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News and Press ReleasesFive children killed and nine injured in an attack on a village in West Darfur, Sudan
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Five children killed and nine injured in an attack on a village in West Darfur, Sudan

07-30-2020, 11:33 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Five children killed and nine injured in an attack on a village in West Darfur, Sudan

    11:33 PM July, 30 2020

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    Statement from Mohammed Ould Bouasria, Acting UNICEF Representative in Sudan

    KHARTOUM 28 July 2020 – “An attack on the Masterei village in West Darfur reportedly killed five children and injured nine others. All are between the ages of one and three.

    “Our sincere condolences go to their families and the community.

    “According to reports, 1,500 houses were burnt down leaving families without shelter or basic services as the country continues to battle the COVID-19 pandemic.

    “UNICEF urges all those involved in violence to protect children at all times, in line with International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law.

    “Nothing justifies attacks on children.

    “UNICEF calls on the Government of Sudan to investigate this attack and hold perpetrators of violence against children accountable.

    “Children and families in the area are in urgent need of medical and psychosocial support."


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