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Discussion Board in English United Sudan Liberation Movement/Army deplores the nature of the coup d’etat in Sudan.
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United Sudan Liberation Movement/Army deplores the nature of the coup d’etat in Sudan.

04-12-2019, 09:45 AM
Ahmed Mohamedain
<aAhmed Mohamedain
Registered: 07-19-2005
Total Posts: 1477

United Sudan Liberation Movement/Army deplores the nature of the coup d’etat in Sudan.

    09:45 AM April, 12 2019

    Sudanese Online
    Ahmed Mohamedain-In the vicinity of ICC
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    Freedom, Justice, Peace, Democracy.

    United Sudan Liberation Movement/Army profoundly deplores the deceitful attempt of the ruthless islamist regime of al Bashir that is trying to reproduce itself. Omar al-Bashir, who is indicted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in Darfur, was removed from power only to be replaced by his vice-president and minister of defense, general Awad Ibn Auf who himself orchestrated genocide and other war crimes in Darfur.

    United Sudan Liberation Movement/Army therefore:

    1. Confirms the continuation of the struggle by all means to bring down the genocidal regime.

    2. Commends the determination of the Sudanese people and their peaceful and civilized resistance.

    3. Reaffirms its continuous struggle in holding the perpetrators accountable and fighting impunity.

    4 - Totally rejects the second islamist or any military regime.

    5. Recognizes the inherent right of the Sudanese people to have a civilian transitional government.

    6. Calls for all the supporters of peace, democracy and justice around the globe to stand behind and support the Sudanese people to achieve their rights of freedom, justice, peace and democracy.

    Our sincere condolences to the Sudanese people and the families of the martyrs and may the injured get healed
    Freedom for prisoners and captives heroes.

    Lets Fall, Thats All

    Ali Haroun Dood, Chairman
    United Sudan Movement / Army


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