By Mr. Adil.M.A.Alamin Here the history talk And sometimes walk It is the time of ethics And ugly fakes Of troops and gangsters Of hyenas and wall street's wolves Howling for blood shed Burn and loot the wealth Of an old and solid land of braves At that ideal corner of prophets and wisdom Solid and beautiful Like a piece of rare stones and pearls The looser lost his dignity The winner shine like sun At the old ruins and tomb Of queen Sheba and king Solomon traditions and fairy tales In Yemen is the country Of heroes and warriors Never defeated Upon history And shadows of their enemies graves Give the lesson for those not listen The whispering of history On the antic stone on that Valleys and mountains Cry of victory on one side Allah the greatest Death to America Death to Israel Damn the Jews Victory to the Islam Then war of perfect storm gale Become and be a big disgraceful fail.
الرسائل والمقالات و الآراء المنشورة في المنتدى بأسماء أصحابها أو بأسماء مستعارة لا تمثل بالضرورة الرأي الرسمي لصاحب الموقع أو سودانيز اون لاين بل تمثل وجهة نظر كاتبها
لا يمكنك نقل أو اقتباس اى مواد أعلامية من هذا الموقع الا بعد الحصول على اذن من الادارة