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The Current Climate Change Summit COP26 at Glasgow in the United Kingdom why it matters to us؟

11-01-2021, 02:31 PM
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
<aMahmoud A. Suleiman
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 198

The Current Climate Change Summit COP26 at Glasgow in the United Kingdom why it matters to us؟

    01:31 PM November, 01 2021

    Sudanese Online
    Mahmoud A. Suleiman-UK
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    قمة تغير المناخ الحالية COP26 في غلاسكو في المملكة المتحدة لماذا يهمنا؟
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    This article comes against the backdrop of the Global Conference currently being held in Glasgow, United Kingdom to discuss environmental changes in the world and their negative effects on human, animal and plant life, and how to work to try to address to prevent as much as possible these negative climate changes. Because what afflicts any human being, animal or plant in a country in the world without any doubt will have negative consequences for all. In this vein, it is permissible for us to pay attention to what is happening around us globally on this day when the world has become as one village – so to speak.
    Some may think that this article has nothing to do with what is happening at the present time in countries such as Sudan that live in dire political crises that seem endless and other developing countries, that climate change is a normal thing that does not need to be given priority. But the response to these statements is ready, in that the climate changes represented by drought, desertification, and in some cases, torrential rains submerging the homes of the population and causing complete destruction with the floods of rivers such as the River Nile and its Tributaries and branches in Sudan. For the foregoing reasons, all countries of the world and their residents should pay attention to climate change, its causes, and how to work to ward off its dangers. During these days, there is an important International conference to discuss climate changes and how best the countries of the world will commit to abide by and address them. The conference is now being held in the United Kingdom, specifically in the City of Glasgow. I found it useful to convey some important information contained in the World Climate Summit which is being held in Glasgow, Scotland, UK. At this time, we should mention that the Queen of the United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth for the first time, was unable to attend as a result of her illness coinciding with the opening of the climate conference in Glasgow, the important global meeting in her country as a result.
    At this juncture, we need to browse the contents of the Climate Change Summit held in Glasgow, United Kingdom, as follows:
    Climate change summit COP26: why it matters؟
    Climate change summit COP26: why it matters
    From 31 October to 12 November, world leaders are meeting in Glasgow, UK, at the climate change summit - COP26. But what does COP26 stand for and why are the leaders meeting؟
    UN climate change conference (COP 26), World Leaders Summit, Glasgow, UK, 1 November 2021
    Philippe Lefebure, our climate policy expert, explains what the climate summit COP26 is about.
    What is COP26 about؟
    The United Nations Climate Change Conference - COP26 is a major event bringing together leaders from all countries in the world to agree on how to step up global action to solve the climate crisis.
    Almost 30 years ago, global leaders came together to collectively address climate change for the first time. The United Nations invited countries to sign a climate convention that would commit each to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
    Since then, the countries that have signed the convention – formally referred to as 'parties' – have met yearly to discuss progress and challenges (due to the COVID-19 pandemic, no meeting was held in 2020).
    COP stands for the ‘conference of the parties’ to the United Nations climate convention (UNFCCC). COP26 is the 26th meeting of the parties to the convention and it will be hosted by the United Kingdom in partnership with Italy.
    At the meeting, parties will review progress on their commitments under the Paris Agreement’s goal of keeping global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5°C.
    Paris Agreement on climate change (background information)
    Paris Agreement: the EU's road to climate neutrality (infographic)
    Philippe Lefebure explains why COP26 is a key opportunity to act for climate.
    What is at stake at COP26؟
    Keeping global warming below 1.5°C is the best way to save the planet from the dangerous effects of climate change, according to scientists. Yet the world is currently not on track to do this, with global temperatures on the rise.
    According to the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global warming is causing increased, and in some cases irreversible, changes to rainfall patterns, oceans and winds in all regions of the world. More frequent and intense extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, floods and forest fires are experienced in the EU and worldwide.
    It is extremely urgent to take action against climate change. COP26 is a unique window of opportunity for world leaders to act together and swiftly to limit temperature rises and climate change.
    At the COP26 meeting, countries are expected to live up to their Paris Agreement commitments by:
    committing to more ambitious targets to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 2030
    discussing measures to adapt to the inevitable impacts of climate change
    increasing funding for climate action, in particular for developing countries
    Climate change: what the EU is doing (background information)
    Climate change costs lives and money (infographic)
    Špela Horjak, spokesperson of the EU Council presidency, explains the EU's goals at COP26.
    What is the EU’s message for COP26؟
    The EU wants to lead by example in spearheading the global fight against climate change. Over the years, it has adopted some of the most advanced environmental legislation in the world and has achieved its past goals on emission reductions. This year, the EU has renewed its climate ambition in line with the Paris Agreement, by committing to cutting emissions by at least 55% by 2030 and making this target a legal obligation through the European climate law.
    However, climate change is a global threat and the EU cannot act alone.
    At COP26, the EU wants to encourage others to step up their commitments and actions to cut emissions and increase adaptation efforts to keep the Paris Agreement’s objectives within reach.
    As the largest contributor to international climate finance, the EU is living up to its commitment to provide funding for developing countries to help them face the effects of climate change. And it will continue to contribute to achieving the global objective of mobilising USD 100 billion per year until 2025. The EU invites other developed countries to make their own contribution to support developing nations.
    Council sets EU's position for COP26 climate summit (press release, 6 October 2021)
    Council adopts conclusions on climate finance (press release, 5 October 2021)
    Latest EU policy actions on climate change (background information)
    Europe's contribution to climate finance (infographic)
    Špela Horjak explains who represents the EU at COP26.
    Who will represent the EU at COP26؟
    The Council and the European Commission will represent the EU at the COP meeting. A group of officials from the Council and Commission will make up the EU delegation, which will be led by President of the European Council Charles Michel, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and Prime Minister of Slovenia Janez Janša, as current president of the Council of the EU.
    For the Council, Slovenia will attend the meeting and take part in the discussions on behalf of the 27 EU member states. The position that the EU as a whole wants to take during the negotiations - which aim to lead to renewed commitment by countries - was agreed in advance of the meeting during the latest Environment Council.
    The Council plays an important role in international agreements both with non-EU countries and with international organisations. Its role is to endorse negotiation directives and approve the conclusion of agreements.
    The role of the Council in international agreements (background information)
    The presidency of the Council of the EU (background information)
    Environment Council, 6 October 2021

    5 facts about the EU's goal of climate neutrality
    Fighting climate change is imperative for the future of Europe and of the world. In 2019, EU leaders endorsed the objective of achieving a climate-neutral EU by 2050. This followed the commitments made by the EU and its member states on signing the Paris Agreement in 2015. What does climate neutrality mean and how will the EU achieve this goal while promoting the wellbeing of its citizens؟
    Leonardo Di Caprio, the American Actor and the Environmentalist and film producer who is known for his work in biopics and period films and has received numerous accolades throughout his career, including an Academy Award, a British Academy Film Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award, and three Golden Globe Awards has been quoted as saying: “Climate change is real. It is happening right now, it is the most urgent threat facing our entire species and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating.”
    Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is http://thussudan.wordpress.com/http://thussudan.wordpress.com/

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