Who plundered King Solomon's wealth, destroyed his capital, Jerusalem, and scattered the people of

Who plundered King Solomon's wealth, destroyed his capital, Jerusalem, and scattered the people of

09-19-2021, 07:57 PM

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Title: Who plundered King Solomon's wealth, destroyed his capital, Jerusalem, and scattered the people of
Author: Tarig Anter
Date: 09-19-2021, 07:57 PM

06:57 PM September, 19 2021

Sudanese Online
Tarig Anter-الخرطوم-السودان
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Who plundered King Solomon's wealth, destroyed his capital, Jerusalem, and scattered the people of Israel؟

King Solomon was born in 990 BC and ruled the period 970-930 BC in the Kingdom of Israel in the Afar Triangle. In about 950 BC, the Queen of Sheba from the Tigray region visited him, and her name was Makeda. It is well known that King Solomon's enormous treasures disappeared immediately after his death. This refers to a major looting that took place and destroyed the real kingdom of Israel and destroyed the temple of King Solomon in the real city of Jerusalem, which is located in the Afar region in present-day Ethiopia.

The Hyksos are gangs consisting of 90% of the infantry Amorites from the Bedouins of Jordan and the deserts of Syria and Iraq, plus 10% of the Turkic Mongolians on horses from East Asia who were Akkadians in Sumer. Four gangs branched out of the Hyksos expelled from Kmt in 1523 BC, were the Hebrews in Jordan, the Mitanni in Syria, the Kassites in southern Iraq, and the Mukarribs in the Arab kingdoms. The gangs looted and cut off the trade routes between Sumer, Ebla, Ugarit, Kmt and the Arabs. The Mukarribs invaded southwestern Arabia in Yemen, which is east of Punt Lands, since 1200 BC, from which they crossed Bab al-Mandab to west of the Red Sea in Eritrea, western side of Punt Lands, first in a peaceful and exploratory manner due to the large number and strength of the peoples of Western Punt Lands.

In 1177 BC, the large-scale repeated invasions of the Turkic Mongolian gangs from East Asia resulted in the fall of the kingdoms of Anatolian civilizations known as Asia Minor and the kingdoms of the civilizations of the Aegean Sea. The fall of the kingdoms marked the beginning of the Great Collapse of the Late Bronze Age. The attacks of Turkic Mongolians increased and expanded in eastern and southern Mediterranean, and the bands of the Hebrews and Mitanni from the expelled Hyksos participated in their invasions.

The people of the Ugarit civilization were originally from the coasts of the Mediterranean from Tartus to Rafah. The Hebrews, along with the Turkic Mongolians, occupied Ugarit in 1177 BC and called the north Phoenicia and the south ki-na-aḫ-i, which in 580 BC became Canaan. Hebrews and Turkic Mongolians used the expertise and resources of Ugarit people in the Phoenician colony for piracy and made Carthaginian colonies in North Africa. Piracy gangs brought groups from Mediterranean and settled them in Canaan to be Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza to occupy southern Ugarit and colonize the people of Ugarit.

Gang attacks on land and at sea caused the sabotage or destruction of most civilizations in the region, including the states and civilizations of Kmt, Anatolia, the Aegean Sea, Ugarit, Ebla, Sumer and the Arabs. While the colonies of the Hebrews in Phoenicia, Canaan, Carthage, Philistia and the Sea Peoples, as well as the Mukarribs colonies in Yemen, that period was an era of power and wealth for them. The ambitions and hostility of the malicious Mukarribs in Yemen increased towards the countries of Punt in the West

The Mukarribs made a colony for plunder and slavery, whose name was D’mt in 1000 BC in Eritrea. It started attacking the peoples and the kingdom of Sheba in the Tigray and the kingdom of Israel in the Afar triangle. However, the strength and size of the people and the wealth of the kingdoms of Sheba and Israel resisted the Mukarribs gangs of D’mt. Nevertheless, immediately after the death of King Solomon in 930 BC, Mukarribs gangs took advantage of the opportunity, invaded, and plundered the Kingdom of Israel. Among those who collaborated with them were rebellious individuals from the tribe of Judah to the House of Israel, who aspired to have power and wealth in their hands after the death of Solomon. This is the same as what the Amhara class of rulers is doing in Ethiopia since 1200 AD

Jerusalem, the capital of the Kingdom of the House of Israel, and the Temple fell into the hands of an alliance of D’mt and Judah and thus the Kingdom of Judah was established. The presence and authority of the rest of the tribes of the Children of Israel was confined to the northern edge of the first kingdom of Israel, which was known as the Samaritan because they were the majority of the Semites next to the Tigray region, their former allies. Looting, slavery, and trade of the Kingdom of Judah with the Mukarribs of Yemen increased, and the supply of goods to the wealthy colonies of the Hebrews in Ebla, Babylon, Phoenicia, and Canaan. During that period, the wealth of King Solomon was partially looted and transferred to the Hyksos in northern Arabia and Levant

The Turkic Mongolian gangs in Eastern Europe and Asia Minor expanded westward and established in 753 BC small, backward village of Rome, which did not have women and kids. The Romans plundered southern Europe and its coasts, and the Phoenician-Hebrew Carthage plundered Africa and its northern coasts

After the victory of the alliance of the branches of the Hyksos and the Turkic Mongolians in the Battle of Carchemish in 605 BC over Kmt and Assyria, the Hyksos in Babylon decided to convert the colony of Canaan into a forged version of the Kingdom of Israel and Jerusalem so that they could claim that the Hebrews, who were renamed to Jews, are from the children of Israel and have a divine right to a colony near Kmt to controls the trade routes between Kmt, Sumer and Arabia. The Tanakh was invented by merging the heritage and stories of the Children of Israel with the heritage and stories of the neighboring peoples, and the Hebrew language was invented by mixing the language of Ge'ez from Punt Lands with the Aramaic, Amorite Canaanite and Akkadian languages. The Tanakh was called the Hebrew Torah, which is opposite and contradictory to the Torah of Moses, which disappeared and was written in the language of Ge'ez, which was also destroyed.

Therefore, they carried out total looting and destruction of Solomon's Temple and the original Jerusalem in the Afar Triangle to establish a copy of the Kingdom of Israel and the real Jerusalem in the lands of Canaan and Jebus/ Aelia Capitolina in southern Ugarit with that money and heritage. The originals were destroyed so that it would not compete with fake Israel and fake Jerusalem, which were forged in Canaan and to expose the Hyksos and the falseness of the origin of the Jews and their lack of connection at all with the Children of Israel.

It was decided to enslave and disperse the ten tribes of the children of Israel from the northern kingdom who challenged the kingdom of Judah and the Mukarribs of the Hyksos. The members of the ten tribes of the Children of Israel were sold into slavery on the coasts of Arabia and to ships in the Red Sea and in the jungles of Central, East and North Africa. Thus, the children of Israel were dispersed, and they no longer have a known existence and entity today https://wp.me/p1OEJz-1NHhttps://wp.me/p1OEJz-1NH

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