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The Amazing Passion for Diplomacy: Remembering the Magnanimity of Ambassador Moses M. Akol

12-18-2022, 04:03 AM
Dr.James Okuk
<aDr.James Okuk
Registered: 05-27-2016
Total Posts: 4

The Amazing Passion for Diplomacy: Remembering the Magnanimity of Ambassador Moses M. Akol

    03:03 AM December, 17 2022

    Sudanese Online
    Dr.James Okuk-University of Juba
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    Tribute by Amb. Dr. James Okuk
    17th December 2022
    Republic of South Sudan,
    • Unbelievable Departure

    From the onset of this tribute let me confess that getting into terms with the reality that Ambassador Moses Mojwok Akol Ajawin Agongdit is no more with us in the mortal world, has never been so easy to bear. For over a year now no single day or night passes without feeling his memorable presence in my reflections and meditations. He has left in me unending thoughts, especially in the arena of diplomacy and analytical thinking. His life was defined by appreciative hard work, focused curiously, continuous knowledge acquisition, innovative creativity, uncompromising skillful excellence, expressive eloquence, moderating facilitation, smart appearance, behavioral etiquette, organizational discipline, outreaching gentleness, cultured sensitivity, avuncular mentorship, and many more attributes of a refined human person.

    The common DNA I had shared with Ambassador Moses Mojwok since the time we joined the foreign service of the Sudan after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005, and also when we came back to establish the nascent Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MFAandIC) in 2011, is amazingly beyond imaginable intimacy. What has remained a mystery for me up to now is how the destiny has it that I will be the first person to view him on his tranquilized deathbed with disbelief that he has left the temporary human world without prior signaling to anyone. This impacted my being and understanding of life. It has strengthened my faith that we will meet again in the immortal glorious home. May his magnificent soul continue to rest in the abode of Almighty Creator of the spiritual heaven and the material earth.

    • Highlights in History of Diplomacy
    Rewinding my memory after a year of his silent departure, I can attest how Ambassador Moses Mojwok loved admirably with intuitive passion the history of diplomacy, its origins and evolution. He mentored the diplomats and ambassadors of all grades in MFAandIC and constantly urged them to take diplomacy seriously with a sense of a special career professionalism. Mornings, afternoons, evenings, and nights do not pass without seeing him reading and pondering on these:

    • Art of Negotiations in the Democratic Greek City-States.
    • Skilled Archivists, Administrators and Bureaucrats in the Roman Empire.
    • Divide-and-Rule Diplomacy in the Byzantine Empire.
    • Diplomats of the Italian City-States in Footsteps of the Byzantine Empire.
    • Diplomatic Statecraft in the 15th Century, A.D.
    • Appointing Permanent Ambassadors in Italian City-States and French Monarchy.
    • Durable Relationships and Advances in Modern Diplomacy and World Order.
    • Blunders of the League of Nations and “End of Secret Diplomacy” with Emergence of Human Rights Tradition under the Charter of the United Nations in 1945.
    • Vienna Conventions on Multilateral and Bilateral Diplomatic/Consular Relations and Law of Treaties (1961,1963 and 1969) in the Traditions of Diplomacy, International Relations, and Foreign Policy Execution.
    Not only mastering these important origins and evolution of diplomacy, but it was so amazing seeing Ambassador Moses applied the best possible practices within the tradition and context of foreign service. I remain so grateful for having the opportunity to be his closest colleague. We trained and coached the staff of MFAandIC, lectured to postgraduate students at the School of Social of Economics and Studies (SSES) in the University of Juba, and participated in many intellectual forums.

    The trust and the confidence that Ambassador Moses Mojwok had in me is unimaginably unforgettable. He would call me Jimmy even though he is my paternal uncle in the family tree of the historical Doleib Hill village in Upper Nile, the headquarters of the American Presbyterian Christian Mission in the Sudan and South Sudan established in 1902. No one like him has ever narrated to me about the visit of Franklin Delano Roosevelt to Doleib Hill with a caravan plane that landed on smoothly on Sobat River in 1930s. Roosevelt enjoyed a great relaxing time in the Presbyterian Mission Residence and went hunting in the nearby forest with his friends before he became the US President.

    • Diplomatic Lectures
    Ambassador Moses Mojwok will always refer to history of diplomacy in antiquity. For example, in the Old Testament Jepathah used to send envoys to engage the Amnonites and negotiate war without use of violence or hard force. The house of Saul delegated well-respected messengers to make peace with the house of David (1 Samuel 19:14). In the same tradition, ancient Ethiopia sent envoys to Jerusalem. Ancient African monarchs were also known of crisscrossing the world, carrying gifts of good will for peace among nations. Egyptian pharaohs and their neighboring kings used to exchange emissaries. Pharaoh Ramses II and King Haturi II of the Hittites signed a treaty in 1278 BC.

    Nonetheless, written concept and practice of diplomacy is associated with ancient Greece, which greatly influenced the Roman and the Byzantine Empire. As early as the 8th century BC, the Greeks employed Interlocutors and Heralds who were well-trained and enthusiastic in the art of negotiations with good memory and oration. This became sophisticated by the 5th century BC that envoys from unfriendly city-states had to be accorded immunity and privileges to facilitate their movement and interactions. The Romans emphasized commitment to agreements/treaties, archives, public administration, and imperial bureaucracy. After the fall of Roman Empire in the 6th century, the Byzantines appeared in the political scene to breathe new life into the antient diplomacy but also sneaking in other tactics like divide-and-rule, bribery, and shenanigans against their enemies to expand the subjugation and control (330 – 1453 AD).

    When Europe fell into the Dark Ages of feudalism between the 11th to the 13th Centuries, the Byzantines practices had already infected the conduct of diplomacy. The Italian city-states, led by Venice, focused on achieving their common interests without use of force, propaganda, or courts. By 9th Century, the Venetians had archives of written instructions to ambassadors, responses by foreign countries, and detailed end-of-mission reports. In the 15th century, Italian city-states recognized diplomacy as a profession that required exchange of permanent ambassadors (e.g., Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio and Machiavelli).

    The French domesticated the word ‘diploma’ and created the early frameworks for modern diplomacy in the 1600 A.D with Cardinal Richelieu, Chief Minister of King Louis XIII, making significant advances in professional practice by establishing the first Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1626 to unify the direction of enhancing durable relationships and preservation of archives on different types of documents of diplomacy. By the 1700 A.D, members of foreign service became known as “Corps Diplomatique/Diplomatic Corps” led by the most senior diplomat known as the Dean. This became the major paradigm shift in official conduct of diplomacy, coordinating all aspects of foreign policy among Other Government Departments (OGDs).

    Diplomacy continued to be known as ‘art of negotiation’ until Irish philosopher and politician, Edmund Burke, coined the use of word ‘diplomacy’ in 1796 A.D. French become the de facto language of diplomacy in the 19th Century, especially in international conferences and writing of treaties. The Congress of Vienna in 1815 A.D served as the turning point in recognizing the diplomatic service as a bureaucratic profession. Rules and protocols were developed, and major functions of foreign affairs ministries and diplomatic mission were defined accordingly―Represent, Recruit, Brief, Dispatch, Finance, Communicate and Secure. The League of Nations and the United Nations emerged in 1920 and 1945 respectively to advance the links through multilateralism.

    To date the traditional practices of diplomacy have advanced into intricate processes by which nations achieve their foreign policy objectives through discrete activities. Nonetheless, the statesmen and politicians have continued to play their roles in exercising diplomacy but with more acknowledgement of technocrats, civil society, media, eminent personalities, and other stakeholders in Trak I, Track II and multitracked format.

    • Determinants and Objectives of Foreign Policy
    Ambassador Moses Mojwok would always share his ideas on diplomacy and advice those in the key position of decision-making in the Republic of South Sudan to take note of determinants (internal and external) of contemporary of foreign policy, which are categorizing into:

    • The prevailing world order where nations pursue their self-interests more frequently with mutual cooperated within the bilateral and multilateral set-ups. 
    • The reaction of a state to policy objectives of another to understand the behavior, including consideration of the public opinion and alliances with similar-minded.
    • The recognition of the influence of domestic factors on the foreign policy objectives in international arena, including the burden of history.
    • The geographical size of sovereign territory and vibrant population with valuable resources contained therein,
    • The good governance principles guiding well-managed institutions to deliver services with quality diplomacy.

    The internal foreign policy determinants include historical influences, size and geography, natural resources, economic development, industrial development, military power, quality and size of population, the media, think-tanks, political organization, good governance, and quality of diplomacy. While the influencing power of some of these determinants is usually self-evident and can subtly be traced to readily discernable sources, other determinants are complex. Among these, the diplomacy merits serious attention, objective analysis, and nuanced synthesis to advance the national interest in a manner compatible with prevailing climate of international relations.

    At the heart of the national interest in the foreign policy lie the crucial short-range objectives of protecting the sovereignty, defending the territorial integrity, and securing the well-being of the citizenry. The middle-range objectives are focused on achieving economic uplifting, raising the standard of living, respecting human rights, and adhering to international law and treaties. The long-range objectives are geared towards the ideals and values of investing strategically in the stable nation-state building. However, some of the middle and the long-range objectives are elastic and can change to short-term range, depending on the interests being pursued.

    Ambassador Moses Mojwok would always reference the constitution of South Sudan on foreign policy framework to re-emphasize the long-term ideals: Promote international and regional cooperation, consolidate universal peace and security, respect international law and treaties, foster just world order and good-neighborliness, and maintain amicable and balanced bilateral relations. Attainment of these goals require robust and evolving strategies developed by the MFAandIC to address the badly limping South Sudanese diplomacy, which has been affected by inexperience of many of its ambassadors and diplomats, lack of clear foreign policy priorities, and spree of endemic corruption.

    • Relations with the Sudan
    Ambassador Moses Mojwok thought that if the foreign policy is essentially a legacy of the state’s history, then South Sudan stands to inherit the genes of a very complex past where many currents had meddled in the lives of the people since Ottoman Empire’s foray in the 1820s. The history of the people of South Sudan is a narrative of fiercely independent, free-spirited, and proud people who had lived in splendid harmony with the visible and invisible forces of nature. It is also a tortured history haunted by scrooge of slave trade of the nineteenth century and triple colonialism exacerbated by the callousness of state-sponsored violence in the twentieth century, but which was resisted by the people and met with fierce struggle for survival in the face of some of the ugliest tools of repression and deaths.

    History has proven to possess an amazing capacity to hold foreign policies hostage for a long time. Nowhere has these historical influences been on a self-defeating display than in the recent times of relationship between the separated Sudans. Although it was hoped that the amicable secession in 2011would ameliorate the bitter history and enable the two countries to conduct their relations pragmatically to further their mutual interests, the two neighbors have been on rollercoaster-like path. The sour relations have deteriorated in 2012 so much so that the jittery political leaders in Juba and Khartoum seemed to intuitively reach for their side-pistols each time the other country’s name is mentioned by any chance in passing. Full cooperation in many areas have remained a wish for a courtesy of ‘summit diplomacy’ despite the signing of many cooperation agreements.

    • Diplomatic Rapprochement
    Ambassador Moses Mojwok believed strongly that the rapprochement with the diplomacy of South Sudan should be tackled bilaterally and multilaterally, addressing the internal discord to the root causes to enable a better progress towards the current and future core national interests. There is no room for pessimism or intellectual laziness in the conduct of successful diplomacy. Being a disciplined civil servant to achieve desirable results in the face of seemingly insurmountable circumstances, is a must for all practitioners in this profession.

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the diplomatic staff should always identify and accentuate the positive aspects of foreign policy execution. Whereas there might be half-empty wine glasses at diplomatic receptions and cocktail parties, for instance, it is to be noted that every glass should be viewed through the diplomatic lens as half-full. Consequently, should a diplomatic imperative call for the search of the proverbial needle in a haystack for the attainment of national interest, then by all available means, let that search go forth without delay and with the zeal and clarity of vision that the mission demands.

    Up to the time of his departure, Ambassador Moses had always been optimistic that an endurable peace will bless South Sudan and provide policymakers the best opportunity to formulate a sound foreign policy capable of achieving regional and international rapprochement in the interest of constructive diplomacy in the established tradition of protection of independence and sovereignty, defense of territorial integrity, gathering of information, clarification of intentions, non-interference in normal internal affairs of other states, combating of international and trans-national organized crime, promotion of good-neighborliness with mutual cooperation to maintain amicable and balanced relations, and engendering political goodwill without resort use of lethal force or courts.

    All these summarized thoughts, analyses and recommendations on diplomacy are the valuable legacy that the passionate Ambassador Moses Mojwok Akol had left behind for remembering him in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of South Sudan now and for posterity. Most of these ideas are now defining the content of the master curriculum being developed in 2022 and to be validated and rolled out in 2023 to guide the competency-based trainings in the Institute of Diplomatic Studies (IDs).

    The Magnanimity of Extraordinary South Sudanese Ambassador Moses Mojwok Akol Remains Unmatchable!

    Tribute to Late Ambassador Moses M. Akol Ajawin
    Eulogy by Shawgy Badri
    (Translated from Arabic as originally published on 17 April 2021)

    Before the political separation of South Sudan from the Sudan while unity remains in our conscience, brother Moses Akol served as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of the Sudan to Sweden with the Embassy in Stockholm. He succeeded a distinguished personality and an experienced Ambassadorial lady, Sister Zeinab Mahmoud, who had a great impact on the Sudanese and the Swedes during her tenure there. Before that, Ustaza Sawsan Abdel Magid and Ustaza Nadia Jafun served in Sweden with similar diplomatic and consular impact. The latter was promoted and deployed as the Ambassador of the Sudan to Norway, taking over from Ambassador Elham Shanteir who became later the minister of state for foreign affairs of the Sudan. Greetings and respect to them all!

    We must not forget that the Ambassador of the Sudan who opened the Embassy in Stockholm and with representation in Scandinavian countries is none other than the learned and renowned eminent person from Abyei Area, Dr. Francis M. Deng. He was assisted by the diplomat and poet, Mohammed Al-Makki Ibrahim. Both demonstrated an admirable spirit of southern-northern Sudanese special cohesion as they built a wonderful reputation for the Sudan in Sweden and neighbouring European states under non-residential representation from Stockholm.

    Despite the good stories about the Embassy of the Sudan in Sweden, unfortunately, there were sad narratives too. Ambassador Moses Akol was deployed to Stockholm when the image of the Government of the Sudan was already destroyed by his predecessors. This made his diplomatic assignment so difficult in Sweden, to begin with. Yet he managed to pick up and build on the good part of the experiences of his predecessors. Some of these ambassadors and diplomats gained the love and respect of the Sudanese and Swedes despite the ugliness of the Nimeiri regime, which turned against itself by abrogating the 1972 Addis Ababa Agreement and provoking the second civil war in Southern Sudan in 1983 to cripple the good news of the thriving democracy there. The situation was worsened by the Ingaz Revolution Regime in the Sudan by 1989.

    Unlike some of his colleagues who served in Stockholm before him, Ambassador Moses was able to regain the lost love and the respect of the Embassy by the Sudanese nationals and the Swedes. His extraordinary intellectual skills, cordial human relations, and media professionalism in the field of journalism in America, combinedly worked well for him in addition to his excellent command of English language and poetic eloquence in classical Arabic. He was able to change the negative circumstances of the Embassy of the Sudan in Stockholm and the countries under his non-residential representation in Europe. He was assisted by the son of a renowned diplomat, Mohamed Idris, who previously honoured the Sudan with his ambassadorial tact and respect in international arena.

    Like Deng Alor Kuol, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Sudan, who studied in Cairo University in the Arab Republic of Egypt, Ambassador Moses Akol graduated with Bachelor in Agricultural Economics from Alexandria University. Deng Alor had his basic education in Medani and Moses Akol had his in Kosti, both done in Arabic language in 1960s. Minister Deng Alor hailed from Abyei Dinka and Ambassador Moses Akol from Shilluk Kingdom. Moses is brother of the renowned gentleman and learned former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Sudan, Dr Lam Akol. The sons of Akol Ajawin were well-known in Malakal.

    To a large extent, my contacts with Moses was due to our strong sense of belonging to Malakal, a city closer to our hearts. We were saddened together when Malakal was destroyed in 2013 beyond recognition, especially its greatest beautiful buildings and installations that stood on concrete columns at Mudiriya neighborhoods, which were almost souvenirs on the eastern shore of White Nile. Moses was in more pain; being the intimate son of the huge Malakia neighborhoods of Malakal and born there too. His visits to our house in the southern Swedish city of Malmö made us extremely happy, especially that my wife's mother is from Shilluk. Her father was a Sergeant who had his house in Malakia residential area, not far from the house of Akol’s family. He also met brother Ammar Khalid and discovered they were intimate brothers since breastfeeding time.

    During our get-together with Ambassador Moses, we used to remember all the neighborhoods of Malakal, starting with Assosa in which our school was, going to Bandar School near Suk Duhkolia (market) east of Malakal’s King Farouk Mosque that was built with rocks that did not exist in Malakal but shipped from Kit Nyijwad (mountain) in Tonga, moving to the beautifully green Al-Rai Al-Masri (Egyptian Irrigation Residence) that was famous for singing birds in the gardens, then to Sanqaat which was the furthest residence in south Malakal, and also to the airport after the veterinary area on eastern shore of the river in north of Malakal, to Doleib of Detang across the river and opposite to Malakal Airport, coming to Malakia Market where native eggs and chickens were sold by the villagers in one place together with Sherigania (grass fence), and to Arkowet Park at river port, etc.

    We had a lot in common with Ambassador Moses and never got tired or bored of beautiful discussions and memories of Malakal during the glorious days of its unique civilization. The only thing we failed to have in common was tennis and the dedication Ambassador Moses had for this elitist sport. He was an articulate writer and a gifted speaker with exceptional ability to formulate words fluently in any language that he had learnt. I envied him for that special linguistic talent! He wrote on great topics and got published widely in the Sudanese newspapers and websites. He was also a savoured poet, almost remembering by heart all the collections by Poet Seif Ed din El Desuggi of Omdurman, Hai El-Arab. Moses kept them with him even in Diaspora.

    Ambassador Moses, God bless his soul, was totally different from his previous colleagues who headed the Sudanese diplomatic mission in Sweden. He took the relations with Sudanese nationals as pertinent part of his sole responsibility. Because of this commitment, he could drive 650 kilometers to participate in events organized by the Sudanese in Sweden and the neighbouring Scandinavian countries. He was extraordinarily active socially and culturally. I remember how he organized the visit of the great artist Nancy Ajaj to Stockholm to electrify the Sudanese nationals and their friends with Sudanese music.

    Ambassador Moses also did a lot of work at the Embassy in Stockholm to ease the burden on the staff. He often did the consular work to issue the visas and authenticate the documents when the consul wasn't available. He was a splendid shift in the Embassy. We loved him very much! It is so painful that death has snatched him from us so early with a great shock beyond our expectations. Here lies the difference made by Ambassador Moses, who communicates with everyone in Sweden and beyond and was ready to assist whoever was in a genuine need, and not considering his VIP position as an opportunity for a booty!

    When I organized a barbecue for Ambassador Moses, to my surprise, over 70 people turned up to honor that special invitation. This was unprecedented because many Sudanese and Swedes would apologize if any of the staff of the Sudanese Embassy was invited to share a space with them. They were sanctioned by the Diaspora for representing the Ingaz Regime of Omar Al-Bashir and not respecting the Sudanese nationals abroad. At that occasion, Ambassador Moses came carrying with him tennis rackets and bag. Upon seeing his sports enthusiasm, I could recall how he was one of the champions of this game in Malakal. He expected me to join him in the tennis courts that are abundantly available in all Swedish neighborhoods and under free service of everyone who could play. Ambassador Moses was shocked to learn that we in Al-Abbasiya, had negative ideological positions against those who played tennis and celebrated their birthdays. I remember Salah Abdel Fattah, from Khartoum II, the one with the Egyptian accent, who almost made me lose my Al-Abbasiya identity when he came there looking for me while wearing white tennis clothes with white cap and driving a white Mercedes. That was the height of provocations by a tennis player!

    Ambassador Moses, may God bless his lovely soul, informed me about my friends and classmates of Malakal, especially Farouk Deng who had joined the police but became disabled in the bloody events of Southern Sudan. Farouk was a humorous person who liked cracking jokes for people to laugh and stay joyful. He was with me in intermediate school. Another colleague was Majzoub Yousif from Damer who used to sit in front of me in class with Bukhari Muhammad Ali from Geiger who sat behind together with the great Pagog Ngor Jok whose name is now given to my son Pagog Ngor. On his right was the school sage and the crown of our head, Ajuot Aluong Akol from Melut, and to his left was Ibrahim El-Haj Ibrahim from Fangak with his family originating from Wad Al-Zaki in White Nile. This is how we were interacting and enjoying in the past, bonded by love and brotherhood of being sons of Malakal and nothing else. Up to date we still look for the news of these comrades and their families wherever they may be to keep the history and pour memories of Malakal alive.

    I remembered how Ambassador Moses Akol threw a well-organized reception for the Sudanese Foreign Minister Deng Alor in Stockholm. This was well-attended and light-spirited with participation of Sudan's Ambassador to Norway, Ustaza Elham Shanteir, many African ambassadors, Arabs and Europeans Ambassadors, including the Ambassador of Kuwait in Stockholm. The Kuwaitis never get tired when meeting the Sudanese to talk about the renowned Consul to Southern Sudan, Abdullah al-Sarie, who became popularly known as Abdullah Juba during the time of the Regional Government in 1970s to 1980s. The Kuwaitis consider him to be the Tarzan of Kuwait in the jungles of Southern Sudan. As the Kuwaiti ambassador boasted about the popularism of Abdullah Juba, Ambassador Moses and Minister Deng listened with interest and respect without shrugging off or fidgeting. This is the pinnacle of diplomacy and recognition, I must admit! There were also Swedes, ordinary citizens, who came to the reception for the Sudanese Minister of Foreign Affairs. One of them introduced himself as President of Stockholm Tennis Club, which was honoured by Ambassador Moses who became a committed member there. I don't remember an ambassador who has engaged in tennis game and communicated extraordinarily with ordinary citizens like what Ambassador Moses Akol did. I might be wrong. I saw a big difference between him and the former Sudanese Ambassadors to Europe.

    Ambassador Moses Akol reached out to everyone. He was the first Ambassador in Sweden to have a farewell party organized in southern part of that beautiful country. Ambassador Moses, God bless his soul, also surprised me as the first Sudanese who borrowed several books from my house and returned them in good condition. I suspect he was the last to do this crazy thing, contrary to the humorous saying on the two idiots in the world; the one who lends a book and the one who returns it. The splendor of my brother Moses Akol, which made him a great diplomat and an extraordinary Sudanese Ambassador, was his ability to communicate eloquently with grabbing admiration, professional humor, love, and respect of the other. I don't remember an ambassador who finds hospitality from everyone in our city and nearby city of Lund University like what Moses Akol Ajawin did!

    In his participation in the Horn of Africa Conference, which used to be organized by the University of Lund, Ambassador Moses did not leave his seat throughout the days of the Conference. He was listening carefully to presenters and contributed cordially and eloquently to the discussion within the scope of subject matter. He won the admiration of everyone in the hall. I was so proud of him, the great son of lovely Malakal and the unique Sudanese Ambassador. The northern Sudanese delegates, including a special lady, would cluster around Ambassador Moses to seek counsel. Somali delegates would also rush to shake hands. He had met some of them at public events in USA before. Moses remembered them well by names and asked about their relatives and friends. That is where I knew that he is a real ambassador with wider contacts across the world due to his many trips and exposure visits. What puzzled me a lot was how northern Sudanese failed to recognize southern Sudanese apart from demeaning them. Ambassador Moses’ greatness was unmatchable! He attracted others to his side, and this is the essential role of a cultured professional diplomat. His was opposite to my policy of confronting and exposing others negatively. I think Moses' policy was more effective than mine. Now I understand and value this policy so dearly.

    It was the saddest day of my life when Mathiang Cirillo, the editor-in-chief of the Juba-based newspaper of “Al-Maugif”, which I have the honour of sending everything I write for publication, called to inform me that Ambassador Moses has gone to his Lord quietly in his room. I couldn’t believe this! I was expecting my brother Moses to have a long life that would have enabled him to give more to the country with his great experience and ability in journalism and diplomacy. He was the most communicative ambassador in the Scandinavia who was in constant touch with the Sudanese and Swedish citizens alike. They will continue to remember him vividly. That is what is important about the Sudanese Ambassador Moses Akol!

    It pains me that Ambassador Moses has left us so early. I remember his marriage a decade ago. In spite of the pain for his death, I am however happy that he left behind two children from his wife, Madam Suzan. My deep condolence to her and I pray that God will help her and compensate her great loss. My condolences to Dr. Lam Akol and all the brothers and sisters of Ambassador Moses too. One of the wonderful things is that of brother Barsham, who was brought by Ambassador Zainab Mahmoud from Sudan as the skilled cook and continued his journey with Ambassador Moses in whom he found best friendship even after the independence of South Sudan. When Barcham got married in Omdurman, Beit El-Mal, Ambassador Moses took time to visit and congratulate him in a special manner.

    When Ambassador Moses visited Stockholm for the last time, he contacted me and some Sudanese for a courtesy call. This beautiful behaviour is not usually practised by us, the Sudanese. The only exception I could remember is the son of Diplomat Mohamed Idris who also gave me a courtesy call. The Sudanese do not call after their travel, not because they are not loyal, but because they do not care or are lazy to do so.

    As I conclude this tribute, I would like to send my condolences to the Sudanese Ambassador in Stockholm, Mr. Abu Bakar Hussein, El- Rashid Al-Baseili, and the Embassy staff, even the local staff, including Raad. I am obliged to do this because they deserve a lot of thanks and salutations for having kept the good name of the Embassy left behind in Sweden by Ambassador Moses.


    As I was thinking and recalling a lot about the great brother and Ambassador, Moses Akol Ajawin, may God bless his soul, I thought about the people of Malakal and my contemporary, the great militant Ismail Suleiman from Kajo Kaji, the one with wide eyes that express kindness and affection all the time. I dreamt of meeting him one day. Oddly enough, we haven't met since the end of April 1959.

    Rest in Glory of the Dignified Human Persons


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