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Articles and ViewsElectricity in Sudan ... a real tragedy on the rise Written by Osman Gasm Al-Saed
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Electricity in Sudan ... a real tragedy on the rise Written by Osman Gasm Al-Saed

08-29-2021, 07:36 PM
عثمان قسم السيد
<aعثمان قسم السيد
Registered: 04-19-2021
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Electricity in Sudan ... a real tragedy on the rise Written by Osman Gasm Al-Saed

    06:36 PM August, 29 2021

    Sudanese Online
    عثمان قسم السيد-السودان
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    The citizen in Sudan, under compulsion, still bears the tragedy of the power outage due to reasons including the absence of effective management and the absence of a deterrent to the administrative corruption that affected all the electrical network authorities, in addition to the insufficient support for the maintenance of the network and the supply of electrical energy resources resulting from the financial and administrative corruption process.

    The helpless Sudanese citizen has been calling for years to provide the electric current, which is one of the most important components that the country needs, which prompted the Sudanese street to shout and repeatedly call for reforming this sector, which was absent from reality and the absence of electricity to the extent that the interruption turned from the process of dumping the loads to a state of complete darkness, especially We are at the height of the greatest need for a permanent stability of electricity.

    Today, I watched a very sad and unfortunate clip of a Sudanese minister talking about resolving power cuts and finding justifications for that. Surprisingly, the power went out during his speech. It is the height of failure in particular, and after a long wait to solve this crisis, about which promises were made and foreign companies were brought in to maintain the stations and gave hope to the citizen that the stability of the electric current this year will be better than previous years, the bitter reality remains unchanged and the crisis of power outages continues in a number of cities And villages, even the Sudanese capital itself, was not spared from unjustified cuts.

    There are many power plants in Sudan, but their maintenance and protection depends on the presence of a higher administration capable of providing the necessary needs before the return of the demonstrations and the lawlessness of which I am afraid, as this crisis has always been associated with chaos in other countries.

    To sum up: electricity, which is the backbone of contemporary life, people have become deprived of it, and the most deprived people are the poor in the countryside and villages. Rather, the general public is in the same calamity, and they urgently need a quick and serious solution to this crisis that has reached its climax.

    And for the rest of the story

    Written by Osman Gasm Al-Saed

    [email protected]

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