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Important Statement from the Sudanese Front Against the Coup

10-30-2021, 12:52 PM
SudaneseOnline Press Release
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Important Statement from the Sudanese Front Against the Coup

    11:52 AM October, 30 2021

    Sudanese Online
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    The Sudanese Front Against the Coup

    (The Sudanese Front Against the Coup is an open coalition of democratic politicians, grassroots activists in resistance committees, professional unions, media professionals, and members of civil society who together aim to resist the October 25, 2021 coup in Sudan.)

    Important Statement
    30 October 2021

    Today, October 30, 2021, the Sudanese people takes the streets to express their complete rejection of the military coup carried out by General Al-Burhan, the leader of the army, and Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (Hemedti), the leader of the Rapid Support Forces militia, on the morning of October 25. The putschists violated the constitutional arrangements reached in August 2019 to establish a transitional period that would pave the way for democratic civilian rule in Sudan.

    The Sudanese launched their resistance to the coup from the very first moments of the coup, and the forces of the coup faced the peaceful protests with excessive violence and heavy use of live bullets, which led to the death of at least ten people, in addition to dozens of injured in four days of peaceful resistance to the coup. The campaign of arrests expanded to include hundreds of activists in different regions of Sudan.

    We in the Sudanese Front Against the Coup, warn the putschists against continuing to use violence against peaceful demonstrators and committing new crimes and violations against the Sudanese, and that there is monitoring and documentation via satellites that have been directed to capture high-resolution images of what is happening in the processions today. The cut off of telephone communications, which took place this morning, in addition to the continuous cut off of the Internet since the day of the coup, indicates the intention of the putschists to commit a new massacre during today’s processions and demonstrations.The Sudanese people have raised their voice loud and clear more than once in their absolute rejection to return to the square of military rule and totalitarianism. The processions on October 21 that went out in support of the civilian government are still close to mind. The behavior of the putschists by arresting politicians, unconstitutional decisions to dissolve the government, placing the legitimate Prime Minister under house arrest and preventing him from exercising his duties and using violence against demonstrators is dragging the country into a dangerous level of violence and instability, and threatening the stability of the entire region. Russia, the UAE and Egypt, that contributed to the making of this coup, put themselves in a position of direct hostility to the Sudanese people and participate in threatening the regional and global peace and security.

    The legitimate civilian government, headed by Dr. Abdullah Hamdok must return to its full function and all political detainees since October 25 must be released and return immediately to exercising their official duties.

    The Sudanese people's revolution continues for civilian rule and democracy

    Sudanese Front Against Coup
    October 30, 2021

    To view previous reports of the Front:

    To contact the front:
    [email protected]

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