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Sudan en route to yet another Mickey Mouse elections by Adaroub sedna onour

11-24-2014, 02:34 PM
Adaroub Sedna Onour
<aAdaroub Sedna Onour
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 120

Sudan en route to yet another Mickey Mouse elections by Adaroub sedna onour

    A apparently nobody was in favor of another meaningless, unilateral and fraudulent elections in Sudan ….except gen. omer beshir who is ,since 1989,forcibly presiding over a country close to the point of collapse, if it hasn’t collapsed already. Understandably because being a cornered or even collared is far too much better than relinquishing power and be at the mercy of his unreliable aides in the old set-up of control and command of the NIF/NCP who may not hesitate to hand him over to the ICC and harvest that to their own ends? Earlier this month the hugely scared tyrant sent all hopes of change, peace and stability up in smoke ,when his party of yes-men and women re-elected him as head of party and its nominee for the aforementioned one-man-show elections scheduled next April 2015. Of course he is trying to be the architect of his own fate, still insisting, incorrectly, to push his usual agendas of unexplainable significance, trailing a whole nation to the unknown…come what may? The man’s point blank stance is clear and simple …no change at my expense and my regime… and I shall adamantly hold on to power and fight tooth and nail, even if the situation gets past repair????? Evidently he is emboldened by the weak opposition which components are pushing conflicting agendas and have nothing in common, other than removing the tyranny to replace it? The regime cunningly capitalizes on that and uses public money/posts to bribe the bribable among them to drive wedges between the opposition factions. In addition to the lenient reactions of the United Nations toward the regime’s horrendous crimes and its hawkish elements who are still at large, despite their being the most brutal and barbaric Africa has ever seen in modern time. An elaborate demonstration to back my words would be the on-going lack of justice in Sudan today where state-sponsored corruption is a daily juicy read in the local media...Without any sentences delivered ….at least to slap the implicated officials on the wrists??? Therefore the shy statement made by UN calling on Sudan to provide full and unrestricted access to UNAMID …will simply fall on deaf ears …because the ruling cabal who were not even red-faced in face of the mind-numbing MASS- RAPE which occurred in tabit village days ago, are not likely to change attitude because of calls coming from the usual UN cold brains and bureaucrats. Frankly speaking, I, on the personal level think that we should look decades back, and we will clearly see that ,in fact it was the United Nations which was the chief backer of this tyranny?????,(not only in the recent unashamedly cover-up attempt of the mass –rape???) so , for Sudan to remain united and to maintain global pressure on the criminal ruling cabal ..We need to shine-up the mysterious role of silent conspirator played by the UN in Sudan..Or else, what is the need for hundreds of thousands of UN-armies who can’t defend themselves against the pro-tyranny militant groups, let alone the poor unarmed civilians whom they were supposed to protect??? Hence the pressing priority of the united nations should be to answer the disturbing question of PROTECTION OR NO PROTECTION in Darfur ????? The answer to that question should not by an statement, or worse yet, another ill-advised, loof and out of touch elections???????
    Adaroub sedna onour


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