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Janjaweed Mohamed Hassan Al-Taishi Coordinates Commission of Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in Kolga

09-02-2021, 12:58 PM
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Janjaweed Mohamed Hassan Al-Taishi Coordinates Commission of Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in Kolga

    11:58 AM September, 02 2021

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    Janjaweed Mohamed Hassan Al-Taishi Coordinates Commission of Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in Kolgai Area under the Umbrella of the Sudan Sovereignty Council:
    Presentation, and a criminal case petition,
    By: Abdelaziz Osman Sam, In the name of Resistance Committees at Kolgai Area /Tawila Municipality,
    Date, August 28, 2021
    We write this presentation, and a criminal lawsuit petition against the leader of Janjaweed the so- called, Mohammed Hassan Al-Ta’ishi and others, in the name of the Resistance Committees for the glorious December 2018 Revolution at Kolgai Area/ of ​​Tawila Municipality-North Darfur state, the area that has been afflicted by Janjaweed raids of attacks since the beginning of August 2021, when “another wave of evil” erupted there on the citizens while they were busy plowing their farms at the beginning of an auspicious autumn season with abundant rains, but there is no way for good to prevail in a country ruled by the remnants of the “former regime” it’s army, Kazan and Janjaweed, we put our case as follows:
    First: Presentation,
    . The attack of the Janjaweed hordes on the Kolgai Area began on the morning of the first day of August 2021, when they came on motorcycles from all sides and attacked (38) villages in Kolgai Area / Tawila Municipality, they killed the unarmed citizens, bulldozed their farms, the first day of this raid citizens counted two martyrs including martyr/ Hamid Mohammed Tarboush from the village of “Adara Jannah,” and martyr Sadiq al-Din Ali Dahab from “Dolbye.” Then, Janjaweed invaders expelled the citizens from their villages and farms, forced them to flee away to the IDP camps of Zamzam, Tawila and El Fashir,
    . The Janjaweed attack on Kolgai Area began on the 30th and 31st of July 2021 and continued until reached its climax on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd day of August 2021.
    . The reason for this Janjaweed’s aggression against the people of Kolgai Area is that a citizen from the area filed a criminal case against an Arab Janjaweed person who trespassed on his farm, occupied the farm and started activities on it, the complainant brought eyewitnesses for the incident of trespass on his farm by that Arab person, then he immediately went and reported a criminal case at Tawila Municipality Police Centre, and brought eyewitnesses who witnessed the incident of the Janjaweed attack on the complainant's farm. The police issued an arrest warrant against the trespasser Janjaweed on the complainant's land, arrested him and brought him to Tawila/ Municipality Police Station, for investigation, trial, in terms of enforcement of the rule of law and prevention of impunity,
    . However, the Arab Janjaweed community got annoyed and bothered by the legal action of arresting the accused fellow Janjaweed Arab person by police authority, therefore, they issued false calls and statements in which they stated that: Zaghawa people had kidnapped there fellow Arab, and called out for gathering and rally to rescue the kidnapped Arab person, which was a false claim with the intent of sedition to justify killing, looting, robbery and chaos.
    . The phenomenon of not arresting Arab Janjaweed militia persons in Darfur region when they committed crimes is an old one that began in 2004 in El Fashir, when the ousted President Omar al-Bashir announced on air that he release his army and the Janjaweed militia on Darfur region, and asked them to kill, rape, robber, loot and displace the indigenous black people, that he wanted the land of Darfur free from the indigenous black population "Zurga", and that he doesn’t want any war prisoner or wounded persons, kill them all.
    Since that time, the Janjaweed Arabs in Darfur region have been exempted from accountability and discipline, they are enjoying full impunity, this justifies the Janjaweed refusal of the arrest of their fellow criminals to apply the rule of law on them until recently, in other words: Janjaweed in Darfur are not subject to the law, hey are above the law. These Janjaweed militias do not care about the fact that Sudanese people had revolted against the defunct regime and toppled it, that revolution had liberated Sudan from the regime of Kayzan, remnants and Janjaweed, hence Sudan is liberated from the fascist regime that brought these Janjaweed militias from Chad, Niger, Mauritania, Mali and Central Africa, armed them, and used them mercenaries to kill the indigenous citizens.
    Janjaweed in Darfur do not care that Sudan is liberated by the December 2018 revolution which overthrew the former president regime, because Darfur region is still ruled by the Janjaweed militias and elements of the former regime, tightening their grip on the necks of the victims of ethnic cleansing and genocide in Darfur.
    Yes, the defunct Omar al-Bashir has fallen, but Darfur region is still ruled by his faction consisting of his army and Janjaweed militias with all its components: Rapid Support Forces, Sahwa, Abu Tirah, Tamazuj, and so forth.
    . In response to the above false call of the Janjaweed, their frantic beasts swarmed from Nyala, Kabkabiya, Kutum, Geneina and Al-Mastriha, they attacked Kolgai Area from all sides, armed with heavy firearms and military equipment on, motorcycles as if they had descended from the heavy rain of those days. They killed the vulnerable unarmed villagers, bulldoze their farms, raped seven women on the first day, devastated the villages, even the seeds were not spared from them, they looted(38) villages whose people were displaced to the IDPs camps, while the Janjaweed took control of the entire area.
    . Following this brutal barbaric attack, the citizens of the area, the victims, rushed to Elfashir to report their case to the Wali “governor” of the North Darfur State, they informed the Wali about what happened to them and how the Janjaweed are still distroying villages, killing, raping women, bulldozing their farms and displacing them to flee away to the near bye IDP camps, Zamzam and others,
    . The reaction of the Wali of the state, General Nimr Abdul Rahman:
    . On August 3, 2021, the Wali of North Darfur state, Nimr Abdel Rahman, responded to the emergency security situation due to the intense attacks of the Janjaweed on Kolgai Area, he held the necessary security meetings, then sent a police force of (5) vehicles to the disastrous Kolgai Area to relief and protect the helpless citizens from the Janjaweed invaders, but the same military force sent had delayed, colluded, and violated the commands of the Wali Nimr, the forces did not reach the area of accidents until the next day, while the attacks against the citizens continued increasingly, the same military force returned to Al-Fashir the next day, claiming that it could not intervene to protect the citizens because the attacking Janjaweed force outnumbered it. While the Janjaweed continued their raids against the villages of the area, they harassed and torture the defenseless citizens, killed, destroyed villages, displaced citizens, bulldozed farms.
    . On the following day, Thursday, August 5, 2021, Wali Nimr Abdul-Rahman sent another sword of (15) military vehicles to the area to protect the citizens from Janjaweed attacks, prevent bulldozing farms, damaging property, displacement. But the sword violated the directives of the Wali once again, it refrained from abiding by the goal of the mission, the sword took refuge inside a health center of “Dolbye” village, looking joyfully at the Janjaweed as they are destroying, looting and bulldozing the farms, and displaced the citizens from their villages, so they fled to IDP camps.
    . The Armed Movement’s Forces deployed in Darfur region did not make any effort to protect the citizens of Kolgai Area-Tawila Municipality from the attacks of Janjaweed, claiming that a directive had been issued by the National Peace Commission signed by its commissioner, Suleiman Al-Debilo, preventing the armed movement’s forces from any military activities before the implementation of the security arrangements. Thus, they neutralized themselves from the “duty to protect” the defenseless citizens of Kolgai against the brutal attacks of Janjaweed militias inflicted. Therefore, the movement’s forces refrained from providing any protection to the citizens against the Janjaweed’s attacks on them, then a question arises here: Is it permissible for the armed movement’s forces to stand still while the Janjaweed are killing citizens, looting their property and bulldozing their farms like this؟. Just because the peace commissioner of the “National Umma Party” had directed the armed movements forces not to make any activity before the security arrangements؟. Does such a directive justifies this negative attitude from the armed movements while the citizens are being killed by the Janjaweed wolves؟ violating their dignity and honor, bulldozing their farms. What happened to the comrades؟ Are they still “Fighters not killer؟”,
    . Moreover, the Arab Janjaweed leaders remained stationed in El-Fashir, engaging and communicating with the local administrations of their victims of Kolgai Area, holding meetings, leading negotiations to proof that, the relevant land (Hakoura of Tarni), extending from (east of Tawila –Nyala road, in the west, up to Tabit in the east, and El-Fashir in the north), Janjaweed leaders claim that this land is owned by the so-called “Shattia Arabs”, their stand is; the ownership of Shattia Arabs to this land is beyond doubt and not negotiable. The Arab leaders invented a forged book in support of this claim (Alshattia, past and present), furthermore they forged maps and created false documents in Khartoum to support this false claim. But everyone knows this land’s owners since ancient times, people from different ages know the owners of this land, and know who utilizes it since decades and even centuries, their villages, farms, schools, wells, and excavations testify that this land was never been inhabited or cultivated by Shattia Arabs.
    In Darfur, generally speaking, Arabs are usually do not cultivate land, they are herders.
    . On Saturday, August 7, 2021, Mohamed Hassan Al-Taishi, a member of the Sudanese Sovereign Council, arrived in El Fashir, the capital of the Darfur region, on a criminal mission related to coordinating the operations of the attacks of Janjaweed on Kolgai Area since a week ago. Janjaweed Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo has appointed and sent Al-Taishi to manage and coordinate the execution of the Janjaweed attacks on the citizens of Kolgai area, to false the facts making the perpetrator a victim and the victim a perpetrator, he and his team obliterated the traces of the crime, destroyed its scene, concealed the material evidence, prevented the media from reaching the crime scene, to cover, reflect and reveal the events to the people, conveying live news from the battlefield to provide the public opinion with the truth, they kidnapped the dead bodies of those killed in the ambush that Janjaweed set up against a military force affiliated to the Gathering of Liberation Forces Movement, near Janjaweed Garrison called (Al-Damra), on Monday morning being September 9,2021 at the main road linking Elfashir- Nyala called al-Radmiya Street, and enabled the perpetrators to escape with impunity.
    On Monday, August 9,2021 the Janjaweed ambushed a military force affiliated to the “Gathering of Liberation Forces Movement” on the main street (Radmiyh) linking Al-Fashir and Nyala, opposite the military garrison (Al-Damra) of the Rapid Support Janjaweed / Alsahwa Militia / Abu Tirah / Tamazuj / the army of the former regime. This tight ambush was set up two days after Mohamed Hassan Altaishi arrived in El-Fashir to accomplish his criminal mission to oversee the attacks, to enable the perpetrators to escape, to obliterate and false the traces of the crime, making the perpetrator a victims and the victims perpetrators, as it became clear in words and deeds of him and his partners.
    . During his mission, which lasted for a whole week, from Saturday, August 7 to Saturday, August 14, 2021, the so-called Mohammad Hassan Al-Taishi committed the following crimes against the people of Kolgai area, and the Gathering of Liberation Forces Movement:
    1. He oversee and coordinated the Janjaweed’s raids of attack on Kolgai area, killed defenseless citizens, raped women and looted property, bulldozed farms, displaced people to camps, and total occupation of the area by Janjaweed,
    2. He oversight the Radmiyah Street ambush (Nyala-Al-Fasher), false the facts of the ambush, destroyed the evidence, kidnapped the dead bodies and the cars of the ambushed group and dragged them the Janjaweed garrison/ Damra, giving false Statement and evidence, completely falsifying the facts and turning the perpetrator into a victim and vice versa.
    3. They concealed and destroyed the crime scene of the ambush, destroyed evidence, not enabled the police and criminal laboratories to investigate the incident and arrest the perpetrators to determine the criminal responsibility, he facilitated impunity in full,
    4. He enabled impunity for all perpetrators of the attack on the villages of Kolgai and the Damra ambush,
    5. He misled justice, provided false evidence, fabricated misleading narratives with full knowledge of their lies, in order to mislead justice and blur the awareness of local and international public opinion about the reality of what is happening on the ground due to the grave violations of international humanitarian law, the Rome Statute and the International Criminal Court, he mislead the Sudanese, international criminal justice, and institutions for preserving international peace and justice,
    6. He prevented the official national and international media, the press, Sudan National Television and human rights activists from accessing the scene of the events to convey abstract and fresh facts to the Sudanese people and to the whole world, thus they mislead justice and enabled impunity to the perpetrators and facilitated their escape.
    . On August 14, 2021, the so-called Mohammed Hassan Taishi left El-Fashir to Khartoum onboard a presidential jet of the Republic of Sudan to report and table his great achievements to the Sovereign Council of Sudan, ad take his incentive from his boss Janjaweed Himatti, while the members of his panel kept their eyes blind to cover-up and silence about telling the truth, and refrain from stating the facts as occurred on the ground,
    .The current situation on the ground:
    . Now, hordes of Janjaweed heavily armed with military equipment are roaming Kolgai area, killing, looting, and destroying everything.
    . For this raid of attacks, Janjaweed gathered all components of the deep state governing Darfur region since the fall of Omar al-Bashir in 2019.
    It is well known that Darfur region is governed by a security group led by Janjaweed Rapid Support Forces, the former regime’s army, Sahawa militia, Tamazuj militia and Abu Tira police, they murder destroy villages, bulldoze farms, subjugating and integrating the Armed Movements which signed Juba Peace Agreement October 2020, which is facing serious challenges in the phase of implementation,
    . Mohammed Hassan Taishi has failed the agricultural season in Darfur this year, by chasing the farmers from their farms to IDP camps, bulldozing the farms hence he and his team committed the crime of genocide as defined in Rome Statute 1998:
    . After the Janjaweed expelled the people of Kolgai area from their villages and bulldozed their farms and forced them to flee away to the IDP camps of Zamzam, Tawila and Al-Fashir, the Janjaweed took control of the entire area between Tawila and Al-Fashir, whereas by displacing the citizens from their farms and villages, the agricultural season failed by preventing them from cultivating their farms, and thus the elements of the crime of genocide was completed. The so-called Mohammed Hassan Al-Taishi, the Janjaweed leader, and his associates they put the people of the Kolgai area “in living conditions that make the mass death of the group is the likely result of the act of Al-Taishi and his Janjaweed militias”, this is the definition of the Genocide crime in the Rome Statute 1998.
    . Accordingly, the elements of the crime of Genocide have been completed bend any reasonable doubt in the face of the called / Mohamed Hassan Taishi, Abdel Rahim Hamdan Doglo, and all the members of the panel who silenced their tongues and refrained from telling the truth, the legal very fact is omission constitutes the material element of the crime “Actus Rea” like commission, so Omission and Commission are same in providing the Actus Rea of ​​the crime committed.
    Janjaweed militias have taken new fulcrums to control Kolgai area:
    . Now, the Janjaweed are hunting down everyone who moves between Kolgai Mountain in the south and Kusa Mountain in the north, and from Galab station in the east to Tarni area in the west. For this purpose, they emptied a number of villages they expelled the population and using them fulcrums, including: Tradona, Adam Mondo Village, and Kushinat, the Janjaweed seized the houses and properties in the villages and encamped in, they patrol to monitor and verify any person moving in the area, arrest and expel them from their farms and villages.
    . The reasons why all efforts to deter the Janjaweed raids at citizens of Kolgai failed is that they are based on a false information and documents they made with their own hands and believed it, and they established it in a book they wrote from their imagination and sick aspirations, they named their false book (Shattia Past and Present), as they forged documents and draw fake geographical maps with their ambitions in the lands of Darfur, and they impose their own will by virtue of those fake documents made by their own hands.
    The dreams and ambitions of the Janjaweed in the lands of Darfur are as follow:
    . The land of Tarni (Hakoura), located east of the road linking Tawila and Nyala, and to the east until Tabit and El Fashir, they consider this land is owned by Shattia Arabs!,
    . Shattia Arabs claim they were the owners of this land (Kolgai) before the era of Sultan Ali Dinar, and now they have returned to it by force and occupied it, (the defunct government helped them in this, the wanted former president Omar al-Bashir gave them this land, and other lands in West Darfur, and another in North Darfur ”Zuroq” area, as a reward for the Janjaweed for their mercenary services they extended to the former regime, by killing the indigenous people of Darfur from Masalit, Fur and Zaghawa tribes who rebelled against that regime “Salvation Regime 1989-2019”, he gave them this lands as war spoils for their active role in killing the indigenous people of Darfur,
    . These invading Bedouin Janjaweed are not ready to prove their allegations through the “due process of law” through legal and judicial venues, to appear and litigate in front of courts, land registration bureaus and administrative authorities, because they prefer to take the law in their own hands.
    . In the face of this brutal attacks of the Janjaweed against the unarmed citizens of Kolgai area, where they killed, wounded, raped, bulldozed the farms, then displaced (38) villages to IDP slow death camps,
    . Moreover, Janjaweed Al-Taishi has absented all media journalists and HRs activists from going to the crime scene to transmit the voices of the victims live to the world, to reflect the situation and reveal what is happening to them, because media in Sudan is still dominated by the government, in Sudan free access to media is not a human right, and not available to citizens, freedom of opinion and expression are restricted to the minimum, the movement of journalists, correspondents and human rights activists is at the lowest degree, the government leaders criminalize the media workers, monitor and prevent freedom of publication, activists and bloggers are harassed and intimidated.
    This environment made the crimes of the attack on Kolgai area completely uncovered, the information about it is scarce and possessed exclusively by the so-called Mohamed Hassan Al-Taishi, the first accused in this matrix of crimes: he destroyed the material evidence, changed the perpetrator to victims and vice versa, he committed these matrix of criminal acts in his capacity as a member of the Sovereignty Council of the Republic of the Sudan,
    Therefore: We, the people of the stricken Kolgai Area of Tawila Municipality, hereby unanimously declare that the situation on the ground is extremely catastrophic, and that our people are subjected to continuous violations so they lost protection and are now totally vulnerable, Janjaweed perpetrators have bulldozed their farms and expelled them into miserable displacement camps lacking the most basic necessities of life, and that Janjaweed perpetrators had exposed our miserable people to an inevitable mass death, thus all the elements of the crime of Genocide were available against Mohamed Hassan Taishi and his partners.
    Secondly: The criminal case petition,
    Based on the abovementioned facts, irrefutable material and direct evidences, we are the Resistance Committees of Kolgai area / Tawila Municipality, we bring our criminal complainant directly against the following perpetrators:
    1. Mohamed Hassan Al-Taishi, Member of the Sudan Sovereign Council, Khartoum.
    2. Abdel Rahim Hamdan Daglo, Vice Leader of the Raid Support Forces, Khartoum.
    3. Mohamed Hamdan Daglo, Member of the Sudan Sovereign Council, Khartoum.
    4. Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan, Member of the Sudan Sovereign Council, Khartoum.
    5. All representatives of the Armed Movements who are members of Altaishi Panel,
    6. The leaders of the SAF, Janjaweed RSF, Abu Tirah Police, the Sahwa Militia and Tamazuj Militia who committed violations on the ambush of al-Radmiah Street against the forces of the Gathering of Liberation Forces,
    7. All Janjaweed who attacked (38) villages at Kolgi area who committed crimes in violation of the Rome Statute1998, “came into force on July 1st, 2002”:
    . To which Court this petition is submitted؟ :
    This criminal case petition is presented to: Honorable the Prosecutor General of the International Criminal Court ICC / Dan Hague - The Netherlands,
    Copy of the petition with thanks to:
    1. The Executive Commission Office of the African Union / Addis Ababa, to take note and play its role to protect the unarmed citizens of Kolgai Area attacked by Janjaweed, left them vulnerable and displaced. They are in urgent need to shelter, safety and food, and medicines, as well as a copy to the African Commission for Human and Peoples’ Rights- Arusha /Tanzania,
    2. The Security Council of the United Nations - New York , to take note of the current situation in Darfur region, Kolgai Area of Tawila Municipality in particular has become a “serious threat to international peace and order” in a manner more dangerous than even in the year 2003, “another pandemic wave of evil” has begun, and that genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crime are rapidly committed there in front of the Wali and the Governor of the Darfur Region, while they cannot utter a single word, because they became alliance and co-partners with the Janjaweed and the elements of the defunct deep state.
    3. The Troika group of countries, partners in the peace process in Sudan,
    4. European Union,
    5. African Neighboring Countries: Republic of South Sudan/the mediator and guarantor of the Juba Agreement for the Peace of Sudan 2020, Chad, Ethiopia, Federal Nigeria, and Libya,
    6. Countries with historical and strategic relationship to Darfur region, namely: Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Egypt.
    . We declare our urgent appeal for solidarity and support to all Sudanese bodies in and abroad to join us in adopting and submitting this petition from A to Z, such as:
    1. All Sudanese Resistance Committees across the country, our joint motto is: (An attack on anyone of us, is attack on all of us).
    2. All Diaspora Assisting Committees to support the Sudanese revolution, namely in Europe, America, Canada, Australia, the Gulf, Africa...etc.
    3. Human rights organizations, monitoring and verification organs in and out the Sudan.
    4. Sudanese Gatherings Abroad (Diaspora), we urge them to unanimously adopt this petition on behalf of the victims in solidarity, to raise it to the highest regional and international forums, to put an end to the brutal attacks against innocents, protect defenseless civilians, to eliminate impunity.
    Thirdly: Necessary precautionary measures (Interlocutory Orders):
    We call on our honorable partners, the comrades mentioned above, the Resistance Committees, the Diaspora Revolutionary Bodies Abroad, and the Sudanese gatherings abroad (Diaspora), human rights organizations and activists, we urge all of you that: before the international institutions related to international peace and s order take the necessary measures to stop the ongoing genocide against the defenseless citizens of Kolgai, very urgent precautionary measures (Interlocutory Orders) are required to be issued immediately from the Government of Sudan as follows:
    To suspend the membership of the following members of the Sovereignty Council of the Republic of Sudan:
    Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan,
    Mohamed Hassan Al-Taishi, and
    Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo,
    For their direct involvement in the incidents of attacks against the people of Kolagi, the suspension continues until the completion of the International Criminal Court investigation on these events, results at their conviction or acquittal, but these accused persons can’t remain members of the highest governing body in Sudan, as now they are the opponent and the judge at the same time.
    The immediate announcement of the establishment of the Federal Legislative Council for the Republic of Sudan (the Parliament), without more unjustified delay, the legislative council shall carry out the task of legislation and oversight for the republic of Sudan, and to complete the three organs of the state: legislative, executive and judiciary;
    To immediately declare Darfur region, the North Darfur State, Kolgai Area in particular a security and humanitarian disaster area, and to call the Security Council / United Nations, and the African Union to deploy a effective military mission to protect the displaced civilians from the brutality and abuse of the Janjaweed and the army of the former regime,
    To take note that the armed movements who came under Juba Agreement 2020 are helpless, fully surrendering to the domination of the Janjaweed militias, and that Juba Agreement will never be implemented in this unconducive security and political environment, where Janjaweed factions are fully ruling Darfur region under emergency situation where no rule of law, but law of force,
    It is necessary to immediately release the media (the fourth power), national and international media to reach the scene of the events to convey the facts from the mouths of the victims to reveal to the world, and to confirm that the era of hiding the truth is over forever. The right to freedom of media must be assured, to express abstract facts, and people must exercise their right to freedom of information and their right to freedom of expression and publication.
    We urge the immediate deployment of the elements of the Office of the Prosecutor General of the International Criminal Court in Darfur to embark exercising its duties, to file cases on the atrocities committed, arrest the perpetrators to prevent impunity, to impose the rule of law on everyone, to assure that no one above the law,
    Immediate deployment of the office of the Mediator/ Guarantor from the Republic of South Sudan to start the implementation of Juba Agreement 2020, the mediator and guarantor of the implementation shall immediately arrive in El Fashir City the capitals of Darfur to establish “Implementation Platform” and exercise a daily bureaucracy and routine in terms of the implementation the agreement. The implementation platform should soon established chaired by the guarantor, the role of the mediator In any agreement turns to the guarantor at the stage of the implementation, and that the failure to implement the Juba Agreement so far is caused by the absence of the mediator / guarantor, hence the mediator and his team shall move to El Fashir, the capital of the Darfur region,
    Therefore, we make this urgent and collective appeal to His Excellency The President of the Republic of South Sudan, to put this request real, and immediately send the mediator/ guarantor and his assistant team to El Fashir, to play his historic and essential role in the implementing the Juba Agreement for Peace of Sudan 2020, to establish security and preserve the lives of the unprotected people over there.
    The rapidly deteriorating humanitarian and security situation in Darfur as a result of the continuous aggression of the Janjaweed against the citizens, the bulldozing of their farms and their expulsion to displacement camps requires an urgent intervention by the international humanitarian, regional and international community to provide the necessary assistance to the victims there.
    If we agree on these precautionary measures, after adding or deleting them, to present them without delay to the Government of the Republic of Sudan with a copy of the State of South Sudan, the mediator / guarantor of the implementation of the Juba Agreement for Peace of Sudan, and for the partners and guarantors of the Juba Agreement for Peace of Sudan to do what is necessary to save the lives of the people from the imminent destruction, And put it into effect immediately, thank you.

    The author* :
    . Human rights activist,
    . An expert in the Sudanese armed movements,
    . Freelancer Lawyer.


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