The South Sudan Women’s Protocol بروتوكول نساء جنوب السودان الخاص بمسودة الدستور الانتقالى

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05-16-2011, 03:38 PM

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
The South Sudan Women’s Protocol بروتوكول نساء جنوب السودان الخاص بمسودة الدستور الانتقالى

    كما عوّدننا دائما، فان نساء جنوب السودان يواصلن فى لعب أدوار هامة، لأجل أن تكون حقوق النساء و قضايا النوع من الأولويات فى الدولة الوليدة، فالتحية و التقدير لهن.

    أدناه بروتوكول نساء جنوب السودان، الذى اصدره تحالف نساء جنوب السودان، و هو يحوى ملاحظات على مسودة الدستور الانتقالى لجنوب السودان (2011) و مقترحات لتعديل او اضافة فقرات لمسودة الدستور.

    ادناه ايضا رسالة من الاستاذة ليليان رزق حول اهمية ضمان حقوق النساء فى الدستور و فى الدولة الوليدو


    The South Sudan Women’s Protocol to the Draft Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan (DTC2011)

    The Coalition of South Sudanese Women
    |New Sudan Palace, Juba |
    May 15, 2011
    Aware that the Constitution making process for the Republic of South Sudan is in very advanced stage;
    Noting that the provisions are quite silent in reflecting the concerns of the women and girls of South Sudan;
    Concerned that omission of women and girls specific clauses in the draft Constitution is a gross act of negligence;
    Recalling that women and men equally sacrificed and committed their lives for the independent of South Sudan;
    Noting further that the inclusion of these concerns is very critical for stability, peace, reconciliation and development of South Sudan;
    Therefore, We the women from all the States of South Sudan present at the New Sudan Palace deliberating in a two days consultative meeting to share our concerns and aspirations for the Constitution humbly propose as follows:
    1) That the current 25% representation is moved to 30% in compliance with the Presidents pronouncements and commitments
    2) That a gender specific language is to be used to make references to men and women rather than “people” which is general and misleading?
    3) That the draft Constitution be simplified and translated into the local languages immediately, and massive civic education be undertaken.
    4) That Affirmative action of the 30% includes all sectors (education, statutory body appointments,
    5) The government of the SS should adopt relevant international human rights instruments that the RoS had acceded to or ratified.
    6) That the age of majority and thus marriage is expressly put at 18 years and Parliament to enact punitive laws to address non compliance

    7) That women shall be accorded full and equal protection of rights and dignity and that right shall extend to full economic participation
    8) The DTC2011 should prohibit both direct and indirect discrimination.
    9) The DTC2011 should provide that a victim can institute a case of human rights violation by herself or through another person, organization or a group of person.
    10) The DTC2011 can waive court fees in cases concerning human rights violations.
    11) The DTC2011 should apply the affirmative action quota to all public appointive and elective bodies, including the Judiciary, the law enforcement agencies and other executive appointments.
    12) The DTC2011 should change the wording on the appointment of women to the Judiciary such that it does not mean that women have less competence, integrity, credibility and impartiality.
    13) The appointments in the Constitutional Court of Supreme Court (whichever is adopted) should reflect the affirmative action quota.
    14) Schedule A para. 18 should be amended to include benefits for widowers and children of war fallen heroines.

05-16-2011, 03:40 PM

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: The South Sudan Women’s Protocol بروتوكول نساء جنوب السودان الخاص بمسودة الدستور الانتقالى (Re: nada ali)

    Quote: all South Sudanese women out there and women's rights supporters

    We should make use of this Draft Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan and international women’s rights conventions to ensure that, women’s rights are prioritized in the new state. We should take advantage of the 25% affirmative action quota that the constitution already provides and make our presence felt at all levels of political leadership. We should also demand the increase of this percentage to 30 percent in compliance with President Salva Kiir Mayardit pronouncements and commitments before tthe South Sudan Legislative Assembly on Oct 2010 we have less than 50 days to ensure women concern is placed in the DTC2011 of the ROSS.

    Attached is the South Sudan Women Protocol, please distribute widely

    Lilian Riziq, President & CEO
    South Sudan Women's Empowerment Network

05-16-2011, 03:43 PM

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: The South Sudan Women’s Protocol بروتوكول نساء جنوب السودان الخاص بمسودة الدستور الانتقالى (Re: nada ali)

    S. Sudan Women Activists Concerned Over Constitution Clarity
    15 May 2011

    Waakhe Simon Wudu
    JUBA, 14th May, 2011 [Gurtong]-South Sudanese women converged in a two days workshop to address their needs in the interim constitution. The consultative meeting discussed; how the constitution benefits women, their priorities in the new nation to come; and how to uphold women rights.

    The workshop convened to discuss and examine three questions on the 2005 interim transitional constitution of South Sudan already passed to parliament for legislation.

    The agendas were; how does the Interim Constitution of Southern Sudan 2005 benefit women; what are the women’s priorities in the new nation to come; and how to uphold women rights in the new nation were among other questions deliberated.

    Tens of women from all the Ten States of South Sudan convened in the New Sudan Hotel in Juba that ended on Friday. Members of Parliament and women leaders in the various State Governments, Civil Society Organizations, and representatives from Embassies in the region attended the workshop.

    The President of the South Sudan Women Empowerment Network, SSWEN Ms. Lilian Riziq told Gurtong in an interview that, the meeting was significant and not late despite the constitutional draft already being in the parliament.

    Lilian said that the women found that the Interim Constitution was not accommodative to them. Despite efforts that it gives 25% power sharing to women, the word WOMEN is only mentioned 7 times in the whole constitution and GIRL is not mentioned.

    The delegates saw this as a concern and one of the ways that the constitution legally recognizes women to a lesser extent.

    They also discovered that in the current transitional constitution, the language used to define the issues of women was not clear.

    Abuk Nikanora, Public out Reach Officer of the SSWEN exclusively explained to Gurtong that, the constitution defined that; any woman at marriageable age can get married. She said the constitution would have defined the age but not putting it in a flat sense.

    She quoted articles 117 and 110 in the constitution where language is completely not defining. She feels this is one ways of abusing the rights of women in the region by not clearly defining their rights.

    She further explained that, the constitution gave women two months for maternity leave. The women demanded an additional month and resolved that, men too should be given paternity leave for some few days.

    Lilian on the other hand pointed out that, the interim constitution maintained 25% power sharing given to women. However, the interpretation was not clear, she said. “At least 25%,” Lilian said is the language used.

    The women delegates resolved that, the power sharing to women should be increased to 30%. They maintained this is what the GOSS President, Salva Kiir had always said in his public speeches before the referendum.

    The women activists insisted that, maintaining the 25% which isn’t even clear, does not uphold the words of the President.

    Lilian continued that, other phrases regarding the allocation of the rights were not clear. For example the word ‘PEOPLE’ refer to all men and women. But in other circumstances it needs to be defined whether to whom exactly it’s referring to: men or women.

    The workshop resolved and established a South Sudan Women Coalition. It is composed of women representatives from the various States. Set up of committees with a Coordinator, it will champion the workshop resolutions.

    The coalition which is composed of representatives from different civil society organizations including women members of parliament; others will meet the president to respond to his promise of 30% as others will be championing the resolutions in one way or the other to parliament.

05-16-2011, 03:46 PM

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Re: The South Sudan Women’s Protocol بروتوكول نساء جنوب السودان الخاص بمسودة الدستور الانتقالى (Re: nada ali)


05-17-2011, 04:05 AM

Asma Abdel Halim
<aAsma Abdel Halim
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-01-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 1028

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Re: The South Sudan Women’s Protocol بروتوكول نساء جنوب السودان الخاص بمسودة الدستور الانتقالى (Re: nada ali)

    شكرا جزيلاً

05-17-2011, 04:37 AM

Tragie Mustafa
<aTragie Mustafa
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-29-2005
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Re: The South Sudan Women’s Protocol بروتوكول نساء جنوب السودان الخاص بمسودة الدستور الانتقالى (Re: Asma Abdel Halim)

    ياها واحده من التجمعات الدخولها سودانيات كثار ما جنوبيات قبلك

    وظلن يشتغلن مع اخوتهن الجنوبيات الا ان ظهرت شجرة اللبلاب وبدأت المكاوشه

    والحفر تحت اخوتها....وحدة الهامش الزنجي بتزعج الجلابه بالحيل!!(ههههههه)!

    نساء الجنوب بالمناسبه البنعرفهم امثال اليزابيث اناي وابنج اناي

    الصبايا اللائي هجرن جامعاتهن وحملن السلاح واسسن اول كتيبه للبنات بالجنوب

    لا يحتاجن لا لخواجات ولا للغيرهن ليعرفهن قضاياهن وتحدياتهن!

    الله يعينهن من شجر اللبلاب المستلق على اكتاف الآخرين.

    لا يحتاج لاحد لتعرفهن بتحدياتهن

05-17-2011, 01:23 PM

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تاريخ التسجيل: 10-01-2003
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: The South Sudan Women’s Protocol بروتوكول نساء جنوب السودان الخاص بمسودة الدستور الانتقالى (Re: Tragie Mustafa)

    العزيزة أسماء عبد الحليم

    سلامات و كل الشكر للمرور بهذا البوست.

    أعتقد ان تحالف نساء جنوب السودان قد قدّم اقتراحات هامة تخص مسودة الدستور الانتقالى لجنوب السودان. أتمنى أن يتم تبنيها.



05-17-2011, 01:42 PM

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تاريخ التسجيل: 10-01-2003
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: The South Sudan Women’s Protocol بروتوكول نساء جنوب السودان الخاص بمسودة الدستور الانتقالى (Re: nada ali)

    كتبت تراجى مصطفى:

    Quote: ياها واحده من التجمعات الدخولها سودانيات كثار ما جنوبيات قبلك

    وظلن يشتغلن مع اخوتهن الجنوبيات الا ان ظهرت شجرة اللبلاب وبدأت المكاوشه

    والحفر تحت اخوتها....وحدة الهامش الزنجي بتزعج الجلابه بالحيل!!(ههههههه)!

    أولا خلافا لما كتبته تراجى مصطفى أعلاه، فان تحالف نساء جنوب السودان تكون فى مايو 2011، أى هذا الشهر. و حسب علمى ليس فيه عضوات "سودانيات غير جنوبيات"! كذلك فاننى لست من عضواته!
    بقية الشتائم فى مداخلة تراجى مثل "التسلق" و "المكاوشة" و" الحفر تحت اخواتها" تقول عن تراجى مصطفى و عن أدواتها هى فى العمل العام.

    كتبت تراجى مصطفى،

    Quote: نساء الجنوب بالمناسبه البنعرفهم امثال اليزابيث اناي وابنج اناي

    الصبايا اللائي هجرن جامعاتهن وحملن السلاح واسسن اول كتيبه للبنات بالجنوب

    لا أدرى ما علاقة المعلومة حول الاخوات من جنوب السودان اللائى تعرفهن تراجى مصطفى بموضوع هذا البوست حول دستور جنوب السودان الانتقالى و حقوق النساء.

    كتبت تراجى مصطفى،

    Quote: لا يحتاجن لا لخواجات ولا للغيرهن ليعرفهن قضاياهن وتحدياتهن!

    (شتائم، شتائم، شتائم)

    لا يحتاج لاحد لتعرفهن بتحدياتهن

    اخيرا، تبنت تراجى مصطفى رأيا ايجابيا -- ظللنا نطرحه لسنوات.

06-03-2011, 02:30 PM

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مجموع المشاركات: 5258

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Re: The South Sudan Women’s Protocol بروتوكول نساء جنوب السودان الخاص (Re: nada ali)


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