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Protecting Criminality Colonialism and Corruption in Nigeria by Using Deception

10-13-2021, 03:18 PM
Tarig Anter
<aTarig Anter
Registered: 03-24-2015
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Protecting Criminality Colonialism and Corruption in Nigeria by Using Deception

    02:18 PM October, 13 2021

    Sudanese Online
    Tarig Anter-الخرطوم-السودان
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    There is a fake photo showing the Fulani Muhammadu Buhari directing the Igbo Nnamdi Kanu the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB). This fake photo reveals the truth of how the Fulani are cheating Nigerians in general and the Igbo people by believing that Nnamdi Kanu IPOB is seeking justice and unity.

    The support for my surprising conclusion is in two directly related facts. First, Kanu appeared regularly in Jewish prayer shawl and head covering. He said publicly, that he "believes in Judaism" and considers himself a Jew and led his Biafran people to various Jewish prayers and religious observations. Most probably, money from Fulani pay Nnamdi Kanu via Israel or directly in secret.

    History savvy scholars could see the second fact that reveals deceptions in Nigerian politics. It is the historic, strong and hidden links and common interests between the Fulanis and the Hebrews since appearance of the Hyksos in North Africa and the creation of the pale and black Fulani since 1500 BC, which are continuing today. Clearly, the many stories of Fulani origin point repeatedly to a Hebrew-Levant past.

    To finish off the Igbo or Yoruba and all other local nations in Nigeria who are struggling against criminality, Fulani colonialism and corruption it is a common Fulani tactic to create and implant militant weird groups and calls into them so it is possible to target and break any legitimate patriotism and valid just rights.

    From what I discovered that Kanu is a Fulani-Israeli agent against the Igbo people. Patriots in Nigeria must investigate my claim impartially and objectively. By inventing fake history and stories and supporting corrupt chiefs, leaders and movements, the Fulani are working on destroying Igbo and Yoruba identity, heritage and faith system. Fake history, fake faith and fake politics are against any national interests.

    This is how Fulani operate in all countries including my homeland in southern Nile Valley. The Fulani applied the Nigerian scenario in the Nile Valley since 1500 BC by the Hyksos-Fulani and repeated them again by Funj-Fulani in 1500 AD, Turkic-Fulani in 1820 AD, the Mahdist-Fulani in 1881 and today by Janjaweed-Fulani

    Israel started as a clan in 1800 BC from the Punt Lands peoples (the Horn of Africa) who are as ancient as all nations on Earth. The chiefs of Igbo are taking the Igbo people to a very wrong, humiliating and dangerous path. I am sure brainwashed are the Igbo people only but their chiefs are carrying deliberately out many sinister plans. Look for the Fulani connections, money and interests in Igbo chiefs

    Jews are Hebrews and they are from a branch of the expelled Hyksos in 1523 BC. The Hyksos are yellowish 90% Amorites of the Levant and 10% Turkic Mongolians from East Asia who invaded Sumer in 2334 BC, called Akkadians, and Sumer expelled them in 2154 BC. The Hyksos in Egypt went westward in 1600 BC and allied with the Meshwesh Berber (Moors) to invade, loot and enslave West Africa. These raids all over West Africa created the black Fulani who were subservient to the pale yellowish Fulani of Hyksos and Berber mix. The Israelites are not Jews at all. The Israelites and any nation do not migrate like birds, fish or locusts

    The Israelites are not Hebrew or Jews at all. The Israelites are from Punt Lands of the Horn of Africa and their Solomon's Temple and Jerusalem were in Afar Triangle in Ethiopia and Eritrea.

    The Hyksos-Sabaeans of D'mt colony allied with Judah chiefs to rebel against King Solomon. When he died in 930 BC, D'mt colony and Judah chiefs looted the Temple and expelled ten tribes of Israel. In 600 BC, the Babylonian Hyksos instructed D'mt colony and Judah chiefs to destroy the Temple, sell the ten tribes into slavery, and come to Babylon to invent Jews and Judaism and Hebrew language and Hebrew Bible from the Aperu and the Torah of Moses that was in Ge'ez language of ancient Tigray. https://wp.me/p1OEJz-1Rdhttps://wp.me/p1OEJz-1Rd

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