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Documentation is Important

07-05-2017, 06:38 AM
Gaafar Ismail
<aGaafar Ismail
Registered: 08-27-2005
Total Posts: 4927

Documentation is Important

    05:38 AM July, 05 2017

    Sudanese Online
    Gaafar Ismail-طوكيو - اليابان
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    I came across this piece, and I would like to share it with you:

    Once a Chartered Accountant was traveling by train from Mumbai to Banglore.
    When the train started, he was traveling alone in the AC-1 coupe. Sometime later,
    a beautiful lady came and sat in the opposite berth. The Chartered Accountant was pleasantly happy.
    The lady kept smiling at him even happier. Then she went and sat next to him.He was bubbling with joy.
    She then leaned towards him and whispered in his ear “Hand over all your cash cards and mobile phone,
    else I will shout loudly and tell everybody that you are harassing and misbehaving with me”.
    The Chartered Accountant stared blankly at her. He took out a paper and a pen from his bag and wrote
    “I am sorry, I can not hear or speak…Please write on this paper whatever you want to say”
    The lady wrote everything that she said earlier and gave it to him. The Chartered Accountant took her note,
    kept it nicely in his pocket… He got up and told her in clear tones..” Now shout and scream!! “


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