الخيار .....و الوصايا.....ودوامة الانشطار!!

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07-15-2004, 02:41 AM


تاريخ التسجيل: 02-05-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 4044

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
الخيار .....و الوصايا.....ودوامة الانشطار!!

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    عن معاذ بن جبل رضى الله عنه عن ابن عباس قال : كنا مع رسول الله في بيت رجل من الأنصار

    في جماعة فنادى منادِ : يا أهل المنزل .. أتأذنون لي بالدخول ولكم إليّ حاجة؟

    فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : أتعلمون من المنادي؟

    فقالوا : الله ورسوله أعلم

    فقال رسول الله : هذا إبليس اللعين لَعَنَه الله تعالى

    فقال عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه : أتأذن لي يا رسول الله أن أقتله؟

    فقال النبي : مهلاً يا عمر .. أما علمت أنه من المُنظَرين إلي يوم الوقت المعلوم؟ لكن افتحوا له الباب فإنه مأمور ، فافهموا عنه ما يقول واسمعوا منه ما يحدثكم

    قال ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما : فَفُتِحَ له الباب فدخل علينا فإذا هو شيخ أعور وفي لحيته سبع شعرات كشعر الفرس الكبير ، وأنيابه خارجة كأنياب الخنزير وشفتاه كشفتي الثور

    فقال : السلام عليك يا محمد .. السلام عليكم يا جماعة المسلمين

    فقال النبي : السلام لله يا لعين ، قد سمعت حاجتك ما هي

    فقال له إبليس : يا محمد ما جئتك اختياراً ولكن جئتك إضطراراً

    فقال النبي : وما الذي اضطرك يا لعين

    فقال : أتاني ملك من عند رب العزة فقال إن الله تعالى يأمرك أن تأتي لمحمد وأنت صاغر ذليل متواضع وتخبره كيف مَكرُكَ ببني آدم وكيف إغواؤك لهم ، وتَصدُقَه في أي شيء يسألك ، فوعزتي وجلالي لئن كذبته بكذبة واحدة ولم تَصدُقَه لأجعلنك رماداً تذروه الرياح ولأشمتن الأعداء بك ، وقد جئتك يا محمد كما أُمرت فاسأل عما شئت فإن لم أَصدُقَك فيما سألتني عنه شَمَتَت بي الأعداء وما شيء أصعب من شماتة الأعداء

    فقال رسول الله : إن كنت صادقا فأخبرني مَن أبغض الناس إليك؟

    فقال : أنت يا محمد أبغض خلق الله إليّ ، ومن هو على مثلك

    فقال النبي : ماذا تبغض أيضاً؟

    فقال : شاب تقي وهب نفسه لله تعالى

    قال : ثم من؟

    فقال : عالم وَرِع

    قال : ثم من؟

    فقال : من يدوم على طهارة ثلاثة

    قال : ثم من؟

    فقال : فقير صبور إذا لم يصف فقره لأحد ولم يشك ضره

    فقال : وما يدريك أنه صبور؟

    فقال : يا محمد إذا شكا ضره لمخلوق مثله ثلاثة أيام لم يكتب الله له عمل الصابرين

    فقال : ثم من؟

    فقال : غني شاكر

    فقال النبي : وما يدريك أنه شكور؟

    فقال : إذا رأيته يأخذ من حله ويضعه في محله

    فقال النبي : كيف يكون حالك إذا قامت أمتي إلى الصلاة؟

    فقال : يا محمد تلحقني الحمى والرعدة

    فقال : وَلِمَ يا لعين؟

    فقال : إن العبد إذا سجد لله سجدة رفعه الله درجة

    فقال : فإذا صاموا؟

    فقال : أكون مقيداً حتى يفطروا

    فقال : فإذا حجوا؟

    فقال : أكون مجنوناً

    فقال : فإذا قرأوا القرآن؟

    فقال : أذوب كما يذوب الرصاص على النار

    فقال : فإذا تصدقوا؟

    فقال : فكأنما يأخذ المتصدق المنشار فيجعلني قطعتين

    فقال له النبي : وَلِمَ ذلك يا أبا مُرّة؟

    فقال : إن في الصدقة أربع خصال .. وهي أن الله تعالي يُنزِلُ في ماله البركة وحببه إلي حياته ويجعل صدقته حجاباً بينه وبين النار ويدفع بها عنه العاهات والبلايا

    فقال له النبي : فما تقول في أبي بكر؟

    فقال : يا محمد لَم يُطعني في الجاهلية فكيف يُطعني في الإسلام

    فقال : فما تقول في عمر بن الخطاب؟

    فقال : والله ما لقيته إلا وهربت منه

    فقال : فما تقول في عثمان بن عفان؟

    فقال : استحى ممن استحت منه ملائكة الرحمن

    فقال : فما تقول في علي بن أبي طالب؟

    فقال : ليتني سلمت منه رأساً برأس ويتركني وأتركه ولكنه لم يفعل ذلك قط

    فقال رسول الله : الحمد لله الذي أسعد أمتي وأشقاك إلى يوم معلوم

    فقال له إبليس اللعين : هيهات هيهات .. وأين سعادة أمتك وأنا حي لا أموت إلي يوم معلوم! وكيف تفرح على أمتك وأنا أدخل عليهم في مجاري الدم واللحم وهم لا يروني ، فوالذي خلقني وانظَرَني إلي يوم يبعثون لأغوينهم أجمعين .. جاهلهم وعالمهم وأميهم وقارئهم وفاجرهم وعابدهم إلا عباد الله المخلصين

    فقال : ومن هم المخلصون عندك؟

    فقال : أما علمت يا محمد أن من أحب الدرهم والدينار ليس بمخلص لله تعالى ، وإذا رأيت الرجل لا يحب الدرهم والدينار ولا يحب المدح والثناء علمت أنه مخلص لله تعالى فتركته ، وأن العبد ما دام يحب المال والثناء وقلبه متعلق بشهوات الدنيا فإنه أطوع مما أصف لكم!

    أما علمت أن حب المال من أكبر الكبائر يا محمد ، أما علمت أن حب الرياسة من أكبر الكبائر ، وإن التكبر من أكبر الكبائر

    يا محمد أما علمت إن لي سبعين ألف ولد ، ولكل ولد منهم سبعون ألف شيطان فمنهم من قد وَكّلتُه بالعلماء ومنهم قد وكلته بالشباب ومنهم من وكلته بالمشايخ ومنهم من وكلته بالعجائز ، أما الشبّان فليس بيننا وبينهم خلاف وأما الصبيان فيلعبون بهم كيف شاؤا ، ومنهم من قد وكلته بالعُبّاد ومنهم من قد وكلته بالزهاد فيدخلون عليهم فيخرجوهم من حال إلي حال ومن باب إلي باب حتى يسبّوهم بسبب من الأسباب فآخذ منهم الإخلاص وهم يعبدون الله تعالى بغير إخلاص وما يشعرون

    أما علمت يا محمد أن (برصيص) الراهب أخلص لله سبعين سنة ، كان يعافي بدعوته كل من كان سقيماً فلم اتركه حتى زني وقتل وكفر وهو الذي ذكره الله تعالى في كتابه العزيز بقوله تعالى كمثل الشيطان إذ قال للإنسان أكفر فلما كفر قال إني بريء منك إني أخاف الله رب العالمين

    أما علمت يا محمد أن الكذب منّي وأنا أول من كذب ومن كذب فهو صديقي ، ومن حلف بالله كاذباً فهو حبيبي ، أما علمت يا محمد أني حلفت لآدم وحواء بالله إني لكما لمن الناصحين .. فاليمين الكاذبة سرور قلبي ، والغيبة والنميمة فاكهتي وفرحي ، وشهادة الزور قرة عيني ورضاي ، ومن حلف بالطلاق يوشك أن يأثم ولو كان مرة واحدة ولو كان صادقاً ، فإنه من عَوّدَ لسانه بالطلاق حُرّمَت عليه زوجته! ثم لا يزالون يتناسلون إلي يوم القيامة فيكونون كلهم أولاد زنا فيدخلون النار من أجل كلمة

    يا محمد إن من أمتك من يؤخر الصلاة ساعة فساعة .. كلما يريد أن يقوم إلي الصلاة لَزِمته فأوسوس له وأقول له الوقت باقٍ وأنت في شغل ، حتى يؤخرها ويصليها في غير وقتها فَيُضرَبَ بها في وجهه ، فإن هو غلبني أرسلت إليه واحدة من شياطين الإنس تشغله عن وقتها ، فإن غلبني في ذلك تركته حتى إذا كان في الصلاة قلت له انظر يميناً وشمالاً فينظر .. فعند ذلك أمسح بيدي على وجه وأُقَبّلَ ما بين عينيه وأقول له قد أتيت ما لا يصح أبداً ، وأنت تعلم يا محمد من أَكثَرَ الالتفات في الصلاة يُضرَب ، فإذا صلى وحده أمرته بالعجلة فينقرها كما ينقر الديك الحبة ويبادر بها ، فإن غلبني وصلى في الجماعة ألجمته بلجام ثم أرفع رأسه قبل الإمام وأضعه قبل الإمام وأنت تعلم أن من فعل ذلك بطلت صلاته ، ويمسخ الله رأسه رأس حمار يوم القيامة ، فإن غلبني في ذلك أمرته أن يفرقع أصابعه في الصلاة حتى يكون من المسبحين لي وهو في الصلاة ، فإن غلبني في ذلك نفخت في أنفه حتى يتثاءب وهو في الصلاة فإن لم يضع يده على فيه (فمه) دخل الشيطان في جوفه فيزداد بذلك حرصاً في الدنيا وحباً لها ويكون سميعاً مطيعاً لنا ، وأي سعادة لأمتك وأنا آمر المسكين أنا يدعَ

    الصلاة وأقول ليست عليك صلاة إنما هي على الذي أنعم الله عليه بالعافية لأن الله تعالي يقول ولا على المريض حرج ، وإذا أفقت صليت ما عليك حتى يموت كافراً فإذا مات تاركاً للصلاة وهو في مرضه لقي الله تعالى وهو غضبان عليه يا محمد

    وإن كنت كذبت أو زغت فأسال الله أن يجعلني رماداً ، يا محمد أتفرح بأمتك وأنا أُخرج سدس أمتك من الإسلام؟

    فقال النبي : يا لعين من جليسك؟

    فقال : آكل الربا

    فقال : فمن صديقك؟

    فقال : الزاني

    فقال: فمن ضجيعك؟

    فقال : السكران

    فقال : فمن ضيفك؟

    فقال : السارق

    فقال : فمن رسولك؟

    فقال : الساحر

    قال : فما قرة عينيك؟

    فقال : الحلف بالطلاق

    فقال : فمن حبيبك؟

    فقال : تارك صلاة الجمعة

    فقال رسول الله : يا لعين فما يكسر ظهرك؟

    فقال : صهيل الخيل في سبيل الله

    فقال : فما يذيب جسمك؟

    فقال : توبة التائب

    فقال : فما ينضج كبدك؟

    فقال : كثرة الاستغفار لله تعالي بالليل والنهار

    فقال : فما يخزي وجهك؟

    فقال : صدقة السر

    فقال : فما يطمس عينيك؟

    فقال : صلاة الفجر

    فقال : فما يقمع رأسك؟

    فقال : كثرة الصلاة في الجماعة

    فقال : فمن أسعد الناس عندك؟

    فقال : تارك الصلاة عامداً

    فقال : فأي الناس أشقي عندك؟

    فقال : البخلاء

    فقال : فما يشغلك عن عملك؟

    فقال : مجالس العلماء

    فقال : فكيف تأكل؟

    فقال : بشمالي وبإصبعي

    فقال : فأين تستظل أولادك في وقت الحرور والسموم؟

    فقال : تحت أظفار الإنسان

    فقال النبي : فكم سألت من ربك حاجة؟

    فقال : عشرة أشياء

    فقال : فما هي يا لعين؟

    فقال : سألته أن يشركني في بني آدم في مالهم وولدهم فأشركني فيهم وذلك قوله تعالى وشاركهم في الأموال والأولاد وَعِدهُم وما يَعِدهُم الشيطان إلا غروراً ، وكل مال لا يُزَكّى فإني آكل منه وآكل من كل طعام خالطه الربا والحرام ، وكل مال لا يُتَعَوَذ عليه من الشيطان الرجيم ، وكل من لا يتعوذ عند الجماع إذا جامع زوجته فإن الشيطان يجامع معه فيأتي الولد سامعاً ومطيعاً ، ومن ركب دابة يسير عليها في غير طلب حلال فإني رفيقه لقوله تعالي وأجلب عليهم بخيلك ورجلك

    وسألته أن يجعل لي بيتاً فكان الحمام لي بيتاً

    وسألته أن يجعل لي مسجداً فكان الأسواق

    وسألته أن يجعل لي قرآناً فكان الشعر

    وسألته أن يجعل لي ضجيعاً فكان السكران

    وسألته أن يجعل لي أعواناً فكان القدرية

    وسألته أن يجعل لي إخواناً فكان الذين ينفقون أموالهم في المعصية ثم تلا قوله تعالي إن المبذرين كانوا إخوان الشياطين

    فقال النبي : لولا أتيتني بتصديق كل قول بآية من كتاب الله تعالى ما صدقتك

    فقال : يا محمد سألت الله تعالى أن أرى بنى آدم وهم لا يروني فأجراني على عروقهم مجرى الدم أجول بنفسي كيف شئت وإن شئت في ساعة واحدة .. فقال الله تعالى لك ما سألت ، وأنا أفتخر بذلك إلي يوم القيامة ، وإن من معي أكثر ممن معك وأكثر ذرية آدم معي إلي يوم القيامة

    وإن لي ولداً سميته عتمة يبول في أذن العبد إذا نام عن صلاة الجماعة ، ولولا ذلك ما وجد الناس نوماً حتى يؤدوا الصلاة

    وإن لي ولداً سميته المتقاضي فإذا عمل العبد طاعة سراً وأراد أن يكتمها لا يزال يتقاضى به بين الناس حتى يخبر بها الناس فيمحوا الله تعالى تسعة وتسعين ثواباً من مائة ثواب

    وإن لي ولداً سميته كحيلاً وهو الذي يكحل عيون الناس في مجلس العلماء وعند خطبة الخطيب حتى ينام عند سماع كلام العلماء فلا يكتب له ثواب أبداً

    وما من امرأة تخرج إلا قعد شيطان عند مؤخرتها وشيطان يقعد في حجرها يزينها للناظرين ويقولان لها أَخرِجي يدك فتخرج يدها ثم تبرز ظفرها فتهتك

    ثم قال : يا محمد ليس لي من الإضلال شيء إنما موسوس ومزين ولو كان الإضلال بيدي ما تركت أحداً على وجه الأرض ممن يقول لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله ولا صائما ولا مصلياً ، كما أنه ليس لك من الهداية شيء بل أنت رسول ومبلغ ولو كانت بيدك ما تركت على وجه الأرض كافراً ، وإنما أنت حجة الله تعالي على خلقه ، وأنا سبب لمن سبقت له الشقاوة ، والسعيد من أسعده الله في بطن أمه والشقي من أشقاه

    الله في بطن أمه

    فقرأ رسول الله قوله تعالى : ولا يزالون مختلفين إلا من رحم ربك

    ثم قرأ قوله تعالى : وكان أمر الله قدراً مقدوراً

    ثم قال النبي يا أبا مُرّة : هل لك أن تتوب وترجع إلى الله تعالى وأنا أضمن لك الجنة؟

    فقال : يا رسول الله قد قُضِيَ الأمر وجَفّ القلم بما هو كائن إلى يوم القيامة فسبحان من جعلك سيد الأنبياء المرسلين وخطيب أهل الجنة فيها وخَصّكَ واصطفاك ، وجعلنى سيد الأشقياء وخطيب أهل النار وأنا شقي مطرود ، وهذا آخر ما أخبرتك عنه وقد صدقت فيه

    وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

07-18-2004, 11:37 PM


تاريخ التسجيل: 02-05-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 4044

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الخيار .....و الوصايا.....ودوامة الانشطار!! (Re: sudania2000)

    السلام عليكم
    اولا: الوصايا كثيرة من المصطفي عليه افضل الصلاة و اكرم التسليم...كلها تجملنا اذا اتبعناها بالفضائل و اكرم الاخلاق...بداء بصدق الحديث ....و حتي ....تكوين الاسرة و تفاصيل الحياة ,,,الي سدة الحكم...
    اما الخيار ...فهو ما نفعله نحن ....من تخطي ...واضح لكل القيم و الاخلاق ...ومخالفة للوصايا...
    عند ذلك يحدث الانشطار بين ما نريد ان نفعل و يسعدنا فعله ..وبين مايريده خالقنا ...وما يريدنا ان نفعل ...
    الهوة تكبر حينما يكبر الانشطار...نظل في هذه الدوامة ردحا من الزمن.....

07-19-2004, 00:46 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-05-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 4768

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الخيار .....و الوصايا.....ودوامة الانشطار!! (Re: sudania2000)

    الأخت سودانية .. لك التحية ..

    هذا الكلام فيه نظر .. لعدة وجوه منها أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم نهى عن لعن الشيطان وإنما أمر أن نستعيذ بالله منه.

    والثاني أن أمر إبليس قد قضى الله تعالى فيه "وإن عليك لعنتي إلى يوم الدين) .. ولا ينبغي لبشر أن يبدل كلام الله تعالى (ما يبدل القول لدي وما أنا بظلّام للعبيد) صدق الله العظيم.

    وقد وصلني هذا الموضوع بالإيميل قبل فترة فاستفسرت من المرسل عن المصدر .. فلم يستطع ذلك ورد بأنه تسلمه بالبريد كما هو فنقله لقائمته ..

    وأسأل مرة أخرى الدكتورة سودانية2000 .. أين يوجد هذا الحديث؟

    الحوارات التي قرات عنها والمثبتة التي حدثت بين الشيطان وبني آدم.. ما قرأته عنه:

    1) الشيطان الذي نادى في أهل منى إبان عقد بيعة العقبة بين النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ووفد الأنصار بزعامة سيدنا أسعد بن زرارة رضي الله عنه.

    2) الشيطان الذي أتي في هيئة شيخ نجدي وأغرى قادة قريش بالخروج إلى مصارعهم في موقعة بدر.

    3) والشيطان الذي أتي سيدنا أبا هريرة رضي الله عنه حين كان حارساً لتمر الصدقات ليلاً.

    لم أقرأ قصة أخرى ثابتة عن تخاطب الشياطين مع البشر .. ومن عنده زيادة فليتحفنا بها لنستزيد وأجره على الله.

    أخوكم ..

    (عدل بواسطة JAD on 07-19-2004, 00:52 AM)


07-24-2004, 05:33 AM


تاريخ التسجيل: 02-05-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 4044

للتواصل معنا

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الخيار .....و الوصايا.....ودوامة الانشطار!! (Re: JAD)

    روى يزيد الرقاشي عن أنس بن مالك قال: جاء جبريل إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في ساعةٍ ما كان يأتيه فيها متغيّر اللون، فقال له النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: (( مالي أراك متغير اللون )) فقال: يا محمد جئتُكَ في الساعة التي أمر الله بمنافخ النار أن تنفخ فيها، ولا ينبغي لمن يعلم أن جهنم حق، و أن النار حق، وأن عذاب القبر حق، وأن عذاب الله أكبر أنْ تقرّ عينه حتى يأمنها.

    فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: ((يا جبريل صِف لي جهنم ))

    قال: نعم، إن الله تعالى لمّا خلق جهنم أوقد عليها ألف سنة فاحْمَرّت، ثم أوقد عليها ألف سنة فابْيَضّت، ثم أوقد عليها ألف سنة فاسْوَدّت، فهي سوداء مُظلمة لا ينطفئ لهبها ولا جمرها ..

    والذي بعثك بالحق، لو أن خُرْم إبرة فُتِحَ منها لاحترق أهل الدنيا عن آخرهم من حرّها ..

    والذي بعثك بالحق، لو أن ثوباً من أثواب أهل النار عَلِقَ بين السماء و الأرض، لمات جميع أهل الأرض من نَتَنِهَا و حرّها عن آخرهم لما يجدون من حرها ..

    والذي بعثك بالحق نبياً ، لو أن ذراعاً من السلسلة التي ذكرها الله تعالى في كتابه وُضِع على جبلٍ لَذابَ حتى يبلُغ الأرض السابعة ..

    والذي بعثك بالحق نبياً ، لو أنّ رجلاً بالمغرب يُعَذّب لاحترق الذي بالمشرق من شدة عذابها .. حرّها شديد ، و قعرها بعيد ، و حليها حديد ، و شرابها الحميم و الصديد ، و ثيابها مقطعات النيران ، لها سبعة أبواب، لكل باب منهم جزءٌ مقسومٌ من الرجال والنساء .

    فقال صلى الله عليه وسلم: (( أهي كأبوابنا هذه ؟! ))

    قال: لا ، ولكنها مفتوحة، بعضها أسفل من بعض، من باب إلى باب مسيرة سبعين سنة، كل باب منها أشد حراً من الذي يليه سبعين ضعفاً ، يُساق أعداء الله إليها فإذا انتهوا إلى بابها استقبلتهم الزبانية بالأغلال و السلاسل، فتسلك السلسلة في فمه وتخرج من دُبُرِه ، وتُغَلّ يده اليسرى إلى عنقه، وتُدخَل يده اليمنى في فؤاده، وتُنزَع من بين كتفيه ، وتُشدّ بالسلاسل، ويُقرّن كل آدمي مع شيطان في سلسلة ، ويُسحَبُ على وجهه ، وتضربه الملائكة بمقامع من حديد، كلما أرادوا أن يخرجوا منها من غم أُعيدوا فيها .
    فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: (( مَنْ سكّان هذه الأبواب ؟! ))

    فقال: أما الباب الأسفل ففيه المنافقون، ومَن كفر مِن أصحاب المائدة، وآل فرعون ، و اسمها الهاوية ..

    و الباب الثاني فيه المشركون و اسمه الجحيم ..

    و الباب الثالث فيه الصابئون و اسمه سَقَر ..

    و الباب الرابع فيه ابليس و من تَبِعَهُ ، و المجوس ، و اسمه لَظَى ..

    و الباب الخامس فيه اليهود و اسمه الحُطَمَة ..

    و الباب السادس فيه النصارى و اسمه العزيز ، ثم أمسكَ جبريلُ حياءً من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، فقال له عليه السلام: ((ألا تخبرني من سكان الباب السابع ؟ ))

    فقال: فيه أهل الكبائر من أمتك الذين ماتوا و لم يتوبوا . فخَرّ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم مغشيّاً عليه، فوضع جبريل رأسه على حِجْرِه حتى أفاق، فلما أفاق قال عليه الصلاة و السلام: (( يا جبريل عَظُمَتْ مصيبتي ، و اشتدّ حزني ، أَوَ يدخل أحدٌ من أمتي النار ؟؟؟ ))

    قال: نعم ، أهل الكبائر من أمتك . ..

    ثم بكى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، و بكى جبريل ..

    و دخل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم منزله و احتجب عن الناس ، فكان لا يخرج إلا إلى الصلاة يصلي و يدخل و لا يكلم أحداً، يأخذ في الصلاة يبكي و يتضرّع إلى الله تعالى .

    فلما كان اليوم الثالث ، أقبل أبو بكر رضي الله عنه حتى وقف بالباب و قال: السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة، هل إلى رسول الله من سبيل ؟ فلم يُجبه أحد فتنحّى باكياً. .....

    فأقبل عمر رضي الله عنه فوقف بالباب و قال: السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة، هل إلى رسول الله من سبيل ؟ فلم يُجبه أحد فتنحّى يبكي. .

    فأقبل سلمان الفارسي حتى وقف بالباب و قال: السلام عليكم يا أهل بيت الرحمة، هل إلى مولاي رسول الله من سبيل ؟ فأقبل يبكي مرة، ويقع مرة، ويقوم أخرى حتى أتى بيت فاطمة ووقف بالباب ثم قال: السلام عليك يا ابنة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، وكان علي رضي الله عنه غائباً ، فقال: يا ابنة رسول الله ، إنّ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قد احتجب عن الناس فليس يخرج إلا إلى الصلاة فلا يكلم أحداً و لا يأذن لأحدٍ في الدخول ..

    فاشتملت فاطمة بعباءة قطوانية و أقبلت حتى وقفت على باب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ثم سلّمت و قالت : يا رسول الله أنا فاطمة ، ورسول الله ساجدٌ يبكي، فرفع رأسه و قال: (( ما بال قرة عيني فاطمة حُجِبَت عني ؟ افتحوا لها الباب ))

    ففتح لها الباب فدخلت ، فلما نظرت إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بكت بكاءً شديداً لما رأت من حاله مُصفرّاً متغيراً قد ذاب لحم وجهه من البكاء و الحزن ، فقالت: يا رسول الله ما الذي نزل عليك ؟!

    فقال: (( يا فاطمة جاءني جبريل و وصف لي أبواب جهنم ، و أخبرني أن في أعلى بابها أهل الكبائر من أمتي ، فذلك الذي أبكاني و أحزنني ))

    قالت: يا رسول الله كيف يدخلونها ؟!

    قال: (( بلى تسوقهم الملائكة إلى النار ، و لا تَسْوَدّ وجوههم ، و لا تَزْرَقّ أعينهم ، و لا يُخْتَم على أفواههم ، و لا يقرّنون مع الشياطين ، و لا يوضع عليهم السلاسل و الأغلال ))

    قالت: يا رسول الله كيف تقودهم الملائكة ؟!

    قال: (( أما الرجال فباللحى، و أما النساء فبالذوائب و النواصي .. فكم من ذي شيبةٍ من أمتي يُقبَضُ على لحيته وهو ينادي: واشَيْبتاه واضعفاه ، و كم من شاب قد قُبض على لحيته ، يُساق إلى النار وهو ينادي: واشباباه واحُسن صورتاه ، و كم من امرأة من أمتي قد قُبض على ناصيتها تُقاد إلى النار و هي تنادي: وافضيحتاه واهتك ستراه ، حتى يُنتهى بهم إلى مالك ، فإذا نظر إليهم مالك قال للملائكة: من هؤلاء ؟ فما ورد عليّ من الأشقياء أعجب شأناً من هؤلاء ، لم تَسْوَدّ وجوههم ولم تَزرقّ أعينهم و لم يُختَم على أفواههم و لم يُقرّنوا مع الشياطين و لم توضع السلاسل و الأغلال في أعناقهم !!

    فيقول الملائكة: هكذا أُمِرنا أن نأتيك بهم على هذه الحالة ...

    فيقول لهم مالك: يا معشر الأشقياء من أنتم ؟!

    وروي في خبر آخر : أنهم لما قادتهم الملائكة قالوا : وامحمداه ، فلما رأوا مالكاً نسوا اسم محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم من هيبته ، فيقول لهم : من أنتم؟ فيقولون: نحن ممن أُنزل علينا القرآن،ونحن ممن يصوم رمضان . فيقول لهم مالك: ما أُنزل القرآن إلا على أمة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ، فإذا سمعوا اسم محمد صاحوا : نحن من أمة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم .

    فيقول لهم مالك : أما كان لكم في القرآن زاجرٌ عن معاصي الله تعالى ... فإذا وقف بهم على شفير جهنم، ونظروا إلى النار وإلى الزبانية قالوا: يا مالك ائذن لنا نبكي على أنفسنا ، فيأذن لهم ، فيبكون الدموع حتى لم يبق لهم دموع ، فيبكون الدم ، فيقول مالك: ما أحسن هذا البكاء لو كان في الدنيا، فلو كان في الدنيا من خشية الله ما مسّتكم النار اليوم ..

    فيقول مالك للزبانية : ألقوهم .. ألقوهم في النار

    فإذا أُلقوا في النار نادوا بأجمعهم : لا إله إلا الله ، فترجع النار عنهم ، فيقول مالك: يا نار خذيهم، فتقول : كيف آخذهم و هم يقولون لا إله إلا الله؟ فيقول مالك: نعم، بذلك أمر رب العرش، فتأخذهم ، فمنهم من تأخذه إلى قدميه، ومنهم من تأخذه إلى ركبتيه، ومنهم من تأخذه إلى حقويه، ومنهم من تأخذه إلى حلقه، فإذا أهوت النار إلى وجهه قال مالك: لا تحرقي وجوههم فطالما سجدوا للرحمن في الدنيا، و لا تحرقي قلوبهم فلطالما عطشوا في شهر رمضان ... فيبقون ما شاء الله فيها ، ويقولون: يا أرحم الراحمين يا حنّان يا منّان، فإذا أنفذ الله تعالى حكمه قال: يا جبريل ما فعل العاصون من أمة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ؟ فيقول: اللهم أنت أعلم بهم . فيقول انطلق فانظر ما حالهم .

    فينطلق جبريل عليه السلام إلى مالك و هو على منبر من نار في وسط جهنم، فإذا نظر مالك على جبريل عليه السلام قام تعظيماً له ، فيقول له يا جبريل : ماأدخلك هذا الموضع ؟ فيقول: ما فَعَلْتَ بالعصابة العاصية من أمة محمد ؟ فيقول مالك: ما أسوأ حالهم و أضيَق مكانهم،قد أُحرِقَت أجسامهم، و أُكِلَت لحومهم، وبقِيَت وجوههم و قلوبهم يتلألأ فيها الإيمان .

    فيقول جبريل: ارفع الطبق عنهم حتى انظر إليهم . قال فيأمر مالك الخَزَنَة فيرفعون الطبق عنهم، فإذا نظروا إلى جبريل وإلى حُسن خَلقه، علموا أنه ليس من ملائكة العذاب فيقولون : من هذا العبد الذي لم نر أحداً قط أحسن منه ؟ فيقول مالك : هذا جبريل الكريم الذي كان يأتي محمداً صلى الله عليه وسلم بالوحي ، فإذا سمعوا ذِكْر محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم صاحوا بأجمعهم: يا جبريل أقرئ محمداً صلى الله عليه وسلم منا السلام، وأخبره أن معاصينا فرّقت بيننا وبينك، وأخبره بسوء حالنا .

    فينطلق جبريل حتى يقوم بين يدي الله تعالى ، فيقول الله تعالى: كيف رأيت أمة محمد؟ فيقول: يارب ما أسوأ حالهم و أضيق مكانهم .

    فيقول: هل سألوك شيئاً ؟ فيقول: يا رب نعم، سألوني أن أُقرئ نبيّهم منهم السلام و أُخبره بسوء حالهم . فيقول الله تعالى : انطلق فأخبره .....

    فينطلق جبريل إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو في خيمة من درّة بيضاء لها أربعة آلاف باب، لكل باب مصراعان من ذهب ، فيقول: يا محمد . . قد جئتك من عند العصابة العصاة الذين يُعذّبون من أمتك في النار ، وهم يُقرِئُونك السلام ويقولون ما أسوأ حالنا، وأضيق مكاننا .

    فيأتي النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى تحت العرش فيخرّ ساجداً ويثني على الله تعالى ثناءً لم يثنِ عليه أحد مثله ..

    فيقول الله تعالى : ارفع رأسك ، و سَلْ تُعْطَ ، و اشفع تُشفّع .

    فيقول: (( يا رب الأشقياء من أمتي قد أنفذتَ فيهم حكمك وانتقمت منهم، فشفّعني فيهم ))

    فيقول الله تعالى : قد شفّعتك فيهم ، فَأْتِ النار فأخرِج منها من قال لا إله إلا الله . فينطلق النبي صلىالله عليه وسلم فإذا نظر مالك النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قام تعظيماً له فيقول : (( يا مالك ما حال أمتي الأشقياء ؟! ))

    فيقول: ما أسوأ حالهم و أضيق مكانهم . فيقول محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم : (( افتح الباب و ارفع الطبق )) ، فإذا نظر أصحاب النار إلى محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم صاحوا بأجمعهم فيقولون: يا محمد ، أَحْرَقت النار جلودنا و أحرقت أكبادنا، فيُخرجهم جميعاً و قد صاروا فحماً قد أكلتهم النار فينطلق بهم إلى نهر بباب الجنة يسمى نهر الحيوان ، فيغتسلون منه فيخرجون منه شباباً جُرْدَاً مُرْدَاً مُكحّلين و كأنّ وجوههم مثل القمر ، مكتوب على جباههم "الجهنّميون عتقاء الرحمن من النار" ، فيدخلون الجنة فإذا رأى أهل النار أن المسلمين قد أُخرجوا منها قالوا : يا ليتنا كنا مسلمين وكنا نخرج من النار، وهو قوله تعالى :

    } رُبّمَا يَوَدُّ الَّذِينَ كَفََرَواْ لَوْ كَانُواْ مُسْلِمِينَ { [ الحجر:2 ]

    *و عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: (( اذكروا من النار ما شئتم، فلا تذكرون شيئاً إلا وهي أشد منه ))

    * و قال: (( إنّ أَهْوَن أهل النار عذاباً لَرجلٌ في رجليه نعلان من نار ، يغلي منهما دماغه، كأنه مرجل، مسامعه جمر، وأضراسه جمر، و أشفاره لهب النيران، و تخرج أحشاء بطنه من قدميه ، و إنه لَيَرى أنه أشد أهل النار عذاباً، و إنه مِن أهون أهل النار عذاباً ))

    * وعن ميمون بن مهران أنه لما نزلت هذه الآية : } وَ إِنَّ جَهَنّمَ لَمَوْعِدُهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ { [ الحجر:43 ] ، وضع سلمان يده على رأسه و خرج هارباً ثلاثة أيام ، لا يُقدر عليه حتى جيء به ..

    اللهم أَجِرْنَا من النار .. اللهم أجرنا من النار .. اللهم أجرنا من النار ..
    آمين . . آمين . . آمين

07-25-2004, 05:36 AM


تاريخ التسجيل: 02-05-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 4044

للتواصل معنا

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الخيار .....و الوصايا.....ودوامة الانشطار!! (Re: sudania2000)

    The Muslim Woman and Her Rabb TAKEN FROM THE IDEAL MUSLIMAH

    All praise is to Allah, we praise Him, seek His aid, and ask His
    forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves, and
    from the bad consequences of our deeds. Whoever Allah guides there is
    none who can lead him (or her) astray, and whoever Allah leads astray
    there is none who can guide him (or her).
    I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah alone
    without any partners (i.e. sons, daughters, wives, etc), and I
    testify that Muhammad ibn Abdullah (salAllahu Alayhe wa Salaam) [the
    direct descendant of Ibrahim (alayhe salaam) through his son Isma'eel
    (alayhe salaam)] is His last Prophet and Messenger.
    As for what follows...

    The Muslim Woman and Her Rabb
    The Believing Woman is Alert

    One of the most prominent distinguishing features of the Muslim woman is her deep faith in Allah (SWT), and her sincere conviction that whatever happens in this universe, and whatever fate befalls human beings, only happens through the will and decree of Allah (SWT); whatever befalls a person could not have been avoided, and whatever does not happen to a person could not have been made to happen. A person has no choice in this life but to strive towards the right path and to do good deeds - acts of worship and other acts - by whatever means one can, putting all his trust in Allah (SWT), submitting to His will, and believing that he is always in need of Allah's (SWT) help and support.

    The story of Hajar offers the Muslim woman the most marvellous example of deep faith in Allah (SWT) and sincere trust in Him. Ibrahim `May peace be upon him' (PBUH) left her at the Ka`bah in Makkah, above the well of Zamzam, at a time when there were no people and no water in the place. Hajar had no-one with her except her infant son Isma`il. She asked Ibrahim, calmly and with no trace of panic: "Has Allah (SWT) commanded you to do this, O Ibrahim?" Ibrahim (PBUH) said, "Yes." Her response reflected her acceptance and optimism: "Then He is not going to abandon us." Reported by Bukhari in Kitab al-Anbiya1

    Here was an extremely difficult situation: a man left his wife and infant son in a barren land, where there were no plants, no water, and no people, and went back to the distant land of Palestine. He left nothing with her but a sack of dates and a skin filled with water. Were it not for the deep faith and trust in Allah (SWT) that filled Hajar's heart, she would not have been able to cope with such a difficult situation; she would have collapsed straight away, and would not have become the woman whose name is forever remembered night and day by those who perform hajj and `umrah at the house of Allah (SWT), every time they drink the pure water of Zamzam, and run between the mounts of Safa' and Marwah, as Hajar did on that most trying day.

    This deep faith and awareness had an amazing effect on the lives of Muslim men and women: it awoke their consciences and reminded them that Allah (SWT) witnesses and knows every secret, and that He is with a person wherever he may be. Nothing gives a clearer idea of that consciousness and fear of Allah (SWT) at all times than the story of the young Muslim girl related in Sifat al-Safwah and Wafiyat al-A'yan and cited by Ibn al-Jawzi in Ahkam al-Nisa' (pp. 441, 442):

    "Narrated `Abdullah ibn Zayd ibn Aslam, from his father, from his grandfather, who said: `When I was accompanying `Umar ibn al-Khattab on his patrol of Madinah at night, he felt tired, so he leant against a wall. It was the middle of the night, and (we heard) a woman say to her daughter, "O my daughter, get up and mix that milk with some water." The girl said, "O Mother, did you not hear the decree of Amir al-Mu'minin (chief of the believers) today?" The mother said, "What was that?" The girl said, "He ordered someone to announce in a loud voice that milk should not be mixed with water." The mother said, "Get up and mix the milk with water; you are in a place where `Umar cannot see you." The girl told her mother, "I cannot obey Him (Allah) in public and disobey him in private." `Umar heard this, and told me: "O Aslam, go to that place and see who that girl is, and to whom she was speaking, and whether she has a husband." So I went to that place, and I saw that she was unmarried, the other woman was her mother, and neither of them had a husband. I came to `Umar and told him what I had found out. He called his sons together, and said to them: "Do any of you need a wife, so I can arrange the marriage for you? If I had the desire to get married, I would have been the first one to marry this young woman." `Abdullah said: "I have a wife." `Abd al-Rahman said: "I have a wife." `Asim said: "I do not have a wife, so let me marry her." So `Umar arranged for her to be married to `Asim. She gave him a daughter, who grew up to be the mother of `Umar ibn `Abd al-`Aziz.'"

    This is the deep sense of awareness that Islam had implanted in the heart of this young woman. She was righteous and upright in all her deeds, both in public and in private, because she believed that Allah (SWT) was with her at all times and saw and heard everything. This is true faith, and these are the effects of that faith, which raised her to the level of ihsan. One of the immediate rewards with which Allah (SWT) honoured her was this blessed marriage, one of whose descendants was the fifth rightly-guided khalifah, `Umar ibn `Abd al-`Aziz `May Allah be pleased with him' (RAA).

    The Aqeedah (faith) of the true Muslim woman is pure and clear, uncontaminated by any stain of ignorance, illusion or superstition. This Aqeeda is based on faith in Allah, (SWT) the One, the Most High, the Eternal, Who is able to do all things, Who is in control of the entire universe, and to Whom all things must return:

    ( Say: `Who is it in Whose hands is the governance of all things - Who protects [all], but is not protected [by any]? [Say] if you know.' They will say, `[It belongs] to Allah,' Say: `Then how are you deluded?') (Qur'an 23:88-89)

    This is the pure, deep faith which increases the character of the Muslim woman in strength, understanding and maturity, so that she sees life as it really is, which is a place of testing whose results will be seen on the Day which will undoubtedly come:

    ( Say: `It is Allah Who gives you life, then gives you death; then He will gather you together for the Day of Judgement about which there is no doubt': but most men do not understand.) (Qur'an 45:26)
    ( Did you then think that We had created you in jest, and that you would not be brought back to Us [for account]?) (Qur'an 23:115)

    ( Blessed is He in Whose hands is Dominion; and He over all things has Power - He Who created Death and Life, that He may try which of you is best in deed; and He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving.) (Qur'an 67:1-2)

    On that Day, man will be brought to account for his deeds. If they are good, it will be good for him, and if they are bad, it will be bad for him. There will not be the slightest injustice:

    ( That Day will every soul be requited for what it earned; no injustice will there be that Day, for Allah is Swift in taking account.) (Qur'an 40:17)

    The Balance (in which man's deeds will be weighed) will measure everything with the utmost precision, either in a person's favour or against him:

    ( Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good, see it! And anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil, shall see it.) (Qur'an 99:7-

    Nothing could be hidden from the Lord of Glory on that Day, not even if it were as insignificant as a grain of mustard seed:

    ( We shall set up scales of justice for the day of Judgement, so that not a soul will be dealt with unjustly in the least. And if there be [no more than] the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it [to account]: and enough are We to take account.) (Qur'an 21:47)

    No doubt the true Muslim woman, when she ponders the meaning of these ayat, would think about that crucial Day and would turn to her Lord in obedience, repentance and gratitude, seeking to do as many righteous deeds as she is able, in preparation for the Hereafter.

    She Worships Allah (SWT)

    It is no surprise that the true Muslim woman enthusiastically worships her Lord, because she knows that she is obliged to observe all the commandments that Allah (SWT) has enjoined upon every Muslim, male or female. So she carries out her Islamic duties properly, without making excuses or compromises, or being negligent.

    She Regularly Prays Five Times a Day

    She offers each of the five daily prayers at its appointed time, and does not let domestic chores or her duties as a wife and mother prevent her from doing so. Prayer is the pillar of the - whoever establishes prayer establishes faith, and whoever neglects prayer destroys the faith.2 Prayer is the best and most noble of deeds, as the Prophet `Peace and Blessing be upon him' (PBUH) explained in the hadith narrated by `Abdullah ibn Mas`ud (RAA):

    "I asked the Messenger of Allah (PBUH): `What deed is most beloved by Allah?' (SWT) He said, `To offer each prayer as soon as it is due.' I asked him, `Then what?' He said, `Treating one's parents with mercy and respect.' I asked him, `Then what?' He said, `Jihad (fighting) for the sake of Allah (SWT).'"3

    Prayer is the link between the servant and his (Rabb). It is the rich source from which a person derives strength, steadfastness, mercy and contentment, and it is a means of cleansing the stain of his or her sins:

    Abu Hurayrah (RAA) narrated:
    "I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) say: `What would you think if there were a river running by the door of any of you, and he bathed in it five times every day, would any trace of dirt be left on him?' The people said: `There would be no trace of dirt on him.' He said: `This is like the five daily prayers, through which Allah (SWT) erases sins.'"4 (Sharh al-Sunnah 2/175).

    Jabir (RAA) said:

    "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: `The five daily prayers are like a deep river flowing by the door of any of you, in which he bathes five times every day.'"5

    Prayer is a mercy, which Allah (SWT) has bestowed upon His slaves; they seek its shade five times a day and praise their Rabb (Lord), glorifying Him, asking for His help and seeking His mercy, guidance and forgiveness. Thus prayer becomes a means of purification for those who pray, men and women alike, cleansing them from their sins.

    `Uthman ibn `Affan (RAA) said:
    "I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) say: `There is no Muslim person who, when the time for prayer comes, performs wudu' properly, concentrates on his prayer and bows correctly, but the prayer will be an expiation for the sins committed prior to it, so long as no major sin has been committed. This is the case until the end of time.'"6 (Sahih Muslim 3/112).

    There are very many Hadith which speak of the importance of salah and the blessings it brings to the men and women who pray, and the rich harvest of benefits that they may reap thereby, every time they stand before Allah (SWT) in an attitude of humility and repentance.

    She May Attend the Jama`ah (Congregational)

    Prayer in the Mosque

    Islam has excused women from the obligation to attend the jama`ah prayer in the mosque, but at the same time, they are permitted to go out of the house to attend jama`ah on condition that they dress up well enough not to cause any temptation. Indeed, the first Muslim women did go out and pray in the mosque behind the Prophet (PBUH).

    `A'ishah (May Allah be pleased with her) said:
    "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to pray fajr, and the believing women would pray with him, wrapped up in their outer garments; then they would go back to their homes, and nobody would recognize them."7


    "The believing women used to attend fajr prayer with the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), wrapped up in their outer garments. Then they would go back to their homes after they had finished praying, and no one would recognize them because of the darkness."8

    The Prophet (PBUH) used to shorten his prayer if he heard a child crying, because he understood the concern the child's mother would be feeling. In a hadith whose authenticity is agreed upon he (PBUH) said:

    "I begin the prayer, intending to make it lengthy, but then I hear a child crying, so I shorten my prayer because I know the stress facing the mother because of his crying."9
    Allah (SWT) showed great mercy to women by sparing them the obligation to offer the five compulsory prayers in congregation in the mosque. If He had made this obligatory, it would have placed an intolerable burden on women, and they would not have been able to fulfil it, just as we see many men failing to pray regularly in the mosque and finding themselves with no other choice but to pray wherever they are, in the workplace or in the home. The woman's heavy burden of household chores and attending to the needs of her husband and children do not permit her to leave the house five times a day; it would be impossible for her to do so. Thus the wisdom behind the limiting of compulsory attendance at the mosque to men only becomes quite clear. Her prayer at home is described as being better for her than her prayer in the mosque, but Allah (SWT) gives her the freedom of choice: she may pray at home if she wishes, or she may go out to pray in the mosque. If she asks her husband for permission to go out to the mosque, he is not allowed to stop her, as the Prophet (PBUH) stated in a number of hadith, for example:

    "Do not stop your women from going to the mosque, although their houses are better for them."10
    "If the wife of any of you asks for permission to go to the mosque, do not stop her."11

    The men heeded the command of the Prophet (PBUH), and allowed their women to go to the mosque even if this was against their own wishes. There is no clearer indication of this than the hadith of `Abdullah ibn `Umar, in which he said:

    "One of `Umar's wives used to pray fajr and `isha' in congregation in the mosque. She was asked, `Why do you go out (to the mosque) when you know that `Umar dislikes this and is a jealous man?' She said, `What is stopping him from forbidding me (to do so)?' He said, `The words of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH): "Do not prevent the female servants of Allah (SWT) from attending the mosques of Allah (SWT)."'"12

    In accordance with the Prophet's teaching which allowed women to attend the mosque, and forbade men to stop them from doing so, the mosques were full of women coming and going, both at the time of the Prophet (PBUH), and whenever it was possible in the following periods. Women would come to pray, attend lectures and classes, and take part in the public life of Islam. This was the case from the time congregational prayer was prescribed for the Muslims. The Muslims used to pray in the direction of Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem), before the qiblah was changed to the Holy Ka`bah. When the command of Allah (SWT) to take the Ka`bah as their qiblah was revealed, the men and women who were praying were facing towards Palestine, so they turned to face the direction of the Ka`bah, which meant that the men and women had to change places.13

    The mosque was, and still is, the centre of light and guidance for Muslim men and women; in its pure environment acts of worship are performed and from its minbar messages of truth and guidance are transmitted. From the dawn of Islam, the Muslim woman has had her role to play in the mosque.

    There are many sahih reports, which confirm the woman's presence and role in the mosque. They describe how women attended salat al-jumu`ah, the eclipse prayer, and the Eid prayers, responding to the call of the muezzin to join the prayer.

    A report in Sahih Muslim tells us that Umm Hisham bint Harithah ibn al-Nu`man said:

    "I never learned `Qaf. Wa'l-Qur'an al-majid . . .', except from the Prophet (PBUH) himself. He used to recite it from the minbar every Friday, when he addressed the people."14

    Imam Muslim also narrates that the sister of `Amrah bint `Abd al-Rahman said:

    "I learned `Qaf. Wa'l-Qur'an al-majid . . .' from the Prophet (PBUH) himself on Fridays, when he used to recite it from the minbar every Friday."15

    The Prophet (PBUH) taught the Muslims to prepare themselves and present a neat and clean appearance at jumu`ah prayers by encouraging both men and women to take a shower (ghusl):

    "Whoever comes to jumu`ah, man or woman, should take a shower first."16

    Hadith reports also tell us that Asma' bint Abi Bakr (May Allah be pleased with her) attended the eclipse prayer (salat al-kusuf) with the Prophet (PBUH). She could not hear the Prophet's words clearly, so she asked a man who was nearby what he was saying. This hadith is reported by Bukhari from As' herself:

    "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) stood up to address us (after the eclipse prayer), and spoke about the testing that a person will undergo in the grave. When he mentioned that, the Muslims panicked somewhat, and this prevented me from hearing the latter part of the Prophet's speech. When the hubbub died down, I asked a man who was nearby, `May Allah bless you, what did the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) say at the end of his speech?' He said, `"It has been revealed to me that you will be tested in the grave with something similar in severity to the test (fitnah) of the Dajjal . . ."'17

    Bukhari and Muslim also narrate another report from Asma', in which she says:

    "There was a solar eclipse at the time of the Prophet (PBUH) . . . I finished what I was doing, then I came to the mosque. I saw the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) standing (in prayer), so I joined him. He stood for so long that I felt I needed to sit down, but I noticed a woman who looked weak and tired and said to myself: This woman is weaker than I, so I must continue to stand. Then he bowed, and remained in that position for a long time; then he raised his head and stood for such a long time that anyone who came in at this point would think that he had not yet bowed in ruku`. He completed the prayer when the eclipse was over, then he addressed the people, praising and glorifying Allah (SWT), and saying `Amma ba`d.'"18

    During that golden era, the time of the Prophet (PBUH), the Muslim woman knew about her religion and was keen to understand the events and affairs that concerned the Muslims in this world and the next. When she heard the call to prayer, she would rush to the mosque to hear the words of the Prophet (PBUH) from the minbar, guiding and teaching the people. Fatimah bint Qays, one of the earliest migrant women (muhajirat), said:

    "The people were called to prayer, so I rushed with the others to the mosque, and prayed with the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). I was in the first row of women, which was just behind the last row of men."19

    It is clear, from the sahih reports quoted above, that Muslim women attended the mosque on various occasions and that this attendance was an approved custom at the time of the Prophet (PBUH). Once, a woman was attacked on her way to the mosque, but this incident did not make the Prophet (PBUH) have any reservations about allowing women to go out to the mosque. He still allowed them to do so, and forbade men to prevent them, because there was so much benefit - spiritual, mental and otherwise - for them in attending the mosque from time to time.

    Wa'il al-Kindi reported that a woman was assaulted by a man in the darkness of the early morning, whilst she was on her way to the mosque. She shouted to a passer-by for help, then a large group of people came by, and she called to them for help. They seized the man to whom she had first called for help, and her attacker ran away. They brought the (innocent) man to her, and he said, "I am the one who answered your call for help; the other man got away." They brought him to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), and told him that this man had assaulted the woman, and they had seized him whilst he was running away. The man said, "I was the one who answered her call for help against her attacker, but these people seized me and brought me here." The woman said, "He is lying; he is the one who attacked me." The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "Take him away and stone him." Then a man stood up and said, "Do not stone him, stone me, for I am the one who did it." Now the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) had three people before him: the one who had assaulted the woman, the one who had answered her cries for help and the woman herself. He told the attacker, "As for you, Allah (SWT) has forgiven you," and he spoke kind words to the one who had helped the woman. `Umar said, "Stone the one who has admitted to the crime of adultery." The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "No, for he has repented to Allah (SWT)" - I think he said, "with an act of repentance so great that if the people of Madinah were to repent in this way, it would be accepted from them."20

    The Prophet (PBUH) appreciated the circumstances of the women who attended the congregational prayers, so he used to be kind to them and would shorten the prayer if he heard a child crying, so that the mother would not become distressed - as we have seen in the hadith quoted above (see p. 9). Once he delayed the `isha' prayer, and `Umar (RAA) called him saying:

    "The woman and children have gone to sleep." The Prophet (PBUH) came out and said, "No-one on earth is waiting for this prayer except you."21

    Many sahih reports describe how the Prophet (PBUH) used to organize women's attendance at congregational prayers, for example, the hadith reported by Muslim:

    "The best rows for men are those at the front, and the worst are those at the back; the best rows for women are those at the back, and the worst are those at the front."22
    Another hadith, reported by Bukhari, deals with giving the women room to leave the mosque before the men, after the prayer is over. Hind bint al-Harith said that Umm Salamah, the wife of the Prophet (PBUH), told her that at the time of the Prophet (PBUH), when the obligatory prayer was over, the women would get up to leave, and the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and the men who were with him would wait as long as Allah (SWT) willed. When the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) got up to leave, then the men would get up.23

    Bukhari and Muslim also report a hadith concerning how women should draw the imam's attention to something during the prayer by clapping. Sahl ibn Sa'd al-Sa'idi said:

    "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, `Why do I see you clapping so much? Whoever notices any error in my prayer should say "Subhan Allah ," for by doing so he will alert me to the error. Clapping is only for women.'"24

    The number of women who attended the mosque increased daily until - at the time of the Abbasids - they filled the courtyard of the mosque, and men would have no choice but to pray behind them. This was the verdict (fatwa) of Imam Malik, as recorded in al-Mudawwanah al-Kubra: Ibn al-Qasim said, `I asked Malik about people who come to the mosque and find the courtyard (of the mosque) filled with women, and the mosque itself filled with men: may those men pray with the imam behind the women?" Malik said: "Their prayer is valid; they do not have to repeat it."25

    But women's going out to the mosque should not be a cause of fitnah, and women should behave in accordance with Islamic teachings of purity of thought and behaviour. If for any reason there is the fear of fitnah associated with women's going out to the mosque, then it is better for women to pray at home, and they should do so. This is what is indicated by the hadith of Ibn `Umar, quoted above, in which the Prophet (PBUH) said:

    "Do not stop your women from going to the mosque, although their houses are better for them." (See p. 10)

    It appears that some men feared the possibility of fitnah, and took this as an excuse to forbid their women to go to the mosque. This is why the Prophet (PBUH) forbade men to prevent women from attending the mosque from time to time. This is what is indicated in the first part of the hadith quoted above. Other Hadith confirm the Prophet's keenness for women to attend gatherings in the mosque, for example, the report of Mujahid ibn `Umar:

    "The Prophet (PBUH) said: `Do not prevent the women from going to the mosque at night' One of the sons of `Abdullah ibn `Umar said, `We will not let them go out because it will give rise to deviation and suspicion.' Ibn `Umar rebuked him and said, `I tell you that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said such-and-such and you say, "No, we will not let them"!'"26
    Bilal ibn `Abdullah ibn `Umar reported from his father that the Prophet (PBUH) said: "Do not deny the women their share of the mosque, if they ask your permission." Bilal said, "By Allah (SWT), we will most certainly prevent them (from going to the mosque)!" `Abdullah (his father) said to him: "I tell you that the Messengeof Allah (PBUH) said such-and-such, and you say `We will most certainly prevent them'!"27

    The Prophet (PBUH) said:

    "Do not prevent your women from attending the mosque if they seek your permission to do so."28

    "Do not prevent the female servants of Allah (SWT) from attending the mosques of Allah (SWT)."29

    "If your womenfolk seek your permission to go to the mosque, then let them do so."30

    It is permissible for Muslim women to attend the gatherings of the Muslims in the mosque, and there is much to be gained from them doing so, but certain conditions apply to this permission, the most important of which is that the woman who goes to the mosque should not wear perfume or make-up. Zaynab al-Thaqafiyyah reported that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:

    "If any of you (women) wishes to attend `isha' prayer, she should not wear perfume that night."31

    Numerous other Hadith also forbid women to wear perfume when they go to the mosque, for example:

    "If any of you (women) goes to the mosque, she should not wear perfume."32
    "Any women who has perfumed herself with incense should not attend `isha' prayers with us."33

    She Attends Eid Prayers

    Islam has honoured woman and made her equal with man as regards obligatory acts of worship. Women are also encouraged to attend public gatherings on Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, so that they may take part in these blessed occasions. This is demonstrated in a number of Hadith reported by Bukhari and Muslim, in which we see that the Prophet (PBUH) commanded that all the women should come out on these occasions, including adolescent and prepubescent girls, those who usually remained in seclusion, and virgins; he even commanded that menstruating women should come out, to take part in the joyous occasion, but they were to keep away from the prayer-place itself. His concern that all women should attend the prayer on the two Eids was so great that he ordered the one who had more than one jilbab (outer garment) to give one to her sister who had none. In this way he encouraged both the attendance of all women at Eid prayers and mutual support and help to do good and righteous deeds.

    Umm `Atiyyah said:

    "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) commanded us to bring out to the Eid prayers the adolescent and prepubescent girls, those who usually remained in seclusion, and virgins, and he ordered those who were menstruating to keep away from the prayer-place."34
    "We (women) used to be commanded to go out on the two Eids, including those who usually stayed in seclusion, and virgins. The menstruating women went out too, and stayed behind the people, joining in the takbirat."35

    "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) commanded us to take them out on Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, the adolescent and prepubescent girls, the menstruating women, and those who usually remained in seclusion, so that they could share in the festive occasions of the Muslims, but the menstruating women were not to pray. I said, `O Messenger of Allah (PBUH), one of us does not have a jilbab.' He said, `Let her sister dress her in one of her own jilbabs.'"36

    Bukhari reports:

    "Muhammad ibn Sallam told us that `Abd al-Wahhab reported from Ayyub from Hafsah bint Sirin, who said: `We used to prevent our prepubescent girls from going out on the two Eids'".
    A woman came and stayed at the castle of Banu Khalaf, and reported something from her sister. Her sister's husband had taken part in twelve military campaigns with the Prophet (PBUH), and her sister herself had accompanied him on six of them. She said: "We used to take care of the sick and wounded." Her sister asked the Prophet (PBUH): "Is there anything wrong if one of us does not have a jilbab and never goes out for that reason?" He said: "Let her friend give her one of her jilbabs, so that she can come out and join the righteous gatherings of the Muslims."' Hafsah said: `When Umm `Atiyyah arrived, I went to her and asked her, "Did you hear the Prophet (PBUH) say that?" She said, "May my father be sacrificed for him, yes I did. [She never mentioned him without saying "may my father be sacrificed for him"]. I heard him say, `Let the young girls who usually stay in seclusion, or the young girls and those who usually stay in seclusion, and the menstruating women, go out and attend the righteous gathering of the believers, but let the menstruating women keep away from the prayer-place itself.'"' Hafsah said: `I asked her, "Even the menstruating women?" She said, "Yes, are menstruating women not present at `Arafah and on other occasions?"'"37

    Bukhari also narrates another report from Umm `Atiyyah, in which she says:

    "We used to be commanded to go out on the day of Eid, and we even brought the virgins out of their seclusion, and the menstruating women, who would stay behind the people, joining in their takbirat and du`a's, hoping for the blessing and purity of that day."38

    These sahih Hadith give a clear indication of the Prophet's concern for the intellectual and spiritual benefit of women. He ordered all the women to go out to the Eid prayer, including those who were menstruating, even though menstruating women are excused from praying and are not allowed to enter the prayer-place itself. But his call was addressed to all women, because of his concern that they should take part in these two blessed events and attend the righteous gathering of the Muslims, joining in the takbirat and du`a's, and being a part of the public life of Islam which is discussed in the khutbah following the Eid prayer.

    The Prophet (PBUH) was concerned with the teaching and guidance of women, and wanted them to play a part in building the Muslim society, so he devoted part of his khutbah to women. He would come to the place where the women were gathered, and exhort and remind them, and he made doing this a duty of the imam. We find this in a hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn Jurayj, who said:

    "`Ata' told me: "I heard Jabir ibn `Abdullah say: `The Prophet (PBUH) stood up on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr and led the people in prayer. He began the prayer before the khutbah. Then he addressed the people. When the Prophet of Allah (PBUH) had finished his khutbah, he came to the women and spoke to them, whilst leaning on Bilal's arm, and Bilal spread out his cloak for the women to put their sadaqah in it.'" I [Ibn Jurayj] said to `Ata', `Was it zakat al-fitr?' He said, `No, it was the sadaqah that they gave at that time; one woman threw her ring into it, then others followed her lead.' I said to `Ata', `Is it a duty nowadays for the imam to come to the women and address them when he has finished his khutbah?' He said, `It most certainly is. This is a duty on them (imams); what is wrong with them that they do not do that nowadays?'"39

    According to this hadith, the Prophet (PBUH) exhorted and reminded the women, and accepted the sadaqah that they themselves willingly gave. Another hadith, also narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn `Abbas (RAA) via Ibn Tawus adds that the Prophet (PBUH) also reminded the women of their bay`ah (oath of allegiance) and reconfirmed their adherence to it. Ibn `Abbas said:

    "I attended Eid prayers with the Prophet (PBUH), and (after his death) with Abu Bakr, `Umar and `Uthman. All of them used to perform the prayer before the khutbah. The Prophet (PBUH) came down (from the minbar) - and it is as if I can see him now, gesturing to them to sit down - then he would come through the crowd, until he reached the women. Bilal was with him, and he recited: ( O Prophet! When believing women come to you to take the oath of fealty to you, that they will not associate anything whatever with Allah . . .) (Qur'an 60:12), until the end of the ayah. Then he said, `Are you adhering to that?' Only one woman answered, `Yes, O Prophet of Allah (PBUH),' and he did not know at that time who she was40. He said, `Then give sadaqah,' and Bilal spread out his cloak. The Prophet (PBUH) said, `Come on, may my father and my mother be sacrificed for you!' So they began to throw their rings and jewellery onto Bilal's cloak."41

    There is no doubthat the Prophet (PBUH) addressed the women in the Eid prayer-place, reminding them about their religion, and that he took charity from them, reconfirmed their adherence to their oath of allegiance, enjoined them to remember the teachings of Islam, and motivated them to do good works. All of this was achieved by calling them to attend the congregational prayer on both Eids. This is indicative of the importance of congregational prayer in the life of the Muslim individual and the Islamic society.

    Although Islam does not oblige women to attend congregational prayer in the mosque, whenever women gather together, they are encouraged to offer the fard prayers in congregation. In this case, the one who is leading them in prayer should stand in the middle of the (first) row, not in front, and they do not have to recite the adhan or iqamah. This is what Umm Salamah, the wife of the Prophet (PBUH), used to do when she led other women in prayer.42

    She Prays Sunnah and Nafil Prayers

    The Muslim women does not limit herself to the five daily obligatory prayers; she also prays those sunnah prayers which the Prophet (PBUH) used to perform regularly (al-rawatib), and prays as many of the nafil (supererogatory) prayers as her time and energy allow. These prayers include salat al-duha, sunnah prayers following maghrib, and prayers offered at night. Nafil prayers bring a person closer to Allah (SWT), earn him or her the love and pleasure of Allah (SWT), and make him or her one of the victorious, obedient and righteous ones. There is no clearer indication of the great status attained by the believer who draws closer to Allah (SWT) by performing nafil deeds than the hadith qudsi:

    "My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works so that I will love him. When I love him, I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes, and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him; and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it."43

    Because of Allah's (SWT) love for His servant, that person will be loved by the inhabitants of heaven and earth, as is described in a report narrated by Abu Hurayrah in which the Prophet (PBUH) said:

    "When Allah (SWT) loves one of His servants, He calls Jibril and tells him: `I love so-and-so, so love him.' Then Jibril will love him, and will proclaim to the inhabitants of heaven: `Allah (SWT) loves so-and-so, so love him.' So the inhabitants of heaven will love him too, and he will be well accepted by the inhabitants of the earth. If Allah (SWT) hates one of His servants, He calls Jibril and tells him: `I hate so-and-so, so hate him.' Then Jibril will hate him and will proclaim to the inhabitants of heaven: `Allah (SWT) hates so-and-so, so hate him.' Then the inhabitants of heaven will hate him and he will also be detested by the inhabitants of earth."44
    The Prophet (PBUH) used to pray so much at night that his feet would become swollen. `A'ishah (May Allah be pleased with her) asked him: "Why do you do this, O Messenger of Allah (PBUH), when has forgiven all your past and future sins?" He answered, "Should I not be a grateful servant?"45

    The Prophet's wife Zaynab (May Allah be pleased with her) used to perform nafil prayers, and make them lengthy. She put up a rope between two columns (in the mosque), so that when she felt tired and exhausted she could lean against it and restore her energy. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) entered the mosque, saw the rope, and asked, "What is this?" The people told him, "It belongs to Zaynab: she prays, and when she feels tired, she leans against it." He said, "Untie it; let any of you pray as long as he has the energy to do so, and if he feels tired, he can sit down (or: let him sit down)."46

    A woman of Banu Asad, whose name was al-Hawla' bint Tuwayt, used to pray all night, and never sleep. One day she called on `A'ishah when the Prophet (PBUH) was present. `A'ishah told him, "This is al-Hawla' bint Tuwayt. They say that she never sleeps at night." The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "She never sleeps at night! Do only as much as you can, for by Allah (SWT), Allah (SWT) never gets tired, although you do."47

    The Prophet (PBUH) encouraged Muslim men and women to do more nafil deeds, but at the same time he told them to be balanced in their approach to worship, and disliked exaggeration therein. He wanted the Muslims to have a balanced personality, so that their worship would be enthusiastic, but consistent, and would not be so burdensome that people would not be able to persist in it. He also taught that the most beloved deed in the sight of Allah (SWT) is that which is done continuously, even if it is a little, as is stated in the hadith in which `A'ishah (May Allah be pleased with her) said:

    "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: ` The most beloved deed to Allah (SWT) is that which is continuous, even if it is little.'" If `A'ishah started to do something, she would adhere to it.48

    This attitude of keeping up the habit of doing righteous deeds was not confined to `A'ishah alone; it was the attitude of all members of the Prophet's household, and of those who were nearest and dearest to him. We see this in the hadith reported by Muslim from `A'ishah (May Allah be pleased with her):

    "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) had a mat which he used for making a compartment at night in which he would pray, and the people began to pray with him; he used to spread the mat during the day time. The people crowded around him one night. He then said, `O people, perform only such acts as you are capable of doing, for Allah (SWT) does not grow weary but you will get tired. The acts most pleasing to Allah (SWT) are those which are done continuously, even if they are small.' And it was the habit of the family of Muhammad (PBUH) that whenever they did any deed they did it continuously."49

    She Performs Her Prayers Properly

    The true Muslim tries hard to perform her prayers properly, with deep concentration and precision of physical movements. She thinks about the meaning of the ayat she is reciting, and the words of praise and glorification that she is uttering. Her soul is flooded with fear of Allah (SWT), and with gratitude to Him and sincere worship of Him. If the Titan happens to whisper some idea to her during the prayer, to distract her from concentrating properly, to keep him away she focuses on the words that she is reciting from the Qur'an, and the words of praise that she is uttering.

    The Muslim woman does not rush back to her housework and chores when she has finished her prayer. Rather, as the Prophet (PBUH) used to do, she asks Allah (SWT)'s forgiveness by saying "Astaghfir-Allah" three times, and repeats the du`a': "Allahumma anta al-salam wa minka al-salam, tabaraka ya dha'l-jalali wa'l-ikram (O Allah (SWT), You are Peace and from You comes peace, Blessed are You, O Lord of majesty and honour.)"50 Then she repeats the adhkar and du`a's that the Prophet (PBUH) is known to have recited after completing his prayer. There are many such adhkar51, one of the most important of which is to repeat "Subhan Allah" thirty-three times, "La ilaha ill-Allah" thirty-three times, "Allahu akbar" thirty-three times, then to complete one hundred with "La illaha ill-Allah wahdahu la shaika lah, lahu'l-mulk wa lahu'l-hamd, wa huwa `ala kulli shayin qadir." According to a sahih hadith, the Prophet (PBUH) said:

    "Whoever glorifies Allah (SWT) (says subhan Allah) after every prayer thirty three times, praises Allah (SWT) (says al-hamdu lillah) thirty three times, and magnifies Allah (SWT) (says Allahu akbar) thirty-three times, which adds up to ninety-nine, then completes one hundred by saying La illaha ill-Allah wahdahu la shaika lah, lahu'l-mulk wa lahu'l-hamd, wa huwa `ala kulli shayin qadir, his sins will be forgiven, even if they were like the foam of the sea."52

    Then she turns to Allah (SWT) humbly asking Him to correct all her affairs, in this world and next, and to bless her abundantly and guide her in everything.

    Thus the Muslim woman finishes her prayers, purified in heart and mind and reinvigorated with a dose of spiritual energy, which will help her to cope with the burdens of everyday life, knowing that she is under the protection of Allah (SWT). She will not panic if anything bad befalls her, nor will she become miserly if she enjoys good fortune. This is the attitude of those righteous women who pray and fear Allah (SWT):

    ( Truly man was created very impatient; Fretful when evil touches him; and niggardly when good reaches him. Not so those devoted to Prayer. Those who remain steadfast to their prayer; And those in whose wealth is a recognized right For the [needy] who asks and him who is prevented [for some reason from asking]) (Qur'an 70:19-25)

    She Pays Zakat on Her Wealth

    The Muslim women pay zakat on her wealth, if she is wealthy enough to be liable for zakat. Every year at a specified time, she calculates how much she owns and pays what she has to, because zakat is a pillar of Islam, and there can be no compromise or excuse when it comes to paying it every year, even if the amount comes to thousands or millions. It would never occur to the true Muslim woman to try to avoid paying some of the zakat that she is obliged to pay.

    Zakat is a clearly-defined financial obligation and act of worship which Allah (SWT) has enjoined upon every Muslim, man or women, who owns the minimum amount (nisab) or more. Withholding zakat, or denying that it is obligatory, is tantamount to apostasy (riddah) and kufr, for which a person may be fought and even killed, until or unless he pays in full as required by Islam. The words of Abu Bakr (RAA) concerning the apostates who withheld their zakat echo down the centuries to us: "By Allah (SWT) I will fight whoever separates salat from zakat."53

    These immortal words demonstrate the greatness of this religion, which made the connection between "religious" and "secular" affairs, and reveal Abu Bakr's deep understanding of the nature of this integrated, holistic way of life, which combines abstract beliefs with the practical application of their principles. Many ayat of the Qur'an confirm the interdependence of salat and zakat in the structure of faith . . .Those who establish regular prayer and regular charity . . .) (Qur'an 5:55) ( And be steadfast in prayer: practise regular charity.) (Qur'an 2:43) ( . . . [those who] . . . establish prayers and regular charity) (Qur'an 2:277)

    It is clear to the true Muslim woman that Islam - although it has given her the right to financial independence, and has not obliged her to support herself or others, which is, rather, the duty of men - has indeed enjoined zakat on her, and has made zakat a right to which the poor are entitled. So the Muslim woman would not hesitate to pay it in the ways prescribed by shari`ah. She cannot claim to be excused because she is a woman and no woman is obliged to spend on others. Any woman who makes such a claim has a poor understanding of Islam, her faith is weak and there is some fault in her personality. Or else she is a woman who appears to be religious, but she is ignorant and negligent, or is stingy and loves money, and it would never occur to her to pay zakat even though she fasts, prays and performs Hajj, and occasionally gives a small charitable donation from her great wealth. These types of women - ignorant or stingy - are nothing like the true Muslim woman as envisaged by Islam.

    قراءة في كتاب IDEAL MUSLIMAH

    (عدل بواسطة sudania2000 on 07-25-2004, 05:46 AM)
    (عدل بواسطة sudania2000 on 07-25-2004, 05:46 AM)


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