في حب الحجاره ومتزوقي - الحجاره In Love of Stones and Stones-Testers

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12-21-2007, 10:57 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 06-17-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 4734

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
في حب الحجاره ومتزوقي - الحجاره In Love of Stones and Stones-Testers


    تقريبا في اواخر عام 2003م نادت علي زوجتي لحضور النشره السودانيه في التلفزيون قائلة ان هنالك خبر عن خزان الحمداب... ومن عادتي ان لا اشاهد التلفزيون السوداني إلا نادرا... ولا اتابع النشره بل اكرها لانها تسبب لي ارتفاع في ضغط الدم... خاصة وقد شبعت من كذب الحكومات السودانيه لعقود من الزمن... وعلي اثر مناداتي ذهبت انتظر الخبر واتابع الاكاذيب في ملل بالغ... واخيرا جاء الخبر...
    كان الخبر متعلقا بزياره قام بها بعض الوزراء من الخرطوم الي موقع الخزان... والي هنا والامر عادي ... وحقيقة لا يوجد خبر يستحق التغطيه ... ولكنه الحال كبقية الاخبار في نشرة تلفزيون السودان... غير ان موفد التلفزيون المرافق للوزراء قام وسال احد الوزراء ( احتفظ باسمه) عن رايه وكذا... غير ان الرجل وبدلا من ان يقول كلاما طيبا.. قام واشبع ارضنا شتيمة دون سبب... ( متاثرا طبعا بالبور البلقع ذلك الوهم الذي ذهب ادراح الرياح)... واستشطت غضبا، وحيره إذ لماذا يشتم هذا الرجل ارضنا دون سبب.. متهكما علي كل ضخورنا وحجارتنا ومزدريا لها... ونسي الرجل في جهله ان الحكومه ما اتت لارضنا إلا لانها تبحث عن (حجر) لتنبي عليه خزانها... إذ من نافلة القول أن لولا ذلك الحجر لما كان قيام الخزان ممكنا ابتداء... وفي شدة انفعالي لم تخزلني قريحي في الدفاع عن ارضنا وصخورنا.. فنحن قوم نصادق الصخور ونربيها ونعيش عليها وتعرفنا ونعرفها، تحمينا ونحميها وتحبنا ونحبها.... ورغم تسفاري في بلاد الله الواسعه لم اجد قط اجمل من تلك الحجاره وتلك الصخور الطيبه المعطاءه... وما اجملها وهي الان ستغير واقع السودان كما تزعم الحكومه...ولكنهم رغم كل ذلك يزدرونها ويتهكمون عليها... يا له من جهل... كان عليهم ان ينصبوا لها تمثالا في اكبر الميادين ( بالمناسبه هو في ميادين عامه في السودان؟) لتلك الصخور التي ستنير دياجير الظلام في السودان...
    وجاءت Stone- Testers كرد علي ذلك الوزير الجهلول الذي لا يعرف كما اتضح من حديثه معني للارض والارتباط بها...

    وهذه عديتي لكم وارجو ان تخفف عنكم الغربه ولو قليلا...

    In Love of Stones
    and Stone-Testers

    The Government of Sudan seemed determined to inundate our land to generate electricity! For the Government those stones of the Manasir area are good for nothing but electricity generation! For The Manasir the story is different.

    Here is a short brief reflecting on more than five thousands years relation with those stones and rocks (our home)).


    From the stones we build our houses, on them we cook our food, and sometimes put a big jar under a shadow of a tree to cool water so that whoever passes –by can drink free of charge.

    under a shadowless tree
    jubilant we rush to rest
    half in the sun
    half in the dust
    under the moribund tree
    we set the soul free
    obstinate we are,
    to sweltering degree
    across the crispy sand
    there is nothing to watch
    shapeless stones
    are part of the swatch
    the shadow of the rocks
    chases the sun mirage
    the single camel that passed
    was the only entourage
    the water in the jar
    continues to leak
    the resonance of the leak
    is our guitar
    and no body’s tweak
    indefiniteness of the sand
    the heat from the hell
    rocks won’t stand
    the emptiness of nature
    the useless of the hand
    the lawless of the law
    the forgotten below
    are part of the land
    when the heat becomes
    unbearable at all
    when the sun drops
    to the height of the tall
    when the heat engulfs
    the body and the soul
    the tiny life moves
    into withdrawal

    To the stones we hook our animal, or use them as spring- board to mount them. From the stones we build water terraces on the shallow part of the river to make siltation behind them. To those in the middle of the Nile, we compete swimming during the mid-day break, so who gets to the tip first, as if has conquered the world.
    When we quarrel with stones, we cultivate them as other people do to a fertile piece of land, though; we use some of them to help gets water to the remote ones. We do love them, so we keep them watered all the time. Some time we water them though there is no crop on them, just to ensure that they remain alive.
    Occasionally, we sit down on them, and later play “Siegga” with the baby ones. Sometimes, we throw them to hit the old un-harvested date tree. Dry and hard we eat the drops.

    dry and hard
    we eat the drops
    fresh from the tree
    we eat the drops
    my teeth start to hurt
    no way, I can’t stop
    try another hit
    we want more drops
    can’t you stop to eat
    for a while you can wait
    we don’t have a feast
    it just few drops
    we gonna hit again
    to get the rest of the crop
    all free of charge
    it just few drops
    tomorrow is another day
    and life wont stop
    just few drops
    hard as stone
    no salad or ketchup
    we lay down to drink
    from the water pass-way
    our faces in the water
    carry the stains of the clay
    we want to hang around
    we want a rock to play
    Later on, we move to wash our clothes on another friend rock on the riverside. Upon finishing the wash, we move on to swim.

    on the top of the cliff
    we play push and jump
    free from clothes
    clean from the sins
    we just jump
    together we stand
    divided as we jump
    in the fresh water
    we always jump
    welcome to the Nile
    the pool of everyone
    welcome to jump
    we jump all the day
    all the day we jump
    shouting in the air
    or wait to be succumb
    we just jump
    welcome to the Nile
    all other places
    are just dump
    we just jump and jump
    all the day we jump

    On the stones we play football. Sometimes we get hurt, though wicked it might be, but we remain friends.

    stones are very useful
    as one can find
    youngsters use them
    as their goal signs
    these are hard and difficult
    to find
    equal in weight width and height
    the heavier the weight the
    harder for farmers to steal
    we go around all day
    to choose stone
    a lot of stone testers
    will have a say
    when they finally agree
    we bring them all the way
    some farmers steal them
    straight away
    some people steal stones
    never care if kids play
    some people steal stones
    I don’t know if that can be!

    As there are so many stones and rocks in the area, we use them as borders signs between themselves. The ones we use as signs are the luckiest ones. They become sacred and out- date other ones.
    Due to the great love, some of our ancestors owned hills named after them. Though, useless it may look, but the love of the land can only be true when sticking to it and it has no value on the market books.

    stones are not always bad
    we use to demarcate
    our prayers yard
    when we got drunk
    we keep distance away
    or hundred yards
    very reliable,
    as they have always been
    they never disclose the secret
    the stones have seen everyone
    the stones have seen everything
    they never disclose the secret
    they never said what had been
    though they know everything
    they never said anything
    In fact, by de facto, all the people of the area are excellent stones testers. If you don’t know the skill, you won’t make a living. One of the earliest talents that kids develop is the stone testing ability, i.e. which one suit which job?
    Stone –testing is a well developed technique by which people have managed to survive. The community has over the years drawn its strength for continuity by furthering its knowledge of stone-testing science. This talent has been subjected to a critical test during the early years of the nineties, when people were burdened with heavy taxes and additional land was needed. I went visiting my village in 1994 after along period of absence, to my amazement, I noticed that a known huge rock located in the middle of the limited cultivable land was no longer there! When I enquired about it, I was told ‘ Oh.., we just knew how to get it down.” Before leaving the village in mid-eighties many schools of thoughts among local stone testers were involved – mainly – at theoretical level in what to do to get that gigantic rock down and completely remove it to open up a piece of land not more than 10 square meter. Occasionally, when a conflicting and outrageous idea emerges a group of well recognised stone-testers visit the site to decide on its applicability. In most cases such group of experts agrees on the partial applicability of the idea and resolves for further investigations. Such was the situation in the village where most of the hopes of young farmers depend on turning rocks into cultivable piece of land. By 1994 the time of my visit, a ready to harvest beautiful sorghum crop was covering the area in the place of that notorious rock.

    From the stones we get fertilizers. This is the main task of prominent stone- testers. They normally go hanging at the outskirts of the villages among rocks and come back with their donkeys burdened with natural fertilizers. Stone – Tester who discovered the source of fertilizers, normally has the right to use the source as much as he needs. Once he has done, it becomes communal and all farmers flock to the place for free input. In no case the Tester is allowed to keep secret his discovery.

    on big stones
    we store our harvest
    whether sorghum,
    dates or wheat
    it is always in the open air
    birds animal or else
    can freely have their share
    we use stones ,
    to cross the many
    water cascades
    carefully we cross
    sometimes we fall
    all over wet
    we get up and laugh
    and continue to cascade
    under the shadow of the rock
    we wait for other to flock
    conspiring a lot
    the stones know all the lot
    the stones never tell
    nor the secret is disclosed
    the stones know everyone
    The stones go deep in our life. When we get married our mums and sisters crush the dry sandal and ( mahlab) on them officially announcing the wedding preparations .On them we hold our parties. The beautiful young girls don’t hesitate to dance. Sometimes the groom stretches his legs on a piece of rock while waiting for ‘Hinnah’ to dry. As we do love stones, the groom shares his ‘Hinnah’ with the rocks.

    Oh.. Um Ahmed ‘duggi’ (Al mahlab)
    play and dance
    and take a chance
    stone-testers have no class
    all are welcome to eat
    and dance
    stone-testers have no class
    some are welcome
    in open doors
    some are welcome
    behind doors
    young and old, will
    share a glass
    drink local, not molasses
    stone testers have no class
    the meat is good
    and first class
    the weather is hot,
    the stones are dark
    stone-testers will disembark
    the stone are red dark or green
    some are white like jasmine
    the stone can be oval or flat
    sorry we can’t play the dart
    scared as we are
    from a tit for tat

    the social use of stones is also reflected in stones clubs. These chatting clubs normally take place on top of rocks which are submerged on one side by the Nile waters while dry on the outer side. These clubs are normally active during holidays and religious celebrations when the out migrants return for the celebration with their families. Members of these clubs include universities and high schools students, unmarried town based employees together with their friends and local counterparts. Members of the clubs sit down mainly to watch the sunset and pay tribute to a hot and hard day that has gone by for good.

    not very far away,
    on the surface of the water
    a pair of duck flies away
    away away they fly
    quack .. quack they passed by
    they never reach the sky
    their echo won’t die
    neither they gone
    nor they sigh
    they turn back and come
    to say hi hi
    disturbing the calm water
    they safely landed
    the sooner they are gone
    they both fly
    the higher they have reached
    they gone really high
    up up they go
    they reach’d the sky
    neither scared
    nor saying goodbye
    it is the joy of welcome,
    and the joy is high
    on the shoulders of the hills
    the lazy moon starts to rise
    all the heat is gone
    the stones become disguise
    birds are quite
    a young fox cries
    the soft light comes
    as the moon arises
    we can’t see the water
    swarm of butterflies
    a cold wind blows
    as if from paradise

    Stone clubs are normally good places for local stone-testers to discuss the broad lines of their future plans. They normally ask for advice and tell their counterparts about types of failures and success encountered in their stone –testing career so far. However, a stone clubs remain primarily a socialising place as their members normally end –up planning for the rest of the night. Clubs also act as the favourite places for youngster’s gossip, wedding, engagements, divorce and latest love stories. All types of these social encounters have been narrated on the top of the rocks for hundred years.

    the stones know everything
    but they won’t tell anything

    Part of stone-tester job is to select stones that can be used as ( Sabaloka) to help irrigate the (jarf) land which is hard to level. Most of the farmers, who normally share the basics of stone testing, do the job on their own. However some farmers who don’t have enough knowledge of the Sabaloka theory, normally ask a professional stone testers for help. On his part the professional stone-tester sees the call as a chance to prove his skills, show dexterity and silence critics. Stone –tester who undertakes such job, normally does it free of charge. In some cases the job is done to prove mastership, strengthens an existing friendship or develops a new one.
    The Sabaloka technology remains a profession dominated by young stone-testers. The elders professional would have already performed similar jobs many times and need no further recognition.
    A lot of farming in the area depends to a greater extent on Sabaloka technology and Sabaloka fixing. If the Sabaloka doesn’t allow the smooth passing of the water, the water level will inevitably rise in the main canal originating from the water pump. If this happens, the water will soon overflow the canal sides and eventually wash them away. Therefore, fixing the Sabaloka is a key component in stone-testing science. Any stone-tester who fails the Sabaloka test has to drop his aspirations for professionalism.

    One of the main characteristics of stone-testers is that, they won’t leave their farms until stones turn hot. Those who go home before stones are hot are considered lazy and non-productive. Consequently their stone –testing ability will be subjected to argument.

    no matter how the heat maybe
    stone-testers will adapt
    as long as stone may live
    the testers will react
    it takes what it gives
    and gives what it takes
    with stones and rocks we live
    we do enjoy snuff,
    sometimes we spliff
    fantastic on the river bank
    it takes what it gives
    it gave us stones and rocks
    we are the stoners tanks
    stones are living creatures
    though not many will forgive
    it takes what it gives
    Unlike all other people on earth we believe that stones can be grown. In fact growing stones and rocks is a wide spread practice in the area. The farmers, particularly those who own land in the jarf, which is subjected to erosion during floods time, are well known stone-growers. Depending on the location of the land – whether near a wadi’s ( a seasonal water course) discharge or far a way; the type of stones growing changes. Any tester can tell the difference. These seasonal torrential waters are prime source of inspiration for stone-testers. When any water course ( wadi) discharges itself into the Nile, stone-testers flock and scramble to watch forces of nature fighting. Stone-testers draw much of their experiences watching the violent waters fighting with rocks. The uproar generated by the fight of nature forces is the best music testers enjoy.

    we sit down to watch
    water hitting like an earthquake
    strong the rocks stand
    they are genuine not fake
    the water won’t give up
    neither learn from mistakes
    the fight rages on
    but the water soon breaks

    Genrally, the people see stones growing as an unworthy thing to do. If you grow stone it implies that one day you have to uproot it to avoid over siltation in the jarf land which turns it (un)- irrigable.

    to grow or not to grow
    is not the same
    when it comes to stones
    after long years of wait
    the harvest can be sour
    we won’t grow stones
    we won’t grow stones

    they don’t give a damn
    to waters or pontoon
    we won’t grow stones

    they neither make you rich
    nor take you to the moon
    they won’t have kids
    neither be reborn
    it is a hard thing to do
    no benefit was ever borne
    we won’t waste time
    to reproduce stone
    no such thing can be
    everybody has known
    stone can’t be grown

    between the shadow
    and the sun
    we sit down to moan
    they won’t listen to us
    neither they groan
    stone can’t be grown

    if you love the stone
    you r’ welcome to join
    take whatever you want
    they don’t cost a coin

    all stones we have
    are clean and virgin
    we won’t trade them in
    for the folly and made in
    all stone are virgin
    they have always been virgin

    we won’t abuse them
    ‘cause they are part of us
    we won’t throw them away
    they belong to us
    when we bury the dead
    we put stone to cover
    durable to the end
    we r’ quite certain
    all stones are virgin
    no matter what you do
    stones remain virgin

    the stones belong to us
    other don’t know the value
    it won’t be fair
    to try to value

    it is the place we rest
    when tired of life
    we sleep in the open air
    other sneak to drive
    we won’t go anywhere
    we will strife
    long live the life
    long live the life
    long live the life
    long live the life


12-22-2007, 11:48 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 06-17-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 4734

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: في حب الحجاره ومتزوقي - الحجاره In Love of Stones and Stones-Testers (Re: Asskouri)


01-15-2008, 00:46 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 06-17-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 4734

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: في حب الحجاره ومتزوقي - الحجاره In Love of Stones and Stones-Testers (Re: Asskouri)


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