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Darfur Union UK: London Demonstration Demands Action from the UK Government

10-15-2023, 02:44 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Darfur Union UK: London Demonstration Demands Action from the UK Government

    03:44 PM October, 15 2023

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    *This report includes a video summary of the demonstration, with interviews and speeches from the podium*

    On October 14, 2023, a large demonstration was held in London by Sudanese people in the United Kingdom to protest the ongoing war crimes and humanitarian violations in Sudan. The demonstration was organised by the Darfur Associations and other Sudanese civil organisations, and participants came from all over the UK, including Birmingham, Leicester, Bristol, Portsmouth, Coventry, Liverpool, Manchester, Bolton, Leeds, Middlesbrough, Sheffield, Glasgow, and London plus other cities.
    The demonstrators denounced the war crimes committed in El Geneina by the Janjaweed - Rapid Support Forces (RSF), which included mass killings, the use of rape as a weapon, forced displacement, theft of property, and the mutilation of corpses. They also denounced the mutual bombing operations between the two warring forces inside residential areas in several cities, including Nyala, from which hundreds of thousands of residents fled out of fear and panic. The demonstrators also denounced the humanitarian violations occurring in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan.
    The demonstrators called for stopping the war, protecting civilians, and holding criminals accountable. They also called for more humanitarian aid to the Darfur regions and the rest of Sudan.
    The demonstration included speeches by representatives of the participating organisations, who urged the international community to put pressure on the warring groups to allow humanitarian organizations to provide aid and assistance to citizens in all regions of Sudan. They also urged the international community to work to stop the war, protect civilians, establish justice, and prosecute war criminals.
    A message was sent to the British Prime Minister, calling for:
    Ending humanitarian violations against civilians and restoring justice to the victims
    Hold the leaders of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) accountable for the crimes against humanity and war crimes they have committed against the people of Darfur, including Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, Abdelrahim Hamdan Dagalo (recently sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury), Algony Hamdan Dagalo, and Abdelrahman Juma Barak Allah (also recently sanctioned by the US Treasury m). It is also important to support the ICC on the ongoing cases (Abdelrahman Kushayb) and also to bring to Justice those ICC indictees who are still at large (Omar al-Bashir, Abdelrahim Mohammed Hussein and Ahmed Haroun).
    The British role so far is below par, and given the historical relationship between the United Kingdom and Sudan, the Sunak government must play a greater role in pressure operations and also humanitarian aid to save the catastrophic situation.
    Providing protection for civilians and filling the large gap in food and medicine supplies.
    Supporting a true democratic transformation that includes all of Sudan
    The demonstration was a powerful reminder of the suffering of the Sudanese people and the need for international action to stop the violence and bring justice to the victims.

    You can view the video report of the demonstration by visiting the link below:


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