a middle aged teacher; no we will not, but perhaps we should.

    They don't trust us or understand us. Let's just leave them alone, until they grow up. They seem 500 years behind the times.

    Leave them totally alone, no aggression on our part, no charity, no aid. Nothing until their leaders educate the people.

    Their leaders in all probability are educated, possibly at some of our finest places of education, public schools, Sandhurst or whatever. They mis-use that education, and are corrupt and use religion as a control over their uneducated people.

    Sudan, "Grow Up"

    Simon, Preston, UK

    straw man version of Islam

    ibrahim osaf, nottingham, uk

    This makes me so angry. It is difficult to be tolerant when a teacher faces violent punishment by a country who believes such things are acceptable. It disgusts me and the British government better do something about this.

    Angry, Glasgow, Scotland

    So after the cartoons, they are now taking a bashing on poor old teddy... i wonder what's next!

    Nat, London,

    Clearly, one can see how one sided Islam is. talk about religious freedom!!!! Wonder what would have happened if the teacher named the bear Christ!!! Britain should break diplomatic relations with the Sudan immediately.

    Felix Jensen, salt Lake city, Utah , U.S.A.

    So,on one hand we have a british teacher, helping to educate and generally provide a service for the good of the host country that finds herself being subject to mental and imaginary horrors that are beyond the comprehension of most readers, with little or no contact from the outside world, because of an error of judgement that has not resulted in personal physical or mental injury to anyone else.
    On the other hand we have the madness that sees the british authorities and do gooder camp try their damndest to ensure that foreign nationals in the UK receive care & consideration far beyond that of the indigenous population for crimes that have resulted in the deaths of british subjects on british soil.
    Come on, its time to wake up & level out the playing field, tiem for the silly people that are homogenising the Britishness out of britain to stop this, and for the governement to go in hard nose and list out all of the concessions that Sudanese criminals have been given and get her out!

    darren sharpe, auckland, new zealand

    I really ant to say something about this, but I just can't find words. Send in troops to get her out if necessary and totally islate the Sudan goernment.

    David Irby, Dingle, Co. Kerry, Ireland

    It might be "minute" to you mister spokesman, but this "minute" issue is an absolute outrage.
    The whole situation is absurd and any nation that even suggests the use of lashes in punishment for a crime needs to seriously rethink it's ethics before commenting.

    The insanity of this thing is astounding.

    Dave, Lancs,

    The Sudanese government need to resolve this as soon as possible, and they should issue an apology. If they drag this out or find a case against her, we should take this at face value - it is a diplomatic provocation against the UK.

    A diplomatic provocation should lead to discussion in parliament to decide the most appropriate sanctions against the Sudan.

    Jack Target, Bromley, England

    the teacher should be given strict warning instead of lash and jail as she is a non- muslim who does not fully aware of this matter.if she is a muslim then i agree for her to be lashed and jailed.

    naming Muhammad for something that have face or something not suitable such such as casino or pub is forbidden as it show no respect to the Prophet Muhammad

    it is however OK to name say building, museum, mosque that will reflect and praise the high quality or value of Muhammad, the prophet itself or the name.

    in The Independent, one pupil write down 'my name is Muhammad' when describing the teddy bear in diary. it indirectly says 'this is a face of Muhammad, cartoon or teddy bear face '

    in germany and israel, you can be jailed if you deny Holocoust; it is not even a holy-name in Jew religion or Jew's prophet.

    we must respect other religion rules and cultures

    shahir nizam, southampton, UK

    why someone can abuse a leader of more than a billion people in the world without being charged?

    eddy, london, england


العنوان الكاتب Date
حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!! jini12-01-07, 09:11 AM
  Re: حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!! jini12-01-07, 09:14 AM
  Re: حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!! jini12-01-07, 09:16 AM
    Re: حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!! jini12-01-07, 09:28 AM
  Re: حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!! jini12-01-07, 09:30 AM
  Re: حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!! jini12-01-07, 09:33 AM
  Re: حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!! jini12-01-07, 09:36 AM
  Re: حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!! jini12-01-07, 09:37 AM
    Re: حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!! jini12-01-07, 09:39 AM

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