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United Sudan Liberation Movement / Army calls on the United Nations - African Union Hybrid Operatio

12-01-2020, 02:23 AM
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United Sudan Liberation Movement / Army calls on the United Nations - African Union Hybrid Operatio

    01:23 AM November, 30 2020

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    United Sudan Liberation Movement / Army calls on the United Nations - African Union Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) not to hand over Kalma camp to the Transitional Government

    Freedom, justice, peace, democracy.

    During the current month of November, information from credible sources confirmed that the United Nations - African Union Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) is closely coordinating with the Transitional Government to hand over the Kalma camp to the Transitional Government as UNAMID is preparing to exit the country.

    This attempt has come at a time that the crimes against unarmed civilians have increased dramatically. The Kalma camp dwellers vehemently rejected what they view as concealed conspiracy. They consider the attempt extremely dangerous and may compromise the lives of many innocent civilians. It is a clear harbinger that the evacuation of the Kalma camp followed by other IDPs camps by force has become imminent before the establishment of peace and security, and the expulsion of new settlers from the villages and farms of the indigenous population.

    Since the end of the ousted regime to date, the perpetration of heinous crimes against unarmed civilians with total impunity has never ceased. What exacerbated the situation even more is that the crimes occur under the auspices of the Transitional Government.
    Therefore, all the camps are in dire need of protection particularly at the moment that UNAMID is about to exit Sudan while the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) has not become operational under UNSC Resolution 2524 yet.

    If Kalma camp or any other camp in Darfur is handed over to the Transitional Government and there is a resumption of war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide in the camps, then UNAMID will be a direct partner in those crimes.

    United Sudan Liberation Movement / Army urges the UNAMID not to hand over Kalma camp or any other camp in Darfur to the Transitional Government under any pretext until the arrival of the UNITAMS.

    Due to the gravity of the potentially highly risky situation in the IDPs camps in the coming period, United Sudan Liberation Movement / Army calls upon all rights activists, humanitarian agencies and the Human Rights organization to monitor the situation closely so that the unbearable humanitarian disaster against unarmed civilians in the camps can be avoided.

    Amed Weelingkwe
    United Sudan Liberation Movement / Army
    London November 28th, 2020

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