شاب عربي يلتقط بهاتفه النقال جرائم القتل البشعة التي وقعت في جامعة فرجينيا اليوم

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04-17-2007, 00:04 AM

عبدالغني بريش فيوف
<aعبدالغني بريش فيوف
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-01-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 1998

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
شاب عربي يلتقط بهاتفه النقال جرائم القتل البشعة التي وقعت في جامعة فرجينيا اليوم

    اعلنت وسائل الاعلام الامريكية قبل قليل ان الصور الملتقطة لاصوات الاطلاقات لجرائم القتل التي ارتكبها احد الاشخاص قبل قليل في جامعة فرجينا بهاتف نقال وعرضتها سي ان ان ولا تزال تعرضها التقطها شاب عربي يبدو انه من طلبة الجامعة اسمه جمال البرغوثي
    وكان احد الاشخاص قد دخل الى جامعة فرجينيا وقام بجمع الطلبة في الكافتيريا وصفهم على جدار الكافتيريا واخذ يطلق عليهم النار بطريقة الاعدام المحترف اكسكيوشن ستايل حيث قتل اثنين وثلاثين شخصا وتم نقل اكثر من 27 شخصا الى المستشفيات وقيل انه قضى اكثر من ثلاث ساعات في الجامعة وانه بدأ عملية القتل صباحا في قاعة الدرس قبل ان ينتقل الى الكافتيريا
    وذكرت وكالات الانباء ان القاتل قتل خلال هذه العملية اثنين وثلاثين شخصا وبهذا يتفوق على القاتل الذي كان قد اقتحم في مطلع التسعينات مطعم لوبيز في احدى ضواحي مدينة اوست في ولاية تكساس وقتل برشاشه اكثر من ثلاثين شخصا وتبين انه كان قد قتل في الليلة السابقة امه وزوجته
    ولم يعرف بعد اسم او هوية القاتل ولكن وسائل الاعلام الامريكية ذكرت انه دخل الى الجامعة بحثا عن صديقته قبل ان يبدأ باطلاق النار على الطلبة وقامت سي ان ان بعرض لقطات حية مؤثرة لاصوات الاطلاقات النارية التقطت بهاتف نقال ثم تم الاعلان عن ان شابا عربيا اسمه جمال البرغوثي هو الذي صور هذه اللقطات بهاتفه وبعث بها الى سي ان ان ولا يعرف بعد ان كان بين الطلبة القتلى عرب خاصة وان الجامعة تضم عددا كبيرا منهم

04-17-2007, 00:32 AM

عبدالغني بريش فيوف
<aعبدالغني بريش فيوف
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-01-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 1998

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: شاب عربي يلتقط بهاتفه النقال جرائم القتل البشعة التي وقعت في جامعة فرجينيا اليوم (Re: عبدالغني بريش فيوف)

    مجهود عظيم مقدر من هذا الطالب سيما انه من بلد عربي 0

04-17-2007, 00:42 AM

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: شاب عربي يلتقط بهاتفه النقال جرائم القتل البشعة التي وقعت في جامعة فرجينيا اليوم (Re: عبدالغني بريش فيوف)

    Quote: مجهود عظيم مقدر من هذا الطالب سيما انه من بلد عربي 0

    اختلط الامر على
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    الطالب الذى قتل ال 32 طالب
    ام المصور؟

04-17-2007, 00:58 AM

عبدالغني بريش فيوف
<aعبدالغني بريش فيوف
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-01-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 1998

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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    الاخ يوسف الولي
    انا اقصد الطالب الذي صور الجريمة البشعة بهاتفه النقال 0

04-17-2007, 11:44 PM

عبدالغني بريش فيوف
<aعبدالغني بريش فيوف
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-01-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 1998

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: شاب عربي يلتقط بهاتفه النقال جرائم القتل البشعة التي وقعت في جامعة فرجينيا اليوم (Re: عبدالغني بريش فيوف)

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    صورة القاتل وهو من كوريا الجنوبية طالب في نفس الجامعة 0

    Va. Tech gunman writings raised concerns
    By MATT APUZZO, Associated Press Writer 13 minutes ago
    The gunman in the Virginia Tech massacre was a sullen loner who alarmed professors and classmates with his twisted, violence-drenched creative writing and left a rambling note in his dorm room raging against women and rich kids. A chilling picture emerged Tuesday of Cho Seung-Hui — a 23-year-old senior majoring in English — a day after the bloodbath that left 33 people dead, including Cho, who killed himself as police closed in.
    News reports said that he may have been taking medication for depression and that he was becoming increasingly violent and erratic.
    Despite the many warning signs that came to light in the bloody aftermath, police and university officials offered no clues as to exactly what set Cho off on the deadliest shooting rampage in modern U.S. history.
    "He was a loner, and we're having difficulty finding information about him," school spokesman Larry Hincker said.
    A student who attended Virginia Tech last fall provided obscenity- and violence-laced screenplays that he said Cho wrote as part of a playwriting class they both took. One was about a fight between a stepson and his stepfather, and involved throwing of hammers and attacks with a chainsaw. Another was about students fantasizing about stalking and killing a teacher who sexually molested them.
    "When we read Cho's plays, it was like something out of a nightmare. The plays had really twisted, macabre violence that used weapons I wouldn't have even thought of," former classmate Ian McFarlane, now an AOL employee, wrote in a blog posted on an AOL Web site. He said he and other students "were talking to each other with serious worry about whether he could be a school shooter."
    "We always joked we were just waiting for him to do something, waiting to hear about something he did," said another classmate, Stephanie Derry. "But when I got the call it was Cho who had done this, I started crying, bawling."
    Professor Carolyn Rude, chairwoman of the university's English department, said Cho's writing was so disturbing that he had been referred to the university's counseling service.
    "Sometimes, in creative writing, people reveal things and you never know if it's creative or if they're describing things, if they're imagining things or just how real it might be," Rude said. "But we're all alert to not ignore things like this."
    She said she did not know when he was referred for counseling, or what the outcome was. Rude refused to release any of his writings or his grades, citing privacy laws. The counseling service refused to comment.
    Cho — who arrived in the United States as boy from South Korea in 1992 and was raised in suburban Washington, D.C., where his parents worked at a dry cleaners — left a note in his dorm room that was found after the bloodbath.
    A government official, who spoke of condition of anonymity because he had not been authorized to discuss details of the case, said the note had been described to him as "anti-woman, anti-rich kid."
    The Chicago Tribune reported on its Web site that the note railed against "rich kids," "debauchery" and "deceitful charlatans" on campus. ABC, citing law enforcement sources, said that the note, several pages long, explains Cho's actions and says, "You caused me to do this."
    Col. Steve Flaherty, superintendent of the Virginia State Police, said there was no evidence so far that Cho left a suicide note, but he said authorities were going through a considerable number of writings.
    Citing unidentified sources, the Tribune also said Cho had recently set a fire in a dorm room and had stalked some women.
    Monday's rampage consisted of two attacks, more than two hours apart — first at a dormitory, where two people were killed, then inside a classroom building, where 31 people, including Cho, died. Two handguns — a 9 mm and a .22-caliber — were found in the classroom building.
    The Washington Post quoted law enforcement sources as saying Cho died with the words "Ismail Ax" in red ink on one of his arms, but they were not sure what that meant.
    According to court papers, police found a "bomb threat" note — directed at engineering school buildings — near the victims in the classroom building. In the past three weeks, Virginia Tech was hit with two other bomb threats. Investigators have not connected those earlier threats to Cho.
    Cho graduated from Westfield High School in Chantilly, Va., in 2003. His family lived in an off-white, two-story townhouse in Centreville, Va.
    At least one of those killed in the rampage, Reema Samaha, graduated from Westfield High in 2006. But there was no immediate word from authorities on whether Cho knew the young woman and singled her out.
    "He was very quiet, always by himself," neighbor Abdul Shash said. Shash said Cho spent a lot of his free time playing basketball and would not respond if someone greeted him.
    Classmates painted a similar picture. Some said that on the first day of a British literature class last year, the 30 or so students went around and introduced themselves. When it was Cho's turn, he didn't speak.
    On the sign-in sheet where everyone else had written their names, Cho had written a question mark. "Is your name, `Question mark?'" classmate Julie Poole recalled the professor asking. The young man offered little response.
    Cho spent much of that class sitting in the back of the room, wearing a hat and seldom participating. In a small department, Cho distinguished himself for being anonymous. "He didn't reach out to anyone. He never talked," Poole said.
    "We just really knew him as the question mark kid," Poole said.
    One law enforcement official said Cho's backpack contained a receipt for a March purchase of a Glock 9 mm pistol. Cho held a green card, meaning he was a legal, permanent resident. That meant he was eligible to buy a handgun unless he had been convicted of a felony.
    Roanoke Firearms owner John Markell said his shop sold the Glock and a box of practice ammo to Cho 36 days ago for $571.
    "He was a nice, clean-cut college kid. We won't sell a gun if we have any idea at all that a purchase is suspicious," Markell said.
    Investigators stopped short of saying Cho carried out both attacks. But State Police ballistics tests showed one gun was used in both.
    And two law enforcement officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because the information had not been announced, said Cho's fingerprints were on both guns, whose serial numbers had been filed off.
    Gov. Tim Kaine said he will appoint a panel at the university's request to review authorities' handling of the disaster. Parents and students bitterly complained that the university should have locked down the campus immediately after the first burst of gunfire and did not do enough to warn people.
    Kaine warned against making snap judgments and said he had "nothing but loathing" for those who take the tragedy and "make it their political hobby horse to ride."
    On Tuesday afternoon, thousands of people gathered in the basketball arena for a memorial service for the victims, with an overflow crowd of thousands watching on a jumbo TV screen in the football stadium. President Bush and the first lady attended.
    "As you draw closer to your families in the coming days, I ask you to reach out to those who ache for sons and daughters who are never coming home," Bush said.
    Virginia Tech President Charles Steger received a 30-second standing ovation, despite the criticism of the school administration.
    With classes canceled for the rest of the week, many students left town in a hurry, lugging pillows, sleeping bags and backpacks down the sidewalks.
    Jessie Ferguson, 19, a freshman from Arlington, headed for her car with tears streaming down her cheeks.
    "I'm still kind of shaky," she said. "I had to pump myself up just to kind of come out of the building. I was going to come out, but it took a little bit of 'OK, it's going to be all right. There's lots of cops around.'"
    She added: "I just don't want to be on campus."
    Stories of heroism and ingenuity emerged Tuesday.
    Liviu Librescu, an Israeli engineering and math lecturer, was killed after he was said to have protected his students' lives by blocking the doorway of his classroom from the gunman. And one student, an Eagle Scout, probably saved his own life by using an electrical cord as a tourniquet around his bleeding thigh, a doctor reported.
    Associated Press writers Stephen Manning in Centreville, Va.; Matt Barakat in Richmond, Va.; Lara Jakes Jordan and Beverley Lumpkin in Washington; and Vicki Smith, Sue Lindsey and Justin Pope in Blacksburg contributed to this report.
    Copyright © 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. The information contained in the AP News report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.

04-17-2007, 11:58 PM

عبدالغني بريش فيوف
<aعبدالغني بريش فيوف
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-01-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 1998

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: شاب عربي يلتقط بهاتفه النقال جرائم القتل البشعة التي وقعت في جامعة فرجينيا اليوم (Re: عبدالغني بريش فيوف)

    ريما سماحة من ضمن قتلى جامعة فرجينيا وبروفيسور يهودي من الناجين من الهولوكوست حمى طلابه من القتل ودفع حياته ثمنا لموقفه

    اعلنت محطة فوكس نيوز الامريكية ان احدى ضحايا مجزرة جامعة فرجينيا طالبة عربية اسمها ريما سماحة يعتقد انها لبنانية الاصل وورد في التحقيقات الاولية ان القاتل وهو كوري الاصل هاجر اهله الى امريكا وهو ابن ثماني سنوات كان يتعاطى حبوب منع الاكتئاب
    واثار مقتل بروفيسور في السادسة والسبعين من العمر عواطف الناس بعد ان تبين ان البروفيسور وهو يهودي كان قد نجا من الهولوكوست قد حما تلاميذه بصدره ووفقا لشهود العيان من الطلبة الناجين فان القاتل كان يمر على الفصول فيفتح ابوابها ويطلق النار على من فيها
    ولما عم الصراخ في الفصول ووصل القاتل الى الفصل الذي كان فيه البروفيسور قام البروفيسور باغلاق الباب بجسده وطلب من التلاميذ الهرب من الشباك حيث قفزوا واحدا بعد الاخر وقال اخر تلميذين انهما شاهدا القاتل وقد تمكن من دفع الباب والانفراد بقتل البروفيسو العجوز الذي وصف بأنه بطل في هذه المجزرة الرهيبة لانه لو لم يسد الباب بجسده لتضاعف عدد القتلى بين الطلاب ... كما ذكر ان بروفيسورا اخر - وهو هندي - قد قتل في المجزرة وهو من علماء الكومبيوتر
    ووفقا لما تسرب من معلومات فان القاتل كان معروفا بتصرفاته الغريبة وكان قد كتب مسرحية تحدث فيها عن طريقة القتل وكان يصف الجامعة بانها جامعة للطلبة الاثرياء وتبين انه اشترى مسدسا قبل ايام من ارتكابه الجريمة وتبين انه كان يدرس الادب الانجليزي
    وتبين ان القاتل توجه اولا الى غرفة السكن فقتل طالبة ثم قتل صديقها ... وعاد الى غرفته ليحشو مسدسيه بالرصاص ثم غادر الى قاعات الدرس على بعد نصف ميل تقريبا حيث اخذ يدخل الى الفصول فصلا فصلا ليقتل من فيها من طلبة ومدرسين حيث قتل 32 ولا زال هناك 17 في المستشفيات احوال بعضهم حرجة.. وبعد الانتهاء من مجزرته قتل نفسه بتوجيه رصاصة الى وجهه وهذا هو السبب في تأخر المسئولين في التعرف اليه

04-19-2007, 01:21 AM

عبدالغني بريش فيوف
<aعبدالغني بريش فيوف
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-01-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 1998

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: شاب عربي يلتقط بهاتفه النقال جرائم القتل البشعة التي وقعت في جامعة فرجينيا اليوم (Re: عبدالغني بريش فيوف)

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    Va. Tech gunman sent material to NBC
    By MATT APUZZO, AP National Writer 21 minutes ago
    Midway through his murderous rampage, the Virginia Tech gunman went to the post office and mailed NBC a package containing photos and videos of him brandishing guns and delivering a snarling, profanity-laced tirade about rich "brats" and their "hedonistic needs."
    "You had a hundred billion chances and ways to have avoided today," 23-year-old Cho Seung-Hui says in a harsh monotone. "But you decided to spill my blood. You forced me into a corner and gave me only one option. The decision was yours. Now you have blood on your hands that will never wash off."
    NBC said the package contained a rambling and often-incoherent, 1,800-word video manifesto, plus 43 photos, 11 of them showing him aiming handguns at the camera.
    He repeatedly suggests he was picked on or otherwise hurt.
    "You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul and torched my conscience," he says, apparently reading from his manifesto. "You thought it was one pathetic boy's life you were extinguishing. Thanks to you, I die like Jesus Christ, to inspire generations of the weak and the defenseless people."
    The package arrived at NBC's headquarters in New York two days after Cho killed 32 people and committed suicide in the deadliest one-man shooting rampage in modern U.S. history. It bore a Postal Service time stamp showing that it had been mailed at a Virginia post office at 9:01 a.m. Monday, about an hour and 45 minutes after Cho first opened fire.
    That would help explain one of the biggest mysteries about the massacre: where the gunman was and what he did during that two-hour window between the first burst of gunfire, at a high-rise dorm, and the second fusillade, at a classroom building.
    "Your Mercedes wasn't enough, you brats," says Cho, a South Korean immigrant whose parents work at a dry cleaners in surburban Washington. "Your golden necklaces weren't enough, you snobs. Your trust funds wasn't enough. Your vodka and cognac wasn't enough. All your debaucheries weren't enough. Those weren't enough to fulfill your hedonistic needs. You had everything."
    Some of the pictures show him smiling; others show him frowning and snarling. Some depict him brandishing two weapons at a time, one in each hand. He wears a khaki-colored military-style vest, fingerless gloves, a black T-shirt, a backpack and a backwards, black baseball cap. Another photo shows him swinging a hammer two-fisted. Another shows an angry-looking Cho holding a gun to his temple.
    He refers to "martyrs like Eric and Dylan" — a reference to the teenage killers in the Columbine High massacre.
    The package was sent by overnight delivery but did not arrive at NBC until Wednesday morning. It had apparently been delayed because it had the wrong ZIP code, NBC said.
    An alert postal employee brought the package to NBC's attention after noticing the Blacksburg return address and a name similar to the words reportedly found scrawled in red ink on Cho's arm after the bloodbath, "Ismail Ax," NBC said.
    NBC News President Steve Capus said that the network received the package around noon and notified the FBI. He said the FBI asked NBC to hold off reporting on it so that the bureau could look at it first, and NBC complied, finally breaking the story just before a police announcement of the package at 4:30 p.m.
    Capus said it was clear Cho videotaped himself, because he could be seen leaning in to shut off the camera.
    State Police Spokeswoman Corinne Geller cautioned that, while the package was mailed between the two shootings, police have not inspected the footage and have yet to establish exactly when the images were made.
    Copyright © 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. The information contained in the AP News report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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