نادية البنا و نور الدين مدني

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10-25-2015, 07:20 PM

صور سودانيزاونلاين
<aصور سودانيزاونلاين
تاريخ التسجيل: 09-12-2013
مجموع المشاركات: 242

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
نادية البنا و نور الدين مدني

  • عقار و جبريل قتلا احلام المهمشين ..!! بقلم اسماعيل عبد الله
  • شنو كدا..!! بقلم نور الدين محمد عثمان نور الدين
  • لماذا يعيب يار عرمان علي قادة الحركات المسلحة تاريخهم مع النظام وينسي نفسه؟ بقلم محمد علي الكوستاوي
  • هل من منتظر بقلم حسن العاصي كاتب فلسطيني مقيم في الدانمرك
  • الحالة النضالية الفلسطينية بين البرنامج الراسمالي والخيار الشعبي بقلم سميح خلف
  • احمد خضير شمر ليبرتي بقلم صافي الياسري
  • لابد من تطبيق حد السرقة وحد الافساد في الارض علي مختلسي المال العام بقلم د محمد علي الكوستاوي
  • ساعي الريال المقدود..!! بقلم عبد الباقى الظافر
  • وتنفجر (عفناً) !! بقلم صلاح الدين عووضة
  • (حللوهم..سريعاً) بقلم الطاهر ساتي
  • منصور خالد والعداء للإسلام (1) بقلم الطيب مصطفى
  • الفكر و مآلات الحوار الوطني بقلم زين العابدين صالح عبد الرحمن
  • نبوة مسيلمة بقلم حماد صالح
  • الحركة الشعبية : اختلاف الحلفاء!! بقلم حيدر احمد خيرالله
  • ملاحظات حول مشروعي التقرير السياسي والبرنامج المقدمان للمؤتمر السادس للحزب الشيوعي بقلم عمر الشريف
  • الآن الكورة فى قدم الشعب بقلم عمر الشريف
  • باب النجار مخلع يا مزمل بقلم كمال الهِدي
  • الحالمون بغداً افضـل !! بقلم ودكرار احمد
  • حلايب... قوة عين المصريين و ضعف نظام البشير! بقلم عثمان محمد حسن
  • سيارات وشاحنات وحافلات في المزاد بربع قيمتها بقلم د. بخيت النقر البطحاني
  • الانتفاضة الثالثة انتفاضة الكرامة (15) مراسم وفاة ودفن الانتفاضة بقلم د. مصطفى يوسف اللداوي
  • Presidential Assistant: Any Party Wants to Join Dialogue shall be Registered or Informed about Regi
  • Campaign of Publications Confiscation by the Sudanese Authorities
  • Nearly 200,000 South Sudanese refugees in Sudan
  • NC: FATF Decision is new impetus for Sudan cooperation with world
  • Statement by the Chairman of the Sudan Revolutionary Front:Malik Agar
  • Sudan participates in the First Arab Ministerial Population Forum
  • Measles cases in Sudan five times the annual average: Unicef
  • Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Oct 22
  • Sudan starts releasing blocked Unamid supplies
  • UN: 30,000 South Sudanese Near Death by Starvation
  • European Union Ambassadors visit refugee camps and discuss human smuggling and trafficking in Kassa
  • Umma Party opposes Sudan’s participation in Yemen war
  • Sudan's Merowe Dam affected call for 'new government'
  • 24 Egyptian fishermen freed in Tunisia, Sudan
  • Opposition forces boycott Sudan's National Dialogue
  • Concerns about food gap, price rises in Sudan
  • UN approves a one-year extension of the African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur
  • Sudan’s President calls for more religious coexistence to achieve the common interests
  • Sudan condemns the assassination of the Egyptian Attorney General
  • Russian Foreign Minister invites his Sudanese counterpart to visit Moscow in September
  • All preparations completed for resuming the national dialogue: Sudan ruling party
  • UNHCR and partners alarmed at the upsurge in the number of South Sudanese fleeing into Sudan
  • Statement No. (22) The SPLM and the repercussions of the war in the republic of South Sudan
  • Sudan’s security prevents the opposition from flying to Paris to attend EU parliament hearing
  • 150, 000 South Sudanese refugees arrive to Sudan
  • We solve "Abyei" crisis in accordance with the agreements with Khartoum: South Sudan
  • The Transparency International’s team plans to visit Sudan
  • The coming period will witness more freedoms: Sudan’s Information Minister
  • Two Russians kidnapped in Sudan's Darfur have freed: Russia's foreign ministry
  • South Sudan’s rebels seize control of key oilfields in the country’s north
  • Contacts with the armed groups to join the peace process: the head of Darfur Authority
  • Sudanese tribal chief stresses that the social reconciliation is necessary to end Darfur’s conflict
  • Amnesty International appeals Sudan’s Security to free all detainees
  • UN expresses its grave concern over the security and humanitarian situation in South Sudan
  • Sudan participate in African neighboring countries conference
  • Russia supports Sudan militarily to combat terrorism
  • Sudan president to visit Beijing in response to his Chinese counterpart invitation
  • Sudan may be supplying arms to the rebels in South Sudan: report says
  • Ki-moon calls on South Sudan to reverse its decision to expel UN chief coordinator
  • Sudan accuses organizations of seeking ban on the gold exports
  • Sudan’s president makes significant changes in the army
  • Sudan’s Parliament stresses the importance of the national dialogue
  • Sudan’s ruling party describes EU and US stances on the elections as “unjustifiable”
  • Sudan: Urgent Action on Adil Ibrahiem Bakheit from Amnesty International
  • Nearly 8 million children in Sudan to be vaccinated against measles
  • Sudan’s president fails to get clearance to fly in airspace to travel to Indonesia
  • We will not recognize the elections’ results: Sudan’s opposition
  • Sudanese human rights defender detained on baseless charges and others at risk after armed raid on
  • Sudanese security confiscates copies of Al-Youm al-Tali newspaper
  • Urgent safety concern for activist Sandra Kodouda kidnapped in Sudan
  • Detentions, civil society closures, media restrictions on eve of Sudan elections Sudan lacks conduc
  • Sudanese opposition leaders Abu Eisa, Madani, and El Agar released
  • Sudan’s authorities release two opposition figures
  • Sudan pushes back elections n South Kordofan state
  • Sudan rebels ready to repel new govt. offensive in South Kordofan
  • Sudan’s Darfur’s Nyala to be monitored by electronic surveillance
  • Sudanese security agents beat up lawyers in Khartoum
  • Sudan govt. not serious about National Dialogue: rebel leader
  • Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan sign agreement on Renaissance Dam
  • Joint Statement on the National Dialogue in Sudan by U.S. State Department
  • Security agents thwart anti-election forum in Port Sudan
  • South Sudan Rebel Group Releases Child Soldiers
  • Nine medical students were born in UK and studied medicine in Sudan
  • Missing British-Sudanese medics had humanitarian motives
  • France denies Darfur rebel leader Nour the permanent residence in its territory: Sudan’s Foreign Mi
  • International agents behind Arab, African extremism
  • Nine British medics enter Isis stronghold to work in hospitals
  • President speeches, opposition raided in Sudan
  • South Sudan warlord offers abducted boys sit exams - UN envoy
  • Population Under Pressure in South Sudan Opposition Territory
  • China supplies South Sudan with weapons to protect its oil fields
  • Sudan detainee El Agar needs eye surgery
  • Sudan hit by severe shortage of flour
  • Sudan’s army says that it killed 60 rebels in fighting in Southern Kordofan
  • SPLM-N leadership: Sudan Deserves a New Peace
  • Sustainable fisheries project launched for Sudan’s Red Sea State
  • Sudanese army says it repels SPLM-N attack on Southern Kordofan
  • The Secretary-General Remarks at the opening session of the Commission on the Status of Women
  • A presidential pardon to release Sudan’s opposition figures within days
  • Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia meet in Khartoum to discuss the Ethiopian dam
  • German delegation briefs Sudan officials on Berlin forum
  • Sudan can solve the crisis in Juba: South Sudan’s Parliament says
  • Trial postponed against Leave! campaigners in eastern Sudan
  • Sudan Appeal signatories ready to discuss dialogue in Addis
  • We will achieve peace this year by negotiation or war: Sudan’s president
  • Displaced leaders asked to vote for Sudan's ruling party
  • Khartoum and Addis Ababa agree to start public transport service
  • Civil society to Germany: Sudan continues atrocities
  • Freedoms severely curtailed in Sudan in 2014: Amnesty
  • Security detains anti-dam activist in northern Sudan
  • Sudan's Interior Minister meets with the Speaker of Ethiopian Parliament
  • National Congress Party official killed in eastern Sudan
  • China announces that it will continue to support South Sudan peace process
  • Three die in militia attacks in South and North Darfur
  • Sudan and Kuwait negotiate help Zain repatriate $280 million worth of Sudanese pounds
  • Darfur displaced invite US Deputy Secretary of State to visit their camps
  • Sudan suggests many investment projects for UAE businessmen
  • National Liberation and Justice Party launched in Sudan’s capital
  • Sudan’s court refuses to release opposition leaders on a regular bail
  • Sudan: Court session against Abu Eisa, Madani turns into political rally
  • Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia receive offers for Nile dam studies
  • Offers from firms to conduct technical studies on the Ethiopian dam
  • Mass deportation starts at new dam sites in eastern Sudan
  • Abu Dhabi Fund grants Sudan $ 90 million loan to complete dams
  • African Commission requested to intervene in Abu Eisa, Madani trial
  • Emirati-Sudanese coordination to contain situation in Libya
  • Church fights confiscation, closure in Sudan’s capital
  • The fighting in Darfur displaced more than 41,000 since late December: UN
  • Two Russia abducted in Darfur’s Sudan are alive: Moscow
  • Tribal reconciliation talks begin in Sudan
  • Sudan’s president calls on Russian and American investors to invest in the country
  • Dozens injured as Sudanese students clash
  • Sudan security agents confiscate print runs of 14 newspapers
  • Sudan seizes print runs of 13 newspapers: watchdog
  • The dialogue conference kicks off this week: Sudan’s Government
  • Sudan security detains anti-election supporters in Sennar
  • Sudan’s opposition welcomes HRW’s confirmation of Darfur mass rape
  • Sudan refers the case of the two political detainees to the court
  • Sudan’s Communist Party condemns NCP accusations
  • South Sudan’s rebel’s fighters bombard government positions
  • Leave! campaign to be intensified: Umma Party official
  • Sudan: Abu Eisa unbroken by detention, Madani hospitalised too
  • LJM ex-rebels continue integration process into Sudan’s army
  • Sudan’s president scoffed at the campaign launched by the opposition to boycott the elections
  • Woman raped on farm in North Darfur
  • Sudan’s opposition visits the detained leading opposition figures
  • Thirst in North Darfur’s Shangil Tobaya camps
  • Sudan is holding Abu Eisa, Madani hostage: lawyer
  • Sudanese El Midan gagged for 10th time
  • NCF to launch campaign against Sudan’s April elections
  • Zuma finalizes an agreement for co-operation in a number of fields with Sudan
  • 10th anniversary of The Massacre marked in Port Sudan
  • Sudan’s El Midan daily gagged by security again
  • Political parties, civil society sign Sudan Appeal in Omdurman
  • New charges against Sudanese Communist Party’s newspaper
  • Sudan security summons El Midan's editor-in-chief
  • Arab campaign for release of detainees in Sudan, El Mahdi charged
  • Another El Midan print-run confiscated by Sudan’s security
  • Al Bashir is uniting Sudan with his hate speeches: Umma Party leader
  • More advocacy needed for Sudan Appeal: Sudanese Communist Party's
  • Sudanese Communist Party Appeal for Solidarity
  • Sudanese Communist Party Urgent Call for Solidarity.. New Wave of Repression in Sudan
  • 4 charged with crimes against the state for printing and distribution of Communist Party Statement
  • Political consensus forces describe Presidential address as passive
  • Sudanese Communist Party says solution for homeland crisis lies in bringing down regime
  • Sudanese Solidarity Committee denounces security raid on communist party premises
  • Sudanese Communist Party: ruling party hides planning failure
  • Yousif: We will not be “comparsa” to reproduce national congress
  • A National Dialogue, or a National (Congress Party) Monologue؟
  • Sudan’s 2015 elections: an ominous deja vu؟
  • Government and SPLM to resume talks in Ababa talks
  • Sudan opposition suspends parties for joining National Dialogue
  • Opposition sceptical as Sudan security announces release of political detainees
  • ‘Sudan dialogue is meeting between Islamists’: rebel leader
  • Dr. Al-Sadeq Al-Hadi Al-Mahdi: Sudanese Communist Party involved in Al-Gezira Aba massacres
  • Sudanese famous poet dies at 66 in Omdurman on Wednesday
  • Al-Maidan Communist newspaper to resume publishing soon
  • Issues No. 6 and 7 of the Sudan Human Rights and Humanitarian Bulletin covering the periods 01 to 1
  • Sudanese Communist Party says solution for homeland crisis lies in bri
  • Political consensus forces describe Presidential address as passive


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