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The Timeline of Jews by Tarig Anter

08-15-2021, 00:20 AM
Tarig Anter
<aTarig Anter
Registered: 03-24-2015
Total Posts: 797

The Timeline of Jews by Tarig Anter

    11:20 PM August, 15 2021

    Sudanese Online
    Tarig Anter-الخرطوم-السودان
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    Certainly, Jews were made from Hebrews in 580 BC who branched from expelled Hyksos. Hyksos alliance of roughly 90% Amorites plus 10% Akkadians. Akkadians were Turkic Mongolians came from Altai Mountains plus slaves taken from Iran and southern Caucasus. https://wp.me/p1OEJz-1MFhttps://wp.me/p1OEJz-1MF

    Kmt under Ahmose I turned the primitive horse-pulled cartes which the Akkadians copied from Sumer into sophisticated war chariots. Kmt did not learn from the nomadic Akkadian-Amorite Hyksos any skill. Here is the timeline of the Jews with years in BC:

    Before 2400 Turkic Mongolians first to use horses in raiding bandits against their own people then China
    2400 Turkic Mongolians on horses began invading the world westward in three axes
    2334 Turkic Mongolians with Iranian and Caucasian slaves colonized Sumer and were called Akkadians
    2300 Akkadians copied Sumerian transport carte and wheel and turned to rudiment military use
    2250 Turkic Mongolians overthrow Ebla civilization capital in Idlib, Syria it disintegrated into small areas
    2154 Sumer expelled Akkadians who fled westward to occupy Amorite deserts
    2055 Kmt expelled the Amorites from its north who caused the First Dark Period (2181 BC – 2055)
    2030 Amorites on foot saw Turkic horses and made joint raiding bandits with Akkadians on horses
    1670 Amorites put a plan to colonize north Kmt first by peaceful migration as prelude for horses invasion
    1650 North Kmt fell to Amorites settlers since Menes to 7th Dynasty allied with Akkadians bandits on horses
    1650 The Second Dark Period of Kmt started with Akkadian-Amorite colonizers devastating north Kmt
    1650 Colonizing Akkadian were called Hyksos and their rulers Pharaohs with Amorites as their allies
    1550 Kmt perfected advanced war chariots with advanced light wheels and small archer carriage
    1523 Ahmose I expelled colonizing Akkadian-Amorite Hyksos who mostly fled east to Amorite Levant
    1520 Kmt Second Dark Period created by Akkadian-Amorite Hyksos ended and Kmt New Kingdom began
    1500 Expelled Akkadian-Amorite Hyksos bandits branched to Hebrews; Kassites; Mitannis and Mukarribs
    1500 Hebrews; Kassites; Mitannis and Mukarribs controlled parts of Ugarit, Sumer; Ebla and Arabia
    1458 Queen Hatshepsut daughter of King Thutmose I and Queen Ahmose died and Thutmose III began rule
    1450 Thutmose III reversed the policies of 1st half of the 18th dynasty and gave support to expelled Hyksos
    1450 Thutmose III assisted expelled Hyksos bandits attacking Ugarits, Eblaians and Summerians
    1378 Sumerian Old Assyrian Empire collapsed and limited to the north and Hyksos Kassites took Babylon
    1292 Kmt 19th Dynasty ended the treason of the second half of the 18th Dynasty and began fighting Hyksos
    1177 Turkic Mongolians bandits attacking Caucasus and Anatolia caused the Great Bronze Age Collapse
    1150 Middle Babylonian period began; the Sea Peoples and fleeing refugees attacked Kmt, Ugarit and Ebla
    1070 Kmt New Kingdom collapsed under Hyksos attacks from east, west, and their internal plotters
    911 Sumerians regained control and created the Neo-Assyrian Empire and fought expelled Hyksos branches
    730 Kmt 24th Dynasty expelled colonizing Hyksos of 22nd and 24th Dynasty who came from Levant and Libya
    728 Expelled Hyksos with Berber and West African slaves and mercenaries created Kush to attack Kmt
    720 Kush rushed to colonize Kmt to save Hyksos fled east and west who were expelled by Kmt 24th Dynasty
    664 Psamtik I expelled the Kushites and established Kmt 26th Dynasty and allied with Neo-Assyrian Empire
    605 The Battle of Carchemish between alliance of Kmt and Neo-Assyrian against Hyksos-Persian alliance
    605 Hyksos-Persian alliance defeated Kmt- Neo-Assyrian and the Neo-Assyrian Empire collapsed
    600 Expelled Hyksos and Persians created the Neo-Babylonia who created Jews; Kurds and Sabaeans
    600 A small group of Israelites was brought from Punt Lands to assist in creating a plan to colonize Ugarit
    600 Babylonians concocted stories of Abraham and the Israelites from Punt Lands via Sabaeans in Yemen
    580 Jews; Judaism; Hebrew Bible and a copy of Solomon Kingdom of Israel were implanted in south Ugarit

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