National Congress Welcomes Return of Activist Taraji Mustafa to Participate in National Dialogue

National Congress Welcomes Return of Activist Taraji Mustafa to Participate in National Dialogue

12-18-2015, 07:30 PM


Post: #1
Title: National Congress Welcomes Return of Activist Taraji Mustafa to Participate in National Dialogue
Author: Sudan News Agency
Date: 12-18-2015, 07:30 PM

06:30 PM Dec, 18 2015

Sudanese Online
Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan
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Khartoum, Dec. 18 (SUNA)- The political activist, Taraji Mustafa, arrived in Khartoum on Friday to participate in the national dialogue following her selection by the higher coordinative committee for the national dialogue (7+7 mechanism) among the national personalities.

She was received upon arrival at Khartoum Airport by the Political Secretary of the National Congress, Hamid Mumtaz, members of the 7+7 mechanism and a number of political leaders.

Meanwhile, the National Congress has welcomed the return of the political activist Taraji Mustafa and described it as a great step for boosting the national dialogue.

Taraji Mustafa has called on the Sudanese political parties to participate in the national dialogue for achieving an outcome which is conducive to solving Sudan problems.

Hamid Mumtaz has welcomed the return of the political activist Taraji Mustafa to participate in the national dialogue in response to the call of the nation in the current historical stage for reaching political stability.

He referred to the call of the President of the Republic on all the political forces to sit together at the national dialogue table to achieve accord and to draw up agreed upon plans to put an end the political crises, conflicts for power and armed disputes.

He said that Taraji Mustafa came to take part in the national dialogue without any foreign intervention, stressing that the people of Sudan are serious to achieve peace and stability.

Mumtaz has reiterated the National Dialogue commitment to the implementation of all outcome of the national dialogue conference.

He said that dialogue is a positive process in the people's life, indicating that the current time is one for dialogue all over the world.

The activist Taraji Mustafa has expressed her confidence on the participants at the national dialogue, indicating that she was following the dialogue process.

She said that dialogue was characterized by courage and honesty, indicating that the participants have visions on the dialogue issues.

Taraji said that the National Congress has made a real step toward democratic transition, adding that the opposition is required to welcome this step of the National Congress.

Member of the 7+7 mechanism for the national dialogue Kamal Omer has welcomed the return of Taraji Mustafa and her participation in the national dialogue, calling on all the rejecting forces and persons to join the national dialogue.

He described the national dialogue as a Sudanese – Sudanese one and aims for elevating the Sudanese will.

He regarded the participation of Taraji Mustafa in

the dialogue as a victory for the Sudanese women, the dialogue values and the Sudanese nation will.

The chairwoman of the higher committee of the national women campaign for support to the national dialogue, Dr. Amina Dirar, has welcomed the return of Taraji Mustafa, describing her return to the homeland as an important step for supporting the national dialogue.

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