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Articles and ViewsThe crimes of the Turkic Mongolian Communist Party in China and its Afghan mercenaries against the
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The crimes of the Turkic Mongolian Communist Party in China and its Afghan mercenaries against the

08-24-2021, 01:47 PM
Tarig Anter
<aTarig Anter
Registered: 03-24-2015
Total Posts: 797

The crimes of the Turkic Mongolian Communist Party in China and its Afghan mercenaries against the

    12:47 PM August, 24 2021

    Sudanese Online
    Tarig Anter-الخرطوم-السودان
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    The crimes of the Turkic Mongolian Communist Party in China and its Afghan mercenaries against the Tajik peoples of Bactra

    The Taliban and all terrorists, Persia, Turkey, Palestine, Israel, Pakistan, and the regimes of Syria, Iraq and Lebanon are the tools of the Turkic Mongolian Communist Manchus, occupying the Han people and land

    The fall of Afghanistan, which is the homeland of the people of Bactra, and Bactra is known in Persian as Tajiks, which means "other than the Turks", is a deliberate betrayal by the Zionist left-wing democrats in America in favor of a communist party in China. The Dems handed over Afghanistan to the Pashtun Taliban, who are a mercenary gang created with the support, planning, financing and arming of the communist Turkic Mongolian party, which occupies the homeland of the Han.

    A prayer to God Almighty in the very old monotheistic message of the people of Bactra, which is the Zoroastrian message, is known as "Ahura Mazda", that you, O God, save the peoples of Bactra from the brutal Turkic Mongolian Communist Party, the democrats and their mercenaries, the Pashtun Taliban

    Denial, forgery and ridiculous discussions will never change the fact that the whole world is now awakening and taking action against the Turkic Mongolian Communist Party, its offshoots, its mercenaries and its collaborators, the Pashtun Taliban, who are all terrorists, the colonies of Persia, Turkey, Palestine, Israel, Pakistan, the regimes of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and the Houthis.

    The crimes of the Turkic Mongolian Communist Party in China and its Afghan mercenaries against the Tajik peoples of Bactra are the same crimes committed by the Akkadians against the Sumerians and the crimes of their Amorite partners against the peoples of Ebla and Ugarit, and the crimes of the Hyksos, the alliance of Amorites and Turkic Mongolians against the peoples of Kemet, the Arabs, Puntland and Kerma.

    The crimes of the Turkic Mongolian Communist Party in China and its Afghan mercenaries against the Tajik peoples of Bactra are the same heinous crimes committed by the communists against the peoples of Russia, Han and Eastern Europe, and against the peoples of Germany, Poland, France, Britain, Italy, Spain and Greece, which made the two World Wars and killed, destroyed and colonized the peoples of Europe until today with financial slavery, the European Union and client governments

    The crimes of the Turkic Mongolian Communist Party in China and its Afghan mercenaries against the Tajik peoples of Bactra are the same as the crimes of liberalism, democracy, communism, globalization, forgery of religion, recurrent spring coups, color sabotage, religious terrorism, sexual decadence, organized crime and the usurious financial system

    There is no way to save peoples and humanity without alliance of the national forces in the world and the discovery of the true history of civilizations, peoples, messages and joint international action to combat the crimes and plots of the Turkic Mongolian Communist Party in China and its mercenaries and agents.

    The first, very necessary and inevitable step and goal to save the peoples, the world, and all the heavenly messages is to provide all kinds of support to the Han people inside and outside the colony of China, to fully recognize the government of Taiwan, and to launch a major international campaign to liberate the Han people and homeland from the colonization and crimes of the Turkic Mongolian Communist Party in China and its mercenaries.

    Protecting the region from terrorism and organized crimes requires launching a joint action with a clear vision between Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain. Regional action should expand to include alliance with worldwide national organizations that includes patriotic forces in Asia, Europe, the Americas and Africa. https://wp.me/p1OEJz-1N4https://wp.me/p1OEJz-1N4


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