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Discussion Board in English War crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur between 28/12/2019- 28/06/2020
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War crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur between 28/12/2019- 28/06/2020

07-02-2020, 06:05 AM
Ahmed Mohamedain
<aAhmed Mohamedain
Registered: 07-19-2005
Total Posts: 1477

War crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur between 28/12/2019- 28/06/2020

    06:05 AM July, 02 2020

    Sudanese Online
    Ahmed Mohamedain-In the vicinity of ICC
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    Freedom, justice, peace, democracy.

    United Sudan Liberation Movement/Army strongly condemns and denounces the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed and are still being committed by the militias allied to the Sovereign Council and the Forces of Freedom and Change against innocent civilians.
    Commission of heinous crimes such as killing, rape, destroying farms, burning homes, kidnapping and displacement of people in Darfur, Kordofan, the East, and other parts of the country continues unabated.

    Militias allied to the Sovereign Council and the Forces of Freedom and Change, using the army arsenal, have continued committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, with total impunity. 

    The following are some heinous crimes committed between 28/12/2019- 28/06/2020.

    1- On 28/12/2019, government militias committed massacre in the Krending IDP Camp in Al-Jeneina. 

     2- On 30/12/2019 government militias kidnapped and tortured displaced persons in Nerti Camp.

    3- On 01/20/2020, government militias committed heinous crimes in Merching IDP camp.

    4- On 27/02/2020, the government militias carried out heinous crimes in Tour Kolmy area in Zalingei.

    5- On 08/03/2020, government militias committed bloody crimes in Hejir Tono and the village of Dwana, south of Nyala.

    6- On 28/03/2020, government militias committed crimes against civilians in Kanabi in Al-Moleq area of Al Geziera.

    7 - On 20/04/2020, the massacre of Tamar Bol Jamil, northeast of Zalingei, was committed by government militias.

    8- On 05/05/2020, government militias committed crimes of aggression against internally displaced persons from South Sudan in Mirm, western Kordofan.

    9- On 05/05/2020, bloody incidents occurred between Al-Fallatah and Rizeigat, in which government military machinery was used. 10- On 10/05/2020, the crimes of Morondo Valley took place against the displaced persons of Al-Hasahisa camp.

    11- On 111/05/2020, bloody events occurred in Kassala city occurred between elements of Bani Amer tribes against the people of Nuba origin and people from Darfur in which government military hardware was used.

     12- On 12/05/2020, bloody attacks took place in Kadugli city in which the government military arsenal was used.

     13- On 21/05/2020, armed militias committed massacres against the displaced people in the Born area.

    14- On 21/05/2020, armed militias, led by “Fakka”, committed crimes against the citizens of the villages of Dongola and Karmi, west of Rokirro.

    15- On 26/05/2020, government militias committed crimes against unarmed civilians in the areas of Biraka Saira in Serif Umra.

    16- On 03/06/2020, government militias committed crimes of aggression against the farmers Konga region, east of Ain Farah, near Kutum.

    17-On 13/06/2020, government militias committed terrible crimes against innocent civilians in the areas of Shoba and Marqoub near the city of Kabkabiya.

    18. On 22/06/2020, government militias committed terrible crimes against defenceless civilians in the region of Mari, northeast of Kutum.

    19-Between 28/06/2020 and 29/06/2020, government militias committed terrible crimes in the camp of Salam Khor Ramla in the city of Nertiti.

    Government militias still continue perpetrating, with impunity, crimes against innocent civilians, mostly in Darfur, Nuba Mountain and Blue Niles, using the government military arsenal with the knowledge of the transitional government.These repeated attacks are organized and systematic acts in committing war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ethnic cleansing against unarmed civilians.

    The Transitional Government has a moral responsibility to protect civilians, collect weapons from government militias, arrest the perpetrators and bring them to justice. The Transitional Government should expedite the extradition of the indictees of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide to the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

    United Sudan Liberation Movement / Army urges all parties involved in the negotiation process with The transitional government to observe their moral responsibilities towards victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. They can not turn a blind eye on the crimes of the militias allied to their negotiating partner continue committing gross crimes.

    May Alla rest the souls of the martyrs in eternal peace and a quick recovery for the injured

    Amed WeelingkweMedia
    Secretary and Spokesman
    United Sudan Liberation Movement/Army
    London 01/07/2020


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