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News and Press ReleasesTroika welcomes negotiations between Sudan’s government and SPM-N and (SRF)
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Troika welcomes negotiations between Sudan’s government and SPM-N and (SRF)

11-12-2014, 02:03 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Troika welcomes negotiations between Sudan’s government and SPM-N and (SRF)

    Khartoum-SudaneseOnline-Unknown Troika -- the United States, the United Kingdom and Norway – welcomed the convening of negotiations between Sudan’s government of Sudan and Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North and the Darfur groups of the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF).
    In statement issued on Tuesday, Troika "These talks are a critical step toward both the resolution of ongoing conflicts and a comprehensive process of national dialogue that can address the range of issues that have fueled Sudan's conflicts and political unrest,"
    It welcomed the African Union High-level Implementation Panel's continued efforts and facilitation of these talks, urging the parties to the conflicts to show their commitment to peace by coming to Addis Ababa this month prepared to engage substantively on the issues identified by African Union Peace and Security Council in September, including a synchronized cessation of hostilities for Darfur and the Two Areas of Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile; preparations for a meeting of all Sudanese parties to discuss relevant process issues and agree on the terms and objectives of the National Dialogue; necessary confidence-building measures to establish a conducive environment for broad Sudanese participation in the National Dialogue; and humanitarian assistance for all populations in war-affected areas.

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