Eid Mobarak - be a courteous and defensive driver

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01-18-2005, 01:27 AM

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Eid Mobarak - be a courteous and defensive driver

    As we begin the Holiday Weekend, please remember
    to be a courteous and defensive driver. As a reminder,
    please review the following important "Traffic Dos and

    To avoid or prevent an accident on today‘s heavily
    traveled roads, it‘s critical to follow safe driving
    practices every time you get behind the wheel.
    Almost all accidents occur because a driver made
    an error in judgment or disobeyed a traffic law. To
    ensure your safety—and that of your passengers and
    others sharing the road with you—make safe driving
    a habit by following these traffic dos and don‘ts.

    Studies show that speeding doesn‘t significantly
    reduce your travel time. Speeding does, however,
    greatly increase your chance of being involved in a
    fatal accident. Always observe the posted speed
    limit—it was developed with your safety in mind.

    Don‘t let distractions, such as chatting on a mobile
    phone, conversing with passengers, or munching on
    a snack, interfere with your concentration on the
    road. If you must eat or talk to passengers or mobile
    phone callers, pull safely off to the side of the road
    and stop before doing so.

    Always fasten your seat belt securely before putting
    your foot to the pedal, and make sure all your
    passengers are also buckled up. When driving with
    children, make sure each child is properly restrained
    in an age–appropriate safety seat in the back seat.

    At minimum, use the 2-second rule: Allow a 2-
    second interval as the car in front of you passes a
    fixed object. Count “one-thousand one, one thousand
    two.” If you pass the fixed object before
    you‘ve finished counting, you‘re following too

    Driving safely sometimes means controlling your
    emotions. Don‘t let aggressive drivers provoke you
    into driving recklessly. Reacting in anger only
    increases the danger for all road users. Be courteous
    so that we all can reach our destinations safely.

    Stop signs are placed at intersections for the safety
    of all road users. Never ignore stop signs or roll
    through them. After you stop, look in both
    directions and then left again before proceeding.

    Many fatal accidents occur when drivers disobey
    traffic signals. Always approach intersections at a
    safe speed. Slow down and be prepared to stop
    when the light changes to yellow. If the light
    changes to yellow while your vehicle is in the
    intersection, maintain a safe speed through the

    These simple, commonsense traffic rules map out
    your road to safety. Following them helps ensure a
    safe journey for you and everyone who shares the
    road with you.

    From LP/Saudi Aramco

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