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Turkish regime and Cyprus ghost town By Mohamed Al-Faramawy

08-05-2021, 06:43 PM
محمد الفرماوي
<aمحمد الفرماوي
Registered: 11-18-2018
Total Posts: 135

Turkish regime and Cyprus ghost town By Mohamed Al-Faramawy

    05:43 PM August, 05 2021

    Sudanese Online
    محمد الفرماوي-مصر
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    The steps taken by the Turkish regime towards the Cypriot city of Varosha received angry reactions, with the United States, France, Egypt and others condemning these provocative Turkish practices, which a number of experts considered to be in accordance with the plan of successive annexation of Northern Cyprus.
    While the US administration stressed the continuation of sanctions against Turkey, and called on both the United States and France to abide by international resolutions related to the status of civilians, the city of Varosha, located in eastern Cyprus, has been abandoned for nearly half a century since the Turkish invasion of the Mediterranean island in the 1970s and left the city's population of about 50,000 places preferring to emigrate to submit to the Turkish regime. ,
    The United Nations and the Security Council issued resolutions at the time that considered the city should remain empty and closed because its political and real estate ownership belongs to the legitimate State of Cyprus until the issue is resolved peacefully. In Asia, Africa and Europe,
    The Turkish regime, in light of increasing internal economic and political pressures, is trying to raise the pace of nationalism within Turkey, trying to win the sympathy of the Turkish social and political classes affected by national populism by suggesting that the country is facing a major foreign political crisis of priority and fateful effectiveness, and everyone should consider it the issue of the state, and therefore it draws attention to the mistakes made by his regime, both economically and politically at home and abroad. He has won the hostility of many neighboring countries, involvement in terrorist cases and the liquidation of opposition opponents.

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