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Who will wash the hands of the military and its conspirator from the blood of the martyrs of the le

08-02-2021, 08:44 PM
عثمان قسم السيد
<aعثمان قسم السيد
Registered: 04-19-2021
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Who will wash the hands of the military and its conspirator from the blood of the martyrs of the le

    07:44 PM August, 02 2021

    Sudanese Online
    عثمان قسم السيد-السودان
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    Who will wash the hands of the military and its conspirator from the blood of the martyrs of the leadership massacre؟
    Written by Osman Gasm Al-Saed

    Why did you spill that blood!؟ A question for those who were outside and inside the game : What did you gain؟ What are your gains؟ Conclusion: You lost, and the military won. Who would have thought himself a player at the time, the truth: he was playing with him. The original reason: deviation from the course of the goals of the revolution. This is an article and an important message in the mail of those who chose the approach of negotiation, bowing and participating in military rule for reform and change. It is also important for those who want to save themselves and their souls for those who are in power and meet God, the Mighty and Sublime, healthy and free from the darkness of injustice and the blood of innocents.

    In the massacre of the General Command, 127 revolutionaries were martyred. It is an event that can be described as the most heinous criminal event in the modern history of Sudan. Although the massacre of the leadership is not just a historical event that occurred on the twenty-ninth of Ramadan in 2019, to be remembered or revived in the collective memory of the Sudanese in a permanent and renewed emotional way every year, but rather as a revolutionary event that is permanently rooted in our political positions and practices.

    Indeed, the massacre of the General Command did not take place in the year 2019, on that treacherous day, or at that bloody dawn, or at that zero hour, whose hands do not turn except in one direction that indicates and foretells the occurrence of a coup in one of the long and endless nights of the military since the independence of Sudan in The year 1956, rather, it is a permanent massacre, because its memory will live on as a lived event in the daily radical action of the resistance committees and the neighborhoods, and not only in memory and conscience. That action that we produce every day in any field of change brought about by the December revolution, or in every path of transition.

    The massacre of the leadership is not a historical event that ended in the recent past, to be archived and erased from afar in our punctured collective memory, or to be recovered barely from a shelf of distant political memory of oblivion, but rather it is a full-fledged and multilateral criminal act. This deliberate and planned criminal act locally and regionally will always occur in the near and distant future in different ways and methods. Here is the massacre, here and now. It is before us, the carnage, the massacre, as a spatio-future event of constant renewal, filled with waterfalls of blood, body parts, abuses, rapes and kidnappings. Yes, it is always in front of us, in the sights and sights, that is, the guiding and guiding compass of our permanent and renewed radical resistance against the rule of the murderous thugs, which will inevitably lead us time and time again to make a historical break with the hateful culture of military tyranny, and with all forms of inherited partisan authoritarianism and dictatorships.

    And for the rest of the story
    Osman Gasm Alsaed
    [email protected]

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