فتيات يتحدثن عن إغتصابهن من قِبل مليشيات المؤتمر الوطنى

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02-25-2011, 10:45 AM

سعد مدني
<aسعد مدني
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-16-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 5380

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
فتيات يتحدثن عن إغتصابهن من قِبل مليشيات المؤتمر الوطنى

    “I was collecting water in the river bed, just outside town when I
    met a group of men in military uniform who asked me to bring
    them some water. I brought them some but the men threw the water
    in my face. I went home carrying my buckets of water and those
    men followed me. When we were close to the village, they told me
    to come to their camp. I refused but they pulled me. My mother
    was around and asked them to stop. The men started to beat both
    of us. My mother fell down on the ground. One of the men took me
    aside and raped me.”
    Woman, 28, 6 months pregnant at the time of the rape, January
    2005, West Darfur


02-25-2011, 10:47 AM

سعد مدني
<aسعد مدني
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-16-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 5380

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: فتيات يتحدثن عن إغتصابهن من قِبل مليشيات المؤتمر الوطنى (Re: سعد مدني)

    “I was working in my farm alone on that day. Eight men with
    guns came to me and ordered me to give my coat. I refused
    so they started beating me with a stick on my back. Five men
    took me and raped me. One of the men pointed a gun at me
    after that and wanted to shoot me. Another man stopped him.
    My wife, who was on her way to meet me in the farm, saw me
    with the men. The same men took her and 2 of them raped
    her as well.”
    Man, 28, November 2004, West Darfu

    [Five women, 2 young girls (13 and 14 years old) and 3 older women, went to
    collect grass for their donkeys. The group got ambushed by three armed men (one
    was on a camel, one on a horse and the third one on foot)]
    “I was taken to the near-by river bed away from the other
    women. One man took me in one direction. The other man
    took the other girl. And the third man stayed to guard the
    camel and the horse. The man who took me told me to sit on
    the ground. But I refused. He hit me twice on my back with a
    stick. Then he took out a knife and threatened me by pointing
    the knife at me. I sat down. And then he told me to take off my
    underwear. I refused, but he threatened me again with his
    knife. He pulled his trousers down and raped me. He left
    without saying anything or even looking at me.”
    Young girl, 13, February 2005, South Darfur
    “One of the three man took me away from the other women.
    He threatened me with his knife by pinching my chest with it.
    He pushed me on the ground and took off my underwear. He
    raped me and was repeating “I will kill you” all the times to
    intimidate me.”
    Young girl, 14, February 2005, South Darfur

    [30 people were travelling with public transport (car) between two main towns in
    South Darfur. In one village along the road, armed men surrounded the car and
    started shooting at it.]
    “Most of the men wore in military uniforms and some were in
    plain clothes. They were on camels and horses. Everybody in
    the car was asked to get out of the car. The armed men took
    all the belongings and the money from the passengers. They
    drove the car into the bush and separated the men from the
    women. There were four women in total. One managed to run
    away. The other three were taken to different directions. Two
    men took me and raped me. The first man raped me while the
    other one was intimidating me. When this was finished, they
    changed roles: the first man intimidated me while the second
    one was raping me. It was still not finished. A third man
    appeared and he raped me as well. The three men finally left
    while I was lying on the ground.”
    Woman, 23, February 2005, South Darfur

    “I was returning from the market, that day. I was walking
    with a group of nine women and two men. We met some
    armed men along the road. They took the nine women and
    held us under a tree in their camp. They released us after
    three days. During all this time, I was raped every night and
    every day by five men.”
    Woman, 30, October 2004, South Darfur
    [Among the nine women, only three came to the clinic, among which two girls
    were 12 and 13 years old. ]

    “I am 16 years old. On day, in March 2004, I was collecting
    firewood for my family when three armed men on camels
    came and surrounded me. They held me down, tied my hands
    and raped me one after the other. When I arrive home, I told
    my family what happened. They threw me out of home and I
    had to build my own hut away from them. I was engaged to a
    man and I was so much looking forward to getting married.
    After I got raped, he did not want to marry me and broke off
    the engagement because he said that I was now disgraced
    and spoilt. It is the worse thing for me… [continues next page]
    …When I was eight months pregnant from the rape, the
    police came to my hut and forced me with their guns to go to
    the police station. They asked me questions, so I told them
    that I had been raped. They told me that as I was not
    married, I will deliver this baby illegally. They beat me with
    a whip on the chest and back and put me in jail. There were
    other women in jail, who had the same story. During the day,
    we had to walk to the well four times a day to get the
    policemen water, clean and cook for them. At night, I was in
    a small cell with 23 other women. I had no other food than
    what I could find during my work during the day. And the
    only water was what I drank at the well. I stayed 10 days in
    jail and now I still have to pay the fine, 20,000 Sudanese
    Dinars (65 USD) they asked me. My child is now 2 months
    Woman, 16, February 2005, West Darfur


02-25-2011, 10:54 AM

سعد مدني
<aسعد مدني
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-16-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 5380

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: فتيات يتحدثن عن إغتصابهن من قِبل مليشيات المؤتمر الوطنى (Re: سعد مدني)

    Surviving Rape in Darfur
    Immediate and sustained action must
    be taken to end the persistent lack of
    protection for women and girls in Darfur
    from rape and other forms of sexual
    Special measures must be adopted to
    ensure that the thousands of survivors
    of sexual abuse in Darfur will not now
    be abandoned to lifetime of suffering!
    Hundreds of women and girls from Darfur
    have testified to Amnesty International of
    mass rape, perpetrated by members of the
    government-backed ‘Janjawid’ militia and
    some government soldiers.1 Having fled
    the bombing and burning of their homes,
    witnessed the killing of their relatives and
    given the cultural taboo that rape
    constitutes in Darfur, these women and
    girls have shown great courage in talking
    about the abuse they have suffered. The
    safety, protection and dignity of these and
    other rape survivors must now be
    guaranteed and the perpetrators brought
    immediately to justice.
    On 19 July 2004, Amnesty International
    launched a report on Sudan: Darfur, Rape
    as a Weapon of War, (AI Index: AFR
    54/076/2004). The report revealed that
    rape was widespread and often systematic.
    Rape has been used by the Janjawid militia
    and some government soldiers 2 to
    humiliate the women, to instil fear and
    control them, to force them to leave their
    homes and thus destroy the social fabric of
    their communities.
    1 AI interviewed hundreds Sudanese refugees in
    Chad in November 2003 and May 2004 and has
    direct contact with sources inside Sudan.
    2 AI has received only one case of rape committed
    against women from communities thought to support
    the Janjawid militia by members of armed opposition
    groups: the attack reportedly took place in Kuala
    village in South Darfur.
    The horror of sexual violence


02-25-2011, 11:15 AM

سعد مدني
<aسعد مدني
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-16-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 5380

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: فتيات يتحدثن عن إغتصابهن من قِبل مليشيات المؤتمر الوطنى (Re: سعد مدني)

    الفقرات الصفحات
    5 11 -1 مقدمـة
    1. خلفية: العنف اﳉنسي ونزاع دارفور 8 16-12
    2. أشكال اﻻغتصاب ﰲ دارفور 9 30-17
    (أ) غرب دارفور 11 24-23
    (ب) ﴰال دارفور 11 27-25
    (ج) جنوب دارفور 12 30-28
    13 54-31 بالقضاء تتعلق عقبات .3
    (أ) عقبات تتعلق بالقانون 14 39-33
    (ب) العجز عن إجراء ﲢقيق ف ا ع لٍ 17 44-40
    (ج) العجز عن تقدﱘ مرتكﱯ اﳉرائم للعدالة وعقاهم وتعويض الضحايا 20 47-45
    (د) الوصول إﱃ اﶈاكم والتمييز على أساس النوع ﰲ سﲑ القضاء 22 54-48
    4. اﳉدل بشأن اﻷورنيك (8): العﻼج الطﱯ واﳊصول على البينة القضائية 25 63-55
    5. اﳊبس والترويع والتحرش بضباط حقوق اﻹنسان والكادر الطﱯ 28 65-64
    6. رد فعل اﳊكومة اﲡاه العنف اﳉنسي 29 74-66
    32 78-75 مﻼحظات .7
    33 84-79 توصيات .8
    (أ) توصيات ﳊكومة السودان 34 83-82
    (ب) توصيات للمجتمع الدوﱄ 35 84


02-26-2011, 09:42 PM

سعد مدني
<aسعد مدني
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-16-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 5380

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: فتيات يتحدثن عن إغتصابهن من قِبل مليشيات المؤتمر الوطنى (Re: سعد مدني)

    لاغتصاب: الخطر الماثل أبداً أمام النساء في دارفور
    "لا يكفي ما في جميع المناطق المحيطة بالمخيمات بحاجتنا من الحطب. ولكن الجمّالة العرب يسيطرون على المنطقة، ولا نجرؤ على الابتعاد. إذا كنت رجلاً فسيضربونك، وإذا كنت امرأة فستتعرض للاغتصاب".
    رجل نازحاً داخلياً يعيش في أحد المخيمات، 2007.

    في 2003 – 4، شُرِّد مئات الآلاف من الأهالي من ديارهم في هجمات رافقها ليس القتل فحسب، وإنما أيضاً اغتصاب النساء على نطاق غير مسبوق. واستخدمت مليشيات الجنجويد الاغتصاب كسلاح لإذلال المجتمعات التي هاجموها ومعاقبتها، فكثيراً ما كانوا يمارسون اعتداءاتهم هذه في العلن، ويختطفون بعض النساء ويأخذوهن إلى معسكرات المليشيا ليعشن هناك لشهور في حالة من العبودية الجنسية.

    إن النـزاع في دارفور قد أدى إلى نزوح ما لا يقل عن 2.3 مليون شخص. ويعيش معظم من أجبروا على مغادرة منازلهم ومجتمعاتهم الآن في ما يزيد على 65 مخيماً تنتشر في شتى أنحاء دارفور.

    وتضم هذه المخيمات أعداداً من النساء أكبر من أعداد الرجال، ويظل التهديد بالاغتصاب ماثلاً لمن يغامرن بمغادرة المخيمات. فالعديد من المخيمات محاط بحزام من الأراضي المهجورة التي لا يكاد يرى فيها ولو شجرة واحدة. وتتعرض النساء للاغتصاب عندما يخرجن من المخيمات للذهاب إلى السوق أو لجمع حطب الوقود. ويتم ذلك على أيدي مليشيا الجنجويد وجنود الحكومة وجماعات المعارضة المسلحة، وحتى أشخاص مهجرين آخرين.

    وتحدثت إحدى الفتيات اللاتي نزحن بسبب النـزاع عن كيفية اغتصابها من قبل مجموعة من الرجال من منتسبي الجيش السوداني أثناء جمعها الحطب. وعندما أخذها أخوها إلى الشرطة المحلية للإبلاغ عن الحادثة، رفض الشرطي قبول الشكوى واعتقل أخوها عندما اعترض على ذلك. وقالت الفتاة لمنظمة العفو الدولية: "ظلَّت صور ذلك اليوم تشغل عقلي. لا أستطيع القول إنني قد استعدت عافيتي تماماً. فما زالت الصدمة تثير في الرعب. وأنا الآن لا أثق بالشرطة، ولن أثق بهم أبداً".

    وفي العادة، لا تُبلِّغ معظم النساء اللاتي يغتصبن في دارفور عما تعرضن له لأنه من غير المحتمل أن يقدَّم الجناة إلى العدالة، وليس ثمة جدوى من أن تسيء المرأة إلى سمعتها وفرصها في الزواج. فنادراً ما تحقق الشرطة في قضايا الاغتصاب التي تتلقى شكاوى بشأنها، بينما يبدو تحقيق العدالة مستحيلاً إذا كان المغتصبون من أفراد القوات المسلحة السودانية. وفي بعض الحالات، لا يُعتقل سوى الشخص الذي يتقدم بالشكوى


03-15-2011, 02:59 PM

Abdlaziz Eisa
<aAbdlaziz Eisa
تاريخ التسجيل: 02-03-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 22291

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: فتيات يتحدثن عن إغتصابهن من قِبل مليشيات المؤتمر الوطنى (Re: سعد مدني)


03-15-2011, 02:59 PM

Abdlaziz Eisa
<aAbdlaziz Eisa
تاريخ التسجيل: 02-03-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 22291

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: فتيات يتحدثن عن إغتصابهن من قِبل مليشيات المؤتمر الوطنى (Re: سعد مدني)


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