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Position of United Sudan Liberation Movement in relation to Oct 14, 2019 Juba negotiations

10-12-2019, 10:55 PM
Ahmed Mohamedain
<aAhmed Mohamedain
Registered: 07-19-2005
Total Posts: 1477

Position of United Sudan Liberation Movement in relation to Oct 14, 2019 Juba negotiations

    10:55 PM October, 12 2019

    Sudanese Online
    Ahmed Mohamedain-In the vicinity of ICC
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    Position of United Sudan Liberation Movement in relation to
    Oct 14, 2019 Juba negotiations

    Freedom, Justice, Peace and Democracy.

    Sudan's Transitional Authority and some movement parties agreed on initial roadmap for peace talks in Juba that are expected to begin on 14 October 2019.

    Since then, the situation has exacerbated. The atmosphere of reconciliation has terribly become deteriorated, culture of impunity has risen and the commission of heinous crimes has increased dramatically in the Sudan, particularly in Darfur.

    A pattern of bloody massacres, consistent sexual violence and rapes have been systematically committed since early September 2019 to date as witnessed in the areas of Mirshing, Gereida, Tulus, Nyala, Zalingei, Umm Shalaya, Mara, Shangli Tobai, Tawila, Sisi IDPs camp, Krandeq, Daein, Mukjar, Kidinir and Toman area in Kutum.

    As recent as on 10/10/2019, transitional government militias stormed civilian homes, killing Hawa Adam Abkar Saleh, a displaced woman, inside her home in Nertiti. On the same day at night, government militias in Andrew near Hamidiyya IDP camp similarly stormed a home belonging to Mohamed Ismail Mohamed, a displaced from Alhamidiyya camp, killing his child Abdelwahid and seriously injuring his brother Waleed Mohamed.

    Credible local resources confirmed that the militias of the Transitional Government and Forces for Freedom and Change are preparing to launch a large-scale assault in the areas around Marra Mountains.

    The Transitional Government has no intention of creating a conducive environment for a comprehensive solution to the issues of war and peace as they claimed to be at their top priorities during the first six months.

    As heinous crimes continue unabated in Darfur and elsewhere in the Sudan, United Sudan Liberation Movement/Army:

    1- Emphatically deplores and condemns any military action as a means to exercise pressure on parties that fall outside impending Juba Talks.

    2- Calls on the Transitional Government to deliver the perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing to the International Criminal Court to pave way for credible negotiations to reach sustainable peace.

    3- Calls on the Sudanese people to resume their peaceful revolution for a total civilian governance where freedom, peace and justice are possibly achievable.

    4- Urges the movement parties signatories to Juba deal to review their positions in the entire negotiating process.

    5- Urgently calls on the United Nations to exercise pressure on the Transitional Government to seize committing heinous crimes against innocent civilians.

    6- Ask humanitarian community to provide aid supplies to the affected civilian populations in war torn regions in Sudan.

    Amed Weelingkwe, Spokesman
    United Sudan Liberation Movement / Army
    London, October 11th, 2019
    +44 7448 457847
    [email protected]

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