استراليا توقف هجرة الافارقة

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10-03-2007, 10:31 PM

خالد العبيد
<aخالد العبيد
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-07-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 21983

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
استراليا توقف هجرة الافارقة

    No more African refugees: Andrews
    Wednesday Oct 3 05:00 AEST
    By ninemsn staff

    Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews has announced that no more refugees from Africa will be allowed in the country until July next year.

    In a statement that has been labelled "simplistic" by opponents, Mr Andrews said the humanitarian refugee program's quota for Africans had already been filled.

10-03-2007, 11:13 PM

Khalid Osman Jaafar
<aKhalid Osman Jaafar
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-18-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 1031

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: استراليا توقف هجرة الافارقة (Re: خالد العبيد)

    سلام يا خالد،

    الخبر بيقول إنّو أستراليا وقّفت لجوء الأفارقة؛ وبصفة مؤقتّة حتّي يوليو ٢٠٠٨ عشان إستنفدوا العدد المخصص ليهم ...

    مش كده؟


10-04-2007, 03:49 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 03-05-2002
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: استراليا توقف هجرة الافارقة (Re: خالد العبيد)

    This is an election year strategy that Howard and his crew use every time they are in trouble. They have used it with the Children overboard incident 6 years ago and now with the African refugee. I have been living in Australia for over 14 years and the Australian by nature are racist and Howard knows if he plays the recist card have a chance of return to office again. Howard has a will known racist comment about the Asian refugee in the early nineties, however he retracted his comment and apologies as he know they represents a threat to his ambition of becoming a prime Minster. Africans are minorities in Australia and they mainly live in safe Labor seats. Therefore, they don't represent an election threat to the Liberal governing party.

    It may be temporary stop until the election finishes in November. However, it does echo the bigoted attitude of the Howard government. What amazes me is the Labor party stand on this issue; they gave a bipartisan support to the Howard government. African refugee makes substantial number of the population in some safe Labor seats, like in the seat of Mariybanong and Dandenong in Victoria and in Western Sydney.

10-04-2007, 04:27 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-04-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 15970

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: استراليا توقف هجرة الافارقة (Re: Alfarwq)

    الهجرات الغير مؤهله او التي تكون هناك صعوبه في تاهيلها اصبحت تشكل عبئا علي نظام الضمان الاجتماعي لكثير من الدول وتهدد بانهياره و تشكل خطرا حقيقيا ترتبت عليه ظهور الاحزاب اليمنيه المتطرفه بقوه لم تكن مشهوده في تلك الدول ولذا اتفهم قرارات تلك الدول بالحد من مثل هذه الهجرات وعلي المجتمع الدولي ان يساعد في اقامه الحكومات الديمقراطيه والتمنيه في دول المهاجرين الاصليه

10-04-2007, 08:26 AM

خالد العبيد
<aخالد العبيد
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-07-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 21983

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: استراليا توقف هجرة الافارقة (Re: خالد العبيد)

    Quote: ولذا اتفهم قرارات تلك الدول بالحد من مثل هذه الهجرات وعلي المجتمع الدولي ان يساعد في اقامه الحكومات الديمقراطيه والتمنيه في دول المهاجرين الاصليه

    كلام دوما ده لخص الاجابة على كل التساؤلات
    استراليا اتجهت نحو الهجرة عن طريق الخبرات الSkills
    ماعدا ذلك في تقديري الهجرة بشكلها السابق موقوفة بشكل نهائي
    بالرغم من عدم صدور قرار بذلك او صدور قرارات مراوغة مثل ما جاء في الخبر ان الهجرة موقوفة بشكل مؤقت حتى يوليو القادم ده كلام جرايد.
    الناس ديل عايزين ناس مؤهلين عمالة مؤهلة ذات خبرات


10-04-2007, 09:00 AM

الواثق الصادق

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-15-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 1723

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: استراليا توقف هجرة الافارقة (Re: خالد العبيد)

    Quote: الناس ديل عايزين ناس مؤهلين عمالة مؤهلة ذات خبرات

    بالله يا خالد أدينا توضيحات زيادة بخصوص الهجرة لأستراليا عندي أخوي خريج بيطرة الخرطوم وعايز يطلع من البلد

10-04-2007, 10:52 AM

خالد العبيد
<aخالد العبيد
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-07-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 21983

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: استراليا توقف هجرة الافارقة (Re: خالد العبيد)

    للراغبين في الهجرة عن طريق الدراسة
    استأذن العزيز السمؤل سليمان الذي بعث لي بهذا الايميل قبل شهور عدة
    رغبة منه في مساعدة السودانيين للهجرة ، وفي الرسالة عكس دقيق لتجربته التي توجها بدراسة جادة
    تضمن له استقرار طويل ومفيد واندماج مؤهل في المجتمع الاسترالي
    نهديها الى كل الراغبين في الاستقرار والدراسة في استراليا

    Studying in Australia is considered a dream for many Sudanese. Personally it was my dream ever since my third year in my undergraduate, (Bachelor of Pharmacy) in India was to do Postgraduate of Clinical Pharmacy in Australia, The UK or Canada. The biggest obstacle was Finance as the cost of the course varies from 30-40 thousands US$. I had decided to sacrifice the income of my first few years of work to that. Life does not always run as we need, I had faced several challenges which I had successfully overcome with family support.
    I have received quite many enquiries about how did I make it? As many Sudanese consider it as an impossible dream. Firstly, I admit, I was lucky in some stages of the process, but still the process is not impossible. Secondly, to achieve that you should understand what they need to know about you. Finally, try to build a case that has minimum flows which makes the embassy believe that you are going for studying only, have enough funding and resources and you will leave Australia after you finish your studies. After understanding those you try to think about your case as counselor and try to believe it.
    Looking for a University:

    The easiest way of searching for courses and universities is by googling it (simple web search). This provides you with initial picture of your possible choices. My first choice was Google and Gradschools (has both General and Australian). Recently, I have found this web site for Australian universities which makes your search for the course easier. If you are interested in Arabic information you can find it here.

    Criteria for Selection:
    Selecting the right university is not an easy process. You have to take in consideration:
    • Course you desire to study
    • English requirement: Will be discussed later
    • Duration of the course: for postgraduate (Master) it is usually 1.5-2 years, and 3-4 years for undergraduate
    • Finally, the fees
    If all the above criteria’s are met still the final decision will be taken by the university.

    A fee is very high for international students. Generally, there is no big difference in fees between undergraduate and postgraduate. The fee ranges from 10,000 to 17,000 Australian Dollar per semester (1 AU$ = 0.85 -0.88). Fees increases annually (When I started my search in 2002 fees were about AU$ 7,000-9,000 and AU$ = 0.6-0.65 US$).
    * Fees and AU$ values are true for August 2007

    English Language Requirement:
    Personally, I found that the Australian English language requirements are higher than that for the UK. It is preferred to have IELTS (International English Language Testing Service) which can be done in British Counsel worldwide. Universities also accept TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language). Requirements for postgraduate programs are 6.5-7 (550-600 TOEFL), and 6 (500 TOEFL) for undergraduate programs.

    What if you don’t have the required scores?
    Many Australian universities provide ELICOS (English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students). This is an intensive program designed for international students. Duration of the program depends upon your level of English, it can last up to 3 semesters. Considering the cost of AU$ 7,000 per semester it is considered quite expensive.
    Application Process:

    You can lodge your application online or by mail as required by the university. The process usually takes 3-6 weeks to get the offer letter (it may takes more depends on the mail). No need to pay any fees at this stage other than application fees (if applicable).

    What is the offer letter?
    Offer letter is the initial acceptance of your qualifications for the desired course (it doesn’t mean acceptance). Usually, there are two types of offers:
    1. Unconditional Offer: given when student meets all requirements and does pay his fees.
    2. Conditional offer: given initially for all students. It contains the conditions to be met in order to get the unconditional offer .i.e. IELTS scores, original certificates, and always first semester fees.
    Once you get the offer you will work to meet all conditions.
    Note: Don’t send your fees at this stage.
    Visa Process:

    Personally, I consider this to be the most dangerous and critical stage of your process. You should be aware that Sudan is considered by Australian government as level 3 country (Obviously, Visa conditions are harder than level 1 & 2 countries, but not necessarily impossible to meet).
    To acquire your student visa you need to convince the embassy that
    1. You are going to study and only to study
    2. You have enough finance to cover your fees
    3. You have enough reasons to go back home after you finish your study

    Financial Requirements:
    As level 3 country citizens you should provide financial statement to cover the following:
    1. Course fees for 2 years as maximum or the duration if less than 2 years: i.e. for 10,000 course for 2 years you should have 40,000$ and for 1.5 yrs 30,000$.
    2. Living expenses for 2 years: they calculate it as 12,000$ per year. i.e. 24,000 AU$.
    3. Travel expenses about 4,500AU$
    4. Health Insurance for 2 years about 700 AU$
    Total for 2 years course in the above case you should provide about 70,000 AU$ financial statement.

    Do I really need all that money? Can I find a job there?
    • By law you can work up to a maximum of 20 Hrs per week ($ 13-17 per hour).
    • Unfortunately, your work can hardly cover your living expenses, thus you need to have your course fees before coming here.
    • Working more than that? Is possible and illegal, but from my own experience it is really hard to do so as the education system here is very tough and it is almost impossible to do more than that.

    Conditions of the statement:
    • The embassy will accept liquid cash only i.e. no assets like land, houses, cars…etc
    • The money should be in the bank for 3 months prior the application date (they calculate the minimum amount during that period as the value).
    • Luckily, as level 3 country citizens the statement could be from your account, any relative or any family friend (I had used the last option). The family friend could be any body whatever the nationality or his relation to you. Another positive point that you can show more than one financial statement for more than one person.
    • The sponsor should submit a covering letter in which he states that he will sponsor you during your studies.
    • They prefer to have your financial statement or any relative statement as supporting evidence.

    What if they have accepted your application?
    • The process will take two to four weeks, and then embassy will send you an initial acceptance letter “not the final visa” mentioning that they have accepted your application.
    • After getting this acceptance only you can now pay your first semester fees and any English courses fees if applicable. The university will send you Confirmation of Enrollment “COE” letter.
    • Send the COE letter along with your passport to the embassy for getting the visa stamped on your passport. This usually takes longer time 4-6 weeks.
    • Now you are clear to make your arrangements for departure.

    More Hints:
    • You can attach a letter from your current employer or any potential future employer that you have a job offer if you finish your studies (secured job i.e. you will go back after finishing).
    • If you are resident of a country where there is an IDP office, go for them as they are authorized by the Australian government and they provide free service from A to Z.
    • Be systematic and patient, also follow the steps and read all visa process updates from the Department of Immigration and Multicultural affairs website.

    For more information don’t hesitate to contact me:
    Elsamaul Suliman Elhebir, B.Pharm, PG Cert Clin Pharm
    Master of Clinical Pharmacy
    Curtin University of Technology,
    Perth, West Australia
    [email protected], [email protected]

    (عدل بواسطة خالد العبيد on 10-04-2007, 10:58 AM)


10-04-2007, 11:21 AM

wd al geran
<awd al geran
تاريخ التسجيل: 09-08-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 670

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: استراليا توقف هجرة الافارقة (Re: خالد العبيد)

    Quote: This is an election year strategy that Howard and his crew use every time they are in trouble.
    Hello Alfarwg,

    I don’t think it is an election strategy as you say; there is a real issue that force this government to take such a decision, and instead of just keep conning ourselves with such unreal justifications (as racism), we need to be a bit fair and look at our own demerits.

    The whole issue I believe is about the failure of these African people to integrate into the main stream culture of this country. That is not to say they have to be Aussie people, rather, just at least behave like good citizens and do like all other residents of this country do. There are so many wonderful opportunities in this country for all who live here, whatever their race or ethnic origin, to reap and benefit themselves.

    But unfortunately most of the African people, Sudanese, Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Somalians, just insist on keep living the same type of backward life they used to live back in their original places. We haven’t get the right sense of neither our new situations here, nor how are things going here, and do live like expatriates who know that their residence in the country, whatever it prolonged, is temporal.

    Do you know the percentage of these African people in the government housings? Do you realise for how long they keep “pludging” the welfare system? These sorts of services, my friend, is temporal and transitional assistance that put forward for those new arrivals to help them start their new lives, and it was never designed to be for the lifelong.

    You might have, of course, heard about family troubles and breakdowns that go off every now and then for such a meager Centrelink payment. And you might have also heard about the trouble that caused by the Sudanese “gangsters” in Noble Park, Victoria, and Blacktown, NSW.

    Quote: What amazes me is the Labor party stand on this issue; they gave a bipartisan support to the Howard government. African refugee makes substantial number of the population in some safe Labor seats, like in the seat of Mariybanong and Dandenong in Victoria and in Western Sydney

    Instead of being amazed, my friend, you need to think a bit about it. If there was no real problem, and if it was just a tactical Liberal policy for the elections as you said, nothing would have forced the Labors to risk their advanced poll position and support it.

    The issue is, however, revolving around what they call it the “national interest” upon which all of them would agree.

    So my point here is that, you educated people have the responsibility of working hard among these communities to guide them into the right direction, and try to increase their awareness about their new situations in this country, and to show them how they can benefit from the available opportunities.

    Stay well my friend

    And Best regards Kalid Al Ebied

10-04-2007, 01:07 PM

Dhieu Chabiet
<aDhieu Chabiet
تاريخ التسجيل: 06-21-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 250

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: استراليا توقف هجرة الافارقة (Re: wd al geran)

    الأخ العزيز ود القرن، تحية و إحترام!
    مع إحترامي الشديد لما جاء في تعليقك على ما كتبه الأخ الفاروق، إلا إنني لا أتفق مع معظم ما سقته من أسباب تجعل الحكومة الأسترالية تخص الأفارقة و السودانيين على وجه الخصوص.
    Quote: the failure of these African people to integrate into the main stream culture of this country

    من أهم مميزات أستراليا (كما يقولون)، إنها Multicultural و تحترم الـ Diversity التي تميز الشعوب القاطنة فيها. عندما تقول الحكومة Integration فهي تعني، أو بالأصح فهي تريد أن تقول أن على كل أسترالي أو (من يريد أن يكون أسترالياً) إحتضان كل القيم المتصلة بالثقافة، و التأريخ و الجغرافيا الأسترالية. و هذا بديهي و حق للحكومة للعناية بالبلاد و المواطنين! و لكن الملاحظ أن هذه الصيحات تريد من وراء برنامج الـintegration بأن تعني (التزويب و الإزابة)! بمعنى أن تصبح أستراليا الـmelting pot و عليه على اللاجئين أن يصبحوا أستراليين بكل ما تحمله الكلمة من معنى! مثلاً: حكى واحد ممن أعرفهم أن جاره (عزمه) على زجاجة بيرة يوم حصل على الجنسية الأسترالية، فأعتزر له إنه لأ يشرب الخمر! فقال له إذاً أنت لم تصبح أسترالياً بعد، و إلا فبماذا تبرر رفضك لأهم مشروب لدينا في يوم كهذا؟
    Quote: But unfortunately most of the African people, Sudanese, Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Somalians, just insist on keep living the same type of backward life they used to live back in their original places
    هذا تعبير غير دقيق لطبيعة الأمور هنا! فنفس الحكومة تشتكي من أن معظم هولاء اللاجئين ليسوا لاجئين لظروف إنسانية Humanitarian Refugees، بل أغلبهم لاجئين (لظروف إقتصادية)! و مهما يكن، فأن طبيعة أي إنسان لاجئ أو فاقد فرصة إقتصادية هو التطلع بإستمرار بالنهوض و تطوير نهج حياته. ثم ما معنى الـbackward life هنا؟ هناك أيضاً كلمات مثل الـliving standard و الـliving style يمكن إستخدامهما للتعبير عن نهج الحياة! فالأولى هدف يسعى لتحقيقه كل الناس (بما في ذلك الدولة) للإرتقاء و تسهيل حياتهم. أما الثانية فهي خطة أو قرار فردي يتخذه كل إنسان بوعي و (بدون وعي أحياناً) لما يراه هو الأحسن. مثلاً نحن السودانيين نتميز بشرب الشاي خارج المنزل، و لا نحبز الأكل في القهاوي بشكل فردي! هل هذا تخلف في نمط الحياة؟ و ماذا تعني للسودانيين خروج السيدات من المنزل أواخر الإسبوع للديسكو و شراب الخمر و التدخين؟ هل هي تخلف و عدم مسؤلية أيضاً؟ لم أجد سودانياً واحداً أثناء تواجدي في أستراليا يرفض الطبخ على البوتجاز أو يغسل ملابسه بيده ولا ينوم على الأرض بقصد أو يمشي على قدميه رافضاً ركوب العربة لأنه مصر على نمط الحياة المتخلفة! بل العكس هو الصحيح، بأن (جزء من الأستراليين) يشتكون من بزخ السودانيين (بصفة خاصة) في إقتناء العربات و الأثاثات المنزلية الغالية و لبس نساءهم للحلي الذهبية ...إلخ.
    Quote: And you might have also heard about the trouble that caused by the Sudanese “gangsters” in Noble Park, Victoria, and Blacktown, NSW

    لأ أعرف ماذا حدث في (نوبل بارك - فيكتوريا)، و لكن دعني أتحدث عن (فرية) عصابات (بلاكتاون - نيو ساوث ويلس)! هذه كذبة كبيرة قامت (عصابة عنصرية محلية) بالترويج لها و لذلك جاء كل بياناتهم بدون توقيعات. لماذا لم تسمع عن إعتقال هذه العصابة (المختلقة) و محاكمتهم؟ هل يصعب على الشرطة الأسترالية القبض على عضو واحد على الأقل من هذه العصابة و محاكمته؟ لماذا لم نسمع بإطلاق هذه العصابة للنار أو إعتقالهم و هم يهربون المخدارات، أو إعتقال واحد منهم سرق عربة؟ أعرف أكثر من أسرة سودانية محترمة تعيش في هذه الضاحية، و أزورهم بإستمرار و لم أسمع قط بمثل هذا الكلام الغريب! بل ما أعرفه عن الجاليات (الغير إفريقية) هو تفننهم في تهريب المخدرات و سرقة السيارات و الإطلاق العشوائي للنار و القتل و ما شابه ذلك - كل ذلك ليس ببلاكتاون! و للتحقق من ذلك، أسأل أي سوداني يعرف واحدٌ أو حتى سمع بجريمة قامت بها هذه العصابة السودانية من قبل؟
    Quote: So my point here is that, you educated people have the responsibility of working hard among these communities to guide them into the right direction, and try to increase their awareness about their new situations in this country, and to show them how they can benefit from the available opportunities

    نصيحة غالية و جيدة جداً للمحافظة على سمعة السودان؛ فقط أضيف عليها إنصاح اللذين يفكرون في الهجرة التفكير مرةً ثانية قبل إتخاذ هكذا قرار.
    و أخيراً، و بصورة شخصية لقد قررت عدم قضاء (ثانية واحدة) خارج السودان بعد تفرغي من آخر إمتحان لي (خلال شهر نوفمبر القادم إنشاءلله)؛ أطلب أمنياتكم لي بإجتيازها حتى أحقق هذا القرار الوطني!

10-04-2007, 02:51 PM

wd al geran
<awd al geran
تاريخ التسجيل: 09-08-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 670

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: استراليا توقف هجرة الافارقة (Re: Dhieu Chabiet)

    الأخ العزيز Dhieu Chabiet تحية وإحترام
    يبدو إنك قد اسئت فهم ما كنت اقصده إبتداءاً

    There is a difference, Brother, between the integration into the community and the assimilation with the community. What I meant at the beginning, and what I think the Australian official institutions meant to put forth, is the first one; that is, the integration (with its economic and cultural dimensions only), and not the complete assimilation with the Australian version of the Western values.

    The integration of new arrivals in the community is a natural thing for those who, willingly or not, choose to be part of the social fabrics of a country, in Australia and also everywhere else. Otherwise they would keep living in isolated ghettos bypassing their original rights as citizens, and forgoing the opportunities to strengthen their economic, educational, and social statuses.

    The word “integration” also doesn’t contrast, neither with the Australian multicultural policy, nor with the diversified nature of the Australian community. On the contrary, it rather supports and strengthens them. In effect the main reason of abandoning the white Australia policy late in 1940s, besides the economic reasons, and the international political transformations, was that the Australian government discovered then the difficulty in, or you can say the impossibility of, the complete assimilation of new arrivals (the World War II refugees at that time) with the Australian community.

    As they have been burn as Greeks, Italians, and Macedonians, it was difficult for them to be Australians. Ever since, the official policy was to enhance the existence of the diversified minor ethnicities. They established here some coordinating bodies as the commissioner for community relations, ethnic service programs, and Migrant Resource Centres.

    So I never meant for the African people to celebrate their new citizenship by drinking beer. But just to be aware and wise enough, guided by intellectual people among them, to educate themselves and to work hard, individually and collectively, to establish a distinguished economic status that allow their voice to be heard, just as other minor communities, Chinese, Vietnamese, and the like do. Isn’t it simple enough?

    Quote: لأ أعرف ماذا حدث في (نوبل بارك - فيكتوريا)

    In Noble Park, there has been a teenage Sudanese boy get killed last week, and this was one of the reasons to take such a decision.

    Best wishes Dhieu with your studies, and apologise for writing in English as I have no Arabic keyboard at the moment.
    Stay well my friend

10-04-2007, 11:39 AM

محمد مكى محمد
<aمحمد مكى محمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-13-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 4082

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: استراليا توقف هجرة الافارقة (Re: خالد العبيد)

    رمضان كريم ياخالد
    من ناحيتى أتفهم القرار,وفى ذات الوقت أحمل الجهات الرسميه الاستراليه خطأ عدم وجود برامج عمليه, لتسهيل عمليه الاندماج الاجتماعى,فصاروا يسكنون فى مناطق محدده وخلقوا نوع من القيتو gettoالثقافى والاجتماعى والحضارى,فهم يسكنون فى سيدنى على سبيل المثال ويعيش فى كيسمايو {بمعنى آخر عقله وثقافته وعلاقاته الاجتماعيه مازالت هناك).وهذا يهدد باقامة مجتمع موازى للمجمع الاصلى,وهذا قنبله إجتماعيه موقوته قد تنفجر فى اى لحظه,متى ما تعارضت مصالح المجتمعين.

    من جانبكم يا خالد حاولوا تفهموا الاخوه السودانين هناك ,بان الاندماج لايعنى استلاب الهويه السودانيه,بل اكثر من ان لهم الفرصه متاحه لممارسة سودانيتهم أكثر من السودان نفسه..
    ولكم الشكر

10-04-2007, 08:25 PM

wd al geran
<awd al geran
تاريخ التسجيل: 09-08-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 670

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: استراليا توقف هجرة الافارقة (Re: خالد العبيد)

    It is a bit early for this one to go into the unknown

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