مؤتمر دولي هام حول أزمة دارفور – لاهاي - هولندا

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10-14-2004, 02:33 AM

Ahmad Sanad

تاريخ التسجيل: 12-13-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 433

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
مؤتمر دولي هام حول أزمة دارفور – لاهاي - هولندا

    مؤتمر دولي حول أزمة دارفور
    23-24 اكتوبر 2004
    كارلتون بيتش هوتيل، لاهاي-هولندا

    دعوة عامة

    شبكة منظمات السودان الجديد NSON تدعوكم بكل ترحاب الي الحضور والمشاركة في جلسات المؤتمر المقام حول أزمة دارفور بمدينة لاهاي هولندا.
    يومي السبت/الأحد 23/24 اكتوبر الجاري (2004)
    تبدأ جلسات المؤتمر دائما عند 11 صباحا وتنتهي حاولي 8 مساءا.
    The Hague, Carlton Beach Hotel, Gevers Deynootweg 201
    يهدف المؤتمر الى النظر في الجذور السياسية، الإقتصادية ، الثقافية والإجتماعية للأزمة الناشبة في أقليم دارفور غربي السودان ومن ثمة محاولة الخروج بتوصيات وسياسات بناءة يمكن تطبيقها علي أرض الواقع بما يسهم في تحقيق السلام والتنمية والعدالة الإجتماعية والمشاركة السياسية ويحقق رضاء اطراف الصراع في الأقليم، بما يساعد في تحقيق القدر المطلوب من الإستقرار العام وينعكس إيجابا على رفاهية جميع اهل السودان.
    المشاركون في إحياء هذا المؤتمر:
    الحكومة السودانية، حركة تحرير السودان، حركة العدالة والمساواة، الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان، نخبة من المثقفين والأكاديميين، والسياسيين السودانيين إضافة الي مجموعة من الإختصاصيين العالميين ووزارة الخارجية الهولندية وبعض المنظمات العالمية الإنسانية والحقوقية المهتمة بشأن الصراع في السودان.
    وهناك دائما فرصة لسماع جميع وجهات النظر فيما يتعلق بموضوع المؤتمر. لهذا دعونا نثمن (مقدما) حضوركم ومشاركتكم في هذا الحدث الهام، فمرحبا بكم على موعدنا يومي السبت والأحد 23/24 اكتوبر بمدينة لاهاي، ونحن على ثقة في ان جهودكم المقدرة سوف تثمر نتائج موضوعية وعلمية تصب في مصلحة مجرى سفينة الإستقرار والسلام في السودان.
    مع تحيات اللجنة المنظمة
    صالح كاكي
    محمد جمال الدين حامد

    تنبيه: لمزيد من التفاصيل إقرأ لطفا الرسالة (بالإنجليزية) أدناه حول مؤتمر دارفور في هولندا.

    Darfur in The Hague for two days!

    Conference, October 23-24 The Hague, Carlton Beach Hotel, Gevers Deynootweg 201

    Public invitation

    Dear brothers and sisters,

    New Sudan Organizations Network (NSON) in collaboration with NOVIB organizing a two days conference on the “root causes of the conflict in Darfur-Sudan”.
    The Conference* will be held on 23-24 October in The Hague, Carlton Beach Hotel, Gevers Deynootweg 201. The programme starts at 12.00 O’clock in booth days and end around 20.00 O’clock. The detailed programme will be posted in due time.

    You are cordially invited to this important conference.
    The conference will offer attendees a unique opportunity to engage with politicians from both sides of the conflict (GOS, SLM/SLA, SPLM/SLPA), diplomats, NGOs representatives, academicians and human rights activists in addition to international figures and experts. The Conference participants will be encouraged to come up with recommendations and innovate policies to address the multilayered causes of Sudan’s conflicts. For more details, please, read further information.

    The goals and the participants of the conference:

    As all we know that, hopes for peace in Sudan has strongly been raised a couple of months ago by the signing of an agreement between the government of Sudan GOS and The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement and Sudan People’s Liberation
    Army (SPLM/SPLA). The accords could help end Africa’s longest-running civil war. The agreements settled the status of three disputed areas; the Nuba Mountains, Southern Blue Nile and Abyei, and set up post-war power-sharing arrangements.
    The agreements do not, however, resolve a conflict raging in the Darfur area, where concern is increasing over the west of Sudan. In February 2003 the civil war in Darfur has started. The root causes of the bloody conflict in Darfur may already exist long time before that. Ever since the 1980s some Arab tribes from Darfur, Chad and Niger have mounted raids on villages in Darfur inhabited by the Fur, Zagawa and Massaleet tribes. Recently the situation has escalated dramatically. While their attackers are Arab (the Jangaweed militias) supported by Khartoum government, the aforementioned tribes are Muslim, but African and that another indication of the racial element of the Sudanese crisis.
    A negations between the GOS and the repels of Darfur is taking place at this particular moments in Abuja\Nigeria under the auspices of the African union and the international community hopefully, it will end the current war in Darfur region.
    However, we genuinely believe that a comprehensive and lasting settlement in Darfur can not be fully achieved without addressing the whole package of root causes for Sudan conflicts in general such as the lack of equal power sharing, , the inequitable distribution of wealth, dis-acknowledgment of the Sudan diversities in the aspect of culture, ethnicity, and religion.
    Sudan is passing now a very curtail juncture in its history. Currently, Sudan has become the top agenda of the international community, however, we strongly believe that the responsible concern and support of the international community is definitely not sufficient without the contribution of the Sudanese themselves, therefore, we the Sudanese Diaspora (in The Netherlands) find it very important that our role has to be activated and stream lined with the efforts of the international community. This conference is a part of our very ambitious plan to maximize our input in favor of peace and sustainable development in our country
    The conference will address the following major issues:
     defining the political root causes behind the civil war in Darfur region try to initiate and develop the best resolutions to end the conflict and pave the way for a comprehensive settlement and lasting peace in the region.
     examining IGAD`s peace agreement between the government of Sudan and SPLM as a possible role model for resolving the case of Darfur and other possible potential conflicts in other parts of the county, such as Bega in eastern Sudan and the Nubian of the far North of the country.
     investigating the backgrounds of the conflict by examining the impact of the other non-political possible root causes of the conflict in Sudan in general: ethnicity, religion, culture, history and the problematic question of the national identity.
     encouraging and stimulating more involvement of the Dutch government and Dutch public opinion for the favour and benefit of the peace and development in Sudan.
     Stimulating and strengthening a constructive involvement of the Sudanese Diaspora in regard to the matters of peace building and sustainable development) in both pre and post conflict.

    List of the conference participants speakers:

    - Sudanese experts on different fields related to the topic of the conference:

    Dr. Sharif Harir, vice president of Sudan Federal Democratic Party-Darfur and former professor of Anthropology in University of Khartoum, and Bergen University- Norway, (confirmed).
    Dr. Abdalla Bola, Chairman of Sudan Human rights oranization in Paris, France, and former Lecturer on Art and Culture at Sudan University of Science and Technology, (confirmed)
    Mr. Abulgasim Idris, Ambassador of Sudan in the Netherlands, (confirmed).

    Mrs. Eman Abulgasim, Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM/SLA)-Darfur. (confirmed).
    Mr. Abdelwahid Mohamed Nour, Chairman SLM/SLA

    Dr. Nada Mustafa Ali, Sudanese academic and activist, (confirmed)

    Dr. Khalil Ibrahim, Chairman of Justice and Equality Movement (JEM)-Darfur,

    Dr. Mohamed Abusabib, Uppsala University, Lecturer on Islamic Art, (confirmed).

    Dr. Samson L. Kwaje, Commissioner for Information and Official Spokesman SPLM/SPLA, (confirmed).
    -International experts on issues related to Sudan case:
    Mr. Jan Bouke, Director campaigns, NOVIB (confirmed).
    Dr. Karin Willemse , Department of Non-Western History, Erasmus University Rotterdam, (confirmed).
    Mrs. Marina Peter, Sudan Focal point-Europe- Germany, (Confirmed).

    Mrs. Jemera Rone, researcher in the Africa Division of Human Rights Watch, Sudan desk, (confirmed).

    The invitation has been extended to:

    The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and other Dutch officials, some members of the Dutch Parliament, and Dutch International development and humanitarian assistance agencies (NGOS):
    And the invitation is open to all whom they might be concerned.

    The conference sessions will be moderated by the journalist Mr. Jos van Beurden.
    Dr. cora Dee is the rapporteur of the conference.

    The conference is managed by Salih Kaki and Mohamed Gamaleldin from NSON.

    *The conference is organized by New Sudan Organizations Network (NSON) and sponsored by NOVIB and ICCO.

    New Sudan Organizations Network (NSON)
    Van Ostadestraat 200-2526 GJ The Hague The Netherlands
    T:070-3888564 & 070-3809817- F:070-3888531. E: [email protected]- Giro: 9394805- KvK: 27252726


10-14-2004, 07:27 AM

abdalla BABIKER

تاريخ التسجيل: 09-14-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 2260

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مؤتمر دولي هام حول أزمة دارفور – لاهاي - هولندا (Re: Ahmad Sanad)

10-14-2004, 11:08 AM

Ahmad Sanad

تاريخ التسجيل: 12-13-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 433

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: مؤتمر دولي هام حول أزمة دارفور – لاهاي - هولندا (Re: abdalla BABIKER)

    تحيات مباركة للجميع و رمضان كريم.
    توقعوا البرنامج المفصل قريب،
    و نرجو ان يكون لقاءا مثمرا كما عمل له

10-14-2004, 04:43 PM

عبدالعظيم عبدالله
<aعبدالعظيم عبدالله
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-20-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 683

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: مؤتمر دولي هام حول أزمة دارفور – لاهاي - هولندا (Re: Ahmad Sanad)

    الاخ : Ahmad Sanad
    لك جزيل الشكر على الدعوة ولكننا في موقع لا نتمكن فيه من الحضور لذلك سيكون حضورنا برطنا من خلال التوصية النهائية للمؤتمر وربنا يوفقكم في كل ما هو خير للوطن .
    مع الود

10-15-2004, 05:41 AM

Ahmad Sanad

تاريخ التسجيل: 12-13-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 433

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مؤتمر دولي هام حول أزمة دارفور – لاهاي - هولندا (Re: عبدالعظيم عبدالله)

    Thank you very much Abdalla "rabana igbal doaak'.
    And thanks Abdelazim for your support

10-16-2004, 02:18 AM

Ahmad Sanad

تاريخ التسجيل: 12-13-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 433

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مؤتمر دولي هام حول أزمة دارفور – لاهاي - هولندا (Re: Ahmad Sanad)

    Darfur in The Hague for two days!

    International Conference
    October 23-24, 12.00 – 20.00 0’clock
    Carlton Beach Hotel, Room 1 first floor
    (Gevers Deynootweg 201)


    Dear brothers and sisters,

    You have indicated your intention to attend the International Conference on the Root Causes of the Crisis in Darfur. In this letter we pass some more information about the programme.

    The aim of the Conference is to have a genuine dialogue between Sudanese and others on the Darfur crisis and other problems of Sudan, and to come to commonly shared conclusions.

    The meeting is not meant as an academic conference with lengthy papers, but as an action oriented meeting meant for dialogue and agreements. Interventions by the speakers will be brief and to the point. At several moments the audience will be involved in the discussions.

    We have split up the programme into the following parts:


    After a warm welcome by a Sudanese and a non-Sudanese and a brief introduction to the Conference by the moderator, some speakers will be asked to focus on commonalities such as tolerance, hospitality, interdependency, intermarriage, mutual respect and recognition, conflict resolution at micro-level and other (multicultural) aspects. Reactions from the audience.

    Next the non-commonalities will be focussed at. A Sudanese will be interviewed extensively, followed by a panel discussion on his statement. Reactions from the audience.

    Can the negotiations and agreements reached so far between GoS and the SPLM in the South be a model to solve frictions in other parts of Sudan? Two speakers will answer this question, followed by a panel discussion and a discussion with the audience.

    Dinner from 17.30 – 18.30


    Before we go into the root causes of the conflict in Darfur, the humanitarian impact of the war in Darfur will be discussed. We try to have a direct line with someone in Darfur to pass the latest news on the situation there. There is ample room for interventions by the audience.

    (Sunday at noon)

    We now focus on the root causes of the crisis in Darfur, with contributions from GoS, SLA and JEM, with reactions from other speakers and the audience, and special attention for the differences and similarities between the situations in the South and in Darfur.

    Next we discuss possible solutions for the crisis in Darfur, again with contributions by GoS, SLA, JEM and one or two others, then to be selected. Here the audience will be involved too.


    We begin with the role of the Sudanese Diaspora, with special reference to the situation in The Netherlands. Someone will very briefly explain the waves in the coming of Sudanese refugees in the Netherlands and the growth of contacts between different Sudanese in the Netherlands since 1999.
    Then we discuss together possibilities for the Sudanese Diaspora.

    After this, the role of non-Sudanese will be discussed. We expect contributions about policies and practices of the Netherlands Government (including a report about the recent visit of the Troika to Sudan), of Dutch NGOs and public opinion. Europe and the USA will also be dealt with.

    Dinner 17.30 – 18.30


    A The Hague Declaration on the Crisis in Darfur will be prepared and discussed with the audience.

    Dear brothers and sisters,

    On both Saturday and Sunday the session starts at 12.00 o’clock. Apart from some tea breaks, on both days dinner will be served. Ramadan will be respected.

    As far as transport to the meeting hall in The Hague/Scheveningen is concerned, trams 1 and 9, and bus 22 all pass by it, the last station.

    We are quite confident that - with the presence of so many prominent, well-informed and committed speakers who represent all angles of the present problems of Sudan (see the list below) and with an audience, which also has many committed Sudanese and non-Sudanese amongst them - the conference can become quite meaningful and successful.

    It will be a pleasure to welcome you on Saturday the 23rd and Sunday the 24th,

    The organisers of the NSON,
    Mohamed Gamaleldin Hamid
    Salih Kaki

    List of the conference speakers:

    Dr. Sharif Harir, vice president of Sudan Federal Democratic Party-Darfur and former professor of Anthropology in University of Khartoum, and Bergen University- Norway.

    Dr. Abdalla Bola, Chairman of Sudan Human rights organisation in Paris, France, and former Lecturer on Art and Culture at Sudan University of Science and Technology, (confirmed)

    Mr. Abulgasim Idris, Ambassador of Sudan in the Netherlands, (confirmed).

    Mrs. Eman Abulgasim, Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM/SLA)-Darfur, (confirmed).

    Dr. Nada Mustafa Ali, Sudanese academic and activist.
    Dr. Khalil Ibrahim, Chairman of Justice and Equality Movement (JEM)-Darfur, (confirmed).

    Dr. Mohamed Abusabib, Uppsala University, Lecturer on Islamic Art, (confirmed).

    Dr. Samson L. Kwaje, Commissioner for Information and Official Spokesman SPLM/SPLA, (confirmed).

    Mr. Abdelwahid Mohamed Nour, Chairman SLM/SLA.

    Mr. Roeland van der Geer (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

    Dr. Karin Willemse , Department of Non-Western History, Erasmus University Rotterdam, (confirmed).

    Mrs. Marina Peter, Sudan Focal point-Europe- Germany, (confirmed).

    Mrs. Jemera Rone, researcher in the Africa Division of Human Rights Watch, Sudan desk, (confirmed).

    Drs Jos van Beurden, independent research journalist with special attention for the Horn of Africa and for the global preservation of cultural heritage

    Dr Corazon Dee, Economic Resource Centre for Migrants and Overseas Employees

10-16-2004, 11:58 PM

Ahmad Sanad

تاريخ التسجيل: 12-13-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 433

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مؤتمر دولي هام حول أزمة دارفور – لاهاي - هولندا (Re: Ahmad Sanad)


10-18-2004, 04:38 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 03-10-2002
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مؤتمر دولي هام حول أزمة دارفور – لاهاي - هولندا (Re: Ahmad Sanad)

    Salam Ahmed
    Thanks for the invitation, but i want to know which tram i have to take from the central station.
    many thanks

10-18-2004, 06:32 AM

Ahmad Sanad

تاريخ التسجيل: 12-13-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 433

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مؤتمر دولي هام حول أزمة دارفور – لاهاي - هولندا (Re: Halema2)

    Breaking News

    The conference might be postponed due to Abuja talks

10-18-2004, 02:04 PM

Ahmad Sanad

تاريخ التسجيل: 12-13-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 433

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مؤتمر دولي هام حول أزمة دارفور – لاهاي - هولندا (Re: Ahmad Sanad)

    Dear all,
    I regret to declare which might be unhappy news, that the Darfur conference ( which is planed to be held on 23-24 October in the Hague) is postponed due to the Abuja talks (between the GOS and Darfur movements SLM and JEM), the talks suppose to start on 21 October, this week. As soon as we decide the new date of the conference (will be soon) will inform you, and send you a new invitation. The goals of the conference, the participants and the content of its program will remain the same.
    I will still write to you again in details explaining the reason why we are postponing our conference, and when we plan to hold it.
    And please, we will keep in touch with you till that moment
    Let us hope that the Abuja talks reach its aim to bring peace to Sudan and Sudanese poeple.
    Mohamed Gamaleldin Hamid
    Chairman Darfur conference organizing committee

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