US Church approves gay bishop

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08-04-2003, 02:08 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-11-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 2749

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US Church approves gay bishop

    US Church approves gay bishop

    Robinson has caused controversy within the US Anglican Church
    The Anglican Church in America has voted to confirm the appointment of an openly gay bishop.
    The Episcopal Church's House of Deputies - composed of clergy and lay people - decided by a substantial majority that the Reverend Canon Gene Robinson of New Hampshire can serve as a bishop.

    There will be one final vote in the House of Bishops on Monday, but BBC correspondent Jane Little says it is likely this vote will also be in favour of Mr Robinson.

    The selection has brought heavy fire from conservatives at home and religious leaders in the developing world, including parts of Asia and Africa, where Anglicans tend to be more traditionalist.

    I can do more for gay and lesbian folk in the Church by being a good bishop than by being the gay bishop

    Gene Robinson
    Mr Robinson said he was calm but joyous after Sunday's vote, adding that he hoped the decision would lead to growth rather than a split in the church.

    A committee at the Church's general convention in Minneapolis - the Committee for the Consecration of Bishops of the American Anglican Church - had already backed the bishop on Friday.

    Walk-out threatened

    "I think I can do more for gay and lesbian folk in the Church by being a good bishop than by being the gay bishop," Mr Robinson said.

    "The people of New Hampshire just want me to be their bishop and I can't wait to exercise that ministry."

    We're not going to accept this

    Bishop Edward Salmon
    South Carolina
    Mr Robinson - a divorced father of two - has been in a committed male relationship for 14 years.

    Advocates for gay rights say the Church will thrive as it grows more accepting of homosexuals.

    But some of the more conservative elements within the church have threatened to walk out should the final vote be in Mr Robinson's favour.

    "We're not going to accept this," Bishop Edward Salmon of South Carolina told Reuters news agency.

    "We will not accept a change in doctrine. If you're asking whether we're soft on this point, the answer is no."

    Gay marriage

    There is a movement in the Church pushing for the creation of a formal right to bless same-####### unions, something that already happens in many American diocese.

    The debate over gay unions is a contentious one in American society at large.

    Recent advances in the courts for gay rights and a move to legalise gay marriage in the state of Massachusetts has prompted the intervention of the president.

    US President George W Bush has said that marriage should be between a man and woman and the administration is considering a proposal to amend the constitution to preclude gay marriage.

    From the BBC News - world edition 4 August, 2003


08-05-2003, 07:05 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-11-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 2749

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Vatican drive to curb gay marriage (Re: nile1)

    Vatican drive to curb gay marriage

    The Vatican says homosexuality goes against "natural moral law"
    The Vatican has launched a global campaign against gay marriage in an attempt to reverse the spread of legislation in Europe and the Americas that permits it.
    In a strongly-worded 12-page document signed by the Pope's chief theological adviser, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the Church brands homosexual unions as immoral, unnatural and harmful.

    The Vatican's stance has been greeted with dismay by opponents who say it runs against human rights conventions and is out of touch with the modern world.

    It comes a day after US President George Bush - a Methodist Christian - spoke out against the idea of same-####### marriages as church leaders met in Minneapolis to debate the appointment of a gay bishop.

    "There are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God's plan for marriage and family," the Vatican document says.

    To vote in favour of a law so harmful to the common good is gravely immoral

    Vatican document
    "Marriage is holy, while homosexual acts go against the natural moral law."

    A small number of countries have legally recognised same-####### unions, including the Netherlands, Belgium and two provinces in Canada.

    Other countries, such as France, Germany and Argentina, allow homosexual couples to register their partnerships with the local civil authorities and to obtain some of the social benefits available to heterosexual couples.

    Even Catholic Croatia has recently passed a law giving homosexual couples the same legal standing as unmarried heterosexual couples.

    Hitting back

    BBC Rome correspondent David Willey says the Pope is worried that other European Union countries, including Italy, will follow suit and legalise gay marriages.

    A sad document of closed-mind fanaticism...

    Volker Beck
    German Green party
    However supporters of gay rights were quick to respond.

    Near the Vatican's St Peter's Square, a small group of demonstrators from Italy's Radical Party held up banners reading "No Vatican, No Taleban".

    Another critic, Italian parliamentarian and gay rights activist Franco Grillini, said the document was part of a "homophobic crusade" by the Vatican.

    Other opposition came from Germany's Green Party - a junior partner in the government of Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder.

    Senior Green official Volker Beck on Thursday condemned "a sad document of closed-mind fanaticism".

    'Sanctity of marriage'

    The issue of same-####### marriages is particularly charged in the United States, where some lawmakers in the House of Representatives have proposed a constitutional ban on gay marriages to counter state laws granting legal recognition to gay unions.

    Cardinal Ratzinger wants to bolster heterosexual marriage
    On Wednesday President Bush said: "I believe in the sanctity of marriage. I believe a marriage is between a man and a woman, and I think we ought to codify that one way or the other."

    His remarks were seen as offering a sop to conservatives who were angered earlier this month after he distanced himself from the House proposal for a constitutional ban on gay marriage.

    The Vatican document, entitled Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons, sets out a battle plan for politicians opposed to legislation permitting gay marriage and adoption by gay people.

    Catholic politicians have a "moral duty" to publicly oppose such legislation and to vote against it in parliament, it says.

    "To vote in favour of a law so harmful to the common good is gravely immoral."

    Non-Catholics are also urged to join the campaign to "defend the common good of society".

    Our correspondent says the new Vatican document, published by the Vatican's orthodoxy watchdog, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, repeats arguments already given by the Catholic Church against same-####### unions.

    It was published on the same day that the Israeli city of Tel Aviv granted same-####### couples the same discounts as married couples in what gay activists hailed as a step towards full integration in the Jewish state.

    Gay residents of Tel Aviv who declare their union in a statement will be authorised to receive discounts for city services and sites such as sports centres and museums.

    BBC News


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