Book 5 on Quranic Scientific Study By: Saeed M. Adnan

Book 5 on Quranic Scientific Study By: Saeed M. Adnan

07-26-2020, 09:56 PM


Post: #1
Title: Book 5 on Quranic Scientific Study By: Saeed M. Adnan
Author: سعيد محمد عدنان
Date: 07-26-2020, 09:56 PM
Parent: #0

09:56 PM July, 26 2020

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Here I would like to point out, this study takes note of God’s saying in Sura 3, verse 7 “It is Him who delivered the book to you of which are testamentary verses, which are destiny of the book, and other verses that carry more than one meaning, but those who are black-hearted would take the meaning that causes sedition or attempt to adulterate it, where God alone its truth, and those who know best would say we believe in it, all is from our Lord, and only the wise would heed it”
So, what is scientifically proven to be conforming, if not congruent, with the testamentary verses, that would stand as a deciphered riddle or evidence. What Quranic verses would otherwise carry more than one interpretation, should tally with all testamentary verses and never conflict, and that can be contended with only via the individual’s own satisfaction. To pass it as a fixed interpretation (deciphering) or ‘Fatwa’, is what God warned it would only come from black-hearted people.
Please Note: as it has been difficult to display pictures from Nasa in this text please click on the links below to see them in my channel on YouTube:
Expanding Universe:

Black Matter from Above:

Cite Sura 67, verse 5 “And We decorated the Lower Sky with lamps, and we rendered them stoning of the devils who we prepared for torture in Hell”
Cite sura 15, verses 16, 17 “And We placed in the sky towers and decorated it for the viewers* and we protected it from every stoned devil”:
From the diagrams above, which is proven, Black Matter has a huge energy, and takes charge to shield the universe with its enormous gravity so that stars would not run away, or galaxies disperse in space to their inevitable death. This way they are secure and safe that no power ever penetrates the Black Matter to harm them.
The Lower Sky, closest to earth (see the diagram of the expanding universe in the shape of an inverted bell), despite that we are on the top of its skies, at a height of 15 billion years, our sky that we view is what had been created 15 billion years later than we, and we do not know from what we see in our upper sky (furthermost from the open base of the bell upwards) what happened before the Big Burst, viz, which scientists put as 60 Billion years Before us, that makes it 75 billion years from the Big Burst, for its rays do not reach us as we are slower to reach its higher speed. Reflections of light between its stars and galaxies delay us even more from catching them, giving us a read of its red shift and blue shift, which in turn give a revelation of their ages (Doppler shift), which we discussed in Book 4. If people are to see any (as it is there despite the extension of the universe and its inside in the past), it requires that, the universe, during its journey over time, reached the constriction by the Dark Matter (and that would at the bend to the outside of the base of the bell), some rays would have assumed a shorter path undercutting the curve, and if at that time of early presence of the Dark Matter, open gaps could have formed where these rays perhaps seep through, giving a chance for people to one day catch up with it and see the upper skies, if ever.
Lamps are the stars and planets, from which we understand that the other skies do not have the decoration of the stars and planets that we can see [cite sura 37, verses 6, 7], that they are decorations for he Lower Sky where devils are stoned (fast comets impinging on slower planets), and cannot reach the faster Upper Skies, hindered by the black matter.
The stages of death of the sun, the earth and the galaxies, will have to necessarily follow the following steps according to scientific recognition:
The heat retention period:
According to the monitored history of planet Earth, after its settling down from formation with the rest of the solar system from the remnants of the formation of the sun from the gaseous ball of flames to a solidified planet, it will have another planet impinging on it, delivering its own iron core to swim in Earth’s lower mantel, around its iron core, creating magnetism that slowed the earth’s rotation, as have been shown in Book Four, from daily spins of about 3 hours of our present days. That magnetism protected her from cosmic rays and cosmic showers. Earth then passed through cycles of high heat retention caused by Green House Gases, followed by ice ages, four of them till now as follows:
Heat retention increases with the sun glare, and with the increase of animals releasing carbon dioxide from their breathing, and Methane gas from digesting foods. That causes Green House Gases, lifting the ambient temperature to nearly 300 degrees Celsius. Methane gas frozen on the beds of oceans is progressively released. Plants roots breaking the Earth’s Crust, speed reactions of its chemical layers with the earth’s atmosphere, exposing the SiO2 in Earth’s layers to oxidise the nitrates, and all animals and plants die.
The Ice Age:
With the continual heavy rain falls, CO2 dissolves in water and sinks into the lower layers of the barren silicates and changes it to Carbonates. Living water animals begin to nurture, methane starts getting produced again, freezing and depositing in the ocean beds. Tough plants consume the small remaining burden of CO2 in the Green House Effect, till it settles down to Carbon 3 and Carbon 4, and the rest of plants would die, then perish, and with it die all animals in the absence of fodder.
Then begins another ice age stretching from the two poles towards the Equator. Life start its primitive signs again for a new cycle.
Life on earth did help enriching earth then did destroy it.
Cooling of the Inner core of the Earth:
The earth centre is now cooling at the rate of 100 degrees Celsius every one billion years, or taken by an increase in the precipitation of 1 millimetre of the molten core on the solidified core every year, but will not completely solidify because of the continual heat generation from its nuclear rupture activity.
It will not happen even on death of the sun, for if earth escaped the suction range of the black hole in the centre of our Milky Way galaxy, or lost astray in the open space, its inner heat will still be equal to that of the sun, harbouring huge nuclear reactions within. So, if cooling of the core did happen, it would take a very long time, most possible at the end of the earth, when it would be its evaporation and suction by the black hole, more than a solidification of its core.
Change of the Earth’s Axis:
From another angle, the tectonic plates are re-joining to collate the earth’s continents together onto one large continent in 250 to 350 million years’ time, from which results a change in the earth’s axis shifting 90 degrees.
A new ice age would dawn on earth and the heat retention cycles and ice ages then will not presently possible to circumscribe.
Balling of the sun to the earth after devouring all planets nearer to it:
(sura 81, verse 1)
The sun brightness increases with the increase of its reaction. It becomes larger too, towards forming a huge red ball (called Red Giant), when it starts devouring planets. The sun then folds on itself and changes to a small very bright extremely hot ball (called white dwarf), then folds again to form a neutron star, which devours light but will have a ticking pulse of resulting gamma rays. Earth may or may not escape that fate. The neutron star would continue devouring any close by planets or stars and gain more gravitational pull. It may join other neutron stars, but mostly it gets sucked by a black hole, the one at the centre of the Milky Way.
Applied to our present reality:
In the one billion years to come, sun’s brightness would increase by about 10%, and life would begin to progressively degenerate, basically by man by his direct ecocide, like nuclear wars, or on excessive abuse of the environment and natural habitat, which would take about a million years to build up, depending on how much abuse or negligence it involves. This is the more likely cause of the extinction of the human race. Heat culmination already began with the present heat retention in the carbonate/ silicate cycle that have started since 11650 years ago, just after the last ice age, and would continue for a hundred million years before entering a new epoch of ice age in 500 million years’ time, but earth would not be sterilized of microbes, being weak towards disasters.
Signs of the Judgement Day in line of the scientific analysis given:
Cite sura 86, verses 1,2 “I vow on the Sky and the Ticking Star* the Deep Star*”
For God to vow this way He give us many lessons of His periodic miracles when we are able to decipher His early given signs, facts revealed to us but had not happened to our ancestors, with still more signs we do not know that will be deciphered by our predecessors. It is this linkage of the Sky with the Ticking Star, and the Ticking Star with the Deep Star – Neutron Star (to a Black Hole).
The ticking star is a star, transforming during its death to a red Gian, a white dwarf and then a neutron star, whence all matter collapses under the huge gravity of its pile of neutrons, releasing more neutrons to add, and removing electrons from some protons, thus sucking off the released interatomic spaces associated with it. It sucks, too, nearby stars, and starts emitting pulses of gamma rays, which can only be felt by some animals and by receptive equipment made by man. This load of interatomic spaces, together with the stars it sucked is part of the sky as we explained before. This way, He vowed on the sky that is devoured and the ticking star that devoured it.
Then that ticking star becomes smaller in size and stronger in gravity the more it devours skies, until it becomes a deep star then a Black Hole, crushing matter and energy into photons and protons (Quantum, Q)
Cite sura 82, verses 1- 4
Cite sura 81, verses 1- 9
Cite sura 52, verse 6, 9, 10 “I vow on the burning sea”
From what we enlisted of scientific evidence; we can see:
The balling of the sun (sura 81, verse 1) happens when it is a red giant, (evidence), So the survival war is on and the hunger desperation hardens. First the omnivores would perish for absence of fodder and surge of being hunted by carnivores. When the sun gets closer to the planets of the solar system it would disturb their order and get them speeding to be devoured (sura 52, verse 2) (evidence). The Upper Mantle in earth becomes fluid and the mountains start floating (sura 52, verse 3), (evidence). With the rising temperature on earth, the living start perishing, and copulation essentially ceases, (sura 81 verse 4), (evidence). Earth would continually distance itself from the sun, but its temperatures sear, so the carnivores perish too (sura 52, verse 5); evidence. When the seas burst aflame, when the deposited methane is freed and catches fire, sura 52, verse 6. Similarly, when the seas burst in fountains (the dormant waters inside the rocks – cite Noah’s flood description – in sura 81, verse 2,); evidence. When Souls are united (the good and the bad), sura 53, verse 6, evidence. Then finally, sura 52, verses 7, 8: when the buried alive female is questioned – what culpability had she been killed for.
In the next book, book 6, we will discuss the bursting of the seas, and to the Great Flood of Noah.
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