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Saudi, Sudanese Forces Conclude Joint Military Drills

09-19-2018, 11:40 PM
Amina Saeed
<aAmina Saeed
Registered: 03-28-2016
Total Posts: 110

Saudi, Sudanese Forces Conclude Joint Military Drills

    11:40 PM September, 19 2018

    Sudanese Online
    Amina Saeed-
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    Wednesday, 19 September, 2018 - 18:30

    Saudi and Sudanese forces conclude joint military drills. (SPA)
    Asharq Al-Awsat
    The joint military exercise (Al-Hazem 1) between the Saudi Royal Land Forces and the Sudanese Land Forces concluded on Wednesday, reported the Saudi Press Agency.

    The conclusion of the drills was attended by Commander of the Northern Region, Major General Saleh Bin Ahmad Al-Zahrani, who was representing Commander of the Land Forces, Lieutenant General Fahd bin Abdullah Al-Mutair.

    Zahrani stressed the importance of exercises to raise the level of performance, measure efficiency and combat ability and achieve joint action.

    He said the 12-day Al-Hazem 1 drills was a valuable opportunity for joint and positive cooperation between the armies of the two countries to achieve joint action and exchange knowledge and experience.

    The ceremony was attended by Assistant Commander of the Northern Region for Operational Affairs, Major General Khalid bin Abdulaziz Al-Shahrani.


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