الخرطوم تستدعي السفيرة البريطانية احتجاجاً على تصريحات براون حول دارفور!!!

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11-01-2007, 03:01 PM

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
الخرطوم تستدعي السفيرة البريطانية احتجاجاً على تصريحات براون حول دارفور!!!


    دبلوماسي بريطاني: تصريحات رئيس الوزراء فسرت بطريقة خاطئة
    طفلان سودانيان يمران داخل مخيم أوتاش في نيالا عاصمة شرق دارفور (أ. ب)
    الخرطوم: اسماعيل ادم
    استدعت وزارة الخارجية السودانية السفيرة البريطانية بالخرطوم، وقدمت لها احتجاجا رسميا شديد اللهجة على تهديدات اطلقها رئيس الوزراء غوردون براون للسودان أخيرا، بفرض عقوبات في حالة فشل مفاوضات سرت بليبيا الجارية حاليا بين الحكومة وفصائل دارفور غير الموقعة على اتفاقية ابوجا. وطالبت لندن باعتذار رسمي عن تصريحات براون.

    وبعد يوم واحد من اعلان الحكومة السودانية انها تلقت اعتذاراً «إعلامياً» من دبلوماسي بريطاني في ليبيا حيث يوجد وفد سوداني رفيع المستوى يشارك في مفاوضات سرت، مشيرا الى ان بيان السفارة البريطانية في الخرطوم والذي صدر اول من امس واحتوى على تصريحات براون نقل بصورة خاطئة. وقالت الخرطوم ان تصريحات براون حملت التهديد.

    وابلغ علي كرتي وزير الدولة بوزارة الخارجية السودانية السفيرة البريطانية احتجاج بلاده على تصريحات براون، وقال كرتي للصحافيين «نقلت لها احتجاجا علي التصريحات التي جاءت في وقت اعلنت فيه الحكومة استعدادها عدة مرات للدخول في المفاوضات في اي مكان وزمان يحدده الوسطاء من غير شروط ورغم علم رئيس الوزراء البريطاني بان الحركات هي التي ترفض الحضور، وبتحريض من جهات اجنبية، وصلنا التهديد الواضح الذي نقلته وسائل الاعلام المختلفة». وذكر كرتي: «لقد استدعينا السفيرة للاحتجاج على هذا الاسلوب واللغة والتصريح الذي يخرج الامور من نطاقها».

    واكد كرتي ان السفيرة البريطانية قدمت تبريرات بان النص الحقيقي لتصريحات براون هو غير النص الذي نشرته وكالات الانباء ووسائل الاعلام، إذ ليس فيه تهديد». واضاف «اكدنا لها بان التهديد صدر بصورة مباشرة وكانت الكلمات التي خرجت من فمه غير مكتوبة في التصريح الذي اتت به السفيرة.. وأوضحنا لها ان الحكومة ترفض هذه التبريرات رغم انها ادَّعت بان المسألة يمكن تجاوزها بالحديث مع الدكتور نافع علي نافع مساعد رئيس الجمهورية ورئيس وفد الحكومة الى سرت واطراف اخرى، ولكننا اكدنا لها موقف الحكومة الرافض لهذه التصريحات». من ناحية أخرى، يتوقع ان يعودَ النائب الاول للرئيس السوداني رئيس الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان سلفاكير ميارديت الخرطوم اليوم، لمواصلة الاجتماعات مع الرئيس البشير بشأن الأزمة بين حزب المؤتمر الوطني والحركة الشعبية حول تنفيذ اتفاق السلام بينهما، وسط تضارب في التصريحات حول امكانية التوصل الى حلول للقضايا العالقة محل الازمة الاخيرة.

    ونسب الى مركز اخباري موالٍ لحزب المؤتمر الوطني ان اللجان السياسية المشتركة بين المؤتمر الوطني والحركة الشعبية انخرطت في اجتماعات مكثفة لحل ازمة تجميد وزراء الحركة في حكومة الوحدة الوطنية. وتوقع ان تشهد 48 ساعة القادمة قرارات حاسمة تعيد الامور الى نصابها، لكن وزير رئاسة حكومة الجنوب لوكا بيونق، نفى علمه بكل ذلك، واعلن أن عودة سلفاكير الي الخرطوم اليوم او غدا. ونقل المركز عن وزير الحكم الاتحادي عبد الباسط سبدرات قوله «ان السلام والحوار يمثلان خيارا استراتيجيا ومنهجا اساسيا للحكومة»، متوقعا ان تشهد الساعات الـ48 القادمة انفراجا في الازمة، مبينا ان الحكومة تسعى لرتق اي فتق، وقال القيادي في المؤتمر الوطني، الدكتور ازهري التيجاني، بوجود بوادر لانفراج للأزمة وذلك من خلال اللجان السياسية المشتركة التي تواصل عملها، متمنيا ان ينتقل العملُ من اللجان الى مؤسسات الاتفاقية الحقيقية. ودعا التيجاني الحركة الشعبية للعدول عن قرارها لضمان استمرار عمل الاتفاق باعتبار ان تجميد عمل الوزراء هو تجميد لاتفاق السلام. غير ان وزير شؤون رئاسة حكومة الجنوب الدكتور لوكا بيونق نفى في تصريحات استئناف اجتماعات اللجان المشتركة لإنهاء ازمة الشريكين، وقال: «لا يُعلم كيف بدأت تلك اللجان عملها. ولفت الى ان التوجيهات باجتماعات اللجان تصدرعن الرئيس البشير ونائبه الاول سلفاكير. وبشأن توقعات سبدرات بمعاودة وزراء الحركة لنشاطهم خلال 48 ساعة، قال لوكا انه لا يعلم عنها شيئا، معتبرا اياها ضرباً من الأمنيات. وأضاف خلال المؤتمر الصحافي الذي عقده صباح أمس بحضور الفريق بحري لانس كار، وعدد من قادة الوحدات المشاركة أن الجديد الذي تشهده مناورات «النجم الساطع 2007» هو اشتراك كل من اليمن وتركيا بقوات أرضية في التدريبات لأول مرة إلى جانب تنفيذ التدريبات على أعمال الإغاثة والمساعدات الإنسانية وتنفيذ الإسقاط الجوي الاستراتيجي بعيد المدى يوم 8 نوفمبر (تشرين الثاني) الجاري بعناصر مدمجة أميركية ومصرية (بمصر) بعد تحميلها في الولايات المتحدة.

    وفى رده على سؤال حول «النقص النسبي» لعدد القوات المشاركة في التدريبات هذا العام مقارنة بسابقاتها، قال كبير المخططين: إن «تحديد عدد القوات المشاركة يتم بعد الاتفاق على الأهداف التدريبية التي يتم صياغتها»، مشيراً إلى أنه بالنسبة لعدم وجود تدريب على الإنزال البحري في تدريبات هذا العام فإن التركيز هذه المرة تم على تدريب الضباط وأركان القادة.

    وقال إن تدريبات «النجم الساطع» بدأ التخطيط لها اعتبارا من فبراير (شباط) من العام الماضي بحضور مخططين من 13 دولة، ومن ضمن أهدافها أيضاً تبادل الخبرات البحرية وتكتيكات في البحر ومهام البحث والإنقاذ وأعمال الإغاثة وتقديم المساعدات الإنسانية والتدريب على أعمال القتال الجوى بين الطائرات الحديثة وأنظمة التسليح الحديثة وتحقيق أمن وسلامة الطيران ورفع كفاءة القادة والتنسيق وتبادل المعلومات وتبادل الخبرات في مجال القيادة والسيطرة واستخدام التكنولوجيا المتقدمة في جمع وتقديم المعلومات.

    ومن جانبه أوضح العقيد بحري لاس كار، من القيادة المركزية الأميركية، أن التدريبات في إطار «أننا نعمل دائما على تنمية قدراتنا على التعاون العسكري والتي من شأنها دعم الأمن الإقليمي»، موضحا أن بلاده تعمل على تقوية الروابط وتطوير علاقات التعاون بينها وبين الدول المشاركة، مما يسهل من القدرة على التخطيط لعمليات عسكرية مشتركة وتحقيق أكبر قدر من الاستقرار.


11-01-2007, 03:34 PM

Muhammad Elamin
<aMuhammad Elamin
تاريخ التسجيل: 09-21-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 901

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الخرطوم تستدعي السفيرة البريطانية احتجاجاً على تصريحات براون حول دارفور!!! (Re: jini)

    من صحيفة القارديان الصادرة هذا الصباح:

    Sudan demands public apology from Brown over sanctions threat

    · President says PM's stance undermines peace talks
    · British ambassador called in to receive protest

    Jonathan Steele in Khartoum
    Thursday November 1, 2007
    The Guardian

    President Omar Hassan al-Bashir of Sudan has accused Gordon Brown of deliberately undermining the Darfur peace talks and has demanded a public apology after the prime minister's threat of new sanctions against Sudan if the talks fail.
    Mr Brown's remarks amounted to direct encouragement to Darfur's rebels to continue fighting and boycott the negotiations which started in Libya at the weekend, Mr Bashir told the Guardian yesterday. "We read it as encouraging these people, the movements - 'Make these talks fail so that we will be able to punish the government of Sudan'," he said.

    The Sudanese government sent a delegation to the talks and announced a unilateral ceasefire on the opening day. But Darfur's main armed groups have refused to attend the talks, which were meant to end five years of war that have left two million people homeless and caused up to 200,000 deaths.
    Now mediators from the UN and the African Union are planning to meet the rebel leaders in their exile headquarters outside Sudan, as well as in Darfur. They are hoping to prevent the talks collapsing, as an earlier effort did last year.

    In an exclusive interview in the presidential residence, the first he has given any western reporter this year, Mr Bashir made it clear where he thinks the blame for failure will lie. "It will be the responsibility of the external interventions, particularly from Britain, France and the United States," he said.

    His anger was prompted by comments Mr Brown made to reporters in Britain on Sunday, the day after the talks started in Colonel Muammar Gadafy's home town of Sirte. The Libyan leader is hosting the talks, but has no role as a mediator.

    Although Mr Brown praised Sudan for announcing a ceasefire, and called on all parties to join it, he singled out the government of Sudan for possible punishment. "Of course if parties do not come to the ceasefire there's a possibility we will impose further sanctions on the government," he said.

    Michael O'Neill, Britain's special envoy to Sudan, read out an amended statement in the prime minister's name in Sirte later the same day. "We stand ready to take tough action with our partners against any party that obstructs progress, including new sanctions," it said.

    Yesterday Downing Street was forced to issue a clarification. It said that Mark Malloch Brown, the minister for Africa, had rung Nafi Ali Nafi, the chief Sudanese negotiator in Libya, on Sunday to explain that the prime minister meant to say that sanctions might be imposed on the Darfurian rebels as well as the government. "The prime minister's written statement is on the website. It covers any omission in his earlier oral statement. We've accepted there was an omission. We're aware it's caused some offence."

    The Sudanese foreign ministry summoned Rosalind Marsden, Britain's ambassador to Khartoum, yesterday to protest.

    Mr Bashir went further by demanding a public apology. Asked if he accepted that there had been a misunderstanding, he said: "We very well read and understand English. There was no misunderstanding at all. The statement was very clear."

    The Darfur issue would have been solved by now if there had not been a constant pattern of external intervention, long before Mr Brown's weekend statement, he argued. "What we suffer here, and in Darfur in particular, and the problems in Sudan in general, are caused by these three powers, Britain, France and the United States," he said. The three countries continually adopted resolutions at the UN to punish the Sudanese government, he added.

    Sudan has come under fire from those three countries in the UN security council for being primarily responsible for the activities of government forces and the allied Janjaweed militia in burning villages, raping women, and driving hundreds of thousands of people into camps for the displaced in 2003 and 2004, and of still not providing security.

    They also accuse it of creating obstacles for the new UN/African Union peace force and for UN aid agencies and other humanitarian workers, as well as rejecting demands to punish officials suspected of crimes against humanity or hand them to the international criminal court. The UN has imposed some sanctions, while the US enforces its own, tougher, ones.

    But Mr Bashir insisted that the roots of the problem in Darfur lay in desertification, which left the farmers there struggling. There was also banditry. People took up arms for various reasons, including tribal disputes.

    A peacekeeping force run by the AU and the UN is due to arrive in Darfur in January. Western governments have been pressing for its 26,000 troops and police to include some non-African contingents, partly to ensure it is more robust than the smaller all-African force now deployed in Darfur. Mr Bashir said this was unnecessary.


11-01-2007, 03:35 PM

Muhammad Elamin
<aMuhammad Elamin
تاريخ التسجيل: 09-21-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 901

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الخرطوم تستدعي السفيرة البريطانية احتجاجاً على تصريحات براون حول دارفور!!! (Re: Muhammad Elamin)

    Interview transcript

    The following is a transcript of Jonathan Steele's interview with the president of Sudan, Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir. It is based on a translation by the president's interpreter

    Wednesday October 31, 2007
    Guardian Unlimited

    The Libyan talks on Darfur have now started, and it hasn't been very successful. Are you disappointed by what's going on in Libya?
    I'm not actually disappointed because what happened is not a surprise to me.

    The problem of Darfur is not a political issue. As everybody knows, the problem in Darfur is basically a result of the environmental changes that took place in the region. This has led to conflict over diminishing natural resources. It all started with frictions between nomads and farmers. And also there is human mobility, a shift of those who have been struck by this desertification and lack of rain and found it necessary to move from their areas into areas of other people.

    However, natural as the whole thing is, the external interventions which are purposeful have drawn an image which is not expressive of the reality of the situation. This is very well demonstrated by the fact that these armed groups took to arms for very, very different reasons, purposes and objectives. Some took up arms because of tribal conflicts, and problems with other groups.
    Some of these armed groups also were in actual fact bandits and they practised banditry throughout Darfur so they found this environment of conflict and they got into it and started to talk about political issues. Also, the external interventions into the conflict actually sharpened the appetite of some of the commanders and leaders to look for positions and get part of this cake.

    Of course these external interventions actually encouraged these armed groups to continue fighting against the government, even at a time when the government showed cooperation and the government is co-operating with the international community and when the government is actually expressing willingness to resolve the problem.

    The talks in Sirte, Libya are an example. The government is represented over there with a huge delegation, very high-ranking delegation, and the other side, the armed groups, the movements, some of them refuse to come over and even those who decided to come, they declared that they only came to be present at the opening session and not for talk.

    In this situation all of a sudden Prime Minister Brown came out to say that if these talks failed we are preparing to impose penalties against the government of Sudan. To us we read it as encouraging these people, the movements, 'Make these talks fail so that we will be able to punish the government of Sudan'. So we consider that if these talks fail in Sirte I think it will be the responsibility of the external interventions, particularly from Britain, France and the United states.

    I think the British government has said that there was a misunderstanding. Do you accept there was a misunderstanding?

    [The president shakes his head] We very well read and understand English. There was no misunderstanding at all. The statement was very clear.

    But I think they've changed the statement now?

    No, unless there is an announced apology ...

    You feel you want an apology?

    Yes, because we didn't have it. We are looking for peace. We go there for peace and these statements come out. To us of course Britain, the United States and France, throughout, they adopted all the resolutions to punish the government of Sudan in the international arena and institutions.

    What we suffer here and in Darfur in particular and the problems in Sudan in general are caused by these three powers, Britain, France and the United States.

    Some of the rebel leaders have said they think Libya is not a neutral country and that Colonel Gadafy is not an honest broker and the talks should be moved to another country. Would you be willing to accept moving the talks to some other place if that would help bring peace?

    These are all subterfuges. They believe that if these talks are moved to another country that is anti-Sudan, they will be in a better position. Some of them even say 'We don't want the mediation of the African Union itself', because the situation is a result of the encouragement by some European powers that, if the AU is excluded and Europe came in as mediators, their position would be improved.

    Once the talks start, if they start, what sort of adjustments to the Darfur peace agreement [signed in Abuja last May, but rejected by most rebel movements] would you accept? For example, they say Darfur should be one region instead of three states, as it is now. Are you prepared to accept that?

    It is our conviction that the majority of people in Darfur do not want that. They refuse to go as one single region. Even before this problem in Darfur erupted there was a government conference here in Khartoum to evaluate the federal system in Sudan. It was my proposal to go back to the ancient administrative arrangements where we have nine states instead of the current 26. This proposal was firmly and furiously opposed. All the new states refused to go back to the capitals of the old Sudan.

    When did you make that proposal?

    We will find out exactly for you. During this conference there was particular opposition from people in South Darfur who represent about half the population of Darfur. They absolutely rejected it. Added to that, the people of West Darfur also refused to accept this proposal. In the DPA this option was given to the people of Darfur. According to this agreement the people of Darfur will have the opportunity to go to a referendum to see whether to go back to a one-region system or maintain the three states. It is only fair enough that we go back to the people to decide their fate and future, and not to the movements.

    In two months on January 1 this new hybrid force, Unamid, will start operating. Thailand has offered 800 troops and some other countries in Asia, like Nepal and Bangladesh have offered troops. Your government seems to be rejecting, or delaying taking, these non-African troops. What is the reason for the delay?

    Our agreements and notes of understanding with the UN are that priority for troop contributions would be given to African countries. We do not go outside Africa. Only if we fail to find the required elements in Africa, then at that time we will consider bringing in elements from outside. What is required in Darfur now is eight battalions. The contribution submitted so far by African countries is sixteen battalions whereas we only need eight. So Africa is producing 200% of our requirements. They ignore this offer of sixteen battalions and they want to start with the battalion from Thailand.

    We will never accept any forces from outside Africa until we are convinced that Africa has failed to contribute the required forces. We have already accepted elements from outside the continent and they represent between sixteen and twenty per cent of the required forces.

    The next issue will be the logistics of this force, and helicopters will be one of the big problems. African countries have small air forces etc. Some European countries are offering to arrange for some helicopters. Will you accept advanced helicopters for this mission?

    We have a contribution now from Jordan for tactical helicopters and we accepted that. Of course these forces will also need administrative helicopters. There is no problem with that.

    Can I ask about the problems in the government of national unity? Can this be resolved fairly quickly, with a return to the full participation of the SPLM in the government?

    In fact, the whole issue is not justified. There is no justification whatsoever for this issue to come up. Before this came up, they had three presidency meetings. They reviewed all these issues. The conclusion of those meetings was full agreement. There were no differences at all at that time. During those meetings they reviewed the implementation of the CPA [the comprehensive peace agreement and signed in 2005 to settle the North-South conflict] and listed all the outstanding issues. They wanted to make a plan how to resolve and implement those issues. And those outstanding issues were listed as the programme of the presidency up to the end of this year. If we carefully reviewed the list of the outstanding issues, those issues which were not completed by the SPLA far exceed what the government has to do.

    I will cite one example, the deployment of forces. The government forces, SAF, redeployed its forces at the rate of 87%, while the SPLA redeployed its forces at the rate of 7% only. This is very clearly stated in the UN reports.

    We expect the evaluation and assessment commission will release its report today. It will reveal everything, how much iis implemented, the outstanding issues, and the responsibility of each party for the outstanding issues. It will show the government has exceeded all the limits set out for them. It is now the responsibility of the SPLA to calm down.

    Of course you know this commission is neutral. It is chaired by Tom Vraalsen [a Norwegian diplomat] and it includes members from IGAD and the Europeans.

    So do you expect there will be a reconciliation in the next few days?

    We expect that very soon.

11-01-2007, 03:35 PM

Rashid Elhag
<aRashid Elhag
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-12-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 5180

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الخرطوم تستدعي السفيرة البريطانية احتجاجاً على تصريحات براون حول دارفور!!! (Re: jini)

    إنت يا جني يا أخوي الأخبار دي بتجيبها من وين ?...بعدين إحتجوا ولا ما إحتجوا هو الشغال بيهم منو ?...مش أحسن الأول يفكو نفسهم من الورطة الواقعين فيها دي..... حتين بعد داك يجو يحتجوا.....

    سؤال جانبي...

    الصورة السمحة الفي بروفايلك دي صورتك إنت ?...وله صورة بتك ?...ما شاء الله ....


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