Organ of Expatriates denies retrieval of currency declaration system upon arrival

Organ of Expatriates denies retrieval of currency declaration system upon arrival

01-25-2016, 07:48 PM


Post: #1
Title: Organ of Expatriates denies retrieval of currency declaration system upon arrival
Author: Sudan News Agency
Date: 01-25-2016, 07:48 PM
Parent: #0

06:48 PM Jan, 25 2016

Sudanese Online
Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan
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Khartoum, January 25 (SUNA) -The Secretary-General of the Organ of Sudanese Expatriates' Affairs Ambassador Haj Majid Mohamed Swar has denied issuance of any decision obliges the comers through airports and other inlets to declare foreign currency in their possession.
Swar stressed that the currency declaration system was abolished couple of years ago since the adoption of the economic liberalization policies and there is no decision to bring it back, saying that what was reported in the means of the electronic communication was untrue, revealing that the Organ of the Sudanese Working Abroad, the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank and the relevant authorities are working on the implementation of the directives the first Vice President of the Republic on the movement of immigrants and their money through encouraging their remittances and investments in support of the state efforts to integrate the immigrant economy in the national economy.
The Secretary-General of the Expatriates' Affairs urged the Sudanese in the Diaspora to support the country's efforts to move the velocity of the national economy by transferring their savings through the official channels, which announced commitment to the implementation of the Central Bank's decision to return back the same foreign currency to those who transferred it. He urged them to be careful in dealing with the information which is published by the electronic means of communication without official sources, stressing that the Expatriates' Affairs Organ is the only concerned party with the issues of the expatriates.

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